Hi ATSers,
whilst travelling to Cambodia last year, I was confronted with the realities of a nation that had been to Hell and yet, somehow managed
to bounce back.
Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge had managed to exterminate much of Cambodia's inhabitants under the guise of revolution.
Mass Extermination/Graves. Atrocities. Dislocation and elimination of families. Torture.
The Camdodians are rather relunctant to talk about these things (apart from tour guides). the country is bustling and its occupants are polite, proud
and admirable.
They have all the evidence needed to convince one of these past attrocities.
They have no laws for punishment of those whom still respect or indeed follow PolPot.
Not like Hitler.
Any mention of Hitler in a favorable light can bring a barrage of insult, insecurity and accusation of Anti-semitism.
With the great genocide 'Apparently' commited by Nazi's, why are there so many, if indeed not millions of Jewish peoples crying in the world every
Does not genocide mean systematic destruction; and if not fully accomplished wouldn't that infact be 'Attempted Genocide'- if we can even call it
As Shakespear wrote: 'He dost pretest too much'!
Most of the worlds Jews are converts anyway, unless they got away from genocide en-mass!
Interesting how even converts claim that they are of the Semitic Race!!!???
How convenient; I think I might convert next week.
But dont deny the Holocaust.
You may just get thrown in Gaol, or have your career all but ruined- like Mel Gibson.
Sickening. Learn from the Cambodians. The rest of us whom had families involved and deceased within the great wars want to move on.
Why on Earth cant the Jewish community?
Oh I forgot- empathy is your tool.