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200 years to ET-Disclosure

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posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 06:59 AM
i believe ET's are sort of like jane goodall (sp)...she went to africa to study the apes and spent most of her life studying them. she didn't try and change them, but she found how they interacted in a group and family setting. at first the apes were very suspicious, and threatening...not knowing that she as a human could easily kill all of them if that had been her intention. after a period of time, her being there was excepted, but only as a part time participant, never fully intergrated into the ape world.

ET's that are coming to earth and studying us, are the most curious and benevolent of their own species. maybe their home world has different ideas on how to best serve their own species by contacting and studying ours. being an inferior species to them, we have to assume that we will never be treated as an equal, but at best, as a species to be treated with some dignity. they are more highly evolved, but that does not mean they are ready for us to be cosmic neighbors to them.
you might hand an ape a knife and show him how it helps cutting up vegetation to better feed himself, but he might use the knife to stab his rival, an unintended consequence of sharing advanced tools.
and i think skyfloating elluded to this, by saying it would take some time.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:16 AM
To the OP: Your idea that at most 1% of Humanity could handle disclosure is at best laughable. Here are some statistics for you.....

From 1997

" Nearly 50 years since an alleged UFO was sighted at Roswell, New Mexico, a new CNN/Time poll released Sunday shows that 80 percent of Americans think the government is hiding knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms. "

From 2005

" One third (34%) believe in UFOs. More men (38%) than women (31%) hold this belief. "

If these people believe in UFO's, and poll after poll says that large percentages do, then where is the chaos and disorder? The suicides, mass looting, etc etc?

Give the rest of Humanity a bit of credit. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Zenagain

Just because they believe in them does not mean they can handle them psychologically/energetically.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:51 AM
Well said mate, I agree with you.

Also what I said in another thread:

Maybe the aliens don't have physical bodies to be seen but are entities that can communicate with us in a telepathic way, can travel (thought is instantaneous) and create matter with the power of the mind , etc... they might not be on our 'phyisical realm' but rather on another sort of 'dimension'.

Maybe we're all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, the Universe is an hologram and there's no such thing as humans, aliens or matter.

How would you disclose such thing to the general public? I can't even fully understand it myself...

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
OP.... I believe should be before 2012.... we deserve to be told the truth... after all, we live here too and if such things as 'saucers' have crashed and Aliens are being kept in some crypt then we need to know.... well i do anyway coz then at least i can put to rest my theory of who is an Alien here on Earth

it is not necessary for our government to disclose anything...for those that are crictical thinking humans. i don't need a government to validate what i believe in order for it to be true.
people in positions of power have something the rest of us don't. they are aware of this, and will continue to keep certain things secret.
people who have had experiences with ET's don't need the government to disclose anything. they know what they have experienced, and simply go on with their lives.
why do we feel the need to have someone in power validate the presence of ET's...i certainly don't. i simply would like to make contact for my own education and curiosity.

[edit on 15-10-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:42 AM
I honestly don't think disclosure will take 200 years. You are comparing apples and oranges imo. The industrial revolution was being talked about hundreds of years before it happen because it was an idea. Keeping ET presences behind the curtain, knowingly, is a lie, and it will just take people to wake up to revile this lie. We must be more advanced mentally for the day to come.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 09:02 AM
Your threat is excellent, but I have a different opinion.
I was not prepared for alien disclosure and sightning and it occured to me.

I believe alien disclosure will occur gradually between now and 2030.
It may well include an official statement of former contact but nothing more. People will realize that we have to mature ourselves and focus in our world and not out there. It will be exposed not as a lie but as a cover-up to protect a world which was under the threat of the cold war.

Because this is a very simple step: to simply disclose. Still it's a little shock. When it happen for me, I was only 18 and it was a shock for me.
For society, a statement will be a shock but no great than a stock market crash or the announcement of a pandemic. But we are now prepared for disclosure. It will occur and then the world goes on naturally. I think the aliens are awaiting this next step. I think they are even pushing for disclosure and contact; otherwise why are they flying UFOs over our lands already?

But the big shock is not disclosure but contact!!
I think, yes, full contact only occurs by 2100 or 2200, (we are not prepared, I am not prepared).

There is also the fact that we are due not to contact one species, but there are many (some good, some bad, some neutral, some somewhat equal, some very advanced, some physical, some ethereal) This complicates a lot an official disclosure and contact.

In summary: disclosure statement 2010-2030, full contact 2100-2200

Remember the timeline for our governments:
3000 BC alien contact in Egypt
1930 first flying UFOs
1947 first crash contact
1954 first official contact, aliens come and go away (more than one species)
1970s aliens start hidden facilities on Earth, other fly in our skies; military people recognize there are many species, but probably have only contacted ocassionaly two of them
1990s cold war ends, internet network starts; disclosure occurs in web
2009 the situation remains the same; most officials did not have contact; UFOs are quite common sightnings; some ethereal contacts have occured to sensitive people;

[edit on 15-10-2009 by segurelha]

[edit on 15-10-2009 by segurelha]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Moraz
Maybe the aliens don't have physical bodies to be seen but are entities that can communicate with us in a telepathic way, can travel (thought is instantaneous) and create matter with the power of the mind , etc... they might not be on our 'phyisical realm' but rather on another sort of 'dimension'.

Maybe we're all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, the Universe is an hologram and there's no such thing as humans, aliens or matter.

How would you disclose such thing to the general public? I can't even fully understand it myself...


Thats precsisely one of the reaons there is no disclosure yet.

Much (not all) of the phenomenon is spectral rather than physical nuts and bolts stuff.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by -midnite-
Keeping ET presences behind the curtain, knowingly, is a lie, and it will just take people to wake up to revile this lie.

Why assume all kinds of people are "in the know" and keeping their secret from you? what if much of the Government is just as puzzled as us pedestrians are?

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by segurelha

But the big shock is not disclosure but contact!!
I think, yes, full contact only occurs by 2100 or 2200, (we are not prepared, I am not prepared).

Thats a good point. Disclosure will happen earlier than contact. I agree with that and it I see I should have written my OP differently.

I will reply to your other stuff shortly.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

You don't have to be "in the know", to know that E.T. life is possible. I know that there is some sort of alien presence here on Earth that are far more advanced than us. But for those who don't believe in the alien presence for their own reason, the government or the alien's themselves is what it would take to wake the them up.

[edit on 15-10-2009 by -midnite-]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 09:38 AM
Skyfloating, have you read this book?:

In that book the alien states that Earth is a prison planet and humans were captured from other planetary systems and are not "native" to Earth. What do you think of that?

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 09:45 AM
Hi Skyfloating! Your ideas are interesting. I don't think 200 years is their target date. I am not sure our planet will deal with us if huge environmental changes in how we treat the planet don't happen now. The aliens, are probably revealing themselves to the truely open physic types and empathetic types who are natural networkers..... mothers. Yes, those who are standing out in the dark at 6:15am in the morning with their children, and those joggers, and the dog walkers are seeing the sightings.
No one has the cell phones or cameras out, no one bothers to report the wierd things they just saw, no one's husbands believe them. Sightings
could be as short as a few brief seconds, enough to seep into your subconscious and start to accept reality. Yet not long enough that you can't say to yourself, "Did I really see that?"or "Huh! So that's what all the fuss is about, it's ALL TRUE." Then the person starts to wonder about things and research books and the internet.... leading to a higher consciousness. The crop circles do this too. They are addictive, you start to find yourself looking forward to the new designs, and then you feel sad the season is over, and wonder "This is crazy." I think the crop circle images are put down by happy, free, people or creatures. Although,the whole idea of being hovered over and observed is just plain rude and agressive, peeping Toms so to speak. I think they would then approach people in dreams and ask them to be embassadors. My oldest child said he had a dream where they asked him to teach them them different languages. He is an honors student in spanish and french I was shocked to hear this dream. He said they were human short adults, and he was scared. I personally wouldn't want to be an embassador, most mothers are not into public speaking or making fools out of theirselves. Can you imagine a more dangerous and questionable job? Most of us just want honest drama free lives, no war, no politics, no worries, etc. No one in day to day public human life speaks of this stuff, it is forbidden, that is odd as well. Like it or not, the aliens are in everyone's consciousness now, and we would not be exploring space if we weren't ready for change and new ideas. The ones who have the most trouble with this idea are the over fifty crowd. The old school folks.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 09:58 AM
"But the real problem is. Do you really give this world another 200 years?"

Those two two phrases sum it all up nicely as to why Disclosure will happen much sooner than 200 years from now - unless of course the ETs like to talk with corpses.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by segurelha
There is also the fact that we are due not to contact one species, but there are many (some good, some bad, some neutral, some somewhat equal, some very advanced, some physical, some ethereal) This complicates a lot an official disclosure and contact.

I actually think thats true...and the very-advanced generally arent physical...

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by sphinx551
Skyfloating, have you read this book?:

In that book the alien states that Earth is a prison planet and humans were captured from other planetary systems and are not "native" to Earth. What do you think of that?

Never read the book, but the idea is familiar to me and not unlikely imo.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by frugal
I am not sure our planet will deal with us if huge environmental changes in how we treat the planet don't happen now.

Earth is just fine and strong enough to heal any of its tiny wounds.

No one has the cell phones or cameras out, no one bothers to report the wierd things they just saw, no one's husbands believe them. Sightings could be as short as a few brief seconds, enough to seep into your subconscious and start to accept reality. Yet not long enough that you can't say to yourself, "Did I really see that?

You bet. Some happen quickly. Some so vaguely one is not sure.

The crop circles do this too. They are addictive, you start to find yourself looking forward to the new designs, and then you feel sad the season is over

Crop circle seaon is over. Now its Yeti season.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 10:45 AM
I'm thinking diclosure is not going to go over well and it will be much sooner than that more like now to 2012.

I'm think 2012 because of the Maya calender and I think the aliens made that calender and lots of other stuff, go watch the Anicent Aliens on youtube, its a history channel show very good I thought.

I think our goverments are morons and they will give the aliens power a one world leader to make peace over the planet and then in 2015 he will turn into a ***hole and start killing everyone that doesn't not worship him.

It will be the Antichrist remeber Nostrodomus said 2012

Think about it the Revalation and Nostrodomus is both about the same except N. says a 27 year war unless thats all the wars in the middle east thats been going on since the 90's.

Just saying somebody wrote both of thier books maybe it was aliens maybe it was just a man with vissions but the way things are looking it seems to point to the both of thier predictions.

All the war in the mideast proves that its coming true now so what next our 1 world leader to come and destroy us and the earth.

HOLD on tight its going to get bumpy right before this joker shows up.

Before he shows up something happens to kill 1/3 of the earth population some kind of disaster.

[edit on 15-10-2009 by slipknotrules2009]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 11:46 AM
There will be no disclosure for at least another 300 years. There will be no official contact for at least 400 years. And the world will not end in 2012.

What we really want is for someone or a group of persons to come out and basically say; yes, there are extraterrestrials visiting the Earth, there are multiple races, they have been here for many thousands of years, they reside anywhere you can think of, underground, earth's upper atmosphere, in orbit, they have outposts on the moon, they have outposts on mars, they occupy and take advantage of space/time in a much more sophisticated way than us, bordering on the ethereal, spiritual, physical, and travel by means of dimension rather than matters of distance or time.

The interesting thing is, that there are already scores of people who've come out and said this over and over again to no avail.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:42 PM
Although I pointed to disclosure somewhere between now and 2030, and full contact only a couple of centuries ahead, I agree that initially they will approach us cautiously, and only "part-time", never fully integrating.

But well before that, we need disclosure.
Who is going to disclose that humans have a soul?
Who and when will disclose that there is a spiritual reality, we were born there, and we reincarnate, we have a spiritual karma, and Earth is a school, and entities or aliens are mostly these spirit guides?

Who and when?
When does spiritual disclosure occurs?
When does alien dislosure occurs?

Because the disclosure of a spiritual world (something so well accepted by many millions and talked about), is not even considered by world governments. So, why care with alien disclosure?
Most aliens are probably non-physical, the most benevolent, guiding and spiritual ones.
Will governments disclose the more scientific, neutral or negative, physical ones? Its a hell of a question to answer.

However, strangely, spiritual disclosure has never occured, but full spiritual contact has and happens every day to many people.
Alien disclosure has never occured, but contact has already occured in Fatima, Roswell and is still ongoing every day. Disclosure has even occured by a few military and a few politicians (for example a Canadian and a Japanese minister). But still no prime-minister or president. No Barack Obama or Gordon Brown or Sarcozy or Putin.

The question is: masses are not ready, therefore does not occur. Even most governments are not interested at all in alien matters, therefore there is no disclosure or contact.
Individuals are ready, therefore they know this reality and some of us have already experience at least some UFO sightining, and spiritual contact.

But besides that, we are like babies. No full and permanent contact is expected. But maybe some taste of it may occur next decades.

Originally posted by Majorion
There will be no disclosure for at least another 300 years. There will be no official contact for at least 400 years. And the world will not end in 2012.

What we really want is for someone or a group of persons to come out and basically say; yes, there are extraterrestrials visiting the Earth, there are multiple races, they have been here for many thousands of years, they reside anywhere you can think of, underground, earth's upper atmosphere, in orbit, they have outposts on the moon, they have outposts on mars, they occupy and take advantage of space/time in a much more sophisticated way than us, bordering on the ethereal, spiritual, physical, and travel by means of dimension rather than matters of distance or time.

The interesting thing is, that there are already scores of people who've come out and said this over and over again to no avail.

[edit on 15-10-2009 by segurelha]

[edit on 15-10-2009 by segurelha]

[edit on 15-10-2009 by segurelha]

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