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Three Gorges Dam in China–Largest in World – Serious Problems? Affects the Whole Earth

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posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:22 AM
Why has this thread turned into something IT IS NOT AND NEVER WAS!!

If you see in my VERY FIRST LINE - I said it is a companion because the eclipse is going over the dam!!

I gave INFORMATION about the Dam - NEVER did I say it was going to collapse during the Eclipse!!

WOW - Please read the Thread!!

Don't take this thread somewhere it does NOT BELONG!!

And to imply this Thread should be put in a HOAX is ABSURD!! This thread is about the Three Gorges Dam - the history - enviromental problems etc.

People wonder why I get so Defense - well this is WHY - people are twisting things to WHAT THEY ARE NOT!!

I was HONEST on how the Dam came to my attention!!!!

Excuse me for being HONEST!!

OTHERWISE the thread is ABOUT THE DAM - DOES NOT SAY "something will happen during the eclipse".

Discussion of eclipse influences - yes BUT NOT THAT IT WILL FAIL DURING IT!!

Oh - I have seriously A TON OF EVIDENCE from EXPERTS - about how the Moon DOES affect Earthquakes - but I won't bother - because it seems experts in fields and scientific proof - doesn't matter to some here - their posts are able to just make things sound good - though not are true.

[edit on 22-7-2009 by questioningall]

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:23 AM
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread.

OP, your penchant for wishing cataclysmic events into existence is fun to witness, and hats off for the effort and energy you put into it.

Glad to see some ATS members still retain a bit of common sense and critical thinking.

I was lost on this thread when the OP referred to the year being lengthened or shortened by this dam to the tune of a couple of microseconds ...

1. Holy #z batman, the end of the world as we know it.
2. So what?
3. Hang on, how can anyone measure the length of a year to that accuracy anyway?
4. Aren't there a gazillion other variables that could have an impact on the Earth resulting in microsecond anomalies?
5. Was the length of a year constant to the nearest microsecond before the 3 Gorges was built?

hmmmm .... things to ponder.

As for environmental issues and human issues caused by a construction of this kind - well, doh! is that either a big surprise or even news???

Favorite post so far in this thread was the reference to using smaller scale alternative hydro along the entire course of the river that does not impact negatively.

Micro energy is the future IMHO. Nature knows best, we just need to start listening at decision maker level.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by RogerT

1. Holy #z batman, the end of the world as we know it.
2. So what?
3. Hang on, how can anyone measure the length of a year to that accuracy anyway?
4. Aren't there a gazillion other variables that could have an impact on the Earth resulting in microsecond anomalies?
5. Was the length of a year constant to the nearest microsecond before the 3 Gorges was built?

So what? Nothing really, but it is cool to know that man can affect something this way!

Yes, we can measure the length of a day in microseconds, and yes it does change.

The most infamous case is the Tsunami that struck Indonesia. The Tsunami didn't affect the length of the day, but the plate shifting did!

Conservation of Momentum is responsible for this change. If mass is shifted toward the equator, then the rotation of the earth must slow down, if mass is shifted toward the poles, then the rotation speeds up!

So, no, the time wasn't constant before the dam was built, but it may be the first "man-made" thing to actually affect it!

For QuestioningAll,

I read everything, and I know you were not predicting the dam would fail yesterday! I love all the intelligent debate on this site, but I hate the bandwagon that travels around just salivating at the opportunity to say "YOUR WRONG" without thoroughly reading, or adding any substance to the discussion. (Not aimed at RogerT, just generic comment)

Keep doing what you do!

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by questioningall

I'm reading your posts carefully, and with great interest- and reverence for your research-

There was just an earthquake near Chengdu, I believe--seems quite logical that it was a seismic event linked to this (though I've no proof, merely speculation based on your research).

Brilliant- stars and flags!

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by questioningall

Good on you. All you have done in this thread is inform people about the dam and put some information about the eclipse effects. People love to grind people down. Nowhere in this thread did I think you were saying the eclipse is going to bring down the dam, but there could be some kind of effect judging by the state that its in...

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by questioningall

Flamers come in all brain sizes. Self proclaimed intelligence needs constant gratification.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

The physicsworld article concerns the correlation of neutron bursts with moon phases. It is still an interesting read even after your little critique.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by questioningall
Why has this thread turned into something IT IS NOT AND NEVER WAS!!

You're asking us??

If you see in my VERY FIRST LINE - I said it is a companion because the eclipse is going over the dam!!

That was the only motivation for this thread??...are you sure??

From the original post:

I decided to REALLY look into the Three Gorges Dam – in how well built it was and the history of it. What I found has not reassured me that this person’s vision was “far out there” at all. In fact it is the opposite, it looks to me (my own personal opinion), that the dam is a major catastrophe waiting to happen.

Hmmm, what was the reason again??

Now with the longest duration of a solar eclipse in our life time going right over the dam – and the solar eclipse being in conjunction with a super moon – water IS affected – by both those things.

Interesting enough – I had read elsewhere (no not webbot) of Walter Cronkite’s death being a time market for events to begin happening (nope – not good events either – sorry to say).

But now you know hundreds of millions of people live below that dam and even Chinese officials are not proud of their Worlds largest dam. The impact on the people of China – but also on the Earth – has not been a good one from that dam.

Come on Q, it's a good thread with good information about the dam, no question about it. But the reason you created this was not because you find this dam so interesting.......

Originally posted by Witness2008

Flamers come in all brain sizes. Self proclaimed intelligence needs constant gratification.

Hence the constant stream of predictions and fearmongering.....i get it

I'm done here,


posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 08:43 AM
I wonder what scientist observed in their data collection of the effect of eclipses on Earths gravity.

From remote observatories on the Tibetan plateau to a cave in a Shanghai suburb, Chinese researchers are poised to conduct an audacious once-in-a-century experiment. The plan is to test a controversial theory: the possibility that gravity drops slightly during a total eclipse.

How did it effect the pendulum swing?

How level are we?

How straight are we?

How square are we?

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Psyagra
Pray tell - what exactly is it that he ostensibly predicted and it didn't happen?

Since you ask: she, not he, stated that there was a danger to the Three Gorges Dam due to gravitational stress from the just-over solar eclipse, and that it might cause an earthquake.

In other threads, she suggested that Jupiter had 'ignited' and turned into a star while 'behind the sun' (whatever that means), and that some major disaster would take place because of what she thought of as unusual and radical changes (they weren't) in solar activity.

That's off the top of my head. If you click her unsername in any post, you will be taken to her profile. Click 'threads' at the top of the profile page and you'll see a list of more doomy predictions.

Here's something to mull over "Blowing out another person's candle doesn't make yours shine any brighter".

Thank you for sharing with me your folky, homespun wisdom. Now perhaps you would be so kind as to go back to the post to which you are replying, and re-read it. There is more to membership in ATS than stroking other members' egos - or rebuking them.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 08:55 AM
Um ... I once read a quote that went something like this ... "Never argue with a fool - onlookers may not be able to tell the difference" ... I haven't even seen any of your other threads (yet) Q - but this one deserves stars and flags and that is all that matters. Regardless of what I might think of your other threads when I go take a look-see, you did good here and I wouldn't even engage those who have posted negative comments. In this particular instance I would venture a guess that your critics read too much into what you had to say, ended up hoping for a catastrophic event and when it didn't happen, they blamed you for it ... tsk ts tsk

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:02 AM
I guess the operative word then is "might" ... and because it didn't happen ... sigh ... oh well, let me go check out Q's other threads ... sorry Q, didn't realize you were a woman.

PLURAL to all

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Psyagra

Excellent observation.

How is it, that so many others can not see this?

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by poet1b

I guess coz its dark in there!!

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:19 AM
This sort of thing should be challanged whenever it comes up. If you were to search such topics as "alarmed," or "frightened" or "scared," among others, you would see that many are very impressionable. Many folks overreact and even panic. Things can get twisted and spread in very short order. And pursuing truth and fact vs. fancy is never a bad thing.

QA: The premise of your thread was indeed that the eclipse would have an ill-effect on the dam, that you claim that was never the purpose is laughable. Sure, it was filled with lots of information about the dam as well, but imo, your intent was to alarm folks about the real possibily of the dam breaking specifically due to the effects of an eclipse, and further, it would not just affect China, but the entire planet. Typical gloom & doom gibberish.

If your intent wasn't to alarm folks, and only provide information, while the entire blurb about a supposed native american prophet having "spirit dreams" about this? Yes, there was certainly the intent to connect the two on your part.

Do us a favor please, and spare us the 300 day countdown to the imminent collapse of the dam. If you feel you must post something, do it on like.. day 298 or something. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by questioningall

Well defended- brilliant- debate-class-worthy. Keep sticking up for your research and if people have questions about the Dam they can do research on their own.

The negativity here is not necessary. Questioningitall has put heart soul and mind into these data, supported the data with proper citation, and put forth a plausible topic regarding the dangers and the recklessness of the Three Gorges dam.

Whether you believe anything regarding the eclipse or the visionary is not important, IMO. Let's focus on the environmental catastrophy- the loss of millions of homes; the degredation of the validity of the water relative to fishing, etc.; the pollution; the possible deaths of hundreds of millions of people should the dam fail; and indeed, the immense danger of that volume of water over fault lines, or rushing toward Shanghai. In itself, it is---like Chernobyl, Hanford, etc., a disaster waiting to happen.

The timing doesn't matter- the facts (so eloquently and scientifically presented) DO.

Regarding eclipses, they can and do cause effects that are measurable by the atomic clock, CERN, Argonne, Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, the neutrino collector in Japan, etc. We KNOW eclipses cause MINOR- but possibly important- relativistic changes between earth, moon and sun- the measurements are not Newtonian, they are dealt with by QED scientists.
It is abundantly available if anyone would like to read about how other major solar eclipses have lengthened or shortened days, caused changes in migratory paths of birds, fish, sea mammals, etc. I'm not saying the eclipse will blow the dam- I'm saying to close our minds to the possiblity is contrary to the reason (IMO) that we post here! Don't we want to learn- to investigate?
I ask all nay-sayers (re: the eclipse) to look up relativitistic changes during solar eclipses. I will, as well, and we can post and share.

In the interim, kudos to the OP, and let's keep open minds!

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

May I ask why you are trying to PERSONALLY discredit the OP? I understand that you take issue with the mathematics, relative to the power of a solar eclipse, but I also suggest that rather than merely citing equations, you also study research that has spanned millenia (and yes, uses algebra, trigonometry and calculus) describing the effects eclipses can and do have on Earth?

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Dnevnoi

Anyone remember the Bond film, "A View to a Kill"?

I seem to remember an evil villain flooding the San Andreas fault to trigger a flood and earthquake--- and that was about a 1:100,000 scale....

Immense water pressure on a fault line triggers seismic events- this is not new. OP- you're dead on.

I'm in no way suggesting pop culture is science- merely that the ide of a large water mass on a fault is not a new one; Fleming wrote that a long time before the Gorges dam was built- written more closely to the Aswan disaster. Art DOES imitate life-and this is not a new theory- it's not even a debate.
I'll get my sister-in-law- a PhD from Johns Hopkins in Geoscience to send me data to support this.

[edit on 22-7-2009 by CultureD]

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

In defense of the research on the Three Gorges Dam, I can say that there should be no censure, whatsoever. In no way, reading the OP's posts dd I find any sort of "prediction" of disaster within a timeframe or any other construct.

It was merely information about a highly dangerous project (now recognized as such by the majority of world engineers and physicists).

Anything you may derive from the post that you find "mystical" you can freely disregard. It's obvious to any reader that this was a project of extensive research about a geoengineering project gone wild- with potential repercussions that we can ony guess at.

Regarding the eclipse- let it go, as you are bound to your view of reallity (as we all are). But I think it would be churlish to deny the research (and the researcher) of such a massive disaster in the construction of the dam to allow a personal (and very minor) expression of possibility to negate the data colected and presented.

Think what you like about the OP, but again, to personalize your attacks does not become you- or anybody here. We are all human beings who (I hope) wish the hundreds of millions of Chinese people who had nothing to do with this project-and might perish by it-the best of all possible health and safety.

Let your antipathy of predictions of telepathy roll away and look at the research that dominated the post.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by RogerT

There is a giant compendium of information from physicists throught history who have measured relativistic shofts in time during eclipses- days shorter or longer by milliseconds or minutes- Google it.

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