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Denial Of The Holocaust

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posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 12:24 PM
Here's my question. And don't take this the wrong way and I completely expect to be called a Zionist.

If the Nazis hated all the other groups as much as they hated the Jews, why did they single out the Jews to wear the yellow stars reading "Jude" and why did they take such efforts to close all their businesses and destroy synagogues?

I'm not denying that millions of other people from groups aside from the Jews were tortured and killed in the Holocaust. But... you know... their goal was to really exterminate the Jews more than anyone else.

And how come the same people cry "6 MILLION DIDN'T DIE IN THE HOLOCAUST!! There were no gas chambers or cattle cars!!" will then go on to say "The JEWS over-exaggerate but all the other groups were TORTURED."

For deniers or "questioners" who may have flocked to this thread, here's what I presented to you all back in January:

[edit on 6/27/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 12:24 PM
You can't talk bad about black people cause then your a racist, you can't talk bad about Islamic totalitarian politics cause then your a racist, you can't talk bad about jews cause then your an anti-semite, you can't talk about the fact that in some society's here in the west cultures are colliding cause then you are against multi-culturalism etc...

and so it goes on and on untill we are so politicly correct that you can't have a critic on someone/some group to the extent that freespeech dies out.

This is maybe slightly of topic but I hate the fact that we can't just talk about anything with out getting some stupid comments. People today are all in defense mode and we don't want to step on anybody's toes.

confront religions and theire stupid ideologies that hold no ground and swim in hipocracy, talk about cultural clashes in the west, talk about all of it freely.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by warrenb

Oddly, census count actually disputes your approach. In Poland alone, in 1931 there were more then 3000000 Jews. That is seven numbers by itself. Then add Jews from Soviet Union, Hungary,Romania, France .Netherlands and all the Europe. Or you have access to secret censuses - then please, share the numbers.
Haunebu - hav you ever heard term - final solution? Or is it part of your approach that people have to learn to live by rules so Hitler had to be tough?

[edit on 27-6-2009 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 12:44 PM
for all you people that believe the fairy tale of millions of jews killed (murdered), I suggest you do your own open-minded due diligence.

My take. The jews were not slaughtered like the countless stories told and retold a million times. Many jews were rounded up for their own protection and put in camps. Written documentation exists that the Nazis had orders to protect the jews and limit the amount of deaths. Inevitably, many died in concentration camps (including jews) from starvation but largely from typhoid. What do you do when mass deaths occur? Mass burial sites or cremation comes to mind. Of course, this logic was twisted by many zionists for many reasons (which are readily apparent today).

I have nothing against jew personally, and have respect for them and their religion. Of course, like all cultures, their are radical outgrowths of which zionism has bred many such characters and taken on a life of its own.

Next time someone adamantly supports the nazi killing machines of jews (which I don't), ask them about their treatment of palestinians in Gaza. In fact, spend a few weeks reading an on-line palestian newspaper and you will hear of atrocities that are easily classified as war crimes, torture and murder.

You will have to do quite of bit of research to get to the truth. I spent several years researching the matter, and I can tell you I was quite surprised after years of brainwashing.

The U.S. is the greatest killing machine with over 1,000,000 innocent Iraqis likely killed. Here's just a small example of our killing/genocide.

Since 1952, the United States of America has promoted, financed and participated in over 20 separate wars, killing over 8,000,000 people.

1952 - 79, 70,000 Iranians killed. ( Ayatollah Khomeini, US public enemy for the 1980s, was on the CIA payroll while in exile in Paris in 1970s, as were Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden at different times and in different places. )

1954 - 120,000 Guatemalans killed

1954 - 1975, 4,000,000 Vietnamese and Cambodians killed.

1965 - 3,000 Dominican Republicans killed

1965 - 800,000 Indonesians killed

1973 - 30,000 Chileans killed

1975 - 250,000 East Timorese killed

1970s - 1,000,000 Angolans killed

1984 - 30,000 Nicaraguans killed

1980s - 80,000 El Salvadoreans killed

1989 - 8,000 Panamanians killed in an attempt to capture George H. Bush's CIA partner now turned enemy, Manuel Noriega,

1980s - over 700,000 Libyans, Grenadians, Somalians, Haitians, Afghanistanis, Sudanese, Brazilians, Argentineans and Yugoslavians killed,

1991 - over 1,000,000 Iraqis killed, including over 500,000 children --about which Madeline Albright ( then, Secretary of State ) said "their deaths are worth the cost". While George W. Bush owns over 80% of the oil wells in Kuwait, trouble will continue there.

Source: Philip Bradbury, Insight Magazine, November 2001

ALL AT THE HANDS OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANKSTER GANGSTERS WHO MAKE BILLIONS FINANCING WARS. These bankers are located in Europe and Britain, and their ancestry indicates they have been in power for several thousands years.

As i said before, the jewish culture has a stranglehold on the US through their majority ownership of major media, the military industrial complex and government. If you doubt me, look at Obama's picks for his cabinets positions and his economic team. Who runs the federal reserve?

Interesting that the jews have come so far since their alleged holocaust. They are such a compassionate and understanding people (sarcasm on).

Do your research, and soon. The clock is ticking as we sit here and fiddle with such nonsense of what we were told vs. the truth. The truth is ugly and you'll wish you never have discovered it (my personal opinion). Its really is just a matter of the red or blue pill.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by warrenb

Haunebu - hav you ever heard term - final solution? Or is it part of your approach that people have to learn to live by rules so Hitler had to be tough?

[edit on 27-6-2009 by ZeroKnowledge]

You mean "Endlösung"? Don't forget the faked protocols of the "Wannsee Conference".
Final Solution is something that can be explained in many ways, moving them to Israel could be a final solution as well.

And there were no Gas Chambers in Auschwitz, just read the book "Night" by Nobel Peace Prize Winner Elie Wiesel. According to him people were burned alive, no Gas Chambers.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by allclear

Jews were taken into concentration camps for their protection? This is great. I mean - evil Dutch,Czechoslovakians and Danish were all trying to get Jews - then came saviour Hitler. And in Poland with Polish government and millions of Jews - it was all almost fine, but then came Hitler and Jews suddenly needed to be protected in concentration camps. How American Jews made it through, without Hitler's protection, i wonder...

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:07 PM
There is a distinct ill feeling towards Jews on ATS by some members.

I mean some of you will just deny all facts and reason just so you can argue the fact that Jews are evil.

Jews put in CCs for their own safety? jeez... hang your head in shame, that is stunning.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Haunebu

Gas chambers in Aushvits or not (and i pretty sure that it existed otherwise there was no need to make it up) - there were X Jews before Hitler started to protect them, and X-Y remained.
Israel in 1948 had 700000 Jews. Thats less then were in Poland alone before "final solution". So they were not moved to Israel. And if Nazis planned to move population into area controlled by their enemies - British - then they were incompetent. So as it goes - Nazis planned final solution of Jewish question. At the end of WW2 Jewish population of Europe shrunk much ,much more then other non-Jewish populations of same countries. There was no similary dramatic increase in Jewish population in Israel/other places. So people are gone. You tell me no gas chambers - even if by some slim chance you are correct - people are gone. So something extraordinary even for world war with unprecedented cruelty must have happened to Jews.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

People have told me that the Jews just changed their names and moved to assorted other countries. That's where they went. Or that they died of natural causes and were buried in the camps.

I have no doubt about the gas chambers, personally. But you know that.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge


Can you dig up any figures that estimate the number that were cremated?

Or numbers for those in mass graves?

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:17 PM
I don't see the point in denying that millions were killed by various parties in the thirties and forties... not the least of which by the Nazis.

A technical point, however : to have a condition of ' GENocide ' , one must have a ' GENotype '. This wasn't so much technically true 60 - 70 years ago, but- even then, one had to have a ' race ' to target.

A simple voluntary declaration of ' I am such and such, or he is such and such ' will just not do.

Until someone can prove a distinctive genotype in this case, I am going to have to accept the fact that ' certain religious groups ' were targeted by the Nazis... some more than others. Even if the murderers ( and victims )
thought otherwise... because INTENT has no place in a discussion of

We indicate our own media and educational system brainwashing when we refer to just one of the staggering number of these affairs as THE

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

Excellent points S&F

Why on Earth cant the Jewish community?

Because they control the majority of the worlds money, entertainment, and corporations and the general consensus is that we have to let them.

This is the EXACT same reason why Hitler, the Romans and everyone else throughout history did not like the jews. It is their sense of entitlement and their need to control everything that draws negative attention to them. Not to mention their genocidal tactics as of late in Gaza.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by jonny2410
There is a distinct ill feeling towards Jews on ATS by some members.

I mean some of you will just deny all facts and reason just so you can argue the fact that Jews are evil.

Jews put in CCs for their own safety? jeez... hang your head in shame, that is stunning.

This kind of thing IS stunning. I don't personally have an interest in the
' details ' , but- if one person is wrongfully imprisoned and dies of the common cold in custody... then there is a crime.

Such things may even be happening right now. Somewhere.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by Haunebu

Gas chambers in Aushvits or not (and i pretty sure that it existed otherwise there was no need to make it up) - there were X Jews before Hitler started to protect them, and X-Y remained.
Israel in 1948 had 700000 Jews. Thats less then were in Poland alone before "final solution". So they were not moved to Israel. And if Nazis planned to move population into area controlled by their enemies - British - then they were incompetent. So as it goes - Nazis planned final solution of Jewish question. At the end of WW2 Jewish population of Europe shrunk much ,much more then other non-Jewish populations of same countries. There was no similary dramatic increase in Jewish population in Israel/other places. So people are gone. You tell me no gas chambers - even if by some slim chance you are correct - people are gone. So something extraordinary even for world war with unprecedented cruelty must have happened to Jews.

Most of them were gone indeed, they left Europe. Many left the continent and only the ones that stayed behind were deported into labour camps.
And if I was in Charge here in Europe, I would start to deport them also and all Moslem's along with them. Just send them there where they belong, outside of Europe.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by warrenb

No thank you - i would leave digging up what was cremated to to others who surely know what was number of people cremated in mass crematorium in concentration camp accordingly to nice civilized modern crematorium. Been there, have no desire to get that low. And as for mass graves - there were almost hundred million people killed in WW2. And nor killing them nor burying them was a problem for 20th century humanity.
By the way, i await your census numbers.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:30 PM
The Holocaust is a touchy subject for me and my friend, .....

.... actualy more for him, see, .... his grandfather died in auschwitz. Apparently he fell out of a guard tower while shooting at prisoners.

... why all the jew hate in the world ?? .... I dont see it really. What is it that people dislike so much ?? the fact that they get seven gifts for christmas ??

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

Eight actually. That's probably it. Hah.

I linked before to the thread where I wrote up my family's experience, if you're interested.

Yeah I don't get it either.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

Denying the Holocaust is a little like Debunkers swearing that air doesn't exist because they can't see it.

The history is there. It happened. Perhaps the Jews have taken it to a far extent but to deny something so obvious is tantamount to accepting that Hobgobblins cause flat tires and Gnomes stole all the veggies from your garden.

I won't argue that Israel hasn't become arrogant an unyielding to a point where peace is almost impossible. But what I won't do is to make a fool of myself and claim that millions of Jews didn't die at the hands of their Nazi keepers.

My Uncle was serving in the US Third Army in 1945. He saw it first hand.

I will not deny this truth for the sake of political expediency... yours or anyone's.

[edit on 27-6-2009 by redoubt]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:41 PM
I have said it before and i am saying it again, the whole 'holohoax' is nothing but (apparently) a very succesfull propaganda campaign that was created to justify the creation of israeli state. Tens of millions of russians were executed, tortured and killed in the second world war, why is nobody talking about their sufferings in public? because there is nothing to gain? Gypsies suffered, gay people suffered, handicapped people suffered. EVERYBODY suffered in the second world war.

I'm glad that where i live, people are still justified to make their own conclusions about the 'holocaust'. The day that it becomes a crime here, i have lost all fate on humanity and the people. What happened to 'four million gassed jews' anyway? It was all nothing but a bullsh&% story of the century! Not one historian disagrees with that anymore. HOAX, Rothschild HOAX and once again a BIG HOAX!

Feel free to flame me because i don't really care. I'm living in scandinavia and perhaps we see things differently here. Why? perhaps because we are not under the influence of the jewish propaganda machine here.

Here is something for everyone to see, debunk this if you can...

and a thread that i started about the same video...

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:44 PM
I will submit that stereotypes are so often true to an amazing extent.

Some people make excellent single minded killers English/Americans ?

Some people are good at getting thier ( our ) thoughts together. Germans ?

Some people are good at gathering gold together. The Goldsteins ?

Of course these folks are in danger. I can just see a school of Roman or Nazi sharks chasing them about, in my minds' eye.

I have personally ' bucked ' the stereotypical Anglo type : I refuse to be a pirate/murderer/enslaver/conquerer. People can do different things... if you don't like sharks- stay the hell away from blood.

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