reply to post by DASFEX
I wasn't aware homosexuals were a species moocowman
I don't recall implying that they were, now you mention it though if your god created everything, but hates homosexuality. One would then have to
assume that homosexuality was not created by your god as he wouldn't logically have created it in the first place.
So if your god didn't create homosexuality , then would a have to seek elsewhere. Elsewhere would imply another source for homosexuality, so in your
paradigm yes this could imply that homosexuals are a different species.
Well done for that I would be very interested to hear from homosexuals as to whether or not the would be comfortable considering themselves as a
separate species to the mankind created by the jesus Yawhwe god.
I'm going to give you a star for this post my friend "High Five"
Remember we are told god did not hate the homosexual, so one can reasonably assume he loved the homosexual as it is very difficult to envisage an
indifferent god.
You keep refering to this thing as "the homosexual" are you sure you don't mean "Homosapeinne" ?
I don't consider homosexuals "things" dude, their people, remember I'm not the one that would kill them for being who they are. The homosexual,a
homosexual, the gay, a gay the fag, a fag, the queer a queer.
There you go i think that covers the full spectrum of labels attached by xtianity to men that have sometimes physical sometimes platonic and often
times loving relationships with other men. (or women for that matter, jesus yahwe's misogyny somewhat clouds the issue.
So, god creates something and loves what he creates, but hates the way his creation acts even though he created it and everything else in the
universes as there is nothing that was not created by god.
Again, you lost me there but I kinda think I got some of it and Ill explain something to you. We are not a sinner because we sin, we sin because we
ARE sinners.
So we are not the action we are the cause ? Okey dokey I get you
So you my friend are a sinner, you claim (generalizing xtians here sorry) you were created by a god yahwehjesus.
You by your own reasoning claim you were created a sinner, and a sinner obviously sins so you we created this way.
Hm that is exactly what I was getting at, ie whatever you do is because of what you are . And all of humanity does what id does because of what it is,
what humanity is is waht it was deigned to be and the designer was/is ywhwejesus god.
Ok I can go with that, in a nutshell then we do what we do because god made us that way, fair enough but I'm surprised to say the least that you
think that way.
Once again we are in agreement on something in Principal, great news my friend, see there is hope for humanity yet.
So in that context, we have all been attempting to fight against what we are and we are all sinners according to the stable datum I use for truth and
if you are referring to the Christian God
I haven't been fighting against anything dude I accept who I am is what I do, I am quite happy with what I do, but if I'm not then I changed what I
do so i'm happy with who I am once again.
I can tell you are so mis-led about the scriptures no wonder
Then clearly the scriptures are misleading, I read something ,I apply my reasoning to it. In this case what I read is supposed to be the word of an
omniscient/omnipresent being, clearly this being is an appalling communicator because if it wanted me to be aware of something then it would simple
make it so, not get someones great great great great uncles friends brothers cousin to write it down in a language I wouldn't be acquainted with.
Then translate it several times over that omit portions of it to suit editorial whims.
you hate what you think your daughter is learning, my my I doubt it could be any worse than your knowledge of him.
My children have a copy of one of the bibles, they simply don't need to learn anything from a third party if the bibles are the inerrant word of a
god, isn't the gods' word enough ?
Here we have a very difficult problem, the god you would have me worship, kills what he loves and creates what he hates. We know that he kills what he
loves because he killed his own son
Not a problem at all, because that isn't the God I would have you or anyone else worship, that is the one someone else told you about without the
benefit of its contextual reference.
Which god people choose to worship is up to them, nevertheless your god would kill them for not worshiping it, and has often(according to your
scriptures) ordered people to do that very thing on it's behalf.
No one told me about your yahweh jesus god, I just read about it in your bibles.
The instruction to kill children is quite clear whatever context you choose to surround it with.
It is totally unacceptable to kill a child let alone my own, this is absolutely repugnant behavior.
Clearly your gods morals are far beneath my own, I would be ashamed to call this entity my father as it's example is despicable.
He killed his own son? was it God that that nailed his son to the cross for you so he fix the corruption of sin in our DNA.
According to you and xtianity god is the creator of all that there is.
God is yahweh and also jesus they are one and the same being.
According to xtianity jesus was nailed to a cross as part of plan of redemption.
If the romans had not nailed him to the cross, if the jews had released jesus not barabbas, if judas had not sold him out, then clearly the plan would
have failed and we would not be speaking right now.
Clearly the plan went ahead, and the plan was designed by the creator of everything, so could not, not go ahead. A god planned and carried out the
killing of its' own son which was also himself,and was not out of character for this god to commit or be an accessory to infanticide.
This god had a record of infanticide on the scale of genocide, however in this particular instance, the death was a sham, because -
A) jesus came back to life 3 days later
B) The killer and the victim were one and the same being ie yahweh/jesus and a god by definition cannot die.
So this was obviously the biggest fraud in history.