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A notice to those who oppose or have a problem with the Gay Rights Movement

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:00 PM
We know what the agenda is and where it is going. Look at the logic here...

Scientists say that homosexual activity among giraffes is, in many cases, more common than heterosexual activity.

This is what they want us to believe. That homosexuality is more the norm than heterosexuality. They actually try and push that agenda here. Which Scientists did they use? They must be from the Perez Hilton academy of Science I guess..

They seem to forget how procreation works though... Flawed logic wins the day as usual. "The Gay Love In" is madness at its best...


[edit on 12-7-2009 by northof8]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
However, it IS annoying to see such ignorant things spouted about my sexual life and how you THINK it relates to you, which is completely wrong and confuses me. And despite you throwing the accusation back at me, you are most obviously stereotyping and lumping all of us together, and see nothing wrong with that apparently. Because you are ignorant.

I didn't call you a Nazi, I compared you to them. And I will continue to do so as long as it's a relevant example. Do you seriously think they have a good reason for being the bigots THEY are? There is not much someone could say to you, is there? You don't WANT to accept homosexuality. That's what makes me think you just don't like being reminded of its existence. It doesn't matter whether anything you say is logical or not, it's about how you FEEL. Which just makes me wonder who it is that I'm actually talking to...

There you go calling me names again. SIGH

Why are you so adamant that I accept homosexuality? This is exactly what I mean. You can't just go on with your life in peace. You NEED everyone around you to accept homosexuality. Why do you have to go around reminding people that you are gay? What gratification is it to you? As Dr. Phil would say "What's the payoff?"

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by TheComte

There is no pay-off for me, the pay-off is for you.

I'm not going to change or go away, on the contrary, it is becoming increasingly accepted in a society that USED to execute gays, lynch blacks, before that we used blacks as slaves..

So, since you can't chase me down and beat me in public anymore, and since you can't hang me (too bad, right?), or really do a damned thing at all about it, you're going to have to get USED to seeing more of it. Because the rest of the world is changing in favor of love over fear and hate, and if you don't change with it then you are just making YOURSELF even more miserable.

The point is, the faster you realize you are dealing with normal people just like yourself, the sooner you can save your breath, because no one is going to want to hear it. The world is changing, yes. You can see it as "the gay agenda," or you can see it as a bunch of backwoods rednecks and etc. being offended by the fact that they can't be total asses to other people anymore.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by northof8

Actually no.

They are just statting that in some cases it's more prevelent than in hetero cases.

That's not at ALL a view for the gay agenda to use to say that Gay is more ok that straight. For you to even think that's what is for just shows that you are looking for any excuse to demonize the community, or prove there is some sort of pro-let's make america gay agenda.

Perhaps this deserves it's own thread.

In any case that was just one study, done by one group of people.

Silly monkeys...


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Uh no he's not, and again, Perez is an idiot.

Perez can say whatever he wants. I can say I'm Asian, still won't make it true.

He's the prime example of the problem within the gay community, our image and our fight.

The fact that you use him only shows me that you are very much in tune with what the Media and the religious biggots spew about us day in and day out.

No self respecting, true pro-gay activist would ever consider Perez to be part of the movement, because he's a celebrewhore.


Thank you. I totally agree with you. Gays that act like Perez are the problem. I did generalize before but now I am narrowing down the focus of my arguments to the members of the gay community that are like Perez.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by TheComte

And I will agree with you 100% about their BEHAVIOUR in public settings, not their choice of lifestyle friend.

The problem is that people like Perez, have become the face of the gay movement, when in reality it's the "middle America" gays who should be leading the charge.

Had I been the one in Congress or the Supreme Court arguing in favor of gay rights, we would have won, simply because I would not use trivial arguments, name calling and hatefull rhetoric to explain my case.

There needs to be change in that movement.


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

You see, what you don't realize is that I don't want to chase you down, or hang you. And, who brought blacks and slavery into this? Are you comparing yourself to the plight of the slaves? If so then I think you are way out of line there.

What I want is for you to stop chasing me down and trying to start a confrontation. I don't want to be in your space. Please give me my space. That is all I ask.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by northof8

Actually no.

They are just statting that in some cases it's more prevelent than in hetero cases.

That's not at ALL a view for the gay agenda to use to say that Gay is more ok that straight. For you to even think that's what is for just shows that you are looking for any excuse to demonize the community, or prove there is some sort of pro-let's make america gay agenda.

Perhaps this deserves it's own thread.

In any case that was just one study, done by one group of people.

Silly monkeys...


That is not all they are stating pal...

Conversely, some argue that homosexual sex could have a bigger natural cause than just pure pleasure: namely evolutionary benefits.

What ignorance... What evolutionary benefits could homosexual activity have? None whatsoever... That's just plain psychobabble and a statement of pure ignorance.

The gay community will stop at nothing to further their true agenda..

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by northof8
The gay community will stop at nothing to further their true agenda..

OK, what is their "true agenda"?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by northof8

In light of the responses found here, I have opened another thread which I am sure you will just love.

I hope you enjoy
. I have realease the actual gay agenda for all to see!

The Gay Agenda---Making America A Little More Gay Everyday!


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
And I will agree with you 100% about their BEHAVIOUR in public settings, not their choice of lifestyle friend.

You're right. It's the public behaviour that needs to be curbed. And I'm not talking about just holding hands but the more sexual stuff. Just like heteros shouldn't be doing that in public either. Like, when you say to some couple "Get a room," a gay couple will probably (trying not to generalize) start calling you names like bigot, Nazi, anti-gay, and get all in your face like you insulted them or something.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by TheComte

Depends what kind of environment you are in as well though.

I understand what you are saying and have witnessed it. But there is a sensitivity line here. Like I said, the use of TACT will greatly reduce the chances of such a confrontation.

If you were to go that couple and ask them politely to not do so because there are children who might not understand, what do you think their reaction would be?

Perhaps being blunt is not the best way to go about it. I remind you, we have been openly repressed in recent history, and no not to the extend of blacks in America, that's just ludricrous to even compare.

But the fact is that we were lynched and hung and thrown into jail.


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by northof8
The gay community will stop at nothing to further their true agenda..

OK, what is their "true agenda"?

Well, we can see with that article they wants us to believe that being heterosexual is not really the norm with the Giraffe population. It must be a miracle every time a Giraffe is born. And they say Gays have no religion..

Let's see, in part the agenda of the homosexual community is to be sure to have an in your face demonstration of perverse behavior at each "Pride Parade."

The agenda also is in part to make themselves look like the good guy while spreading death, disease and debauchery. They do this with their lofty words but their actions are very different.

Indoctrination of the youth is what they want. The younger the better is what their message is. NAMBLA is a prime example of what part of the agenda is.

Do your one liner questions give you a sense of satisfaction? As a Super Mod you should know better... No?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by northof8
The gay community will stop at nothing to further their true agenda..

OK, what is their "true agenda"?

To turn every man, woman and child into these guys.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by northof8

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by northof8
The gay community will stop at nothing to further their true agenda..

OK, what is their "true agenda"?

The agenda also is in part to make themselves look like the good guy while spreading death, disease and debauchery. They do this with their lofty words but their actions are very different.

Disease and death? HA

Alright, I'll need some examples of that one. And don't give that, we started AIDS bs.


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by northof8

In light of the responses found here, I have opened another thread which I am sure you will just love.

I hope you enjoy
. I have realease the actual gay agenda for all to see!

The Gay Agenda---Making America A Little More Gay Everyday!


My goodness... The "Gay Love In's" never stop here at ATS...
More power too you... I hope you get lots of Gay points for that one...

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Discrimination of any variety is repulsive and archaic. I do not have problems with the homosexual community whatsoever. However, there is one detail to all of this that I find somewhat disturbing.

Civil rights was initially meant for those who are obviously discriminated against because of race, color, and creed. Not too long ago, blacks were tortured, hung and demoralized simply because of the way that they looked. Being black, Asian, Jewish etc. is not something that can be hidden or avoided. Sexual orientation is primarily a choice. I do believe in some of the evidence that has been displayed about genetics playing a role, but, in the end, if you are not acting like a stereotype, your sexual orientation is not something that should be an issue to the majority of the population. As a matter of fact, sexual orientation should never define a person because it is not something that needs to be put on display. Its something that remains confined to you and your partner. Most heterosexual people do not feel this inherent need to "COME OUT" and inform the society at large that they are attracted to the opposite sex. There is no form of behavior that indicates that a heterosexual is hetero other than standard human behavoir. However, many gay people feel the need to adopt a persona to signal to the rest of the world who they are and what they prefer which subsequently tags them as "Queer." Discrimination would never be an issue if they simply chose to act like intelligent human beings who are not absorbed or defined by their sexuality. Not only is the act of "Coming out" ridiculous and unnecessary (this phenomenon only occurs out of insecurity) but, it creates resentment by others who are also insecure to perpetrate hate crimes against them. In other words, acting "GAY" simply puts a huge bulls eye on your forehead and creates unneeded tension for those who are uncomfortable with themselves.

The sad part is...the media are the one's who are the most guilty when it comes to these hate crimes. They paint a picture of a stereotype, sell it to the American public, and as a result, people act out these characteristics because they believe in order to signal to society who they are, they become the cartoon version of the stereotype itself. Just because you are gay does not mean that you must adopt an effeminate personality, dress in women's clothing, or talk in an altered high pitched voice. You can yourself. All of this is a machine. The more the media pumps out the stereotype, the more that people succumb to those images. The more people succumb to the images, the more hate crimes are perpetuated. The more that hate crimes are perpetuated, the more money the media makes off of the fallout and tragedy. If this is what you want, then by all means, continue to feed it because its a cycle that we have bought and paid for.

Never be a stereotype because it is the creation of commercialism, not the individual.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by northof8

NAMBLA is a prime example of what part of the agenda is.


North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes

They have an agenda?? What, did Elvis finally die???

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

Originally posted by northof8

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by northof8
The gay community will stop at nothing to further their true agenda..

OK, what is their "true agenda"?

The agenda also is in part to make themselves look like the good guy while spreading death, disease and debauchery. They do this with their lofty words but their actions are very different.

Disease and death? HA

Alright, I'll need some examples of that one. And don't give that, we started AIDS bs.


Have you actually ever read "And the Band Played On?" You must pick up a copy and enlighten yourself. On the other hand I wouldn't expect much from the "ATS Love In" crowd...

Even if the gays did read it they would deny it like the good little ignorant community they are...

Nevertheless the Death and Disease is true and factual. Can't deny the evidence. Of course we are supposed to believe in "Baby Jesus Giraffes" so I guess I could be wrong..

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by northof8

So you present a single book as evidence?

Try again.

Show me exactly which studies and which books describe in detail how we bring about death and disease.

Other misconceptions are that any act of anal intercourse between gay men can lead to AIDS infection, and that open discussion of homosexuality and HIV in schools will lead to increased rates of homosexuality and AIDS.[60]


Often, AIDS stigma is expressed in conjunction with one or more other stigmas, particularly those associated with homosexuality, bisexuality, promiscuity, prostitution, and intravenous drug use.

In many developed countries, there is an association between AIDS and homosexuality or bisexuality, and this association is correlated with higher levels of sexual prejudice such as anti-homosexual attitudes.[152] There is also a perceived association between AIDS and all male-male sexual behavior, including sex between uninfected men.[150]


[edit on 7/12/2009 by tothetenthpower]

[edit on 7/12/2009 by tothetenthpower]

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