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200 years to ET-Disclosure

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posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Always enjoy your posts Skyfloating.

However, I hope you're wrong about the 2150 disclosure date. Because if you're right, there's not going to be anyone left on this dying planet for ET to disclose to!

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
I think that 2012 very well could be disclosure, but I have always thought that we will have a public landing around 2012-11, with 2012 being the start of a major battle, That is my take on it anyways.

Some interesting facts about 2012:

* Other Calendars (non-mayan) end on other dates
* Jose Arguelles (the founder of 2012-talk) spent most of his life tripped out on drugs..which is where he got his "insights" from.
* Only a small segment of western-world population is aware of the 2012 movement (not to mention the rest of the world)
* Some of the same marketeers that jumped on the year-2000 bandwagon, are now jumping on 2012
* Both in physics and in metaphysical-thought fixing a certain date in the future is a fallacy that disregards the fluid and uncertain nature of the Future.

There...put that up your pipe

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Wow, perky today aren't we? LOL....

My belief in 2012 has nothing to do with the calendar, I got the date from a personal source, I have talked about him in two older threads of mine. I do not believe in Nibiru, so I should clear that up. Honestly I do not know too much about 2012, like I said the date comes from a source and it was strictly a tentative time frame or deadline for disclosure. Between now and 2011 it is my belief that it is highly possible that we will see a lot of stuff go down, especially in relations to the alien presence. I am not saying this is fact, nor am I claiming I think this will happen beyond a doubt. I will say what I always say:I will not be suprised if something major happens on 2012, but I still won't be surprised if nothing happens on Thursday, December 21st, 2012.

But there is some equally strong information that nothing is going to happen, so honestly I really do not have a definite answer for you. I will say that I personally believe strongly that by 2050, likely 2030 we will have knowledge of AT LEAST microbial life. That is just logical, considering our rapidly advancing space exploration. I am near certain that by 2050 (again, likely closer to 2030) we will know of at least one Earth like planet, I mean near same size, atmosphere, and in the habitable zone. We may even see signs of carbon life form emissions as well. I really do not see that by 2050 there will still be no knowledge on ETs of any kind, intelligent or not. As always this is all IMHO.

[edit on 6/25/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Microbal Life? Thats pretty certain to me too. They've already started with that a bit. Its a bit laughable, imo - disclosure should be gentle, but one can always overdo the caution

Stuff happening in the next years? For sure.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:48 PM
Hi skyfloating,

I agree with your answer to me that things are on constant change from day to day by the decisions man makes BUT....sometimes in history things happen that are unexpected and this is the problem at this time in our history.

This unexpected event is coming and it is going to be very bad from what I have been shown and told. Many different species are here in the deepest of our waters and also in ships that appear as stars in our night skies. They are attempting to lesson the blow when the time comes because they "do" want this race to survive.

What I was told was this event was not supposed to have happened and they have come here to try and make things right when the time does come.

So as I see it your timeline was logical but from what I have seen something occurs that will bring things faster to fruition.

Hint: Radio active volcanic eruptions in the West huge Tsunami's and 3 dreadfully disasterous eartrhquakes 2 off hump of Brazil to Mid Atlantic Ridge and the third the entire hump of Africa to Ridge Tsunami's like never imagined.

This will be anytime to March 17, 2046

I prey more then anyone on this Planet I am wrong, time will tell.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:59 PM
Very nice post. It shows how primate the mass conscious is. People think they are ready but I would agree that when one see's a UFO they change. My family and I saw one, while going home one night. Everyone besides myself freaked out. I mean they really freaked out crying ect... they were scared ,they still don't like to talk about it now. because their mind saw their fantasy as reality. My family is the average family. Believe me when I say I would like disclosure, but humanity IS NOT READY. They still only believe what they are fed in small I mean very small portions. The sheeple need to be in a tighter corral so they can feel safe before they let the TRUTH out.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 08:53 PM
People have been talking about Jesus coming back for hundreds and hundreds of years and nothing yet... Just saying...

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by CaninE.G
But after giving you all that praise, I would like to say once again I don't think it is going to take 200 years to disclose.

Maybe it will be 50 years. My OP is a rebellion against the daily onslaught of ATS posts that claim

"Disclosure by May 15th!"

"Disclosure by France within a month!"

"Disclosure next year?"

and all the hype, BS, marketing-scams and disappointments that creates

beautiful response man. Frickin sweeeeet.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:42 AM
i disagreed.. i think ET contact is coming very soon...from my personal experience..something is coming and fast!

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by ringo5
i disagreed.. i think ET contact is coming very soon...from my personal experience..something is coming and fast!

Your personal experience has nothing to do with the experience of Billions of others. Ive had personal experiences too. Doesnt mean there will be Disclosure because of me.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 08:03 AM

Check out this compilation.

I really think the person that created this did in fact stay awake.

Many many images.

He must rest now...

All the good old and new shots

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Stage 3

The next stage from 2030 onward (and not 2012 imo) will see an increase in witness-accounts, sightings and more optimistically oriented science-fiction. Furthermore, Extraterrestrial Life will be admitted to, but projected to be elsewhere, just not "too close to home". This should be disclosed by around 2050 and send shockwaves through mass-consciousness. How quickly these events come to pass depends on various political and economic factors. The Internet itself, is, in my opinion, one step in the direction required to connect to ETs. If humans are not properly connected and in exchange, there will be no connecting to other species.

I believe we are right there right now, and "Stage 4" will start very soon. The only thing left in this one is the admittance of ET life. The Pope already said it was not only okay to believe in alien life but not to would disrespect Gods power of creation.

Another reason I think we are in this stage now is because currently there is a large influx of reported UFO sightings, in fact I dare say we are in or very near approaching another UFO wave. Now we have the discovery of a laser-like signal from the Gilese system, large scale speculation of at least organic life on Mars(from NASA as well). The time is right IMO, the time is ripe, and like I said earlier I believe something is going to happen by the next year or two.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 09:39 AM
well if america has any part in disclosure i bet itl stink like hell and when i mean america i dont mean its people i mean the elite that want to conotrol the information

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 10:08 AM
Forgot to add to my last post (can not edit now) is in the quake locations I wrote of..... there will be a very notable P-WAVE.

"Sorry" I did get off topic skyfloating I do have that tendency so it is time for me to be quite.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:05 PM
When will you humans ever learn.

If you want to know the reason why we do not have contact with an alien species, one only has to look at what has happend whenever old world societies made contact with new world natives.

Most natives were initially and periodically wiped out by Europeans who wanted to conquer their territories, which i dont think is the case for aliens but there are many other reason why their populations were thinned and their societies destroyed.

1. The natives had no immunities to bacterias brought over from Europe. Most native cultures didnt have super bugs and huge pandemics because they didnt live in close quarters in mass quantities and since their villages were spread out so far from each other, if one village were wiped out by disease, chances are it didnt spread to another village. When the Europeans came over, their flus and other bus wiped out millions of native americans.

2. The native americans didnt have a natural tolerance to drugs and alcohol. Basically the Euros has it for centuries, have developed their societal norms and taboos on the use of drugs and alcohol and since most consumed alcohol, most had a high tolerance to the stuff. Drugs and alcohol from Europe played a strong part in destroying the culture and society of the Native americans.

3. Their belief system simply just fell apart. The mayans believed the spanish to be their returning gods. Other native cultures were forced to accept jesus as their saviour and we made to cast down their own belief systems.

Anyone who believes in aliens and wishes contact must take into consideration the lessons we should have learned in the past. What became of the Native american culture (utterly destroyed) will happen to our own for a few simple reasons:

-We still worship gods as our religious belief system, which i might add there is much conflict on this planet about whos is superiour.

-We are arrogant and think that humans are at the top of their game and we are all knowing and we can do no wrong.

-We tend to try and destroy what we dont understand or what we are afraid of

The best reason i can think of why we will NEVER have first contact is because while vastly superior spacefaring races might have solved the problem of curing almost any illness with ease, even ones they may have never encountered before, we on the other hand have not. Their bacterias and viruses would kill our entire species in a matter of weeks. Not to mention it would be hard for them to immunize themselves against the bacterias from out planet, but even harder to immunize us from them since they are not as skilled with our biological nature as they are with themselves. It would literally take them decades of researching our planet to make sure there is firstly no danger to themselves, then to us, possibly longer. We are simply not equipped because we can even solve our own health problems as it is.

This goes the same as us visiting another world, think of the billions of alien bacterias that our bodies have never encountered before. It will bring the term "dont drink the water" to a whole new meaning.


posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by ringo5
i disagreed.. i think ET contact is coming very soon...from my personal experience..something is coming and fast!

Your personal experience has nothing to do with the experience of Billions of others. Ive had personal experiences too. Doesnt mean there will be Disclosure because of me.

Really what they are finding out is who they really are, and when is their ship coming to pick them up, when their projected out of this holographic universe.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

ANyways in reply to your OP very good points indeed.

I think the only exception to your theory is if we have a sudden, massive jump in technology that ends up with us being able to colonize at least the moon and Mars within the next 100 years. This will take away the majority of this shock because the idea will be that if we are in space, others can be as well. Plus in order for us to accomplish such a task we would have to abandon the inward thinking that is preventing us from having contact as it is.

I think the need for getting off this planet is coming anyways. Many have predicted that our planet will not be able to sustain our exponential growth and resource consumption for another 100 years or so before we really are in trouble.

I am a firm believer that our species is already made up of a few different races of humanoids that may have origionated on different planets as it is.

Anyways S&F for you.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:53 PM
OP.... I believe should be before 2012.... we deserve to be told the truth... after all, we live here too and if such things as 'saucers' have crashed and Aliens are being kept in some crypt then we need to know.... well i do anyway coz then at least i can put to rest my theory of who is an Alien here on Earth

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
reply to post by Skyfloating

ANyways in reply to your OP very good points indeed.

I think the only exception to your theory is if we have a sudden, massive jump in technology that ends up with us being able to colonize at least the moon and Mars within the next 100 years. This will take away the majority of this shock because the idea will be that if we are in space, others can be as well. Plus in order for us to accomplish such a task we would have to abandon the inward thinking that is preventing us from having contact as it is.

I think the need for getting off this planet is coming anyways. Many have predicted that our planet will not be able to sustain our exponential growth and resource consumption for another 100 years or so before we really are in trouble.

I am a firm believer that our species is already made up of a few different races of humanoids that may have origionated on different planets as it is.

Anyways S&F for you.

Metal.... Please check my thread i just started as i think you are on my wavelength

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Extrapolating from this basic idea it is my humble opinion that:

* Advanced Extraterrestrial races are unlikely to be evil because evil breeds self-destruction rather than advancement.

* Advanced ETs are likely to have a non-interference policy for the reasons stated.

* A "sudden shift" as in the 2012-Theories circulating is highly unlikely. It is more likely that things such as the Internet are an indicator of this new age than a sudden "return of the Gods" on December 21st 2012.

If you are so sure of your consciousness and mind, why do you choose these even-numbered dates?

If we are ready for contact in 2012, we create that reality. Well-written thread aside, I do not agree with this one bit.

Furthermore, a vast number are already in contact with "one", so why is contact the big deal?? Its US that needs to change..

and for the better i might add!

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