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A notice to those who oppose or have a problem with the Gay Rights Movement

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by blackhatchet

Well,as gay people are surrounded by heterosexuals, heterosexual culture, bombarded with images of heterosexual sexuality in the media, entertainment, on the streets, from the moment of birth until the day they die, I can't see anyone would take a blind bit of notice.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:19 AM
Oh my god... another thread on homosexuality!

Look for me you can be gay all you want, just stop imposing that idea and stop forcing people to accept you.

I dont force people do accept me. Either ppl like me the way I am or they dont. The whole world DOES NOT have to like me, the way I am or the way I think and I dont care, hey you cant be loved by both Greeks and Trojans.

There will always be people that hate you no matter what reason. You can be hated for wearing a stupid light blue tuxedo, you can be hated for being black, or for NOT being black. You can be hated for an endless number of reasons... why do you care?

Now for gays... I respect the "normal" gay. That is simply a "gay man". I have 2 gay friends from whom I never hided my "opinion" and they respect my opinion as I respect theirs. They know I find it weird, that I dont think its "natural" still we are friends altho we dont agree on everything. The same with football, we are fans from different teams but still we understand eachother's choice and dont try to impose our "choice" to the other. They dont want to be accepted as gay! They simply are and thats it... they dont care if I like it or not its their choice and they want to be happy with the ones they love and respect my opinion.

I know that I will never see them in some "parade" or "movement" cause they have nothing to prove or to desperately being accepted by society. They're not activists! They're gay and thats enough for them... they dont need to shove it down everyother people's throats.

Do I make an heterosexual movement or parade? No... I dont care.

Now that kind of gay gets my respect because they know that you cant create heaven and earth in a day and it takes time, meanwhile they do go on with their lives and are happy that way.

Now... activists forcing people to accept them just make people react in a much more violent way against it. I dont like being forced to do anything against my own will. I dont care if you're gay, I care if you go through me in your tongs and kenny G hair, rollerblading with all those movements "I'm free, I'm gay, look at my gayness, I'm so free, free" - like a known comediant said - because that disgusts me.

Stop making parades, stop forcing people to accept you. People which you dont know and you shouldnt care. If you are accepted by the ones you love and the ones that love you, what else matters?!

All those activisms and parades and whatever its just a risk to have a not-wanted hated backlash cause face it. Some people hate you because you're gay and will always do! Do you really need their approval? Damn I'm hated for having a convertible, or for going out with a hot chick AND the convertible. Who cares?!

Learn to be yourselves without the oh-so-needed consent from others. People will never change. And maybe if you respect their right to think you are not natural, people will respect you back for it.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by heliosprime

We homosexuals do not lie with both mankind and womankind - if we are man we lie with mankind and if we are woman we lie with womankind.

It sounds to me like Paul was talking about heterosexuals who lost their way and decided to engage in sexual activity with both sexes.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni
Oh my god... another thread on homosexuality!

Look for me you can be gay all you want, just stop imposing that idea and stop forcing people to accept you.

I dont force people do accept me. Either ppl like me the way I am or they dont. The whole world DOES NOT have to like me, the way I am or the way I think and I dont care, hey you cant be loved by both Greeks and Trojans.

There will always be people that hate you no matter what reason. You can be hated for wearing a stupid light blue tuxedo, you can be hated for being black, or for NOT being black. You can be hated for an endless number of reasons... why do you care?

Now for gays... I respect the "normal" gay. That is simply a "gay man". I have 2 gay friends from whom I never hided my "opinion" and they respect my opinion as I respect theirs. They know I find it weird, that I dont think its "natural" still we are friends altho we dont agree on everything. The same with football, we are fans from different teams but still we understand eachother's choice and dont try to impose our "choice" to the other. They dont want to be accepted as gay! They simply are and thats it... they dont care if I like it or not its their choice and they want to be happy with the ones they love and respect my opinion.

I know that I will never see them in some "parade" or "movement" cause they have nothing to prove or to desperately being accepted by society. They're not activists! They're gay and thats enough for them... they dont need to shove it down everyother people's throats.

Do I make an heterosexual movement or parade? No... I dont care.

Now that kind of gay gets my respect because they know that you cant create heaven and earth in a day and it takes time, meanwhile they do go on with their lives and are happy that way.

Now... activists forcing people to accept them just make people react in a much more violent way against it. I dont like being forced to do anything against my own will. I dont care if you're gay, I care if you go through me in your tongs and kenny G hair, rollerblading with all those movements "I'm free, I'm gay, look at my gayness, I'm so free, free" - like a known comediant said - because that disgusts me.

Stop making parades, stop forcing people to accept you. People which you dont know and you shouldnt care. If you are accepted by the ones you love and the ones that love you, what else matters?!

All those activisms and parades and whatever its just a risk to have a not-wanted hated backlash cause face it. Some people hate you because you're gay and will always do! Do you really need their approval? Damn I'm hated for having a convertible, or for going out with a hot chick AND the convertible. Who cares?!

Learn to be yourselves without the oh-so-needed consent from others. People will never change. And maybe if you respect their right to think you are not natural, people will respect you back for it.

So are people allowed to protest and have rallies and parades as long as they aren't gay. Is that what you are saying?

Do you have a problem with people who protest the war? Do you have a problem with people who are religious? Do you have a problem with conspiracy people who protest? All of these people protest and have rallies and stuff and I see none of you complaining about them.

Hell I haven't seen one person in this whole thread complain about the KKK but yet I've seen tons of you complain about the gay rights movement as if that is some evil thing. That I find kind of funny. Has the KKK EVER done anything good? No they haven't.

Did you have a problem with civil rights people and the black panthers and people like martin luthor king back in the 60s? Because thats all they wanted to, they wanted to be accepted and have the same rights as everyone else. And this is the same thing that gays are fighting for (although the civil rights thing was much more extreme than this, and black people were treated much worst than gays, but essentially its the same thing).

They aren't exactly fighting for you guys accepting them or not, most gays could care less what people think of them, which I find funny because a lot of straight people spend so much time hating gays, but yet gay people could care less lol. They are fighting to have EQUAL RIGHTS (like marriage and stuff like that)! It has nothing to do with you accepting them.

So by your logic back in the 60s all the people who wanted civil rights where wrong too and they where just a bunch of complainers who wanted to be "accepted". You have flawed logic, sir.

Because all of these people try to make you "accept" them and their views, just as gay people do. And I really don't get what parades you guys are talking about, hell I live near san francisco, tons of gays here and we have ONE PARADE here a year (I think). Big freaking deal. Its mostly gays that go, straight people just ignore, and it bothers no one.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:37 AM
I understand what the original poster wants to convey in this message but I believe our diversity is what will stand in the way of everyone agreeing (yeah I know that is understated). I am appreciative that I can live in a country that allows people to choose NOT to agree that homosexuality doesn't have to be a way of life. I am very uncomfortable when I see homosexual couples "out" in public. I am a Christian Conservative person and I agree that the behavior is unacceptable in my "religion". But Jesus never said to hate the sinner. So...when my kids are with me and we witness these things (they are happening in my family) I do use it as a teaching time. I teach them what we believe about the behavior and about the diseases, health issues, depression issues, that accompany that lifestyle and I tell them that people are choosing to live this way. Just like people choose to smoke, do drugs, live in destructive ways. I also tell them that love is a verb and we can choose to love someone that is heterosexually different that us. No matter what our sexual "urges" may be someday, that doesn't mean that we have to choose to act on them. So, my kids know that they should never be ugly or unnaccepting of humans, but they don't have to EVER be comfortable seeing homosexual displays of affection. When we see something we are uncomfortable with, we pray for the person we see...not loudly, but privately. We pray that they learn to live in a way that is what they were created for. So, we love that person even if we dont' agree with their behavior. I hope that people pray for us when we exhibit behavior that is unbecoming of a Christian person as well. (because we are often just as guilty as anyone else in this world and need forgiveness and help.)

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:39 AM
Hmm, I do not remember seeing anti-gay stuff in ATS? I will take your word for it and agree, there should not be any type of "hate" post, rather it be against Gays, Christians or some other group.

As far as acceptance, I have no idea why people "hate" so much. Especially Gays, it has never made any sense to me why hetro men get so upset with Gays. I think those who "hate" Gays are probably gay themselves, hidden deep inside them, and they never get these feelings out.

I fully support Gays and I wish the best for you!

Thank you for your post!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by octaviameister
Hmm, I do not remember seeing anti-gay stuff in ATS? I will take your word for it and agree, there should not be any type of "hate" post, rather it be against Gays, Christians or some other group.

As far as acceptance, I have no idea why people "hate" so much. Especially Gays, it has never made any sense to me why hetro men get so upset with Gays. I think those who "hate" Gays are probably gay themselves, hidden deep inside them, and they never get these feelings out.

I fully support Gays and I wish the best for you!

Thank you for your post!

Thats what I've said many times. These people who seem to hate gays tons are probably gay themselves and can't face it so they just go around hating.

Just look at all these supposed christian conservatives who get caught ALL THE TIME meeting guys in hotel rooms and all kind of stuff.

What about all the catholic priests that molest kids? And there is a LOT OF THEM, way more than the church tells people. And the disgusting thing is I've seen catholic people DEFENDING these priests before. Its disgusting.

I just find it hilarious when religious people say all this anti gay stuff and quote the bible and stuff, but yet for all they know their priest could be gay and could be molesting boys.

And the thing that MOST DISGUSTS ME about this ENTIRE thread is the people who say they tell their kids that gay people are evil, and that being gay is wrong and all kind of stuff like that. That is so wrong. A child is innocent and believes everything their parents tell them, so you guys really want you kids to grow up and be hateful and bigoted? that won't be my daughter. You guys who teach your kids this stuff deserve a good slap in the mouth!

I have a daughter and I'd never in a million years tell her another person is evil or bad just because of their lifestyle or what they chose to do. (unless they where actually evil). My daughter has already experienced prejudice before because she is half black and we used to live in a all white town in the south, so I would NEVER preach to her and tell her not to tolerate certain people.(and I know the racist southern people is a stereotype, but its kind of true)

Hell my wife is extremely religious and even she doesn't preach what so ever to our daughter. Our daughter choses to go to church sometimes, but its never forced upon her. You should NEVER force your views upon your kids, that is just bad parenting.

Let them make up their own minds for gods sakes. No offense, but I guarantee when my daughter is grown she will be WAY more adjusted to the world than you people who shelter and shield your kids from what goes on the in the world.

Do you want your kids to be sheltered people who know nothing about the world? Do you want your kids to think they are right, and only they are right? Do you want your kids to not accept other peoples view points?

I donno about you guys, but my daughter WILL never taught like that.

And when it comes to explaining gay people its simple just tell them "they are gay, they like men" its that simple. Its not some mind boggling confusing thing to explain to a kid what a gay person is. I have a gay uncle and I've explained to my daughter about him because she has asked why he isnt married and I simply said "he doesn't like women, you are to young to really know what I mean but when you are older you will figure this stuff out for yourself".

Its pathetic and disgusting to shield your kids from the world. Gay people and people who are different than you are a FACT OF LIFE, so get used to it.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:57 AM
Being a stylish person and wearing female pants to go with it is one thing but homosexuality is actually looked down upon by Old Testament Law which Jesus also says to keep the Law of Moses and the prophets of old. That's the final authority.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Dontmakemebethe1

I teach them what we believe about the behavior and about the diseases, health issues, depression issues, that accompany that lifestyle and I tell them that people are choosing to live this way. Just like people choose to smoke, do drugs, live in destructive ways.

Dear God, another generation being taught bigotry and ignorance. To pray (without permission) that someone who is different to you should alter themselves in order to become like you is nothing short of a curse.

Love is about acceptance of the totality, not nit picking and hating the bits you don’t like. Jesus taught about love, and Christians have betrayed that teaching and teach about hate and non acceptance. I am sorry, but you do not ‘love’ and do not know what the word even means. The most hateful spite filled and ungodly people I have ever met have been Christians so the teachings must be going wrong.

With respect unless you are privy to the reason for life that seems to have alluded the greatest scientists and philosophers of this world, then you cannot know what anyone was created for…or know God’s ‘mind’.

Oh, so now heterosexuals do not spread disease, have health issues, get depression etc…or partake in anal sex? Did you ‘choose’ heterosexuality? Choice implies that one has partaken of the options and chosen one….lol

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
Being a stylish person and wearing female pants to go with it is one thing but homosexuality is actually looked down upon by Old Testament Law which Jesus also says to keep the Law of Moses and the prophets of old. That's the final authority.

And once again like I've said MANY times in this thread. Not everyone believes in god. So your little bible thumping "rules" don't apply to them.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Dontmakemebethe1
I understand what the original poster wants to convey in this message but I believe our diversity is what will stand in the way of everyone agreeing (yeah I know that is understated). I am appreciative that I can live in a country that allows people to choose NOT to agree that homosexuality doesn't have to be a way of life. I am very uncomfortable when I see homosexual couples "out" in public. I am a Christian Conservative person and I agree that the behavior is unacceptable in my "religion". But Jesus never said to hate the sinner. So...when my kids are with me and we witness these things (they are happening in my family) I do use it as a teaching time. I teach them what we believe about the behavior and about the diseases, health issues, depression issues, that accompany that lifestyle and I tell them that people are choosing to live this way. Just like people choose to smoke, do drugs, live in destructive ways. I also tell them that love is a verb and we can choose to love someone that is heterosexually different that us. No matter what our sexual "urges" may be someday, that doesn't mean that we have to choose to act on them. So, my kids know that they should never be ugly or unnaccepting of humans, but they don't have to EVER be comfortable seeing homosexual displays of affection. When we see something we are uncomfortable with, we pray for the person we see...not loudly, but privately. We pray that they learn to live in a way that is what they were created for. So, we love that person even if we dont' agree with their behavior. I hope that people pray for us when we exhibit behavior that is unbecoming of a Christian person as well. (because we are often just as guilty as anyone else in this world and need forgiveness and help.)

lol this is rediculous. What disesases do gays get that straight people don't get? Do straight people not get depressed? I have news for you, a lot of gay people are EXTREMELY happy and confortable with themselves. I don't know to much depressed gay people. But I do happen to know a lot of straight depressed married people.

Also straight people have the same kind of sex that gay people do. Straight people have anal sex to and as much as it disgusts you, they do, and A LOT of straight people do it (i'm not into that, but I know some straight people do like it, and who cares, nothing wrong with that, let people have sex hwoever they want).

And I don't tell people how to raise their kids, but I am warning you, you are SERIOUSLY messing with your kids head telling them this kind of stuff. What if one of your kids is gay and he thinks he is wrong and thinks hes a abomination and he commits suicide or something? There are lots of young gay kids in this country who have killed themselves because their family didn't accept them.

And you can preach to your kids all you want, all day and all night, but if one is gay, hes going to be gay. You can't "beat the gay" out of people or anything.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:08 AM
Gays have the same exact rights as everyone else.

What special rights do gays want? Marriage???....they have the right to marry just like everyone else. Just like everyone else they can't marry a person of the same sex.

This is not about equal rights...they already have that. This is about acceptance.

Anyone that compares Gay rights to Black rights or Women Rights is totally off base. When were Gays ever denied the right to vote? When were gays ever segregated? When were gays ever denied owning land?

This whole arguement is based on "Look at me, I'm gay" Whoopdefreakingdoo!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:11 AM
What I'm about to say isnt a knock to southern people, its just the angry and disgustingly HATEFUL southern people that i'm talking about.

No offense but I find it HILARIOUS how a good portion of you who hate gays and say all this hateful stuff are from the south. Some of you sure live right up to that stereotype that all southern people are bigots. I don't like to stereotype people but thats a true stereotype, SOME, not all, southern people are some of the most bigoted hateful bible thumping people I've ever encountered. And believe me I know, I lived down south for 2 years and I saw so much hate because my wife is black and I have a black daughter.

You people disgust me.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

I agree with you 100%. While I claim to be Christian, I do not belong to any church, the hypocrisy is just too much, rather it be their prejudice against Gays or the extreme hypocrisy many Christians have.

What ever happened to " Turn The Other Cheek"?
What ever happened to "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (the Golden Rule).
Whatever happened to "Love the Sinner, hate the Sin".
Whatever happened to "Thou shalt not kill" ? As the Christians support slaughtering millions of brown skinned innocent women and children. Oh, don't worry about that minor detail, we worry about if someone is Gay or Straight.

I am sick of the hypocrites who continually judge others, the ones being judged who just want to be peaceful and love the one their with, rather it be a man or woman. What is wrong with that?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by octaviameister
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

I agree with you 100%. While I claim to be Christian, I do not belong to any church, the hypocrisy is just too much, rather it be their prejudice against Gays or the extreme hypocrisy many Christians have.

What ever happened to " Turn The Other Cheek"?
What ever happened to "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (the Golden Rule).
Whatever happened to "Love the Sinner, hate the Sin".
Whatever happened to "Thou shalt not kill" ? As the Christians support slaughtering millions of brown skinned innocent women and children. Oh, don't worry about that minor detail, we worry about if someone is Gay or Straight.

I am sick of the hypocrites who continually judge others, the ones being judged who just want to be peaceful and love the one their with, rather it be a man or woman. What is wrong with that?

See you are a good what I call a "true" christian. You are the type of religious person I have no problem with, because you are a good person.

So many people preach hate and do all kind of EVIL stuff in the name of religion. (and hate really is one of the most evil things on this entire planet, if we all would stop hating eachother the world would be a MILLION times nicer, but that'll never happen, but one can hope it will I suppose) When in reality i thought religion is NOT about judging other people. I thought it was gods job to judge people. Although I don't know much about religion... that is pretty much true right?

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

I only have time for one post before work, so this is the one. You are incorrect. YOU have the right to marry someone you LOVE! To marry someone you do not love truly IS making a mockery of the institution of marriage. YOU have the right to serve openly in the military. It most certainly IS a civil rights question!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:39 AM
I previously had no problem with homosexuals,

Their pride parade screwed the roads up badly.I was stuck in traffic way too long.

Now I am prejudice against them!

I hate anyone that screws me out of my time!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:45 AM
I'm a straight guy who has been hit on by gays throughout my adult life. I've had other people presume I am gay simply because I have other straight male friends I have drinks or lunch with and nothing more on occasion from time to time. I'm not in the least bit effeminate nor do I dress or look any different from other straight guys. I happen to be divorced with two kids and since I have been a single bachelor for the second time around in my life, people for some reason I don't understand think "hey, maybe he's gay". Wrong, people.

I've always found the gays hitting on me very annoying. Others who think single men "might be gay 'cause he doesn't have a steady girlfriend or wife" also very annoying.

I don't hate gays, but I find a lot of them to be annoying and it would be just fine with me if there were no such thing as homosexuality at all.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

Originally posted by romanmel

Quoting scripture insults those who are religious. If there is a non-gay out there you haven't insulted by now, I'd be shocked. So what IS your goal?

If quoting scripture is an insult to those who are religious, I'd say it would mainly be because it's either out of context (which is universally done by any side of any debate that it touches) or because it violates that persons personal safety bubble (meaning it might actually challenge their beliefs using a source they espouse)...

Sorry, I should have been more descriptive in my point on scripture quoting. I should havew said:

Quoting and twisting scripture to imply Devine acceptance of gay men's burning desires for attacking another man's anal cavity, insults those who are religious. If there is a non-gay out there you haven't insulted by now, I'd be shocked. So what IS your goal?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by RRconservative

I only have time for one post before work, so this is the one. You are incorrect. YOU have the right to marry someone you LOVE! To marry someone you do not love truly IS making a mockery of the institution of marriage. YOU have the right to serve openly in the military. It most certainly IS a civil rights question!

I have the right to serve in the fact I did. At no time did I ever make a big deal about being straight, you would think that a gay person could do the same about their sexuality.

EVERYONE has the right to marry someone they love. But there are restrictions on everything...including marriage. You can LOVE your sister, but you can't marry her. You can LOVE your dog but you can marry it. You can LOVE multiple people, but you can't marry them all.

Can ANYONE give an example about gays being denied rights? The marriage thing is old and doesn't wash. Blacks and Women were denied the right to vote, has this ever happened to gays? Blacks and Woman were denied owning land, has this ever happened to gays? Blacks were denied the right to marry white people, has this ever happened to gays?

This is NOT about Civil Rights...this is about acceptance.

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