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'I wed Iranian girls before execution'

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posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:22 PM
This is sickening to read, the more i read stuff like this, the more it makes me realise that although i have severe doubts about the wars we are fighting, we are also fighting this sick ideoligy and that in itself cannot be a bad thing.
I am so glad that in my country our women do not have to worry about being born into this #e of a life.
I am expecting a daughter in november an she will be the most precious thing in the world to me, to make women into second class citezens as if they are objects that are owned by men is disgusting!

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

thank you for your prompt response, i guess its just human nature to be dgenerate as those sick people where who where filming and laughing, and yes, i understand what you say now about not being able to look away, its the inability to look away when the gross factor is in front of you, kind of a sick fascination when its front of you and you are trying your hardest to look away but despite your efforts its like "i just have to know"
anyway, peace be with you my friend and thanks once again for answering, most people would have shy-ed away from a question like that what i asked, thats how i know you are genuine...

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by KnowledgeBased

I agree it is an agenda behind the site that posted the article, no, I am not blaming the member that did the OP.

So is a good thing having the ability to discuss no only the Abuse been done to women in the nation of Iran but to make people aware that this is happening in many nations all over the world.

Including the US.

Abuse of women comes in many ways and many forms and death happens all the time as the result.

But to target one particular nation along is not right, when we know that if you have 1 out of 3 women around the world been abuse in some way or the other tthis means that is well spread and so far no even developed countries can control with all the laws they pass all the time.

Sad, at least we have laws in some countries but like many countries in the middle east women are not so lucky.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Those comparisons are not valid, because it's not condoned here in the US. It's not state sanctioned here. If you are raped here in the US, and you report it, YOU will not be the one punished. You will not be the one who recieves a death sentence for being raped. Most abuse here, is at the hands of a close relative not the state, and if one can bring themselves to turn in that relative, that relative WILL face punishment. Please stop with the "it happens everywhere" argument to justify the iranian regime's attrocities. It does not happen everywhere, not the way it happens with backwards theocracies. It's not acceptable here, and our society rejects such behavior.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by St Vaast
Islam professes enlightenment but all I've read indicates it's a groin-centred culture, a misogynistic paradise for males and hell on earth for females and children. Very primitive, obsessed with 'virginity' and in even worse examples, with female circumcision.

Probably the same way as they see Christianity. It's all in what you hear about. I am positive that the majority of Islam's followers do not think this way.

First off, the only thing I meant by that was that people hear what other people want them to hear. I’m not dissing Christianity, I’m Christian myself. All I’m saying is that there are extreme portions of every religion, Islam and Christianity included. Do you actually believe that the ALL of Islam’s followers accept “a groin-centered culture, a misogynistic paradise for males and hell on earth for females and children to include female circumcision”? Do you?

I’m a Christian but I don’t prescribe to White Supremacists’ views nor do I prescribe to LDS views. Why would you think that all Muslim prescribe to the extreme views of Islam?

While you no doubt wish yours to be seen to be a PC response, you neglect to address the reality.

I don't care how people see me - the only one I care about is how I see me - I am in an anonymous situation here, why would I pretend? Don't be snide and inflammatory.

For example, a woman or girl is prosecuted under Islamic 'law' as a prostitute unless she can bring forth nine male witnesses in her defence when her only crime was to have been raped, molested, victim of attempted or multiple rape, etc. Do you truly believe there's a parallel requirement of female rape victims under current day Christianity ?

No I do not, nor did I say I did.

You're 'positive' the majority of Islam's followers do not think this way ? Positive ? Then can you demonstrate the reasons for your positivity using facts ?

I’m positive in the sense that you’ll never be able to prove to me otherwise. How do you prove a negative? The only way to prove a negative is to rely on “silence” as an indication of not being. Fact: 8 million Muslims in America.. Not-so-fact: I’ve only heard of a few of instances of abuse based on extreme religious views for these 8 million people. Logic: If ALL Muslims prescribed to these extreme views, then wouldn’t you think we’d hear about the “hell on earth for women and children” all the time? Wouldn’t every single Muslim woman and child be on the roles of DSS or in a shelter somewhere? Well, guess what… they’re not.

You've just stated that you were unaware even of the contents of your OP until very recently, yet you're suddenly 'positive' about the practices and beliefs of the 'majority of Muslims' ? Despite that on this page alone, a poster has advised that in Saudi Arabia similarly misognyistic practices are common

Yeah, you’re right, I’m not that informed on how the majority of Muslims think. I just find it impossible to believe that you can label an entire group based on extreme views.

[edit on 20/7/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by 27jd

You are wrong, have you been raped in the US? have you, the stigma the shame and the way society still find the blame on women is real and is sickening and here in this nation women that has been raped doesn't get killed by the government but they sure gets killed by society prejudgments.

Get real and get out there and see what goes on in the nation of the free.

I have seen it.

Deep inside we are not better and woman always get the blame.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:36 PM
Dr. Homa Darabi, to whom the site and link provided in my posts is dedicated was an Iranian woman who lived in the West. She was a qualified doctor who returned to Iran in order to assist her fellow-Iranians.

She refused to wear the official Muslim female attire. As result of the persecution to which she was subsequently subjected and in order to draw the West's attention to the treatment being meted out under Islamic law upon Iranian women, she self-immolated, publicly. In other words, she set fire to herself in protest. She was a 54 year mother. The Dr. Homa Darabi site was founded by her sister in her memory and continues to try to gain equality for Iranian and Muslim women.

Those disturbed by the facts revealed by the Dr.Homa Darabi site and by information contained in the OP and other posts and who wish they could do something .. anything .. to prevent the execution and rape of Iranian/Muslim women and girls and spare them other atrocities, might like to forward a small donation to the Dr. Homa Darabi site or similar organisation

I cannot imagine the courage and devotion to justice required for someone to end their lives in such an excruciatingly painful manner, publicly, as did Dr. Homa Darabi. And she did it on behalf of Muslim and Iranian women, worldwide. Yet still the atrocities continue

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:37 PM
Flyersfan, you saw misogyny where none in fact exists. Women themselves often report that a rape was physically enjoyable, while spiritually gut-wrenching. It is one of the reasons that WOMEN CITE as a factor in choosing to not report rapes right away.

And, referring to the abuse of women, I find that abhorrent, as do I find the abuse of anybody. I believe that Islam is clearly a male-dominated religion, and as is the nature of control, there are abuses. However, I believe it is more the nature of control in general. When abuse is possible against another, no race or gender has any sort of monopoly on virtue or vice. An estimated 1/2 of rape reports are fabricated in western countries, a form of rape in and of itself. Women in the west are allowed to throw things at their husbands, etc., with almost no repercussions. I am just saying, that if we truly want a more loving, less brutal world, we need to avoid the division. In history, one group abuses when given the authority to abuse in that situation, when they are given control. Active control has been the realm of the man, while passive control has been the realm of the woman. Women are getting more and more active control everyday, at least in the west. However, many women, naturally so, seem highly defensive in giving up any of their passive influence, as they see it as an affront to their very femininity. When men do the same thing, they are being sexist. I would argue that both the men and women are sexist in this regard. Rant summarized: We are all at fault for the situations of this world, and we all need to correct it. While this incident is a horrible, disgusting, sadistic act that completely objectified another human being, it happened in a stronghold of control of one person over another. Let us just remember that we should not seek control as the solution to a problem caused by control. We need a spiritual awakening of just how interconnected we are, men and women, adult and child, black and white, etc.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:41 PM
Iamonlyhuman: maybe you should read the information I've posted on pages 4 and 5

Secondly, this is not about you. It's about the unimaginable sufferings being inflicted on women .. on little girls 10 years of age and younger .. in Iran, under Islamic law, for 'crimes' such as being molested and raped and for simply being in a house when a male other than one's immediate family might happen to be present.

Maybe you should read Islamic law which declares women who protest against the above are legally regarded as 'enemies of Islam', are made political prisoners, who are 'given' to jailers to rape repeatedly, etc.

It's not a matter of individual posters' 'opinions' or 'belief' --- it's fact, it's happening, regardless of whether or not individuals wish to 'believe it'.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
You are wrong, have you been raped in the US?

No. YOU are wrong. And you can keep your ignorant, inflammatory questions to yourself.

the stigma the shame and the way society still find the blame on women is real and is sickening and here in this nation women that has been raped doesn't get killed by the government but they sure gets killed by society prejudgments

That is COMPLETE nonsense. I don't know what personal circumstances you've experienced in your life, but I DO live here in the US, and I have known a few women who have been raped, and NOBODY has judged them or blamed them. If that happened to you, you keep the WRONG company.

Get real and get out there and see what goes on in the nation of the free.

I have seen it.

Deep inside we are not better and woman always get the blame.

No, YOU get real marg...i used to respect many of your opinions, but your desire to BASH this nation, regardless whether its justified, has caused me to lose that respect. Women DO NOT get the blame here in the US, and it is NOT acceptable to rape women and children in this country. You are SEVERELY disillusioned, and I'm not going to get into a back and forth with you, so continue to hate your country, and continue to be an apologists for the WORST regimes. I don't care. Have a nice one.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by KnowledgeBased

I don't believe it.

Please see page 1.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by 27jd

I still respect you because you know what that is the way I am, I respect all those that have an opinion.

But statistically we are not better when it comes to abuses in this nation even with all the laws we have.

But is OK to be hypocritical and target other nations because our views are bias, sorry but I do not subscribe to that line of thought.

How can I judge other nations and their despicable laws, believes and treatments when the nation I live under also have problems with the same issue, specially on women and child abuse.

That will make me a hypocrite.

If you can not see my point here then is your lost and my gain, still I will respect your views as long as you don't insult me.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by St Vaast

Female Political Prisoners

Under the Islamic Republic, most of the female political prisoners are charged with waging war against God. Thus, according to the Islamic Officials they are war prisoners and may be considered as the slaves of the Islamic Warriors. Consequently, the guardians of the revolution, namely the Pasdars, may treat them as they like. Each woman in the prison belongs to one guard. He may lawfully consider his slave as a concubine and force her into sexual intercourse or inflict other tortures on her.

In his 1992 report, the United Nations Special Representative, Commission on Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, writes that, "requests made by the victims from their parents to supply them with contraceptives and the silence of the Islamic officials who have refused to deny the above charges are alarming clues which confirm such allegations."

Girls condemned to death may not undergo the sentence as long as they are virgins. Thus they are systematically raped before the sentence is executed.

To rape women prisoners, especially virgin girls, who are accused of being against the regime, is a normal and daily practice in the Islamic Republic's prisons, and by doing so, the clergies declare that they adhere to the merits of the Islamic principles and laws, preventing a virgin girl to go to heaven. Mullahs believe that these are ungodly creatures and they do not deserve the heaven, therefore they are raped to make sure that they will end up in hell.

Despite the fact that all Conventions and agreed covenants of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights have to be strictly observed by the member states, the Islamic republic of Iran's Constitution mentions nothing about the equality of men and women. The Article 19 of the Islamic Constitution concerning the equality of people is quite silent where the sex is concerned.

Does THIS happen in the US or other Westernised nations ?

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:52 PM

Under the Islamic Rules, the family protection law has been abrogated. The Islamic Republic resolutely supports the practice of polygamy.

Under the Islamic Republic, provisional marriage was sanctioned. Consequently, a man may marry "four Permanent" and as many "Provisional" wives as he desires.

The marriage age for girls was reduced to 13 and with the father's consent, a girl may marry at the age of nine. No restriction on the age of the man. In recent years the marriage age for women has been reduced to 9 years of age.

"The most suitable time for a girl to get married is the time when the girl can have her first menstrual period in her husband's house rather than her father's." Ayatollah Khomeini.

Is there a parallel to the above that you're aware of in Westernised nations ?

[edit on 20-7-2009 by St Vaast]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:55 PM
We're raping and killing women, possibly pubescent, in Iraq right now. I hate the American double standard.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by St Vaast
Iamonlyhuman: maybe you should read the information I've posted on pages 4 and 5

Secondly, this is not about you. It's about the unimaginable sufferings being inflicted on women .. on little girls 10 years of age and younger .. in Iran, under Islamic law, for 'crimes' such as being molested and raped and for simply being in a house when a male other than one's immediate family might happen to be present.

Maybe you should read Islamic law which declares women who protest against the above are legally regarded as 'enemies of Islam', are made political prisoners, who are 'given' to jailers to rape repeatedly, etc.

It's not a matter of individual posters' 'opinions' or 'belief' --- it's fact, it's happening, regardless of whether or not individuals wish to 'believe it'.

Well, obviously this is not about me. You're the one who posted this:

Originally posted by St Vaast

While you no doubt wish yours to be seen to be a PC response, you neglect to address the reality. For example, a woman or girl is prosecuted under Islamic 'law' as a prostitute unless she can bring forth nine male witnesses in her defence when her only crime was to have been raped, molested, victim of attempted or multiple rape, etc. Do you truly believe there's a parallel requirement of female rape victims under current day Christianity ?

You're 'positive' the majority of Islam's followers do not think this way ? Positive ? Then can you demonstrate the reasons for your positivity using facts ? You've just stated that you were unaware even of the contents of your OP until very recently, yet you're suddenly 'positive' about the practices and beliefs of the 'majority of Muslims' ? Despite that on this page alone, a poster has advised that in Saudi Arabia similarly misognyistic practices are common

Next time I respond to your direct questions OF me, don't make it sound like I am trying to make it about me. You're the one that did that. I was only respecting your questions of me. Silly me.

[edit on 20/7/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by St Vaast

Does THIS happen in the US or other Westernised nations ?

Ask marg, according to her it does. I never thought so myself, I always thought rape, and child molestation weren't legal in the west, but I guess I was wrong, according to her.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by 27jd

Someone posted earlier that as much as 50% of reported rapes are false reports.

Because of this statistic, it becomes necessary for defense attorneys to give gruelling and embarrassing cross-examinations to accusers.

I think this is what Marg was referring to. It is a very poor comparison. Stoning vs. Embarrassing Questions !

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:04 PM

I will NEVER understand this mindset.

If you’ll never understand it and all you’re bringing to the boards is more tabloid negativism why post the thread?

What do you accomplish with this thread other than to spread misery by bringing something horrific to us to read, something we can’t change, something we can’t understand?

If what you’re reporting is true, do I think what’s happening is beyond horrific? Yes.

But this article reads - 1979 - And even if it‘s happening now - the point is - Western Minds will never be able to understand this culture or mindset!
Just as the Eastern minds will never understand parents who, for example, let their little girls go out at age of 7 or 8 years old with their little bellies showing or parents allowing their children to live together before marriage, etc.

This kind of cultural behavior is just as horrific, or more to them than the practice you’ve reported, that supposedly happened, by a person who would not even stand up and give his name!

The interview took place by telephone, and on condition of anonymity. It was arranged by a reliable source whose identity can also not be revealed.

Come on people! There's no way to come to terms with this - from either side.

It is the women of that countries responsibility to rise up and put an end to these atrocities, but, since the women will not rise up and strike when these men are sleeping it will be a slow painful change for that society and culture.

My point is - It’s THEIR FIGHT - and because of this, IMO it’s way past time to STOP these kind of threads on ATS...

All it’s doing is actively distracting us from the atrocities happening to your own children, our own lives, our own countries, where we DO understand the mind set and more importantly where we CAN make a change!

Wake up people and stop falling for the sheeple bait! Enough of this! It’s doing NOTHING to help, or to make a difference in OUR world, right here, where atrocities happen all around us each and every day.

Added note:

If I had not followed this thread from your other post (concerning people who do not read complete threads before posting) I would not even have visited this thread.

I really encourage others to STOP reading and STOP responding to these kinds of threads.

Stop giving more energy to negativism by participating in things we can’t change and start doing something positive and giving support to the many other posts out there that aren’t re-painted tabloid pieces.

No offence to the OP, really, but when is enough enough?


[edit on 20-7-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:05 PM
Poor comparisons indeed

Nowhere in Christian or most other religions are sex with infants and animals condoned, either

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