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Suspect puts drugs in his mouth; cop breaks his neck

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posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by CuriousSkeptic
and committing murder for absolutely no reason.

That is nothing more then a retarded statement. You and I both know the cop didn't murder him, nor did he intend to. Did he intend to choke the guy to spit out the drugs...he may have, I wasn't there...but MURDER...

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by CuriousSkeptic
Yeah yeah that's nice generalization about nothing. Watch the video, watch the cop jump the non-resisting guy. Besides no one knew if the guy was on drugs or not before the cop turned into Hulk Hogan, so your non-knowledgeable generalizations don't apply here. I'll be happy to rip them apart for you, but they don't apply here.

Uh, yeah, I was watching the video where the cop tells the guy to open his hands and he refuses. That is why the cop came into physical contact with the guy to begin with. The guy moves forward, which leads to him being pushed onto the cruiser.

Resolution #1: open his hands.

Then we see him put something in his mouth which caused the cop to choke him to try and get him to spit it out.

Resolution #2: Don't put it in your mouth to begin with

Then when the cop is choking him the man struggles with the cop and can clearly be seen trying to pry the cop off his neck. That is resisting.

Resolution #3: spit out the drugs and stop fighting with the cop.

I see the cop trying to get the guy to spit the drugs out then the guy starts to straighten up, which causes the weight to shift BACKWARDS, causing the fall. You can also see that the cop was either not touching the ground, or was at the very least, in no position to physically lift the man into the upright position then dragging him down backwards.

So from what we can see the man was struggling with the choke, then stood upright and moved backwards. The cop kept hold and fell backwards with the man.

Life Saver #1: Not stand up straight, continue to lay on the car, and give up.

They fall, HE CONTINUES TO STRUGGLE. Listen to the video, they were struggling for MULTIPLE minutes. YOU CAN SEE the guy trying to get back up after he was taken down. Keep watching after its taken out of full screen view. He continues to struggle.


It's plain and simple. Stop cop hating for two minutes to watch what ACTUALLY happened in the video.

You read "Cop kills man by breaking his neck" and can't wait to start foaming at the mouth to start calling for the destroying of the cops life. The video shows it all, the cop wasn't at all at fault.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75

Originally posted by CuriousSkeptic
and committing murder for absolutely no reason.

That is nothing more then a retarded statement. You and I both know the cop didn't murder him, nor did he intend to. Did he intend to choke the guy to spit out the drugs...he may have, I wasn't there...but MURDER...

Death by another person's hand isn't murder now? Okay, I'm sorry... how about manslaughter?

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

You forgot the drug called "cops get to kill someone and get away with it because they're cops and right." I hear it's quite intoxicating, but hell, it's ok because they're cops. Totally legal.

Heaven forbid they act like protectors of the citizenry and arrest the important criminals like those people I call Police Officers.

[edit on 7/13/09 by niteboy82]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82

Originally posted by Grimreaper797
Oh and don't give me that "it is because the war on drugs that they get killed" line. If you are a user, you probably cause the threat you cause unintentionally. A user might accidentally kill or injure somebody because they aren't mentally capable of making good choices. If they are selling/distributing/trafficking, it is because they are criminals, and if it wasn't drugs, it would be some other illegal item or trade. Human trafficking? Illegal weapons? Whatever they could get their hands into in order to make big easy money.

Oh that tired old line? I won't get into extreme detail, but your statements are patently false.

[edit on 7/13/09 by niteboy82]

Really, so mind altering substances DON'T lead to poor decision making and put innocent lives at risk as a result? That is news to me.

AND drugs dealers ONLY traffic and sell drugs and don't EVER engage in violence to escape when caught?

So if my statement is false then what you are saying is drug dealers would get real law abiding jobs if drugs were made legal? REALLY? They wouldn't continue to engage in other criminal activities to make ends meet?

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

Hey if they drop all the drug laws tomorrow it won't hurt my feelings one bit. BUT, be prepared. Be prepared for the REALITY of drug abuse to hit you, your family, and your wallet. You have ANY idea the lengths these jerkoffs will go to get their next fix????? Who will take care of the people laying in the streets tweeking? YOU? Who will pay their bills? Who will deal with them when they are told it is LEGAL to use meth, heroin, coke, lsd, pcp, etc....are you sure you understand what will happen if we open the floodgates on these drugs?

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:41 PM
I'm surprised the officer didn't feel the need to taser him before braking his neck. From the video you can clearly see that the guy is still alive when the cops put him down so the neck braking is not shown of course because that was just another psycho policeman being zealous over someone who didn't seem dangerous in the first place.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:44 PM
1000's of people die accidently everyday..This is clearly one of those times..

Was it needed for such a small amount?

Will that officer have to live with this for the rest of his days..

Lets give the guy the benefit of dought that he didnt wake up in the morning hoping that he would have a chance to kill a man..

it was an an error in judgement on behalf of the officer to break off protocall before it escalated to something worse..

An error in judgement that led to this mans death..Plain and simple..

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75
reply to post by niteboy82

Hey if they drop all the drug laws tomorrow it won't hurt my feelings one bit. BUT, be prepared. Be prepared for the REALITY of drug abuse to hit you, your family, and your wallet. You have ANY idea the lengths these jerkoffs will go to get their next fix????? Who will take care of the people laying in the streets tweeking? YOU? Who will pay their bills? Who will deal with them when they are told it is LEGAL to use meth, heroin, coke, lsd, pcp, etc....are you sure you understand what will happen if we open the floodgates on these drugs?

I'm impressed you seem to know what's best for everyone else. It's none of your business if someone crashes and burns from drug use. It doesn't adversely effect you. That is why drugs are sometimes called "victimless crimes", because the only victim is the one using.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by townio
I'm surprised the officer didn't feel the need to taser him

Not all departments have tasers. See this is the PERFECT example of you I HATE THE TASER people. First you bitch, piss and moan about the use of tazers and say cops need to go more hands on, that way noone dies or gets hurt. Now someone DID die with hands on and your crying for the tasers. ATS members really need to figure it out and stop being hypocrites. Wine about this, then that, then more of this, then not happy about one thing, or guys must have life easy to armchair quarterback EVERYTIME an incident happens and your just like politicians....say one thing, then say another when it doesnt go the way you wanted.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by grimreaper797

If it was legal, that would be their jobs.

How is that so hard to understand?



Yes, I do, and that's what I hope for. The reality to come out, because we don't need our gov't to tell us what the reality is, we are just fine seeing it for ourselves.

I don't care if our children see a billion people kill themselves of their own accord, I'd rather see them learn from it from reality.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Horus12
Is it not easier to arrest the person and take a pee sample or blood test at some point, rather than break his neck?

Not really..

I bet killing has a hell of a lot less paper work than an arrest. We all know cops take the easy way out.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Epic Wolf
I'm impressed you seem to know what's best for everyone else. It's none of your business if someone crashes and burns from drug use. It doesn't adversely effect you. That is why drugs are sometimes called "victimless crimes", because the only victim is the one using.

Tell that to the 3 burglary victims I dealt with Saturday when 2 crack heads broke into their homes and destroyed EVERYTHING to steal what they could to sell...FOR DRUGS. Guess what...we had victims.

Tell that to the guy that was stabbed on 43rd street and robbed by...take a guess...a drug addict who admitted he needed cash for...........A FIX!

people like YOU disgust me....keep living in your bubble while I deal with this crap and you think there is NO

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Epic Wolf

I'm impressed you seem to know what's best for everyone else. It's none of your business if someone crashes and burns from drug use. It doesn't adversely effect you. That is why drugs are sometimes called "victimless crimes", because the only victim is the one using.

Until a good friend of yours is stabbed to death by a crackhead, all because the crackhead stole 32 dollars from your friend to fund his habit. Then suddenly it DOES adversely effect you.

Sometime it is victimless, other times, the user either turns to violent means to make ends meet, or accidentally kills somebody because they are too strung out to make a correct decision, like not driving.

Oh, and since this guy was on drugs WHILE he was pulled over AKA DRIVING, he is a perfect example of the poor decision making skills of a user. It is no surprise that he followed suit with his poor decision making and struggled with the cops continuously until the unfortunate happened, and he was accidentally killed.

On the plus side, he had enough sense to at least pull over, for whatever reason. Some users think they can outrun the cops and end up killing somebody with their vehicles. At least no INNOCENT people died in this altercation, that much can be said.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by rcwj75

You're missing the big difference here. Taking the drugs should not be a crime. They committed crimes like assault, murder and theft by themselves. Just taking drugs is a different matter than what happens afterward. If they take a chemical substance, that's their business. If they commit a crime afterward, then they get punished. It doesn't matter if it's the drugs that made them do it. It seems like it, but it's not. It seems like to me they would have had a predisposition to commit crimes in the first place.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

I'd agree in most cases the dynamic created by the War on Drugs is a bad one.

But how do you help a Meth Addict, How do you bring one in with no risk... Artery Disease, Enlarged Heart...

Brittle Bones... another major symptom, when this person let's say died behind the wheel and killed a family what then?

This is just what's real from Meth and I know from lost loved ones...

I once had the displeasure of watching a 24 yr old have a Heart Attack and die in front of my face, he left behind a wife who was pregnant.

And the sexual obsession that comes along with Meth...

It's the number one spreader of HIV in parts of the country...

Another person I met, left her kids to live in her car and she was banging around with the local teen age boys for more junk...

No other drug does this... not to this degree... we are talking about 1000 partners in 3 years.

If you ever really had what Meth does to people in your face you'd understand.

Bone degeneration

This guy could have fallen out of the bed and died, he had little time left from description.

Not taking sides, want the war on drugs to end... I often blame it for the rise in Meth

But what should a police officer do?

Stun him his heart stops, grab him his neck breaks...

Leave him in the car he might kill someone...

and the Hallucinations aren't the cool kind, they are psychotic in nature... they can do anything, to themselves or the officer.

So someone strung on Meth You Have to bring them in, if you care about human life at all you have to interrupt it...

I don't know if this cop made the right or wrong call grabbing him, but this guy could have died from the stress of being put in the car.

Seriously... almost any other drug I'd say no...

If I know someone I love on Meth, I want them arrested so they can get clear and be talked to, it's no joke.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75

Originally posted by Epic Wolf
I'm impressed you seem to know what's best for everyone else. It's none of your business if someone crashes and burns from drug use. It doesn't adversely effect you. That is why drugs are sometimes called "victimless crimes", because the only victim is the one using.

Tell that to the 3 burglary victims I dealt with Saturday when 2 crack heads broke into their homes and destroyed EVERYTHING to steal what they could to sell...FOR DRUGS. Guess what...we had victims.

Tell that to the guy that was stabbed on 43rd street and robbed by...take a guess...a drug addict who admitted he needed cash for...........A FIX!

people like YOU disgust me....keep living in your bubble while I deal with this crap and you think there is NO

Still hard to believe you're a southern cop.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Epic Wolf

You're missing the big difference here. Taking the drugs should not be a crime.

I agree, if you wanna get high, go for it, but the second your FIX becomes a burden on ANYONE but yourself, or you cause problems, thats it....I am fine with people who wanna shoot up meth...go right ahead...and when you OD, lose your teeth, etc...touch poop....but again, when you make that choice you should be 100% on your own...and there should be NOOO programs available to those who wanna do them.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82
If it was legal, that would be their jobs.

How is that so hard to understand?

If it were legal, then they would most likely need some form of education and also employment history to get the job over the numerous other qualified individuals who are working in the pharmacy industry. Most of them would be OUT of jobs selling drugs because the only reason they got that job to begin with was because they were poor, undereducated, desperate people who couldn't get a job and needed to make ends meet.

There are generally two groups of people who sell drugs. Those looking to make ends meet, and those looking to make a great deal of money in illegal business. One group is dealing BECAUSE it is the only job they can get that makes ends meet and they are qualified to do.

Drop out of school, have no employment history, have a kid, living in a poor urban area with nobody to bail you out, and suddenly your only option is to do what isn't legal to get by.

The ones who do it to try and make a great deal of money and power aren't going to stop breaking the law. They are the mobsters who trafficked alcohol during the prohibition. Drugs, extortion, money laundering, human trafficking, weapons trafficking, these guys do whatever they can to make as much money as they can.

You don't become a drug dealer because you have a good paying job readily available to you. You become a drug dealer out of necessity or out of greed.

I would bet you plenty of CEO's would be drug dealers/human traffickers/weapons traffickers/etc. etc. if they were raised in the "right" environment.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by CuriousSkeptic
Still hard to believe you're a southern cop.

you need to ellaborate....since it makes no

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