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Suspect puts drugs in his mouth; cop breaks his neck

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posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:11 PM
Also, why is everyone forgetting that this guy was pulled over while on drugs? Guy was on drugs and driving, HES BREAKING THE LAW! even if drugs were 100% legal he was breaking the law by driving while under the influence.

He was driving while under the influence of drugs. Surprised he got pulled over? Probably had nothing to do with his driving ability.

When somebody who is under the influence of drugs gets pulled over, I tend to put 2+2 together and say there is the slight possibility that MAYBE the REASON he got pulled over was because his poor driving skills as a result of being on drugs. Just maybe..

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:13 PM
Reply to post by trace_the_truth

Was it proven he had drugs or just suspected? And he is only irresponsible because he tried to hide the fact he uses. Marijuana has bumber one cash crop for how long? Thats why the country is in debt. The Drug War is one of many pointless and disgusting wars the US is involved in and which eats up our taxes instead of actually doing the things taxes are supposed to do. Didnt I just read somewhere the Netherlands shut down their last prison? Arent drugs are legal there? I am sure that is just a coinkadink though. No way a nation would chill out and behave like normal citizens if TPTB loosened the leash. How many die each year in the US in an alcohol-related incident? Oh thats right, alcohol helps fund the Drug War and the invasions of other countries by the United States of Drunken Morons. Who decides which mind altering substance is ok anyway? Seems like a scam to me.

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posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:13 PM
Reply to post by trace_the_truth

Was it proven he had drugs or just suspected? And he is only irresponsible because he tried to hide the fact he uses. Marijuana has bumber one cash crop for how long? Thats why the country is in debt. The Drug War is one of many pointless and disgusting wars the US is involved in and which eats up our taxes instead of actually doing the things taxes are supposed to do. Didnt I just read somewhere the Netherlands shut down their last prison? Arent drugs are legal there? I am sure that is just a coinkadink though. No way a nation would chill out and behave like normal citizens if TPTB loosened the leash. How many die each year in the US in an alcohol-related incident? Oh thats right, alcohol helps fund the Drug War and the invasions of other countries by the United States of Drunken Morons. Who decides which mind altering substance is ok anyway? Seems like a scam to me.

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posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75

Originally posted by Epic Wolf

You're missing the big difference here. Taking the drugs should not be a crime.

I agree, if you wanna get high, go for it, but the second your FIX becomes a burden on ANYONE but yourself, or you cause problems, thats it....I am fine with people who wanna shoot up meth...go right ahead...and when you OD, lose your teeth, etc...touch poop....but again, when you make that choice you should be 100% on your own...and there should be NOOO programs available to those who wanna do them.

I agree 100%. That's what I've been trying to say. Both taking drugs and committing crimes are both the fault of the user. However, taking drugs only hurts the user; what he chooses to do under the influence of these drugs is a matter that might turn criminal.

[edit on 7/13/2009 by Epic Wolf]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:17 PM
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Sorry for the double post. MOD please delete that one for me and thank you.

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posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Epic Wolf

However, taking drugs only hurts the user; what he chooses to do under the influence of these drugs is a matter that might turn criminal.

[edit on 7/13/2009 by Epic Wolf]

How many times are you going to say this? I want YOU to tell this to my husbands 3 granddchildren who are 12, 8, and 3 years old.

Their father is sitting in a Louisiana jail with a $250,000 bond because he had a meth lab on the property where they lived. Their mother, who was not home at the time of the bust abandoned them, and fled the state.

They are now living with their aunt who already has 3 children of her own.

Drugs do not just hurt the person who takes them. Get it straight!

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Blanca Rose

What they are trying to say is that drugs don't kill other people. People kill other people. If I take meth, that doesn't directly kill you, but it might indirectly.

It makes sense too. Nobody dies directly from somebody else drug habit. Indirectly, all the time.

IMO, make drugs legal, and make any crime committed on them upgraded to premeditated. You kill somebody, premeditated murder, mandatory 25-life. Beat somebody on drugs, bump it to aggravated assault. Beat somebody on drugs with a deadly weapon, multiple counts of aggravated assault.

If we did that, repeated offenders wouldn't pop up all too much, because if they commit the crime on drugs, chances are, they aren't getting out.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797You don't become a drug dealer because you have a good paying job readily available to you. You become a drug dealer out of necessity or out of greed.

Or because you know you can profit from it. How is that different from Shell Oil or Walmart?

Maybe morally wrong, but wrong by itself, no.

I would bet you plenty of CEO's would be drug dealers/human traffickers/weapons traffickers/etc. etc. if they were raised in the "right" environment.

But they're too busy being drug dealers/human traffickers/weapons traffickers/etc.

Come on, am I debating the same person?

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Blanca Rose

All the guy had was a meth lab, making his own fix and somehow the police raiding his home and his wife leaving him weren't by the choice of those individuals? It's the wife's fault she decided to leave. She didn't have to stay, so she didn't. But the guy didn't make her leave just making drugs.

Then again, I don't know the whole situation.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82
Or because you know you can profit from it. How is that different from Shell Oil or Walmart?

Maybe morally wrong, but wrong by itself, no.

It is different from shell oil or walmart because it's a completely different set of rules. Illegal business and legal business are two entirely different worlds. Most drug dealers would be terrible business men. Learning all the technicalities and rules is not easy. You need a degree in business just to not land yourself in jail for one of the hundreds of laws when it comes to business. Tax laws, environmental laws, dealing with unions, labor laws, etc. etc., the list goes on and on.

It is a totally different world, a different lifestyle, and overall, not something you can just switch back and forth from.

Greed may be the central driver for both, but an alligator will never be a crocodile as they say. Just because they look alike to you doesn't mean they are the same thing. There are distinct differences between them, which is why they each thrive in their own respective environments.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:40 PM
He was too rough but if the man swallows that, he would most likely die. He did right trying to get him to spit it out but he was just too rough. He will have to go to a psychiatrist, stay on leave for a little while, and he should be taught how to handle someone shallowing drugs better. He does not deserve jail, just light punishment and better training to safely stop a criminal from shallowing drugs. If it happens again, that is where we have problems.

[edit on 13-7-2009 by walsbg22]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by grimreaper797

Bah! that is simply false. It isn't worth even debating with a die-hard believer.

Even the cops in this thread disagree with you per their posts regarding dismantling the cartels. It is simply arrogance to believe that the existing laws protect the citizenship in the manner that they currently exist.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

Getting rid of the drug laws would get rid of the war on drugs and lead to a big decrease in spending, but there would still be just as many criminals. User wise their might be less, but as far as cartels, they will just move onto the next illegal activity that makes them money. Human trafficking is pretty big, as is weapons trafficking.

Ending the war on drugs, definitely a good thing, not because it will reduce crime or anything, but because it will reduce spending on housing drug addicts that don't deserve it.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:00 PM
apparently the man thought that his drugs were more important than his life. Also being obese and had really bad health troubles would have done him in even if the police didn't do anything to him. He is what they called the walking death or death man walking. The crazy food that they live on in that state makes it the Most obese state in the nation and rather lazy ones at that. Alabama comes in as second and so on. The nation have 33 pct of obese people. Has anyone looked at the children these days??? you would be surprised if you just open your eyes a little and see all these kids are so round and plump. Death nation walking should be the right wording here. If you are stopped by the police just cooperate and no harm will come to you. They have the power and you don't. You can sort it out later on in court if you have to. It doesn't pay to get harmed by them.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:23 PM
i'm torn.

on one hand it's dead meth head. why complain?

on the other hand, seems a bit overkill, literally.

it should be noted that the footage shown was edited.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:24 PM
Hey, I am one of the first people to cry "foul" when anyone in authority abuses it. I hate police brutality and the injustice we see some law enforcement officers abuse.

This time that is not the case. This was not intentional malice or anything of the sort in this case.

A terrible outcome yes. That goes with the job (both criminals and law enforcement).

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:31 PM
That was just a sad thing to watch. This was a video of this man's last seconds on Earth. Those 3 men would be charged with assault and manslaughter if they were not police officers. If a police officer approaches you and you do anything but lie there with your arms out palms flat on the ground. Oh wait that wont work either.

I forget if they approach you and you try to be compliant they might just kick the crap out of you for good measure.

If you are lying on the ground and try and defend yourself from a brutal beating you might just find that they break your bones and then beat the bloody stubs just to inflict more pain.

Cops are just as likely to be brutal killers as they are to be a good guy. Every time you get pulled over there is a potentially deadly, likely ruthless and brutal heavily armed man with a mean streak who approaches you. Why would you take your life into your hands and allow a potential killer to approach you with a gun and an attitude that he is better than you? Ask a cop if he thinks that his life is more important than yours? Of course he does. Now give them a badge and authority and you have basically hired thugs and killers with legal immunity over the rest of us.

A brutal regime always has its ruthless enforcers. The United States has become a brutal police state. I am sure there are a few good cops left but you are rare indeed it seems. Enough of the excuses for brutality. A man was killed here. He was not armed. He did not anticipate that these men might kill him. He was stupid and high and died for it. The cops were also high. High on the adrenaline rush of being the big boss hog and tackling a big man and forcing him to comply with their orders or kill him in the process as it turns out. This is just sad. But every day is sad day for some poor sap that finds himself on the wrong side of these guys.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by infolurker
Hey, I am one of the first people to cry "foul" when anyone in authority abuses it. I hate police brutality and the injustice we see some law enforcement officers abuse.

This time that is not the case. This was not intentional malice or anything of the sort in this case.

I don't know about that. I consider choking someone the use of deadly force.
Can an officer use deadly force to prevent the destruction of drug evidence ?
I doubt that can be justified. I bet the city will get sued and lose for wrongful death.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose

Originally posted by Epic Wolf

However, taking drugs only hurts the user; what he chooses to do under the influence of these drugs is a matter that might turn criminal.

[edit on 7/13/2009 by Epic Wolf]

How many times are you going to say this? I want YOU to tell this to my husbands 3 granddchildren who are 12, 8, and 3 years old.

Their father is sitting in a Louisiana jail with a $250,000 bond because he had a meth lab on the property where they lived. Their mother, who was not home at the time of the bust abandoned them, and fled the state.

They are now living with their aunt who already has 3 children of her own.

Drugs do not just hurt the person who takes them. Get it straight!

Sounds like a combination of evolution and the continuing comedy of the drug war. Meth didn't take the father and put him in jail did it?

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75

Originally posted by Epic Wolf
I'm impressed you seem to know what's best for everyone else. It's none of your business if someone crashes and burns from drug use. It doesn't adversely effect you. That is why drugs are sometimes called "victimless crimes", because the only victim is the one using.

Tell that to the 3 burglary victims I dealt with Saturday when 2 crack heads broke into their homes and destroyed EVERYTHING to steal what they could to sell...FOR DRUGS. Guess what...we had victims.

Tell that to the guy that was stabbed on 43rd street and robbed by...take a guess...a drug addict who admitted he needed cash for...........A FIX!

people like YOU disgust me....keep living in your bubble while I deal with this crap and you think there is NO

It seems like your the one living in a bubble.

The reason crack heads need to burglarize homes is because drugs are ridiculously expensive because they are illegal.

A twenty dollar crack rock cost's around 2 cents to produce. Most of that money is made by the drug cartels.

If drugs were legal crack heads wouldn't need to break into houses and steal.

How many times do you have winos breaking into houses and robbing people to get there next bottle of Irish rose wine? You don't because it's a cheap legal drug sanctioned by our government.

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