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Christianity is finished in the UK "Well thank god for that!"

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posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 06:39 PM
So how could a woman object to being stigmatised as unclean simply because she was menstruating?
Woman: "This is stupid."
Priest: "Its how its always been."
W: "But it is stupid."
P: "Its Gods law."
W: "But it is stupid!"
P: "Heretic! Burn the witch!"
Btw, I do my laundry promptly, for the same reason everyone else does: because we are so phobic about the health hazards of dirt that we must be as clean as possible @all times. Back in the 70s this was not so. People kept their best clothes clean, but ordinary or work clothes much less so. Still, there's money in making us spotless & perfumed constantly...

and your problem with religion is just that
No its everyones problem. The attitudes I mentioned are the primary cause of all the worlds ills.
Patriarchal hierarchy divides the richer from the poorer. Sexism divides men from women. Divided, we are ruled. Unquestioning credulity prevents us... questioning & repression of sexuality makes us considerably less happy than we might otherwise be. That alone promotes violence & that ruled urge to violence is the necessary prerequisite for war.
Or does anyone think that a person getting f**ked 3 times/day by various, & thus constantly stimulating, partners would be likely to give that up to go fight in some foreign land?
We have birth control now my dears; we have condoms to prevent STDs. We're not living in an age of misunderstanding. If we want more than our ancestors, all we need do is acknowledge what we want, identify those who would retard us & make it happen.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by moocowman

Ha ha With the karmic receivership I see you deserving of HA HA YOU are BEGGING This to happen I mean BEGGING!

I was merely expressing what I thought was an interesting and very funny idea, considering " your mission" and "war on Christianity" all over these boards Madcow. If you got a problem with that, or the "logic" behind it. I never thought a thing you have posted was all that logical, so who are you to be an authority. It's like I said, people attract what they fear and in my opinion, you get what you dish out and that is obvious

What on earth ? You're starting to babble now mate you probably don't realize it but that doesn't actually mean anything to anyone but you.

As if all your mean spirited Bible bashing bruha ha means anything to me and you don't speak for everyone last I checked madcowman. You only appeal to those fans of Sam Harris, Zoo keeper Dick Dawkins, and the Vodka slurring vernacular of the vitriolic venom of Chrissie Hitchens

karmic receivership ? You must be desperate to resort to eastern philosophy to somehow defend your Christian religion.

No, in fact the many of the tenets of Christianity share universal truths like "what goes around comes around” or you reap what you sew.

I just figured karma is short and makes the same point logical as that may or may not be to you, not everyone shares your tendency to split hairs with the exception of the pom pom cheerleading support of brum

Do actually think before you type ? So my child is meeting Jesus behind my back ?
This isn't some sordid relationship or taking up smoking we’re talking about here, I think I'd notice if one of my kids suddenly starts raising the dead or rolling around on the floor yabbering like a loony.

Here I was thinking the same thing about you

Do you even consider the definition of obsession before you accuse someone else of being obsessed?

Oh yeah? Mmmmm lets just take a quick gander at some random posts by you and what do we see in just about ever single thread on these boards ?

They reveal, in a nutshell an angry guy who seems unable to give it a rest already

My child did not feel compelled to do anything, if my child does not wish to take part in deity worship she is however compelled to be placed in a SEPARATE area, within a "Secular" school.

I don't have strong beliefs my friend I have "NO Beliefs", my children are encouraged to think critically, about all subjects.

Seriously though enough is enough, when adults give children books that contain instructions on rape slavery murder etc, this is totally unacceptable. - moocowman

Christianity you have now overstepped the mark and I now declare war upon you. - Moocowman
As of today I am now totally and utterly pissed off by the attempts of deluded xtians trying to infiltrate the lives of my children and force, their ridiculous repugnant beliefs down my children’s throats. - moocowman

not only had to learn about xtainity in RE class, which was taught by a Christian for half an hour a week for SEVEN MONTHS, where she was informed by the teacher that Jesus Christ is a very real person and god but also had to take part in the worship of this god twice a week. - Moocowman

I have only recently learned that on the first day she started this “Secular” school that along with her books, diaries that she was given there was also a “BIBLE”!!!!!!!! - Moocowman

Needless to say I was very pissed off indeed with xtian propaganda being shoved down my child’s throat, and contacted the school. - Moocowman

So far as I’ve been able to ascertain, my child’s head of year, deputy head, headmaster and many are of xtian persuasion and so far these people are adamant that should I not want my child to be involved in their beliefs or worship, then they are willing to “SEGREGATE” her from the activities in which have this religious worship is somehow imposed upon them - Moocowman

As of this week I am fighting back, I've had enough this is war I'm now going to use every last drop of energy I have in me, to publicly debunk Christianity in front of young people. - Moocowman

One look at the subjects you like to spread your brand of biblio bigotry and it is clear what your obsession is

national secularist Society debaptism certificate

Replies: 7 Flags: (1)The Dodo the bird that killed Yahweh/ Jesus god?

Replies: 114 Flags: (3)Christianity you have now overstepped the mark and I now declare war upon you

Replies: 4 Flags: (0)Written by the finger of god? What was ?

Replies: 218 Flags: (9)Satanic Toys A Conspiracy against our kids?

Replies: 4 Flags: (0)Satanic Toys

Replies: 19 Flags: (2)I homosexuality is an abomination and if so why?

Replies: 34 Flags: (1)In a modern society of tolerence should christians be
prevented from becoming police officers, lawye

Replies: 37 Flags: (2)jesus versus yoda

Replies: 9 Flags: (1)Do christians make it up as they go along?

So when you say "Do you even consider the definition of obsession before you accuse someone else of being obsessed?"

I say yeah you're obsessed, in fact, that would be

an understatement.

I saw the quote below in one of your threads and you agreed with it.

How can learning socially reinforced lies, hatred and bogtry, coupled with stories about rape and slaughter and vengeance and jealousy have a positive outcome on children.....particularly when they find out that they are lies etc etc?! - aorAki

You refer to Proverbs as saying children should be beaten with a rod.
Do you know what it is like to live in a world where anarchy and chaos were constant threats, where life could be stolen from you at any moment?

Ancient people did. We have lost the realization that for the ancients, education wasn't simply a matter of teaching times tables so we can get a job selling timeshares: Education was a matter of survival, of ensuring that what there was of civilization did not slip over that fine line from order into chaos.

The laws of the Old Testament fall into three categories. First, some laws are universal moral laws. This includes do not steal, do not kill, and others. Some of these are laws that even you agree should be obeyed today

Second, some laws are cultural universals. By this we mean laws geared to Israel's culture that have a universal moral law behind them. As an example, Deut. 22:8-9 states, when you build a new house, make a parapet around your roof so that you may not bring the guilt of bloodshed on your house if someone falls from the roof.

Finally, there are ceremonial laws: Instructions for building the Ark of the Covenant, for example, are definitely in this, as are sacrificial laws and dietary laws. Where you go wrong is in your assumption that every single bit of the legal strictures of the Bible are of the first sort, or Universal morals.

I realize that when you quote Matthew 5:18-19 as some sort of evidence that Jesus would expect us today to stone people who violate the Sabbath, and so on. In so doing you fail to differentiate between law and judicial penalty. Judicial penalties are not "commandments".

Many of you cite the likes of Luther saying that heretics, etc. should be executed, and then say we may read the Bible differently, but "isn't it amazing that you have succeeded in discerning the true teachings of Christianity, while the most influential thinkers in the history of your faith have either failed or been responsible for atrocities that make anything religion has done in its name, tantamount to pushing a kid off his bike.

The Salem witch trials I see hundreds of thousands were killed by those evil bastard Christians! When it was about twenty. The Crusades what about the crusades! Well what about them? I mean the KKK tries to align themselves with Christianity albeit true they make a good example for spreading propaganda about religion, the KKK do NOT represent Christ’s teaching nor do they represent the mass majority of Christianity among Christian people but do ANY of you accept that FACT and refrain from using that example?

NOPE you just continue using the extreme nut jobs claiming to be Christians while exhibiting everything BUT what Christ taught.

Now I am not the best example of what a Christian "should be" and Ted Haggard is not the best example of a Poster Child Christian, but ya know what,, NONE of us are righteous in Gods eyes NO NOT ONE and ALL have fallen short.

WE believe that, and we also understand that Ted Haggard never said he was a saint. When a Christian gets busted like Ted did, I EXPECT that kind of thing among Christian followers ESPECIALLY among its leaders. It is HUMAN NATURE and the very REASON we needed a savior. We are not sinner because we sin; we sin because WE ARE SINNERS! That is what we are.

While I see you all using the extreme examples of Gods Cruelty, I see very little depth in your philosophical arguments. Certainly no where near the depth of plantinga or max plank. Nothing like C.S. Lewis where many of these questions have been asked and answered. But YOU are not about answers Moocow, you are about creating problems and issues all behind the guise of a caring parent about his so called "child" or your "children" and I have to tell you, the only time I have ever seen anyone using the words Child and Children so much and so often was when someone was putting us on about kids they don't even have. Whether you think the Bible is more scary than the last release of Texas chains saw massacre or Friday the 13th and God is tantamount to Freddie Kruger or Michael Myers, is none of your business saying it is child abuse in that context. We believed in Santa Clause too but we survived that let down. The trauma I have suffered learning the Easter bunny was not real! Oh my oh my ! Nothing could have had me more despondent more depressed than when I read the website "God Hates Amputees"

WOW that was something, for 24 hours I actually believed God didn't exist. I was so numb from this realization that when I wanted to pray about it I wanted so much to tell it to someone how life seemed so stupid all of a sudden. I could understand the sentiment of the Replicant played by Actor Rutger Hauer in the Movie Blade Runner, I was asking myself this single question bout LIFE, and what was the point!. I almost considered suicide not having a God anymore I couldn't even pray about it. To me life was stupid and the idea I would have it just long enough to experience something so wonderful, just to have it taken in an eternal state of nothingness or death pissed me off so much I wished God was real just long enough to give him a piece of my mind but NOW, I couldn't even do that. I remember Dawkins saying how nature was just this thing having pitiless indifference about me, about everything and that it was the way I should now live my life and complete control of my emotions not withstanding, the only logical way to look at life in nature from now on. I was for 24 hours at least, realizing the difference between a Christian and what is like to be an atheist. The difference was so stark and so black and white in contrast, I could literally FEEL my mind changing and the moral precepts of my Christianity failing and diminishing.

My heart was dying but living at the same time like my body was just a physical carrier of my brain now, it was the thing that kept me on life support but the other thing, that pilot light that used to be what I know now was God, was gone. This happened when I challenged the website warning me it would change my faith, God Hates amputee's, that NOTHING could shake my faith. I was that cocky about it and underestimated my opponents Logic. I know now the logic of legion is a formidable one and one we, in our own minds think is better than theirs. We tend to believe we are so damn smart. Until God humbles us do we understand why we are to come as a child.

Whether you are an adult or not, we can know God but not on our terms we have to meet him on his and to do that, we must come as a child. If God doesn't exist, I would have dumped the idea without recourse without remorse and without a care like I had done when I was a child.

But I am not a child all Christian who are genuinely involved in a symbiotic relationship as a flesh host to a spiritual entity, knows what I am talking about. It isn't something they can explain and it isn't something you would ever understand. I don't expect you to, but I do know the difference now and I wouldn't want to go back to that state of godlessness ever again.

What saved me from becoming a 24 hour a day seven days a week atheist?

The scriptures God can not give up what was once a part of him and even when you are too weak, he stays strong.

Well nothing made that more true then what happened the next morning.

I was leaving home about to see a friend whom I had led to Christ years before and I was going to share this website with him. I was going to take from him and put him through the same crappy life is a pointless waste of time and any positive contributions I can make to this world, Ill do because it’s the right thing to do and not because some old book said so.

Funny thing, the right thing was now only looking right to me, but without the benefit of my shared relationship with the God of my heart, I swear, now when I look back at how the world looked to me, all I can say is "What was I thinking!" Ill tell you something right now moocowman and I know this with all my heart that God IS! If you wanted to know that as well as I do you would soften your heart and open your mind to the truth and once you do that, you won't have to keep an open mind to BS ever again, in-spite of those who tell you yours is closed. The fact is YOU have NO idea what you are talking about. On my way to that friends, I started formulating my introduction to the conversation when all of a sudden the questions that I was going to ask, the very same ones that seemed to logical the night before, were getting answered in the most DROP DEAD common sense answers and I knew they were not my thoughts. How to articulate this experience is hard because they are the kind of things that have happened to many other Christians that can ONLY be described as "The voice of God". I was in no drug induced schizophrenic episode, I was lucid and aware of all that was around me but the thoughts and answers were coming into me not like a voice saying sentences but yet it seemed like that but were coming in sentences where It would be as if I was reading each word as sentence and each sentence as paragraph. It was overwhelming me and I began seeing bright lights in my eyes that were so blinding while the thoughts we coming into my head so fast I could hardly process them fast enough and lost most of the information being told to me.

I started getting a migraine from it and so much so I had to pull over to the side of the road, where it all began to process. The words came to me in blocks of ideas that said, things like "Should I replace every part of the body or should I replace every body part? Should I replace someone’s head if he gets it decapitated? How about an arm or a leg? How it got destroyed or removed whether by a blade or the necessary amputation due to diabetes, is it fair for me to give man a way to regenerate himself? What about someone who loses internal body parts such as a heart or kidney from disease or a knife wound? Should I give them a new heart or kidney and postpone their death I once promised a time to live and a time to die. Apportioned unto all men is a time to die. Healing amputees has nothing to do with giving them a new body whether it be piece by piece once they get it from me why stop there man will just cut off what he thinks it is fair for me to replace.

I sat there in my car every single arrector pili muscle in my entire body was on red alert I could feel someone was in my car with me, I didn't know where they were sitting I couldn't see a thing but I knew someone was in there with me so much that I yelled who is here! I got the block of thoughts and I felt the pilot light go on inside me as I got more answers that answered my question. God heals amputees as often as he heals a skinned knee but if the body dies due to mortal wounds such as decapitation, he dies and as providence would indicate they would. I knew then to God anyway, this body I live in is not that important as it was not the one he intended for me when his adversary was successful in taking advantage of our free moral agent some error in calling free to determine our own destiny.

To some extent that is true, but my destiny got derailed that day and God changed my destiny by showing me in what can only be described as an out of this world experience that I doubt science can quantify much less believe is true but I am here to testify to it regardless of the ridicule regardless of the rebuke, I know what I experienced and I know there is a real significant difference between what I know to be so real and so true I can risk that to keep faith in it because I lived it YOU didn't. The reason I did was to show me what it is to have something and lose it when what you lose is your connection to God that spiritual conduit hidden behind the physicality of our world our universe but is there nevertheless and I can't begin to tell you what you're missing.

Your problem with that school is not about your child, it is about you and your belief you think you know so damn much. You may know more than I and you may know more than most but I Kinda doubt it but if you ever experienced what I did, I can promise you, you would be force feeding that bible down all of our throats and I have to restrain myself from doing just that to everyone.

AS suddenly as it happened, the thoughts subsided and my own took over at there default but now obvious snails pace. I felt out of breath as if I had just run a mile. I turned around and went home and destroyed the debate using fairness as a premise for why God hates amputee's and why if he didn't heal them, why are so many alive today, many whom admit it was an act of God they are still alive. Ill follow that with it being an act of God any of us are alive at all.

Your situation with the alleged forcing of worship and all that "stuff" you have been thinking we all need to know about and the hyperbole you have given in your outrage is telling of you having other issues and ones I will not delve into but simply stating outrage is not a sufficient form of argument. It is merely a substitute for true argument. What must be done but I have still not seen done by you is an analysis proving that a given action/directive by God was indeed unfair and/or cruel. No doubt the reason I have not seen you do this is that you are not actually able to make such judgments. Your tendency is simply to assume, "the punishment is undeserved, and can never be justified."

Have you in fact composed an argument promoting the "theft theory" for the body of Jesus like so many before you?

All you ever do is use declarative assertions as a substitute for informed argument. You are not equipped in any way to answer the truth claims of ANY religion Muslim, Christian, or otherwise.

You're just a guy with some issues about religion who believes if religion were eradicated the world would be better when that is not what history teaches us. While you say thinking to your self "what a wonderful world this would be, if everyone were just a little more like me"

While I have seen you defending issues that confuse themselves into being issues the category of civil rights abuses, where the man on the street is accosted by men dressed in drag carrying signs that say "we're here, we're queer! And we're in your face!" they INSIST on sharing their private sexual bent with people who by and large want them to know that what they do is none of our business.

While you attempt to compare that to a Mormon or JW or Christian knocking at your door to share their religion dressed in suits and ties you want us to believe after you have slammed the door in their faces you go lurching for the bathroom door to gargle to get the taste of Bible bile out of your throat in the Christians failed attempt to shove it down trachea.

You exaggerate and you make Everest’s out of mole hills.

And you want to question me about my choice of words regarding whether or not you are obsessed? You got people talking about how they think you are protected from Mods because it baffles them how you haven't been post banned!

Now I don't think your "stuff" is enough to be banned for but I know of those who have been banned for less, in fact a LOT less than I have seen you get away with but whether or not that means YOU should be is none of my business it is ATS's owners. In the meantime, I will continue to skip your threads and put you on my ignore list.

Not because of the vitriolic venomous hatred and disdain they are about but I have discovered, when you read one thread of moocowmans, quite frankly,

You've read em all.

[edit on 9-7-2009 by DASFEX]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Bunken Drum

Ah, ignoring what was said & repeating the same argument in a different form: the mark of a true zealot. Your analogy does not stand. I

Child abuse is Child abuse and you never offered a sliding scale where if the charge is made we now have to ask how evil or how bad it is? Get REAL! Is there any other KIND!

I didn't ignore what you said, I exploited how ignorant you are for saying it in terms you might understand how illogical your logic was.

I tell you what, this is getting nowhere. Think what you like and like what you think but Ill always call things that are unclean DIRTY.

You can call them clean until unhealthy all you like but I doubt anyone will be taking their unhealthy car to a car wash to get healthy again

sheesh you're too much exercise when you refuse to use common sense

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by DASFEX

what logical inconsistency? what elephant? I ask around, no one else sees one? what mysoginistic interpretation are you talking about.
Got Quotes? Got examples? Got Proof?
Logical inconsistency: menstrual blood = dirt; actually menstruation = dirty = baseless tribal taboo = elephant on the table; ie 1 example that when taken with all the other attitudes expressed, condoned & espoused in the bible = misogyny.
Since by this stage I am no longer talking to you as such, but rather debating you for the audience, I wont bother with quotes to prove or exemplify misogyny: our entire conversation is littered with them. People will read & understand. Thats the thing with logic, without someone looming over them telling them that to be accepted they must believe a certain way, the demonstrably correct argument holds sway.
Did you really "ask around"? Surely if you did then someone would have come up with a refutation of my arguments, rather than your tactic of ignoring physical dirt vs spiritul uncleanliness, proving yourself wrong via comparison of blood to "meat" or sh!t & general disrespectful blather; ie failing to meet the thrust of my argument & then repetition to boot? Surely if you'd asked around, someone would have pointed out these errors? Unless my arguments are irrefutabe. So which is it, are you defeated or simply lying?

Got Milk?
Better than that, I've got jism (another substance that when left lying around will become filth, but which the bible is conspicuously quiet concerning).
What have you got, faith in the words of men dead for millenia?

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by DASFEX

Don't flatter yourself so chum,, you don't have the capacity to stay at cause and i have never been at effect because of anything you said, regardless of how clever you think you are..
You're simply not that good at it.
Is that right? I'll admit that considering the giants of philosophy, I stand in awe. However, being non-religious gives me a broader base of giants upon whose shoulders to stand. Thus I managed, despite being "simply not that good at it" to corral you into this:

Just because you have skid marks in your underwear doesn't make them a health hazard
I look forward to many more pearls of "the truth". Please keep increasing the calibre, do!

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 10:05 PM
I'm only going to do this once SPASFEX. You can see my screen-name as well as moocowman's. Ok, you dont like "xtians" - calling him xcowman is childish but reciprocal, where did "bunk" or "madcow" come from?
As I noted earlier, this isn't the 1st time you've tried to equate the brainwashing of children with sexual abuse. This time you went so far as to accuse me of excusing such, in direct contradiction to what I have posted. What is it? If you were molested, you have my sympathy; but brainwashing isn't kiddy fiddling. How can you not see that there's a massive difference?
We've also seen that you've accused mainly moocowman but me also of underhanded debate tactics which you yourself employed. Psychologically this is called 'projection', where a person cannot imagine any other motives in another than they themselves are familiar with. So I have to ask, have you got tendencies? You can get help. If it hasn't gone as far as action, there may be no need for chemical castration; although in your case, something to calm you down might be appropriate

(Mods, please excuse: I warned the man, but he had to keep on)

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by DASFEX
Whoa! Thanks for sharing... Er, I think.
Sounds like you have experienced the divine. How then could you confuse that with the god of Abraham? Didn't you feel the life? The possibilities? The gravity of the responsibilities? The joy of knowing it doesn't matter? How could you look @the sistren & think divinity cursed them to be less than you? How could you think you should "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's", when you've felt the endless LIFE of the divine? How could you go back to a slave's religion when divinity promises you support in your passion & risk?
Are you just lost mate? Because if you are, all arguing aside, we are brothers. Know what I mean?
(Not that that will stop me kicking your arse in debate, mind)

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by DASFEX
Child abuse is Child abuse and you never offered a sliding scale where if the charge is made we now have to ask how evil or how bad it is? Get REAL! Is there any other KIND!

Uhh, Straw Man ahoy.

Get your act together, mate.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Bunken Drum
I'm only going to do this once SPASFEX. You can see my screen-name as well as moocowman's. Ok, you dont like "xtians" - calling him xcowman is childish but reciprocal, where did "bunk" or "madcow" come from?
As I noted earlier, this isn't the 1st time you've tried to equate the brainwashing of children with sexual abuse. This time you went so far as to accuse me of excusing such, in direct contradiction to what I have posted. What is it? If you were molested, you have my sympathy; but brainwashing isn't kiddy fiddling. How can you not see that there's a massive difference?
We've also seen that you've accused mainly moocowman but me also of underhanded debate tactics which you yourself employed. Psychologically this is called 'projection', where a person cannot imagine any other motives in another than they themselves are familiar with. So I have to ask, have you got tendencies? You can get help. If it hasn't gone as far as action, there may be no need for chemical castration; although in your case, something to calm you down might be appropriate

(Mods, please excuse: I warned the man, but he had to keep on)

You warned me?? HA HA HA I'll let that one go for which ever the MOD is that will remind you, they don't need you to tell them what YOU think is or should be warned about. After all the OP defying the odds already.

Since he is always angry and mad, madcow is appropriate since his excuse to call us xtians is no problem I doubt he will have a problem with this and no I couldn't care less what YOU call me as I will no longer have to suffer through your nonsensical posts while you cheer your hero madcowman on. You make a perfect ed mcmahon to his Johhny Carson.

I gave him top billing being Johnny merely because his posts are more logically formulated arguments where you are always just being a pain in the ass.

Seems the past few pages, you take more pleasure in taking things people say out of context and any time they try to explain even using some folksy anecdotal "pearls" as you call them in your sarcasm. I fo that because they make sense and because we have all been there.

You like to come back to the "kill" as you see it and take more of the post apart where ya know WHO CARES what you think of my analogy, at least its original. your ad-homs aside you can't resist coming back again and again and soon I see four and five posts of yours all about the same one of mine for the last two pages you've done this.

In posting again and then again when there is still an edit button where you could have consolidated all that fascinating work as you wax poetic insulting me. Do you do this to overwhelm your game opponent?

Yeah it looks like you are playing games and by all the
excessive emoticons you use, I'd say you are a kid who wants to play like the big boys but if you aren't, then grow up.

That's basically all I came to to say, I won't even address your posts as I don't like feeding trolls and you are looking more and more like a troll.

Have a nice life I won't see your posts but
I wouldn't be missing much anyway

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Roark

Originally posted by DASFEX
Child abuse is Child abuse and you never offered a sliding scale where if the charge is made we now have to ask how evil or how bad it is? Get REAL! Is there any other KIND!

Uhh, Straw Man ahoy.

Get your act together, mate.

Read back further so you get the whole thing. It is perfectly justified especially when you see his argument about me "ignoring his" ha ha well, now I am ignoring his, literally

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by DASFEX

I tell you what, this is getting nowhere. Think what you like and like what you think but Ill always call things that are unclean DIRTY.
Ah, defeated then. Ok, the offer of brotherhood still stands: u2u me.
Btw, you did "call my bluff" & I showed my cards; ie told you what I do IRL to oppose your religion. Its traditional for you to show yours. What do you do to promote christianity IRL, or are you just a keyboard warrior?

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by DASFEX
The length of my posts is dictated by my using a mobile phone to get online. If I edit a long post, the edit window chops off a lot from the end of the original. Since I only have 1 clipboard & no opportunity to save posts as files without exiting my browser, its much simpler to just address each idea as it will fit within my phone's character limit.
3-4 emoticons in the whole thread is excessive? Well I'll be hotdiggettydippedindogsh!t! Learn something new every day...
But now you've quit for good right? I expected you to want the last word after my last post. I'll confess, I was looking forward to letting you have it: you'd have certainly shot yourself in the foot again. But hey ho, you put me on ignore 1st. What do we think people, moral outrage, honest boredom or cowardice?

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by moocowman

Yeah, can thank god for now, but in the future you will need to
learn to say "Allah Akbar".

You still have some time, and maybe you will shuffle off this
mortal coil before Sharia law spreads far enough to make it
mandatory, hehehe.

Good Luck to you all !

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech
reply to post by moocowman

Yeah, can thank god for now, but in the future you will need to
learn to say "Allah Akbar".

You still have some time, and maybe you will shuffle off this
mortal coil before Sharia law spreads far enough to make it
mandatory, hehehe.

Good Luck to you all !

Like I've said before Sharia law will never happen in the UK,why ?

Because this is fearmongering by the likes of xtians, "Hey come back to jesus before the muslim devils get you"

British people will always eat beef oand pork, particularly if it's the waste product variety ie sausage and burgers.

Brits will never give up bacon breakfast.

Many British women will get their tits out at any oportunity especiqally if there is a camers near and woe betide any raghead that would try and stop them.

Many british newspapers, especially the one owned by Rupert Murdoch owe their survival to womens tits being esposed to brain dead men at every oportunity.

The UK alcopop and lager industry is worth billions, cople this with the sex industry you have one major force, which kicked jesus' arse and willl also do the same to Allah.

The Jesusyahwe god has obviously failed in tempting the brits who have shoved one giant finger up to the xtian pious pap pushers.

Sharia law ? Bollocks, mohamed can get right back on his magic horse, fly back to allah ant tell him where to stick his 70 virgins, not as though you'll find 70 virgins in the uk.

Pretty sad when christians use the threat of radical iuslam to get bums on their church seats, pretty bloody sad indeed.

Satan wasn't scary enough so the xtians will see if allah is lol, once again BOLLOCKS wev'e got Vinnie Jones and Ray Winstone!!

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
I guess you will hate Muslims next since they seem to be on the rise there and soon you will have to abide by sharia law.

You will be begging God for Christians once the Muslim extremists take over.

Yes, the brown people are coming and they're going to make us bow down to their god and if we don't they'll blow us up.

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by pieman

Originally posted by moocowman
The sooner religions are removed from the public domain the better.

why, what do they do that is so repugnant, and i'm not talking about 500 years ago, i mean now, today.

They go out of their way to foment hatred for people who are different, and if you criticize them, you're accused of persecuting them..
Oh... and they want my sorry gay butt dead.

Other than that, they're perfect.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Angus123

Oh... and they want my sorry gay butt dead

Dude,good to have your take on things in this thread, could you possibly read through DASFEXs' post and give us your opinion as to whether you think he may have a closet to come out of.

From the way he writes about women, I cannot help but think there is some sexual suppression going on at a very deep level and perhaps this would go along way to explain the hate in his responses.

What are your thoughts on centuries of sexual repression by christianity, do you think that the overwhelming oppression of sexual expression has brought us to a position of damaged societies.

Or perhaps do you think that the implosion of xtianity of the last century has seen the rise of a misunderstood unfettered spiritual /sexual freedom that is being misconstrued as "promiscuity" whatever that is supposed to be.

What do you think society will look like from a sexual/gender point of view in the future ? Providing that jesusyahweh doesn't come and instruct his minions to roast you alive over a bbq.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

So how could a woman object to being stigmatised as unclean simply because she was menstruating?

"Woman: "This is stupid.
" Priest: "Its how its always been.
" W: "But it is stupid.
" P: "Its Gods law."
W: "But it is stupid!
" P: "Heretic! Burn the witch!"

Priceless absolutely pricless

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by moocowman
reply to post by Angus123

Oh... and they want my sorry gay butt dead

Dude,good to have your take on things in this thread, could you possibly read through DASFEXs' post and give us your opinion as to whether you think he may have a closet to come out of.

From the way he writes about women, I cannot help but think there is some sexual suppression going on at a very deep level and perhaps this would go along way to explain the hate in his responses.

What are your thoughts on centuries of sexual repression by christianity, do you think that the overwhelming oppression of sexual expression has brought us to a position of damaged societies.

Or perhaps do you think that the implosion of xtianity of the last century has seen the rise of a misunderstood unfettered spiritual /sexual freedom that is being misconstrued as "promiscuity" whatever that is supposed to be.

What do you think society will look like from a sexual/gender point of view in the future ? Providing that jesusyahweh doesn't come and instruct his minions to roast you alive over a bbq.

Well the sexual repression aspect of ChristInsanity goes back to St. Paul, otherwise known as the first gay basher, lol. He ranted about all things of the flesh, and while other books mention it, his writings are filled with those tirades. It's been theorized that he was a self-loathing gay, but who knows if that's the case, and it really can't be proven.

As far as Dasfex, I don't want to lob any eggs, lol. I only think a person should be outed if they are in a position of power and use that to deny the rights of other gay people... but private citizens, not so much. Well unless he rants against gays, then he's fair game.

The decline of xianity I think is a result of many things, one of which is sexual repression. I was raised Catholic and the use of condoms is forbidden. That's insane and rules like that push away younger generations. Don't have abortions, and get pregnant a lot. Um... forgive me Father for you have lost it.

Also, people are far more educated now than at any other time in history. And studies have shown, the more educated a person is the less likely they are to be religious. (And interestingly, the less likely they are to vote Republican.)

So in light of that, it becomes harder to swallow bible stories, because it is filled with contradictions and absolute nonsense. Noah's flood springs to mind.

As far as society down the road, there will be a time when sexuality makes no difference. There will be a hell of a lot of screaching and psycho talk by xians but progress refuses to be stopped.

And eventually they too will be spoken of in the same way we talk about the ancient Greeks worshipping Zues.

[edit on 10-7-2009 by Angus123]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:36 PM
The only downside to all this are many who awaken from the grasp of religion kill themselves. I know two people who gave everything to religion and when they woke up and had that epiphany that they were conned.. they took their own lives.

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