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Largest Sun Spot EVER found Today 7/7/09 - 60 to 80 times size of Earth!

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posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 04:27 PM
BTW, I do think that the name of the thread should be changed, since it wasn't the largest Sunspot ever.

Again, I think people are trying to concentrate too much just on their side, rather than look at the event without so much bias.

[edit on 8-7-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

BTW, in case you didn't notice the corona holes formed on the northern region of the Sun.

[edit on 8-7-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

Yes, as is normal near Solar Minimum

Coronal holes (the dark regions evident on the Sun's disk in the Yohkoh x-ray image on the right) occur both at low latitudes and at the poles; the polar holes are largest at solar minimum, extending equatorward and often merging with low-latitude holes of the same magnetic field polarity.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by smurfy

From what I can tell is all they can predict is when minimum and maximum is and how many sun spots there might be between that time. I see no calendar showing expected sun spots occuring on certain dates.

It appears their predictions are more about common cycles, rather than individual sun spots.

Predicting the behavior of a sunspot cycle is fairly reliable once the cycle is well underway ...Prior to that time the predictions are less reliable...

After one of the longest sunspot droughts in modern times, solar activity picked up quickly over the weekend. A new group of sunspots developed, and while not dramatic by historic standards, the spots were the most significant in many months.

"This is the best sunspot I've seen in two years," observer Michael Buxton of Ocean Beach, Calif., said on

... Sunspots are the visible signs of that activity, and they are the sites from which massive solar storms lift off.

The past two years have marked the lowest low in the cycle since 1913, and for a while scientists were wondering if activity would ever pick back up.


posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Point of No Return
That is if you believe what Electric says,read my link again and also Coronal holes do occur at solar minimum,maximum and in betweenum,also Phage has pointed out that the accepted solar cycle is not neccessarily 11 years and is variable between 9-14 years,and that there have been much longer periods,(as recorded that is)however most long-time predictions seem to operate on the 11 year cycle,and probably have an allowance of some kind thrown in for anomalies.But I would say with all the stuff up there now to observe, predictions,and that's all they are now,will get better and better.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by smurfy

No I mean scientist can't predict dates that sunspots or solar flares happen, not weeks or months in advance.

They can however predict solar activity by using the cycle(be it 11 years or more), but they can't say "a solar event on the 7th of July".

Imo, this cropcircle did just that.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:00 PM
just an observation to all of this and no i havnt read every single post and reply to this thread but it sounds like alot of ppl on this subject are saying oh why havnt we seen anything since the solar flare has been seen from the 4th to till i said this is only an observation but dose it not take time for light to get here on this planet? so should it not take less or more time for the solar flare to get here? and if it has gotten here ive only herd contorts from people saying something of the sort of well nothings happened in my parts. well where should we look? south america, china, india? i remember just yesterday and i dont remember the specific date but bejing china had a ridiculous day of weather where hail storms occured and not only that but power was out i believe and in the middle of the day there was no light! ill check out the site and find a link so that could be discussed here so that it can be a possible theory that just because there is a massive S.F. it might not effect the entoire globe but a large portion of the earth with weather. Its getting to the middle of july and yea its nothing but cloud coverage? could this be a result in the earth trying to shield itself from the flare? has anyone looked into how S.F. effect weather on the planet? and if so pls let me know.......


posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:09 PM
heres the link i dont htink this has been posted but if so my apologizes

does this have anything to do with the solar flare?

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Point of No Return


The claims were "Major Solar Storm", "Impacting Earth", "CMEs".
Not sunspots.

I haven't been keeping up too much on the circles, did any of them depict sunspots rather than a "major" event? (never mind there was no major event)

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Point of No Return
Yes, I did miss that, apologies again.

No worries...

Is it pure coincidence then, that the date of the 7th of July came forth out of the CC, in combination with a solar event, and we witnessed a solar event on the 7th, even though it started before the 7th?

Julie Washington posted this earlier..

"The astronomy of our local solar system was shown at Roundway, Bishop Cannings, Windmill Hill or Wayland’s Smithy in April or May of 2009: the solar ecliptic, lunar orbit, a lunar eclipse on July 7, 2009, and possibly an upcoming solar storm!"

So the 'locals' already had info on this and brokenheadphones was showing this on other threads

posted by brokenheadphones on 28-6-2009


So no... I do not see a coincidence. I see someone looking for facts to fit a theory
Nothing wrong with that, but making absolute claims always brings the hammer down..

If it would have started on the 7th, would you be impressed then?

Since my personal theory and data involved the use of beam weapons for the complicated ones, no that would not have impressed me... I am sure the kids at MIT do their homework... and I still haven't got my Pegasus in a circle with 9 chevrons THAT would impress me
And give me a spiffy new logo

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Phage

The CC didnt predict a solar flare or even a solar event it just showed the earth and the magnesphere so IMHO just the fact the CC suggested the 7/7 date then on 7/7 theres a sunspot (regardless of how manys days it was there for or how big it was) and there was megnesphere activity on that day to.

Just because it wasnt 'major' or a solarflare dosnt discount the CC message altho 'correlation dosn't mean causation' but the fact there is some sort of correlation is plain to see.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:36 PM
everything on this site will eventually try and be debunked because i know for a fact this site is watced by the people who don't want us to know everything. i got my sources and i'll post my own thread soon.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Bachfin

So these Aliens came millions of miles to show us what our magnetosphere looks like? Something a simple google will show you thousands of pictures of?

So in your opinion what was the purpose of the message?

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:47 PM
An Update:


IT is 100 times the size of Earth.

For the first time in two years the surface of the sun has become active, culminating in a mass of huge solar flares on Sunday.

Watching all the while was Owen Bennedict, the owner of Wappa Falls Observatory near Yandina.

Owen, who has had his eyes on the sky for 50 years, said these solar explosions were some of the largest he had ever seen.

“Two years ago there was a single massive explosion, but since then there has not been much activity on the sun,” he said.

“I was surprised by the explosions. It's a major event in the world of astronomy. The largest visible sun spot is five times the size of Earth and the whole area is about 100 times as big.”

Owen said the effects of the explosions would be felt on Earth, causing not only higher than average temperatures but also electrical and radio interference.

He said sun gazing was not for amateurs and warned budding astronomers not to look at the sun through small telescopes and binoculars.

“These flares are so bright they could cause serious damage if viewed through the wrong equipment,” he said.

“They should last for about a month and there will be major effects on Earth. Two years ago, after the last major explosion, electrical and radio equipment was playing up all over the world.”

The solar explosions can be seen online at

I believe this person - OVER NASA - who HIDES everything!!


Truth WILL GET OUT - AND IT DOES Correspond with the Crop Circles!!

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:50 PM
you guys should go to
go to the JOHN LEAR INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT OR VIDEO AND read it through then come back and say there are no such things as aliens or coverups.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
BTW, I do think that the name of the thread should be changed, since it wasn't the largest Sunspot ever.

Again, I think people are trying to concentrate too much just on their side, rather than look at the event without so much bias.

[edit on 8-7-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

NO - the Title is CORRECT - from what I am reading - It was the biggest - from what others have said. I am VERY HAPPY with the title and I AM VERY HAPPY - that the Crop Circles DID GIVE US A MESSAGE!!!

People are angry - because the crop circles are proving to be something we should look at closer - though others will be upset - over the fact the crop circles are providing us messages.

I couldn't care less about people flaming over my statements - the facts are the facts.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:58 PM
Anyone in Australia can call this guy?

Wappa Falls Astronomical Observatory
191 Wappa Falls Rd,
Yandina, QLD 4561

Phone: (07) 5446 7944


[edit on 8-7-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by questioningall
People are angry - because the crop circles are proving to be something we should look at closer -

People are angry because of the lie in the title... others have been banned for less, like Mike Singh.

Change the title and the anger will be less

If you really think this Wappa Observatory, which is quoted in both of your source is better that the scientific community. why not contact him and ask him to show how he came up with 100 times the size of Earth when SOHO a European Space Agency spacecraft shows otherwise in real time photos?

[edit on 8-7-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by zorgon

RESURGENT SUNSPOT: Yesterday, sunspot 1024 took the day off; the fast-growing active region stopped growing and even decayed a little. Today, the sunspot is growing again: movie. It now measures 125,000 km from end to end, almost as wide as the planet Jupiter. Fulvio Mete sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Rome, Italy:

that came straight from so where are you getting your information that its smaller than earth because from what i'm reading it sounds like your the one talking out of your ass. she can keep the title because it does FIT.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by jziegler. It now measures 125,000 km from end to end, almost as wide as the planet Jupiter.

Learn to read
I didn't say it was smaller than Earth I said it wasn't 100 times the Earth
Jupiter for your info is only 11.2 times the size of Earth

You guys are getting desperate and nasty

Enjoy your bliss... I have serious work to do.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by zorgon

i wasn't being nasty but if you have more work to do if you want you could read the transcript on john lear at and see what he has to say about the whole aliens and solar system. its great for a true skeptic.

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