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Vatican believes Bush may be the Anti-Christ

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posted on May, 7 2004 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Faisca
I don't really think that Bush is the anti-christ, but what do I know? I think the Church leaders probably know more about that stuff than I do.

The more things I read about Bush, the more I can see that he is an evil person, I wish other people could. My girlfriend and her father are very very Christian, and also very republican. It sucks, because while I'm not a democrat, I don't favor Bush in the least. We sometimes get into arguments, and when I ask her why they like Bush she says "well he's a Christian." Yeah, like a Christian would mock a woman who is sentenced to death, much less allow the woman to be sentenced to death. I will tell her things about Bush, but she doesn't believe me. She says "oh you're reading too much on your silly conspiracy websites." Or something like that. It's hard to deal with because I wish she would see that just because he claims to be a Christian, he's far from.

I'm sorry to ask this in the middle of this thread, but I've been wanting a chance to talk about it and ask if people could help me. Does anyone have some kind of comprehensive list on a website or anything of the reasons people shouldn't like Bush? Reason's he's not such a good guy? This would be a good thing to help me try to help her. If anyone could do this for me, I'd be quite appreciative. I'm gonna try doing searches and compiling my own list, but if theres something out there already it wouldn't be prudent for me to go out and do it again.

But so yeah... I'd say Bush is just a puppet. Not quite anti-christ material.

hes not evil, he just acts in his interests like anyone else in power in any country.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 04:10 PM
It is simply sad that when you have real evil people in the world like Kim Jong IL, some think that Bush is the the Anti-Christ. The guy may be stupid, and maybe reckless, but hes not evil. He truly believes in what hes doing, anyone who looks carefully at his words and his attitude can see that. Ask his former staff, and others who know the guy you will hear stories of stubborness, obsession, and black and white thinking, but not of plots to take over the world.

Its easier for people to demonize leaders than to understand to complexities of their personality. The guy is a plain spoken, simple minded individual that thinks God is on the side of America, and that we should spread our way of life to the whole middle east. You may not agree with the validity of that thinking, you may think that such ideas are inherently dangerous, but that hardly makes the guy pure evil.

We may be appoaching a point of confrontation between good and evil, but too sink to the level of calling Bush the anti-christ is not only ridiculous, its also dangerous because it takes away from the real threats that face the world.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 04:19 PM
Maybe Bush is of the generation that will set up the world scene for the appearance of the anti-christ. The christian prophecies may be fullfilled like this: the events in the middle east lead to global conflict (especially if the role of Russia is dubious). Right before the start of WWIII, the anti-christ appears and pretends to be Jesus. For 3.5 years, there is world peace and prosperity. But then, all hell breaks loose.

I put these events 7 years before 2012, i.e. in 2005.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 08:20 PM
Id have to agree.

The bible clearly states the anti christ will be a man of greast charisma who the people will love. He will bring wealth and peace. Glory. All nations will fall under his word....willingly, I might add, something nations arent doing with Bush.

Bush is too hated and too stupid to be the anti Christ. No one has fallen under his spell, everyone hates him, ect.

I know all this, and Im not even Christian. I hate Christianity!

The Catholic church and the opinion of the pope rank about as highly in my esteem as Bush and friends do. This is the same Catholic church that continue to worship saints, which are little more than converted pagan gods. the same Catholic church that sees nothing wrong about little boys getting played with by pervert priests. the same Catholic church that converted the Pagans of Europe by the sword. The same pone that seized property and funds to fund its isiotic Crusades and missions.

No, if I were a christian, Id think that the Antichrist would come from either Europe or the middle east. Maybe he will be.......


posted on May, 7 2004 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Bangin
"The devil's child will rise in the world of politics"

I'm not sure about Bush being the anti-christ, but most of us can agree that he's evil.

What if the first Bush is the devil? What, with him being the former CIA director and then President. Perhaps he was simply setting the stage for his child, not wanting to act too outwardly and risk being called a dictator himself?

Think about it, if the first Bush had made as many mistakes and shed as much doubt on his character, abilities, and rulershi-- I'm sorry, I mean his presidency as his son already has, wouldnt Dubya's chances of being trusted be dramatically lower from the door?

Personally, I think the first Bush is far more evil-- I mean, don't we all know that the CIA is notorious for being the center for dirty secrets? And we had our country run by the one person who was head of that agency during the most important years of the cold war (the war that was fought in the shadows, behind the scenes).

I'm sure that any President, since the creation of the CIA, listens very intently to every minute detail that the CIA director whispers in his ear. Especially bearing in mind the widespread talk that Reagan was losing his mind in the last few years of his Presidency (anyone else remember the episode he had where he didn't know the TV cameras were still on and he began mumbling racist comments?).

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 08:57 PM
Colonel...Great thread!!!

My hands are clapping!!!

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 09:04 PM

This thread is bonkers coming from king Bonker himself. Now it has been infested by his little 'bonkerites'.

I wonder if this is being posted because of Kerry's affiliations or lack of with the RCC?

To be truthful Colonel, after reading some of the issues that I have concerning Kerry and the RCC, the thread title should be The Vatican believes wholeheartedly that JF Kerry is the Anti-Christ.

Personally, they been proclaiming who the anti-christ was for nearly 2000 years. Bush will be gone and they will still be claiming that "so-and-so" is the frailin' "anti-christ".....pathetic!


[Edited on 7-5-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof

This thread is bonkers coming from king Bonker himself. Now it has been infested by his little 'bonkerites'.

Man, thank you for that Seeker! I was begining to think Col. Klink and his "soldiers" were the only people on the board tonight.

And, after reading that article I have solved a mystery that has plagued me for a long time: Where do writers who don't make it at "The Weekly World News" go?

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 09:43 PM
as usual, this vaguely ties in to this thread.

in the bible Jesus said to his disciples just before he ascended "go throughout isreal....blahblablah(something about hostile towns and moving on to others)...for you will have not visited all the towns of isreal before i return."

people, if religion is real, somebody upstairs #ed up. jesus didn't come back before they converted israel. he wont come back. the beuracracy of heaven screwed up!! religion is bunk!!

so now we are stuck on earth while heaven and hell try to unscramble the ineffeble plan that wasn't ineffeble. so in my opinion, neither the antichrist nor jesus will appear anytime soon.

yeah ok bring on the flames

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 09:48 PM
The antichrist is going to be loved by the masses.

Bush is the most hated political figure in Europe and the Middle East.

Even people in the United States hate the man.

No antichrist. He's too stupid. The anti-christ is actually supposed to be smart.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 09:56 PM
I dont even think Bush can spell anti-christ. I know he cant eat a pretzel.
Whats he gonna do? Bring down all kinds of hell fire and brimstone on his lincoln logs.

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 06:00 PM
You know what Kernal? Your posts have gone from inane to the utterly ridiculous. This tripe is beneath even you.

Get a grip on reality, child....

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 06:08 PM
Gee, thanks, Colonel, I always believe that the very best place to get to the bottom of something is in an obviously biased rag such as that one.

By the way, explain to me how a Christian could worship a man, Bush or anyone else?

If the Vatican actually thought that Bush is the anti-Christ, then it would be apparent that the Vatican does not have a clear understanding of Revelation, huh? Or do you have a clear enough understanding of Revelation to get an idea why this president can not be the anti-Christ? Obviously you do not as you think this is true. You are about as bright as the idiots who thought Clinton was the anti-Christ.
Idiots are all the same, no matter what side of the fence they are.

Now, does that mean that somebody in that administration might have a clue who might be the anti-Christ?

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

According to journalists close to the Vatican, the Pope and his closest advisers are also concerned that the ultimate acts of evil - the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - were known in advance by senior Bush administration officials. By permitting the attacks to take their course, there is a perception within the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy that a coup d'etat was implemented, one that gave Bush and his leadership near-dictatorial powers to carry out their agenda.

[Edited on 7-5-2004 by Colonel]

Uh, Ya think ya might want to actually back up this drivel with a little fact. You do know what facts are?

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 08:25 PM
Purely by the prophecies, the last two people who could have been the Anti-Christ are dead or a joke. Honestly, the past two candidates for AC were JFK and Clinton. Both extremely well liked during their prime. Clinton, I believe, had some of the highest approval ratings in his last term. JFK will probably always be popular. These two men were EXTREMELY charismatic. Hell, Reagen was probably a good candidate for it too.

Anywho, Bush is not the AC. He is way too much of a joke to the international community. (Clinton was too, but at least his joke was that he got caught and an investigation happened)

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 08:42 PM
The Vatican would lead you to believe this, for the Vatican is the Anti-Christ. The Popes official title is "Vicarius Filii Dei", which is Latin for "Vicar of the Son of God." Translation is Anti-Christos, which in the English Bible is Anti-Christ. So as the Bible says about False Prophets, what more than a better front than the Vatican?

I had believed that GW was the Anti-Christ, but after reading, and doing some research, ALL Points to the Vatican.

I will provide Scripture, but, I would rather people do some research of their own.

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by TrickmastertricK]

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 09:16 PM
I believe that the Antichrist is supposed to bring a few years of peace and that at the beginning people all around the world will adore him.

Definitely not Bush then.
Nor Blair.

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Pisky
I believe that the Antichrist is supposed to bring a few years of peace and that at the beginning people all around the world will adore him.

Definitely not Bush then.
Nor Blair.

The Pope fits these qualities. Besides the fact he has called for a One World Order to establish peace.

Let me rephrase that,
The qualities the Vatican impose on The Pope fit these.....

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by TrickmastertricK]

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

By the way, explain to me how a Christian could worship a man, Bush or anyone else?

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by Thomas Crowne]

I don't know. Why don't you tell me? You worship at the altar of GWB everyday.

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by Colonel]

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by CommonSense

Originally posted by Colonel

Uh, Ya think ya might want to actually back up this drivel with a little fact. You do know what facts are?

I DON'T HAVE TO BACK UP ANYTHING! THIS IS THE OPINION OF THE VATICAN! I don't know if Bush is or not the antichrist---just repeatng what the Vatican says.

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