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'I wed Iranian girls before execution'

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posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by noonebutme
Now, after removing the pointy sticks - you can apply that story to basically any country on Earth. Not that shocking, really.

It is nonetheless barbaric and inhumane for any country to have this happen, and to claim it is not that shocking is to accept it.


It is a mark of a backward and primitive mindset if it is accepted by either religious belief or culturally, and one that must be denounced when seen.

Man, where is this meteor... the human species is destined to fail over and over...

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Wow if this is true it is truly sickening. When are people going to wake up and smell the coffee. Our world is heading for destruction unless we all start showing compassion and love to one an another. Or at the very least just treating people as we would like to be treated.

I am lost for words, I really am.


posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by creaton91

Why so Hostile you ask?

When members attack me over my opinions, an ask me if I am female, (which I find has nothing to do with the thread what so ever). That to me is a personal attack. There is also members in this thread who have done thier dammest to derail this thread. Or Change the topic. That in itself is completely disrespectfull.

When certain other membrs try and demonise my opinions, that is a personal attack. Anymore personal attacks. I will forward it tothe mods to deal with. I will not let anyone run me out of this thread.

I will state again, what I stated before. Any rape of any females is disgusting. Those who are responsible for this. Should be arrested and brought to justice.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by Laurauk]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Laurauk
When certain other membrs try and demonize my opinions, that is a personal attack. Anymore personal attacks. I will forward it tothe mods to deal with. I will not let anyone run me out of this thread.

Its demonise, Laura, demonise! Don't start spelling things the lazy Yank way!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Ha`la`tha
It is nonetheless barbaric and inhumane for any country to have this happen, and to claim it is not that shocking is to accept it.

I'm not accepting it, I'm just pointing out that atrocities like that happen all the time in various countries around the world -- not that exact event, but similar ones -- take China, Burma, NK, S.Arabia, etc... And that's not to say it's any less horrendous or disgusting.

Personally, I really don't care. It's not my problem and if the people of that country want to live in a 'human condition' like that, so be it. It's not up to me to judge them and decide. If they don't, change it. Which from the recent riots and unrest in the country, sounds like it might be happening.

And if you're so "shocked" by it - then do something about it.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by noonebutme]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Jimbowsk
This world never never fails to sicken me, and once again this is something in the name of religion.

The more I hear about things like this the more I hope Project Bluebeam is a reality.

What people will do to because of their 'faith' just makes me lose hope in humanity

Don't know about bluebeam but I know of LHC and blackholes
good enough for me.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 08:06 AM
It doesn't matter where it came from, I know this attacks on women are real. Something which have to stop and if they are spoken out about and hold every crime accountable and stopped as fast as anyone can.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 08:48 AM
Reply to: Ha'La'Tha, NoOneButMe, Laurauk, and others.

The thread has gone from "look at this horrible atrocity" to "it happens everywhere", "we can't do anything about it", "its the Jews", "its the Muslims", "its the men", etc., etc.!

I hope Laurauk didn't take any of my posts as personal attacks, they were not intended that way. I disagree with your views, and I think I have a more broad experience on the subject, but I only meant to discuss your views, not your person.

The World is indeed a hostile, dangerous, and sick place. We are animals at our core, and constantly revert to acting as such. Religion does serve to inflame the issue, but it was intended for just the opposite. All the religions of the world were meant to unite their people and foster love and understanding. A few fanatics have bastardized most religions and caused deep chasms between the various bands of religions!

The World is also a beautiful and wondrous place! On a daily basis I witness far more good than bad! I am in the U.S., so I know things can get much worse in other areas, but too many of us see 12 people on the news burning something, yelling and jumping around, and we assume the whole country is in chaos! The press is expert at picking the most radical view points and broadcasting them worldwide!

I could walk 1/2 mile from here, take some pictures at a rally that most people in my own town are not aware of, but after some minor editing, sound engineering, and my added commentary, it would look like Tallahassee was in the middle of global riots! My story would still be factual, but hyper-dramatized.

Israel and the rest of the Middle East are certainly asking for what they are getting. They refuse to find any common ground on their view points, even though both religions began on the same precepts. They refuse to just let the other religion go to hell, instead they think it is their duty to send them there!

Women are extremely victimized. They are treated as slaves, concubines, and objects in much of the world, and in much of history. I have no intelligent theory as to why that has happened. It makes no sense other than sex. Our instinct for survival of our species is strong, and it fuels our sex drive. We are animals at our core. Many male animals will kill their own off-spring to force the female back into heat! That goes against the very instinct that fuels their sex-drive?!? It does not make sense from a biological perspective. I wish it wasn't so! It has to be some kind of defect in nature!

In the U.S. the most dangerous place for a pregnant women to be, is at home with the one she loves!! Violence against pregnant women is almost double that of non-pregnant, and the usual perpetrators are the people closest to them!

SO: To give everyone their due credit. The cases from the OP and the other responses are most likely isolated incidents, but it does not detract from the horror, or the fact that it has ever been sanctioned. Similar things do happen in Christian countries as well. It probably happens a lot more than any of us know, and what we do know from the press is probably inaccurate and over-dramatized!

Right here in Tallahasse, an FBI agent was killed last year during a raid on our Federal Women's Prison. Widespread abuse of the inmates was being investigated, the women were being used as sex slaves, and trading sex for special treatment. When they went to arrest the ring of guards, they were met with gunfire (prison guards do not carry guns!), it became a standoff and a shootout inside a Federal Prison! The police eventually arrested about 6 people, several were injured, and one unsuspecting agent was dead.

I know this was long, I hope it helps us to get back to the main issue of why we feel the need to victimize one another, especially women. I hope we can discuss why we think we have to convert or kill other religions. I hope we can leave the semitism or anti-semitism and sexism out of it and try to discuss the core issues!

I hope someone receives divine intervention and posts a revolutionary idea that will help us all know how to begin repairing the situation!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 08:58 AM

Sorry, I don't understand which Israel are you talking about?

Talking about the one formed in the 1940s that was immediately attacked by several well established Arab countries but was able to beat them back.

The same Israel that killed thousands of children around 6-7 months ago?

No urban operation is perfect, the loss of 393 minors (That's a UN tally, not propaganda) was regrettable but is it really better than the death toll of Afghanistan or the invasion of Iraq?

The same Israel who keeps denying the fact that Iran is no threat?

Well lets see, Iran funds terrorist groups. Iran has a long-range missile program. Iran has a nuclear program. Iran constantly meddles in the operations of coalition forces in Iraq. What is Israel denying as a threat?

The same Israel who used illegal weapons on defenseless people?

Defenseless? What's with those guys with rockets, mortars, and Kalashnikovs. Hamas and militant groups have weapons. As for illegal, if they did fire off illegal weapons then the only place they could've gotten them from was Uncle Sam.

The same Israel who controls America and attacks its Middle Eastern neighbors?

Israel acts independent from the US and has only attacked the Gaza Strip and West Bank in the past thirty years. Ultimately PLO has been the target of their attacks.

The Zionist nation?

Here's a shocker, not all Israelis are Zionist.

*Drinks Kool-Aid*

You're right. They are WONDERFUL!

That was actually the poison Kool-Aid, I think its supposed to be Iranian Nuclear Jihad Cherry.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I fully agree with you -- good post.

I certainly wasn't in any way, trying to flame or attack anyone in my posts. Yes, they were flippant and detached, but if I welled up with tears for everything 'wrong' with people and teh world, i'd never see the light of day.

Instead, I take a few steps back and just detach from it and observe it. Of course I don't like seeing these things; i don't want to see anyone, women or men, young or old, abused or demeaned in any such fashion, regardless of the assaulter's belief system or whether any organsied body condones it.

And in my posts, I wasn't trying to say that particular act (which is what the OP is about) 'happens everywhere'. I only tried to illustrate that acts of similar disgust happen around the world and that Iran isn't the only one with these things under their belt and the people as a whole aren't 'evil'.

I've mentioned this atrocity to an Iranian born mate here are work who said he's heard of it and it's one of the reasons why he doesn't live there. But there isn't anything he can do about it.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 09:20 AM
I find it truly amazing that ANY thread that is critical of a Muslim nation or one under Sharia Law is derailed by certain members with off-topic claims about Israel's legitimacy to exist or the practises of its army. This thread has nothing to do with Israel or Zionism. If you cannot restrain yourself from expressing your hate and fear-mongering towards Israel, there are plenty of other threads to express yourself. This thread is about highlighting the blatant disrespect and real inequality that women face in Sharia Law run countries such as Iran, as shown in the current account.

Another example of Sharia Law Gone Mad (SLGM):
Beer-drinking model faces caning

[edit on 21/7/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Dnevnoi

That was actually the poison Kool-Aid, I think its supposed to be Iranian Nuclear Jihad Cherry.

so... you think your smart cause you know 2% of their history and can make weak arguments? do you even know what jihad means? do you even know what ignorance means?

read a book or something you have a lot to learn. anybody can google some crap and come up with what you stated. understanding what you are talking about is another story buddy

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Dermo

You say it as if Christianity didn't do the same thing!!! They raped, killed thousands in the name of religion... in fact ALL religions are corrupted! Because we people are DUMB sheeples and unless we learn to care for one another (this thread being an example of that, how we hate "Muslims") we will always be on the loosing side of the world and these elites to be will take advantage of it.

break free and listen to your heart... it's all the religion/god/spirituality you need... just be silent and listen!!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

In order to move forward as a species, we need to not allow ourselves to act like animals, or we're doomed to extinction. Earth does not allow for a species to stagnate, if we're not moving forward the slate will be wiped clean. We are FAR more capable of self control than animals, and although some nasty instincts can try and break through the surface, we are MUCH more aware of right and wrong, and the true consequences of death and the emotional hell rape and abuse causes for somebody's daughter, mother, etc. Animals do not have that ability to reason, so please stop trying to (seemingly) justify violence and rape against women, by pointing out animal behavior and creepily pointing out how some women enjoy (the physical part) being raped. I may be off base, but to me personally it looks like you are almost trying to justify it in your own mind.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 03:07 PM
This seems to be just another post in an effort to facilitate hate. Yes there are inhumanities in the world, but, these inhumanities stretch across all religious and political lines. In the end, its just the evil taking advantage of their perception of the weak.

Don't demonize Muslims, and don't judge the world on YOUR idea of morality. You don't walk in their shoes, and they do not walk in yours. The best thing to do is find perfection in your own life and quit disrupting the world by pointing out your perceived ideas of the imperfections of others. Eventually, you'll have to look at YOURSELF in the mirror and its doubtful that you'll be completely satisfied with what you see.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 03:10 PM
"Dont be so gullible. This to me is obvious. Iran will get hammered someday and this kind of story convinces you that it is OK to Kill Iranians and they are doing it to liberate little 9 yr old girls getting raped , give me a break and think outside the box"

- Damn straight,...

And to everyone who cannot see the obvious defamation of iran propaganda, or cannot make the connection (iran bad = iran war) ?!?! wtf? come on, i mean, come on people, lol

heres a recent story about how irans got WMDs...


this is from another article:

the Iranians must appreciate that there will be consequences if they fail to respond to our diplomacy and continue to speed forward in their nuclear program.



Gates: 'Iran is the greatest int'l security threat'


Not trying to rip off good ol george w, but fool me once, shame on you, fool me since i was a little child over and over and over again and trick my nation into illegal wars, shame on the poor ignorant sole who would let themsleves be led off a cliff if 60 minutes said it was the thing to do,..

alota people need to backhand themselves right now

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by mariobrother
"Dont be so gullible. This to me is obvious. Iran will get hammered someday and this kind of story convinces you that it is OK to Kill Iranians and they are doing it to liberate little 9 yr old girls getting raped , give me a break and think outside the box"

- Damn straight,...

And to everyone who cannot see the obvious defamation of iran propaganda, or cannot make the connection (iran bad = iran war) ?!?! wtf? come on, i mean, come on people, lol

heres a recent story about how irans got WMDs...


this is from another article:

the Iranians must appreciate that there will be consequences if they fail to respond to our diplomacy and continue to speed forward in their nuclear program.



Gates: 'Iran is the greatest int'l security threat'


Not trying to rip off good ol george w, but fool me once, shame on you, fool me since i was a little child over and over and over again and trick my nation into illegal wars, shame on the poor ignorant sole who would let themsleves be led off a cliff if 60 minutes said it was the thing to do,..

alota people need to backhand themselves right now

I agree with you 100%. If you ask me, it almost seems like a drug that they need to fuel their veins with. The media gives the people one little media snippet (as if the media has never been known to lie) and then the people feed off of it as if it were worse than crack coc aine. The government is pretty ingenious if you look at the design. All they have to do is mold the perception of the people, and the people will unwittingly do the rest. War after war, lie after lie...we never seem to figure it out.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:28 PM
The bible calls for the stoning of adulterers to death. There's no real difference between christians and muslims. The only difference is that in christian America at this point in time, stoning people to death is illegal.

Next thing you know, we'll let homosexuals get married!

There is no such thing as fundamentalism. Religion equals fundamental.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:30 PM
Hehe, another stupid provocation from dumb americans...
Maybe idiots in your country belive that, but in europe we can only give a sad smile to such bs... I was in Iran and many of my friends was there. ITS A LIE! Iranians are normal peoples...
You know what? Make war in your country and leave us alone!
You and your cia destroyed many countries in south america and africa!
Leave us alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We dont want your false "democracy"!
You only want to sell your s# and buy oil or other resources...
I hope you will die... Good that China is owning you, maybe they will teach you some respect to other peoples.
CIA killed this poor girl in riots now you are trying to sell this bs... Nobody belives you and your CIA and other killers.
I wish you fate that you gave to so many nations around the world!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by wizardofoz
Hehe, another stupid provocation from dumb americans...
Maybe idiots in your country belive that, but in europe we can only give a sad smile to such bs... I was in Iran and many of my friends was there. ITS A LIE! Iranians are normal peoples...
You know what? Make war in your country and leave us alone!
You and your cia destroyed many countries in south america and africa!
Leave us alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We dont want your false "democracy"!
You only want to sell your s# and buy oil or other resources...
I hope you will die... Good that China is owning you, maybe they will teach you some respect to other peoples.
CIA killed this poor girl in riots now you are trying to sell this bs... Nobody belives you and your CIA and other killers.
I wish you fate that you gave to so many nations around the world!

lol at calling Americans dumb when you can barely spell or form proper sentences. Ya'll europeans are SO damn arrogant. There are idiots in every country and apparently you are one of these idiots!

And thats really nice you wish death upon us. My sister died over there in Iraq. You think she deserved that?

You can go right ahead and believe all the anti american propaganda you read. I'll be over here with my eyes open to the real world.

You are obviously some dumbass teenager who knows nothing.

BTW I'm assuming you are from some european country. Your governments have blood on its hands too. Your governments are CORRUPT as hell too.

Don't even respond to me. You are on ignore. I don't want to read your dumbass posts.

And china isnt "owning" #. By saying "owning" you just proved to me you are probably some rich spoiled teenager still living at home.

I have also reported you to be banned. Your post is EXTREMELY offensive that you wish death upon me and my family. Prepare to be banned.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

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