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Whole Of UK to get vaccinated according to this

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 05:24 AM
link" target="_blank" class="postlink"> Flu-Vaccination-UK-Population-To-Be-Treated

[edit on 12-7-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 05:26 AM
not sure to be honest. Some people will put up a fight against getting the vaccination but others will just take it because they have no idea!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 05:26 AM
not sure to be honest. Some people will put up a fight against getting the vaccination but others will just take it because they have no idea!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by The Shade

Ok.... for some reason the link won't work but it's on sky news website.... all of uk to get vaccinated as it is spreading very rapidly and more people are dying from it........

[url= 36105?lpos=UK_News_News_Your_Way_Region_5&lid=NewsYourWay_ARTICLE_15336105_Swine_Flu_Vaccination%3A_UK_Population_To_Be_Treated_After_Death_At_NHS_Fou ndation_Trust[/url]

[edit on 12-7-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by GOTZEUS

Thanks! No idea whats wrong with my link but in any case they are basically saying we will all get jabbed whether we want it or not......

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:09 AM
Thanks for that!

Just seen it on AOL news and it is NOT good!

Hopefully, in the UK it will not be compulsory as I don't believe we have laws that allow the government to FORCE this on people.

It will be interesting to see what happens especially when the inevitable happens and poor souls start dropping from the vaccine.

Interesting times, indeed!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by Elliot

We do have basic rights as people to refuse any jab.... it's upto us... nobody can force this upon us!!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:44 AM
Yeah all the sheeple are idiots i'm not taking that Vaccine, they will kill us with de-population methods that we know are employed by the NWO

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:14 AM
I think this would be illegal under the Human Rights Act 1998. I've been reading it and I do not believe the Government would have a leg to stand on with regards to this.

Having said that, they do have the power under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and preceeding Emergency powers legislation to repeal the Human Rights Act and any other laws, providing that parliament agrees and reviews it every 21 days. In theory, the Government could enact this law and force every one to be vaccinated in the "national interest".

Although, it has to be said that if the Government did do this, they would be signing their own death warrant and I really don't think that given their stunningly low approval already they'd risk killing the Labour party for ever.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:42 AM
Do not get vaccinations, do not if you want to live.

Right now swine flu is being diagnosed over the telephone and you are being told to stay in isolation from others. Over the telephone you are also told to do nothing apart from stay in bed, no medication helps swine flu. Dont believe me, call NHS 24hr or NHS Direct depending on where you stay. "If you think you have swine flu press 2"

How can an automated telephone diagnose a patient. I mean cmon.

When you have any normal flu, what do you do if you are suffering pretty badly? If you keep yourself in complete isolation with a bad flu and do not take any medication for it you die.

Go to a hospital and you are put in isolation. The latest casualty who had no weakened or underlying issues with his immune system was kept in ISOLATION for 9 days before dying.

Tamiflu does not cure swine flu, there is no vaccination and swine flu is non existent, it is nothing more that a bad flu being incredibly overhyped. The government is covering up the fact that they own stock in the company that manufactures tamiflu as well.

A virus does not mutate from pigs to humans.

This is nothing more than a cattle cull as far as the vaccination goes and the medical advice being given. Remember doctors follow government guidelines without question.

Think about it.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by XXXN3O]


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:00 AM
i am in the uk. i have been keeping tabs on this since it first broke out. as we all know the line about underlying medical conditions(!) it will be of interest to find out the initial locations for the one of three tranches to be delivered to the populus. i do not know if this thought has occured but given the epidemics down south in and around hospitals, has anyone noticed a spike in secondary transmissions to other hospital patients and an increase in mortality rates. this gives the virus the opportunity to grab anyone in the vicinity through vertical transmission from staff, visitors etc.
i feel we need to be informed about increased death rates in areas of clusters. the reality will be more along the lines of a blanket ban on a reporting of cases and an attempt to put cases on ice to even out the rates.
it is going to be interesting as to how the big pr machine is gonna spin this one.
regards cdi.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:06 AM
Just saw this.
Nobody is going to vaccinate me against my will.

Fourteen people have died, oh my, I'm incredibly scared, guess I should go get a vaccination for getting hit by a bus too.

Also, seriously, someone needs to fix the horrible thread-stretching here.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by srsrecords]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
Right now swine flu is being diagnosed over the telephone and you are being told to stay in isolation from others. Over the telephone you are also told to do nothing apart from stay in bed, no medication helps swine flu. Dont believe me, call NHS 24hr or NHS Direct depending on where you stay. "If you think you have swine flu press 2"

How can an automated telephone diagnose a patient. I mean cmon.

It isn't an automated message, you just talk to someone over the phone, they question you and if it is "likely" you have contracted it, they advise you to isolate yourself so to limit the spread. You're not forced to do anything if you don't want to. I came to work when I had it as it was that mild!

Originally posted by XXXN3O
When you have any normal flu, what do you do if you are suffering pretty badly? If you keep yourself in complete isolation with a bad flu and do not take any medication for it you die.

Not true in the slightest. Most people can shake off the flu, even a bad case, on their own. Some might take a decongestant or a painkiller to lesson the symtpoms, but this isn't medicating the disease, it's just easing the discomfort. I had a bad flu last year and was pretty bloody ill with a 40c temp for a few days. All I took was Beechams so I didn't have such a bunged up nose. I am still here!

Originally posted by XXXN3O
Go to a hospital and you are put in isolation. The latest casualty who had no weakened or underlying issues with his immune system was kept in ISOLATION for 9 days before dying.

Which had fudge all to do with him dying. It is likely that one of two things happened. Either he got a secondary bacterial infection as a result of his immune system being compromised by the virus, leading to Pneumonia etc, or his immune system over-reacted and caused a cykotin storm.

Originally posted by XXXN3O
Tamiflu does not cure swine flu, there is no vaccination and swine flu is non existent, it is nothing more that a bad flu being incredibly overhyped. The government is covering up the fact that they own stock in the company that manufactures tamiflu as well.

I agree with the sentiment of it being over-hyped, that's for sure. But you assertions that the Government owns shares in the company is not founded on any facts. If it is, please provide proof. The company is a Plc, so all shareholders should be listed somewhere.

There is a vaccine, as there is with many types of flu and Tamiflu does work, but works best when exposed early on, not when you have full blown flu. Again, cite your sources please if you have contrary evidence.

Originally posted by XXXN3O
A virus does not mutate from pigs to humans.

I think you'll find virus mutate ALL THE TIME and many times in the past have transferred from animals to humans. Again, cite proof if you claim otherwise, as this is pretty much established medical and scientific FACT.

Originally posted by XXXN3O
This is nothing more than a cattle cull as far as the vaccination goes and the medical advice being given. Remember doctors follow government guidelines without question.

No, they don't. Doctors are bound first and foremost by the hypocratic oath and while I acknowledge there is probably a few who will follow orders to the letter (as in any role in life), many will not toe the line if it means killing people.

Originally posted by XXXN3O
Think about it.

Why? You clearly haven't, so why should we bother?

What ever happened to reason, logic and sensible debate? Some people here do post some ill thought out codswallop.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:00 AM
Still problems with the other links.
Here is another link to the article by ITN on yahoo.

Swine flu vaccination UK

Knew it was coming,but I won't be having it.
We've herd about the swine flu becoming resistant,so why take the risk.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by gallifreyan medic

There is no mention of forced vaccination in that link and I really do not see the Government having the will, let alone the actual political capital, to force people to do it.

Millions would refuse and then what would you do? Drag them to the GP's and have a bigger backlash or suffer an embarressing climbdown? I think the Government will just "stongly advise" those to get it and leave it at that.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by stumason

Yeah ok.

Time will tell.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

No proof then? Thought not. Most of what you said was completely untrue, so I wasn't expecting much from you, to be honest. I am slightly dissapointed you didn't even try to back up your claims. Now you just look silly.

Indeed, time will tell.

[edit on 12/7/09 by stumason]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by stumason

I didn't mention forced vaccination.
But it will come,put it out first of vaccinations,then more pushing of the danger of not having,mixed with figures who have contracted it and the deaths.

If that doesn't work out as planned,then the bringing in of it being mandatory.

Millions may refuse,but you know the majority of our nation will willingly get it.
Watch the campaign come into action to ridicule and alienate those who choose not to have it.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by gallifreyan medic

I know you didn't, but the thread has had the notion of "forced" vaccinations brought into it.

As I said earlier, the Government does not have the power without enacting Emergency legislation and I do not believe they have the political muscle to even do that. This Government is a dead duck (pardon the pun....).

There will be a campaign, but the Government doesn't have a great track record with regards to vaccination programs anyway. They will probably defer it to be a persons choice. They do not force any of the other vaccinations on you, even though they are for far more dangerous diseases.

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