posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 06:55 PM
I keep dreaming of being bitten by a purple and black Rattle Snake, and then later in the dream I am worried the snake might get hurt or die, but when
I return to the room where it is, it is dancing with a Common Boa constrictor, at first it looks like they are fighting, but they are dancing, like a
mating dance with their heads about 2 foot off the floor, weaving around each others head without touching.
Then my dream jumps to a School and I am in a room talking to a teacher or someone important there, I look out of the window, and the Chimneys begin
to fall on the kids playing outside, I run and grab some of them, then realise there is something else we all need to run from, something made the
chimneys fall, we travel through buildings hiding from something, the dream always ends on a flight of stairs with stained wood rails and spindles, I
am there with 7 children and my wife, but she is only my wife in the dream, not my real wife.
Been dreaming about this for over 3 months now, always the same, but I can look in different directions sometimes, then sometimes it's like I am
being stopped from looking.
How weird is that.