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A notice to those who oppose or have a problem with the Gay Rights Movement

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Oh both of you shut the # up.

Go punch you pillows or something.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

Alright, he didn't speak about your children or your wife at all.

You said that you weren't a homosexual because you had a wife and kids, he simply stated that there are plenty of homosexuals who marry and have kids out of fear of not being accepted, so they go with the social norm.

It wasn't a crack on your family, it was a crack on you. No point in getting all offended and defending your family, there is nothing to defend.


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

I never did say anything about your wife and kid. If you can't see that then tough.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

Alright, he didn't speak about your children or your wife at all.

You said that you weren't a homosexual because you had a wife and kids, he simply stated that there are plenty of homosexuals who marry and have kids out of fear of not being accepted, so they go with the social norm.

It wasn't a crack on your family, it was a crack on you. No point in getting all offended and defending your family, there is nothing to defend.


There is nothing to defend? So are my kids and wife nothing? This A-hole suggested that I didn't have sex with my wife to conceive my kid, and I have BIG PROBLEM with some little scumbag douchebag suggesting that kind of stuff. He knows nothing about my life and he CAN NOT, AND WILL NOT make comments about my wife or child. He will never again make these comments

Nothing wrong with defending my family if I feel someone is suggesting something like my kids not natural or they are trying to attack my family. And in my eyes this guy DID attack me and my family. Why is it so hard to understand how someone could take offense to someone suggesting their kid is unnatural? Makes perfect sense to me to be offended by that.

I don't care about your view on this, all that matters is my opionon, because he was talking about me, not you. And my opionon is that he was insulting my family.

I don't care if someone calls me gay, who cares. What I have a problem with is someone even mentioning ANYTHING related to my kids or family. None of you know me or have ANY right whatsoever to talk about my FAMILY. I know most of you are little kids who are just messing around on the net for the summer and you don't have families yet, but when you are older you will realize that people love and protect their kids, they are sacred, YOU DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ANYONES CHILD!

Even if you are just making a joke about that childs father, which this asshole did.

Why are you defending him anyways? You make no sense. This doesnt involve you either.

It basically comes down to I don't want to see anyone even mention the word child, wife or family when they are talking about me, because I will take it as they are attacking my family, and i will DEFEND my family.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Man, there is a lot of crap being thrown out by both sides here.
This is a subject that will always bring up strong emotions and views by both sides.
Name calling and ignorance on both sides on this site will solve nothing.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:46 PM
Wow! HOLY MEGA POSTING, BATMAN! Well, before I go back and read HALF of this thread that has occured since I signed off last night, I would like to address a few things that came to me while pondering this since then.

To the Christians who keep throwing quotes from Leviticus into this. This chapter also says that you are forbidden from eating pork and shellfish. I'd be willing to bet that each one of you has some bacon or pork chops in the refrigerator, and have most likely eaten shrimp, crab or lobster. Are we picking and choosing which parts to follow, and which parts to disregard? Sorry, but it's all or nothing, lest you become a hypocrite. And I'm pretty sure that homosexuality was not mentioned in the Ten Commandments, unless it was part of the five lost ones:

For those who point out the 'disturbing' nature of Gay Pride Parades. One, you don't have to go! Two, ever been to Mardi Gras??? I smell hypocrisy again!

For those who point out that they are hit on unwantedly by some gay men. Welcome to the world of your average attractive female! Girls, can I get some back up on that one??? There is a reason that the phrase 'Men are pigs!' exists, and yes, we have some of them too! Take it as flattery and move along. Maybe you'll remember this the next time you are tempted to degrade a woman by mercilessly throwing yourself at her, only to be shot down and call her a (rhymes with witch).

For those who state that some are just trying to 'put in in my face'. You are right, some do. But why? Simple physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I would be willing to bet that these are the same people who were ridiculed and ostrasized by friends and family for being a 'fag'. Once they find a community of homosexuals, they get their pride and sense of self back, they return the disrespect back that they have had to endure.

For those who oppose equality due to the refusal to 'accept and embrace the gay lifestyle', well no one expects you to. You do not have to accept and embrace African American culture, but you do have to accept that they deserve the same rights as you. You do not have to accept and embrace Asian culture (be it Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.), but you do have to accept that they deserve the same rights as you. You do not have to accept and embrace Middle Eastern culture, but you do have to accept that they deserve the same rights as you. This list could go on and on. To subvert the rights of any citizen, for any reason is just plain U-N-A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N!!! (My apologies to any non-US citizens involved in this discussion, but I am addressing the problem in American society for the most part, being as I am an American.)

For those who oppose the marriage issue as it would 'bring down western civilization', well, I don't see society crumbling in the states that have allowed it. Marriage seems to have survived it just fine! And if marriage is such a 'sacred' institution, then why do we have a divorce rate over 50%??? I mean, something sooooo 'sacred' should not be thrown aside like yesterday's trash, should it?!?!?

To keep pointing out what separates us and using it as a reason to keep others down demeans us all. We are a nation founded on secular principles and individual rights. Remember the saying, "United we stand. Divided we fall."???

I know kids on the street right now who are there because their families tossed them out like garbage for being honest about who and what they are! Do you want your kids to live a lie and be unhappy, or do you want them to lead happy lives? If your kids grow up to be what you want to be, you're very lucky! Most times they don't! WELCOME TO PARENTHOOD! Do you think I envisioned a Christian Republican? NOPE! But she is healthy and happy, and THAT'S all I ever wanted for her! I am also glad she turned out straight, because she is spared the crap that we have to go through! I wouldn't wish this on anyone!

In this discussion, many of you have forgotten that we are your sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, neices and nephews, aunts and uncles, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, friends and neighbors. We did not emigrate from some other country, we were not raised by our own kind. We are a part of YOU. When it comes to homosexuality, you don't have to agree with it, you don't have to like it, you don't even have to understand it, but we do ask that you do not relegate and legislate us to the status of second class citizens. It diminishes us all.

Now excuse me while I go back and read the ten or so pages that have been posted since last night!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:46 PM
I see what this is now... It's yet another "gay love in" at ATS. You know the kind... Where only the good things about the homosexuals are allowed to be debated.

None of the painfully obvious abnormal issues these people have are allowed.

If you dare to do that your are called a 12 year old, a bigot or are actually accused of being a homosexual yourself. This is the final ace in the "hole" so to speak. When forced to admit their failings they resort to "you must be gay yourself." A laughable end to the losing side of the argument.

We see these types of posts all the time and it always ends in the same way. The homosexuals open a debate to feel victimized and in their victimization they feel self righteous and justified.

Most of these posts are probably started after a night a debauchery and self loathing and they feel ashamed. The only way they can feel better is to reaffirm their behavior by starting a debate that justifies the previous nights adventure. The only problem is they couch their argument in wholesome terms when the the truth is very far from wholesome.

They need a "pick me up" to justify their "adventures." The only way they can do this is to feel they are rebelling against those that disagree with their lifestyle choice and be reaffirmed by those that do agree with them. The only way they get their affirmation is on the Internet. It's a great racket but I'm not buying into it...

I wouldn't doubt they get off on these little "gay love ins" here at ATS. They probably think about it at their chosen bathhouse of the evening...

Yet another example of a mentally unbalanced group of people.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

You know, this huge over reaction has me convinced that you are gay. I never said anything about artificial insemination, you not loving your wife and kids, or any of that stuff.

All I said was that gay people do get married and have kids. Never said a gay person couldn't love their family.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:48 PM
That is my favorite comeback of them all.... "If you don't like it, you must secretly be one"

That is not good logic at all.... As I have said on the 3rd page, I am disgusted by the lifestyle and I do not understand it. But, whatever makes you happy. Does that make me secretly gay? My girlfriend would disagree... but wait I must be "trying to fit in and hide it" right? Its a vicious circle that WILL NOT be won with arbitrary accusations.

I do agree with some of the comments that "gay" people do get VERY upset when you don't agree with their lifestyle.. but hey, I am free to feel what I want, just as you are.

The best way to NOT get what you want is to pick a fight.

I hope you do get whatever rights it is you think you need.. but when you end up inadvertently offending the people who would back you... you lose in the end.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:50 PM

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by northof8
I see what this is now... It's yet another "gay love in" at ATS. You know the kind... Where only the good things about the homosexuals are allowed to be debated.

None of the painfully obvious abnormal issues these people have are allowed.

If you dare to do that your are called a 12 year old, a bigot or are actually accused of being a homosexual yourself. This is the final ace in the "hole" so to speak. When forced to admit their failings they resort to "you must be gay yourself." A laughable end to the losing side of the argument.


I wouldn't doubt they get off on these little "gay love ins" here at ATS. They probably think about it at their chosen bathhouse of the evening...

Yet another example of a mentally unbalanced group of people.

To the bold, thanks man, didn't even have to work up a sweat. My point exactly.


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by TheComte
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

You know, this huge over reaction has me convinced that you are gay. I never said anything about artificial insemination, you not loving your wife and kids, or any of that stuff.

All I said was that gay people do get married and have kids. Never said a gay person couldn't love their family.

lol dude I am over this now. When I said that artificial insemination thing I was making a joke, have you ever heard of sarcasm? lol

And like I said the way I look at it is you are saying that I didn't naturally have my kid and I don't love my wife. That isn't right to say to people. Even if thats not what you meant, thats what I got from it.

I'm done with this, this is stupid.

Call me gay all you want, I don't care. Just don't mention my family or suggest that my kid isn't natural.

Anyways, I got things to do....

Peace!!!! And seriously peace, I know all you people probably hate me because I don't mind gays but I seriously don't really have a problem with any of you.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Retikx
reply to post by TheComte

I hope you get pooped on by a gay man.

"i think your gay" Your a smart cookie there spankie boy. This isn't grade school.

Is that an insult? Because it looks like you are the 'smart' one. Hey, genius, it's 'you're' not your. If you are going to try to be insulting at least get the spelling right. But then that was your insult. And I didn't even write that.

Good one. Absolute genius.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Not really replying to this post, just to you. First I want to apologize for going on and on about the "That so gay" commercials. Was really just looking to understand, because I found them to be odd and for whatever reason they pissed me off.

Second, you have helped me to be more open to your side of things for the most part. I think you could help your cause by staying calm and not pushing the point home too hard. I really think we all just need time to adjust to it. I think we all just feel like this whole thing is being pushed to hard and fast and it makes you naturally want to resist.

Anyway that is my 2 cents and I dont mean anything offensive or anything and i do respect you. At least you give valid reasons for why you want what you want other than just to say it is just the way it has to be.

I wish you success.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:00 PM
Well now I'm dissapointed.

There I was all excited. A fool of me to think that I could actually be looking at some intelligent debate and conversation on this topic.

But what do I get instead? Hateful remarks from both side that remind me of Billo the Clown and Keith Olbermann debating Journalism Ethics.

More of the same apparently. Come on folks, put your prejudice and and hateful rhetoric aside, learn some Tact and have a CONVERSATION.

There is no need to debate the issue, there's no right answer. What we should be having is a nice conversation, a simple back and forth of beliefs and experiences.

Remember, common sense is only the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of 18. --Albert Einstein.


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Was that a well thought out retort? I find it very interesting that these short but pointless rebuttals are supposed to really mean something. I suppose that if you're not on the "ATS Gay Love in list" you might as well leave the party?

Whatever justifies last nights debauchery... The end justifies the means I suppose. Typical leftist double speak...

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
What happened to the good old days, when homophobes could actually put up a good argument, or express themselves with TACT instead of insults and a lame attempt at childish humor?

I guess so much of the bigoted science has been overturned by now (it's no longer considered a "mental disease," etc.), they really have nothing to go on now.

If you ask a Nazi to defend their views rationally, it won't be done, either.

What it boils down to is these bigots need more love in their life. They're too hateful.

And I really, really, really doubt that gay people are always up in comte's business. Unless he goes to a gay bar, which sounds somewhat unlikely to me. I'm gay, know many gay people, and that just isn't how anybody rolls. Like I said, unless you go to a gay bar.

My guess is that something is being blown out of proportion because comte fears he might be gay himself and just doesn't want to be reminded of it!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

Dude, I'm as calm and cool as a cucumber! It was just some thoughts I had during the day today. I'm the same way, no matter what the subject matter is here. The old 'Point/Counterpoint' style that is ATS. Although it may seem like a new movement, it's been going on for 40 years ever since the Stonewall Riots in 1969. It got a HUGE setback with the whole AIDS epidemic, but since it has spread through every demographic, it's just back with a vengence. I am a very patient man, I can wait, but there's that old saying, "Strike while the iron is hot!" I am very aware that this will probably continue for decades. The fact that you have been able to open your mind to the issue makes it worth the heat I've been given on this. It all starts with just one mind at a time. That said, I'd be remiss if I didn't address some of the issues brought up since the launch of this thread.

Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me???

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

It was meant to be a general statement, not just for any particular member, but I don't think they are necessarily bigots either.

I mean, bigot is a big word, means that you are actually refusing to change your views on the subject, and you have no tact when expression your idiotic and childish ideologies.

I think most people are simply programmed to see it as odd, and as odd, therefore un acceptable. It's sad, but that's what American Culture has done to it's citizens. Well Consumerism and Media Whore Awareness as I call it.


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:09 PM
A gentle reminder here folks...

The personalities and the personal back and forth cease now.

In case I'm not clear...


Post on topic, which is the Gay Rights Movement. Not who may, or may not by gay...

Last reminder.

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