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A notice to those who oppose or have a problem with the Gay Rights Movement

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by argentus

Technically the Sabbath is Saturday. Not many religious groups keep the Sabbath Holy. The Jewish sabbath is on Saturday.

Sunday was the original traditional day to worship Mithra. Another instance where Christianity imposes onto another religion and steals the identity. Maybe they don't know they are divining Mithra day.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by blackhatchet
Here's an interesting question:

Are there any people that identify themselves as being gay that would take offence to a straight pride march, if it were clearly identified that the purpose of the march were not to put down gay people, but to rather feel united in being straight?

This might shock some people but I think it's a valid question, and I'm not trying to make any kind of point, but rather elicit opinion on it.

Why would I take offense to a "straight pride" day? It was they whom created us. I'll be sure to send mum and pop. Let me know where it will be held.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by blackhatchet
Here's an interesting question:

Are there any people that identify themselves as being gay that would take offence to a straight pride march, if it were clearly identified that the purpose of the march were not to put down gay people, but to rather feel united in being straight?

This might shock some people but I think it's a valid question, and I'm not trying to make any kind of point, but rather elicit opinion on it.

I think the Gay Rights Movement would probably oppose it. Although, I do not think it is quite the same thing. Heterosexuality is accepted as natural and the norm, and lots of research shows that heterosexuals make up the overwhelming majority of sexual orientations.

Yes, technically it would be hypocritical of homosexuals to protest or condemn these marches as they simply would not be practising what they preach. Just my opinion, but it would be great to see the opinion of any homosexuals willing to answer this question.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:24 AM
This is what I cannot stand.
I cannot stand when someone quotes from the Bible by taking bits and pieces of scripture and making them fit to what they want it to say.
Anyone can do that with any text. So weak.
Yes, put the Lord your God first. Yes, love those as you would want to be loved. These are all great and in my personal view if everyone applied this to their live each day the world would be a much better place.
You quote from the story of the woman at the well. Funny, because Jesus says "Go and Sin no more" in this. This woman just had an encounter with Jesus and he did not judge her but did tell her to sin no more.
Why would you quote from the Bible to instruct Christians about what they should do when it says that homosexuality is a sin and shall not be allowed to enter the gates of heaven?
Jesus did not judge but he did tell her not to sin anymore. Today, when a Christian holds a view that homosexuality is a sin we are called " bigots" and "racists" and are considered "dumb" and "gullible". All we are saying is what Jesus told the woman at the well. We believe that you are sinning by your lifestyle and please go and don't sin anymore. That is what the Bible says.
And on the subject of using a public show of affection by a gay couple as a teaching tool for our kids when we encounter it out in the world I say what if I don't want my kids to learn about that at that point in time? What if I plan on teaching them about it down the road but now I am faced with having to explain it on the fly in the middle of a street , store, building, etc. This is what kills me.
I should not have to be forced to explain anything to my child until I deem it the right time. " It was going to have to be explained down the road anyways" is not an excuse.
Your rights end when they infringe on my rights.
Please don't pick and choose scripture to make your case. In context, the subject and meaning could point to something totally different.
Christian, for the most part, are loving, caring individuals who would give the shirt off their own back for anyone that needed it. Without Christians, this world would be far less giving and cold.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

That right would be to marry as our religion teaches. My spouses religion and nationality is Native American and his tribe practiced same sex marriage 1000's of years before a white man stepped onto the shore with his bible, disease, and land theft. His tribe is reviewing re instituting "Two-Spirit" unions regardless of what the state or national government dictates.

It's funny because if the roles were reversed you would get it.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by bonesinis

I'm practically raising my nephew. Yes, he asked, "Why are you kissing him?" My response was, "Because I love him." My nephew had nothing else to ask and hasn't asked about it since that day. If he asks more about it later I'll tell him. If you have trouble explaining the world to your children I suggest a parenting class.

In my religion homosexuality is not a sin. It is in fact a step up into priesthood. Why should I beg crumbs from a religion that is strange to me and does not relate when I can use my own beliefs and be at the top of the religious order if so desired?

[edit on 12/7/09 by toochaos4u]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:35 AM
Some of you seem to think awfully highly of yourselves if you think gay men are hitting on you all the time lol. Maybe you guys wish they actually are hitting on you. Because I don't know where you guys hang out, but I live near SAN FRANCISCO and I NEVER get hit on anywhere lol. I do however have a wife and a kid and I'm always with them, but even when I'm alone no one hits on me.

I'm sure none of you guys are "hot stuff" lmao. Drop you egos, I'm sure no gay man wants any of you.

And I hang out with my guy friends all the time and no one ever thinks we are gay and hits on us or anything. But we also don't go hang out in the castro or anything (castro is where all the gay people hang out). Maybe you guys should look at the clubs and bars you are going into and make sure they aren't gay bars/clubs before going in. lol Just a little advice.

I know you guys will deny this up and down, but maybe, just maybe, you put out a gay vibe? ever think of that? Because I have some gay friends, and when we are hanging out with them other gay people will come and talk to them, but they NEVER talk to me or most of my friends who are straight, because they can tell most of us are straight. And why would a gay person want a straight person? They don't, why would they want someone who isn't attracted to them? That makes no sense.

Some of you have some serious delusions if you think every gay person is trying to hit on you. Most gay people don't even find straight people attractive (atleast all the gay people I know don't find straight guys attractive at all, and guess why, BECAUSE THEY ARE STRAIGHT! Why would a gay guy want a straight guy? That makes no sense).

gay people are not trying to turn you gay or anything, drop your pathetic little conspiracy theories.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Thank you, I do believe that was the most open, truthful and applaudable post I've ever read regarding homosexuality. I have 4 boys ranging in age from 24 to 13, the oldest is gay, I've known since he was 3 and it NEVER, NOT ONCE, changed the way I felt about him, treated him or raised him. He's still my child regardless. You are to be commended for opening yourself up in this manner, a very brave thing to do as rampant as homophobia is - it's simply ignorance run amok.
I wish you nothing but the best!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:53 AM
Homosexuals have the exact same rights as everyone else. They can marry a woman if they are a man, and can marry a man if they are a woman. Gays want special rights just like the person earlier in the post said "for a fetish". Maybe sexual offenders should be allowed to pursue their lifestyle because of their fetish too. Hell lets allow child molesters to be minority too.
Face it even the most liberal state in the union citizens voted against gay marriage. Marriage is a religious institution so stop trying to force your sexual behavior on the churches.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Zagnot
Homosexuals have the exact same rights as everyone else. They can marry a woman if they are a man, and can marry a man if they are a woman. Gays want special rights just like the person earlier in the post said "for a fetish". Maybe sexual offenders should be allowed to pursue their lifestyle because of their fetish too. Hell lets allow child molesters to be minority too.
Face it even the most liberal state in the union citizens voted against gay marriage. Marriage is a religious institution so stop trying to force your sexual behavior on the churches.

Are you seriously comparing gay people to pedophiles? What is wrong with you. God some of you people on this site are DISGUSTING people, if you can even be called people, I choose to call you animals.

If being gay is considered a fetish, than being straight is a fetish to. Because all it is is a sexual orientation. And I wish you idiots would quit acting like its only gay people who are obsessed about sex. I donno about you guys, but I am a living breathing warm blooded male and I LOVE having sex with my wife, and we don't only have sex to have kids. Anyone who says they only have sex to conceive is lieing to themselves (or their married life must be DAMNED boring if you don't have sex for fun lol).

I wish people would stop bringing up god, non religious people get married to. I am not religious whatsoever and I'm married. Marriage has NOTHING to do with religion for most people.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by toochaos4u

No one is asking you to beg for crumbs at our table. If your religion has you as a higher rank then by all means, have at it. ( Whatever that means )

My grip is trying to "teach" the Christian by using "select" quotes from the Bible and in your face PDA or any other method of "shock" used in public to " bring about awareness" to all of those who are around.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Erastus
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

...but I love to see two girls kiss.... Gay is ok as long as it turns me on?.... We've never done that, not even on my birthday..... I don't get the whole anal thing..... No stinky on my dinky, but to each their own.

Well.....let's hear from the quintessential straight guy.....'cause we know all straight men are just like him!!!

[edit on 12 July 2009 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:56 AM
I'm fine with gays as long as they stay away from my children and family.


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:59 AM
nevermind im done with this thread. Its WAY to much ignorance and hate. Some of you people are so dumb its mind boggling. How can you just HATE people because of their sexual orientation? How does a gay person affect you whatsoever in life? They don't, and quit acting like they do.

And once again everyone, no gay people are after you or your family, lol. Grow the hell up.

And I don't think most gay people care what you guys think of them, they want equal rights. They aren't asking for everyone to like them. Most gay people as a matter of fact are some of the only people I've ever met who seem to NOT CARE at all what people think of them. All they want is their equal rights, and they deserve them.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by kawaii
I'm fine with gays as long as they stay away from my children and family.


We hate the most, that which we fear in ourselves.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 11:11 AM
I had a retail store for 20 years. We sold food items. In my 20 years, the only people who would have long, in-your-face, kisses were gay couples. Take that for what it's worth. They didn't even care if it held up the line.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Jim Scott
I had a retail store for 20 years. We sold food items. In my 20 years, the only people who would have long, in-your-face, kisses were gay couples. Take that for what it's worth. They didn't even care if it held up the line.

Yeah well..... That contributes absolutely nothing to the thread, but ok. I see married couples all the time kissing in restaurants and making out, I think thats disgusting too. So whats your point? Any PDA is disgusting. I would never in a million years french kiss my wife in public or anything. But also I don't get angry at people and tell them not to kiss in public, if it bothers you its real simple... JUST IGNORE IT! Thats what I do when I see something that bothers me, and so far its worked just fine.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

On behalf of 95% of Christians let me say this, we love you and do not hate or fear you. Most of us will talk to you, help you or ask for help if needed. We believe that it is a sin but we do not let that stand in the way of being a friend and being there for you when needed.
We do believe that marriage is a religious institution and should be between man and woman but will not let that stand in the way of support, love and peace.
We believe that we are to love as God loves.
God hates the sin but loves the sinner. If this was not the case then our view of salvation would be for naught.
If more Christians lived this view, then things would be a lot more peaceful.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Cracking thread, some good points on both sides of the fence.

I try and see where I sit and can clearly state I have no qualms with gays or homosexuality at all. However, I do feel that (this includes all minority groups and different sections of all humanity) when we try to force our views and opinions instead of debating them or understanding them we devolve as a race.

In our lives we have to overcome race, religion, sexuality and many other factors to find out who we are. Why make it difficult for each other and ultimately ourselves. Do we not understand that this life would be relatively boring if we all lived it the same way? Sure it might be easier but so is eating sandwiches instead of making a 3 course meal everyday.

One day I really see it as that we should not care or rather worry ourselves with other peoples lifestyle choices. When this happens we really can start living and sorting out the issues that matter on a humanitarian scale.

Peace and love to all Man and Woman

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by bonesinis
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

On behalf of 95% of Christians let me say this, we love you and do not hate or fear you. Most of us will talk to you, help you or ask for help if needed. We believe that it is a sin but we do not let that stand in the way of being a friend and being there for you when needed.
We do believe that marriage is a religious institution and should be between man and woman but will not let that stand in the way of support, love and peace.
We believe that we are to love as God loves.
God hates the sin but loves the sinner. If this was not the case then our view of salvation would be for naught.
If more Christians lived this view, then things would be a lot more peaceful.

I'm not gay. lol. I'm married and I have a daughter and my wife just got pregnant again. Maybe you think I'm gay because I defend them or something. I've said many times in this thread that I'm married.

See I am a straight person who is defending gays, all the people in here who are defending them are not gay themselves, just so you know.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

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