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What I see in the Racial/collective unconscious...

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posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 03:02 PM
Hi jackie!
It is good to see you again! I don't have time to answer today though. I will answer first thing tomorrow (unless the fates intervene, of course!) *lol* And I will answer KJ and Mr. Green then too! Sorry you all! Time, for not being 'real', sure does have an impact anyway!

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Geladinhu
What exactly are the crop circles and what significance do they have in relation to our history?

Sorry for not realizing this post was here!
I got sorta side tracked by the 'violent encounter with an alien being' and 'I was a grey alien in past life' threads!
Hum... crop circles. I think some of the aliens are doing them as a joke, to make us humans be puzzled. Too, there is some sense of a message to other aliens, but it is sort of like an inside joke. Only certain other aliens will understand. None of it really means anything in the over all scheme of things, though.
I see mostly the blues behind them. They don't care at all if they destroy some hapless farmer's crops in the process.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
It is fully loving all aspects of yourself that is the key to all of this.

I could not agree more.
To fully love all aspects of everything and everything of and around the soul unconditionally.
When we are able to FULLY love then there is NO space left for fear, hate and negativity. It however takes a lot of faith to love FULLY without question or regard for any fear. I have achieved it only a handful of times in meditation and I will admit to you now it was so over whelming it brought me to tears. They were tears of joy but a most overwhelming emotional joy I found hard to understand. It was also a very humbling experience.

I do want to emphasize that it is loving ourselves that is the criteria, not love in general. That is very much a new age NWO spun version of things. That means if everyone knew everything about you, you would be fine. No shame, no self hatred over any issue, no fear of unworthiness or unloveability, no unresolved grief, no worry or fear of being appropriately angry, just pure unadulterated self love. That is a challenge like no other, and the only one that is going to be significant in making the shift to a light body.

But yah, to be without fear, that is tricky, but I don't see the opposite of fear as being love; I see it as trusting. And that is also an incredibly tricky thing to do. To trust our highest selves so much that we don't worry about things, knowing it is out there working for our highest and best good, no matter what is happening around us.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by King_John

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by King_John
Hmmmm, this topic is really interesting, just curios DragonriderGal what do you see will happen here on Earth in 2012?

Thanks for taking time to read, KJ.

There are a couple things I see happening. 1) the contract our overarching sentince has with the NWO bunch comes to an end. 2) We start learning to make physical enlightenment as a species, and that will change every thing. 3) The E-l*th, in force, will be coming back to help evict the NWO.

It will be the end of things as we 'know' them in part because we will be able to see thru all the crap and lies the NWO has been foisted off on us over the last 300,000 years and we will no longer have to put up with their lying, thieving, cheating, murdering ways.
Big hurray for that one!

I see that they may try to trigger that earth shift thing on their way out as a way to punish us, but I think by then, enough of us will be able to shift into light/spirit bodies plus with the Elves still here, I think we will be able to stop it or minimize the damage it will do.

Despite all the fear mongering they are busy doing all over the net and on this site too, the clearest future I see has us doing much better than they want us to believe. But remember, they always are going to try to scare us into submission. Fear is one of their favorite manipulative tools.

What exactly is physical enlightenment?

What I see it being is that we will physically be able to shift this physical body into a light/spirit body. So we will have all the benefits of the physical, like being able to eat and sleep and watch sunsets and such (of course sex too, eh? *lol*) while having all the advantages of being a spirit, like walking thru walls, seeing on the spirit realm level and knowing the bigger picture, the ability to use all of our previously blocked psychic skills like teleporting, telekinesis, telepathy, etc, and (big 'and' here), while in that form, we can't be killed.
So, it is something worth shooting for, for sure, from my perspective!

[edit on 3-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by jackieps1975
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Welcome back DRG! You've been missed. Well, I've missed ya at!

I absolutely cannot shake the feeling of impending doom / global catastrophe; in the natural disaster sense. I've had it my entire life, my earliest memories are attributed to this. I do inherently know that there is a great wisdom attached to everything that is going to happen (at least for some of us anyway!).

I just find it hard to believe that so many refuse to see the SHTF before all of the rewards become available for reaping. It's NOT all going to be love and light. At least not immediately. I think people need to start getting rational and a tad bit smarter, IMHO.

As we've discussed, the NA movement is definitely yet another NWO ploy. Those people are making the most fantastic puppets. We see it every day; even here in ATS threads. It's foolish and unrealistic. When has anything worth having ever come without tribulation?! pffffffffft

The division is becoming abundantly clear. Sadly there are too few really viewing the whole spectrum. Oh well.......more for us? lol! (I'm sure you know what I mean though)

Hi Jackie...
Sorry for taking so long to get back here! I got sidetracked,

Anyway, yah, stuff is going to get rough for some, definitely. I do think you can manifest safety for yourself and your loved ones though, but that doesn't at all mean, like you say, it's gonna be all love and light. The greater 'reality' is gonna see some rather harsh times! But for yourself, jackie, see and 'know' that it will all be passing you by and most of it will. I do think that if one focuses on all the possible badness too much though, it will allow a lot more of it to get thru and do damage.

And did you say you were indigo? I get that sense about you. The no-nonsense, non-manipulateble stance you have seems very indigo. And there are a lot of the indigos here now. But one thing I have noticed with them is that many of them, like you, have this underlying fear and sense of impending doom. I see that very clearly is left over from the indigo's last spirit incarnation where their own world was destroyed. The NWO bunch are pushing the fear vibration of worldly catastrophe up on the psychic level though, knowing the indigos are very susceptible to it. I guess they figure if they can't control them, at least they can make them miserable, plus the added gut level belief of 'impending doom' of the indigo's part, is helping make a bigger scale catastrophe a stronger possibility.

And sadly, like any other 'religion' or organization that deals with something the NWO wants hidden, the New Age movement has been infiltrated and essentially neutralized with pseudo-spiritual information (with so much in common with the other 'religions of the world), to prevent us humans from finding and using the real information we need to make spiritual and physical enlightenment or see what those NWO yahoos are really up to.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 11:13 AM
ohh, nice posts again, Dragon! Like you said, there is so much pseudo-spiritualism floating around, even on sites like this one, so it's a breath of clean air to read something that's fairly grounded.

I'd like to ask about vampires. Where does this myth spring from? I'm reading Dracula atm, so I find it rather interesting.

Also, I'm very drawn to your shaman much do you think it changed your spiritual awareness? Would you recommend it for people attempting to access to collective (un)conciousness?

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by VergeofObscene
ohh, nice posts again, Dragon! Like you said, there is so much pseudo-spiritualism floating around, even on sites like this one, so it's a breath of clean air to read something that's fairly grounded.

I'd like to ask about vampires. Where does this myth spring from? I'm reading Dracula atm, so I find it rather interesting.

Also, I'm very drawn to your shaman much do you think it changed your spiritual awareness? Would you recommend it for people attempting to access to collective (un)conciousness?

Thanks so much VoO, for the kind words and support. Yah that pseudo-spiritual stuff is so prevelent everywhere. The NWO spins us any old way they can, and they take a lot of time to figure out what will spin us best; that is why there are so many 'religions'. Different groups of ex-alien spirits get 'spun' by different things, although the religion they spun for the ex-blues has kind of blown up in their faces, literally.

I think the blues did some modifying to the muslim religion since it was created by the NWO bunch, since it does encourage 'righteous' anger (via suicide bombers and such) to an extreme. Something the NWO bunch never would encourage, so it appears the blues turned the NWO's own creation on back on them.

And those vampires. I actually met a fellow who used to be one. He was killed as a vampire in the mid 1800s in England. Because I got to know him fairly well, I had time to trace his energy path back thru time, to his arrival here on earth.

What I discovered is that his species came here with a very large species of whales, as an over arching sentience attached to a swarm of virus which would ride along in the whale and provide company and almost a second brain that could react a lot faster than the whale brain could by itself. It was a very loving and healthy symboitic relationship, but we humans hunted their whales into extinction. So what is new, eh? But that really upset the vampires and they vowed their revenge on humanity, and they have been terrifying us and feeding on us ever since then.

But since the basic being is virus based, that is why being bitten can get the bit-ee infected and turned into a vampire, (if they bite you a certain way and you survive the transmutation).

The drinking of blood is required because the virus needs a LOT of nutrients that one human body can't produce in sufficient quantity since they came from a very large whale, but that kind of feeding will kill the victim.

If they bite you in another way, it transforms the body but ousts the spirit of the original owner somehow, and they can transfer into that new body and keep on living in that new body. So while the virus does make the host body more durable/less likely to die for a long time, it doesn't make them immortal. They just switch bodies and are still the same being with the transmutations creating a certain similar 'look', so it seems like they are immortal.

As for the shaman journey as a way to access the racial/collective unconscious, it can't hurt to try! What it did for me was open up my awareness to the spirit realm level of stuff a lot more. Although I haven't heard of anyone else getting connected to the racial/colllective unconscious that way, maybe nobody's actually asked for that when they got to the higher plane. I know my instructions about the higher plane led me to believe that it was a place to go with questions that the wise old indian fellow would answer.

So most people are better prepared than I when they arrive, I am guessing. I didn't ask for the connection, I just asked if I could come back when I thought of a sufficiently important enough question to be worth his time. It was at that point he said, "No need to come back, just ask and we will answer."

Perhaps if you do make it to the higher plane (that part is the tricky part, I think, since many people don't make it there early on or not at all, from my questioning those who I know who have done these journeys), if you ask for a more ongoing connection, he might well allow it. And there might be other ways to get there, since it seems like the journey itself is more a hypnotic trance than anything. But if you know someone who teaches native American spirituality and does the journeys, it certainly would be worth a shot!

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by xds777
Is there a practised technique at any time in human history, forgotten or alive, that allowed you to gain a stronger awareness temporarily or permanent, prefferably to the degree of being able to nearly totally differentiate that experience of awareness from the previous state?
I would like to expand on the awareness variable and add intuition, precognition, telekinesis, past-life remembering, one-ness awareness is a good one. etc.

[edit on 2-8-2009 by xds777]

Hum.. well, meditation is one way to access that level of awareness, and part of it too, is realizing that a lot of what you may be ascribing to an over active imagination may in fact be that you are accessing the spirit realm where there are a lot of things going on all the time. I see the racial/collective unconscious of every alien species like a building and the spaces in between them is the spirit realm. We can access that level too. In fact, I think it is easier to access the spirit realm than the racial unconscious.

And all the things you are wanting to reconnect with are things that (for various reasons) the greys blocked in us out of self protection or worry about other alien species contaminating their own racial unconscious with 'outsider' information.

So it is harder than it should be to connect to that stuff, even when trying. The rest of the 'inability' is the way we humans have been manipulated and controlled by the NWO in to discounting any validity to that level of awareness; calling anyone who did either completely crazy or 'of the devil' etc. So a big part of all this is learning to trust yourself and allowing yourself to 'hear' or 'see' at a level that you currently may consider just your imagination.

[edit on 13-8-2009 by DragonriderGal]

You do really know you give people shivers don't you?
THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU, I have learned nothing new. Get it?

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by xds777

You do really know you give people shivers don't you?
THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU, I have learned nothing new. Get it?

You've learned nothing new, or you are not able to really understand? There is a bit of a difference there.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by xds777

You do really know you give people shivers don't you?
THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU, I have learned nothing new. Get it?

You've learned nothing new, or you are not able to really understand? There is a bit of a difference there.

First option I pick, ma'am.
I had the feeling so strongly that the imagination played a significant role.
It's all a game. If you play mmorpgs you might like to build a character. Don't take previous statement lightly... (I've very rarely reached the state to calm down to make a worthy attempt of meditation, I'm diagnosed with adhd, that gives as known, hyperactivity, and it's not something made up by my imagination, it's there as a feature of my personality. I've studied spirituality daily for 2 years atleast now, having been interested for 23. My age.)

Hopefully genetic personality, to the rest of the ADHD fellows(hip) out there. We are viewing and responding to the world per se, as it appears.
Hold steady thought in dark times. We share your pain. There are some out there who made it real good you know, don't blame your disease and start slacking on important things.

What is the story about ADHD? Is it taken advantage of by the NWO or other alien agendas? Please.

Edited for last time.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by xds777]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by xds777
First option I pick, ma'am.
I had the feeling so strongly that the imagination played a significant role.
It's all a game. If you play mmorpgs you might like to build a character. Don't take previous statement lightly... (I've very rarely reached the state to calm down to make a worthy attempt of meditation, I'm diagnosed with adhd, that gives as known, hyperactivity, and it's not something made up by my imagination, it's there as a feature of my personality. I've studied spirituality daily for 2 years atleast now, having been interested for 23. My age.)

Hopefully genetic personality, to the rest of the ADHD fellows(hip) out there. We are viewing and responding to the world per se, as it appears.
Hold steady thought in dark times. We share your pain. There are some out there who made it real good you know, don't blame your disease and start slacking on important things.

What is the story about ADHD? Is it taken advantage of by the NWO or other alien agendas? Please.

Edited for last time.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by xds777]

Ok, that was a bit confusing to read. Are you talking to me or telling other ADHD's that there is hope and they are not alone? Or?

And are you thinking what I am seeing is just made up, out of my imagination? or? And I have never played a role-playing game so I don't have much of a frame of reference for allegories based on them. Sorry!

And I have been exploring spirituality for the better part of my life, so that puts it at about hum... 54-15= 39 years. That and at least 20 or so of those years doing personal growth work. So I think I kinda got some stuff figured out.

And from what I see, ADHD is a pretty good indicator that you are probably an Indigo. Don't let them drug you. It is sorta like you guys/gals are windows vista. The rest of us are more like windows 98. Your thought processes are still reflecting the way you thought as indigos. And that was different; definitely more technical and advanced in 'logic-based' thought processes, like math and such. But yah, the NWO bunch can't control or manipulate you indigos and so they are all about drugging you to get you under control. *shakes head*

[edit on 15-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 03:27 PM
I was given a medication called concerta, this has been distributed amongst with Ritalina and a new one on the market, Stratera (had no effect on me, Ritalina untested but contains similar chemical compounds as concerta). Concerta had an effect on me that is causing me to 1. I'm considering myself to taking in alot of perceptive impressions simultaneously in my normal state, the medication I'm taking minimizes that ammount and makes me focus on stuff with a drugged-differential-feeling state, some people on the cure can play computers for 24 hrs straight etc. 2. I'm loosing my apetite and sleeping gets difficult due to the hyped up mode your body gets by the medication, this is a common side-effect. 3. Fear of speaking to people and difficulty controlling thoughts/negative thought patterns, you get afraid of the toilet, etc.´This is all very real. Guys, this is amphetamine they are giving ADHD clients, we get an 12/7 amphetamine rush, I did the real amphetamine drug enough to feel that it's more than just a background feeling, this is giving you an amphetamine kick, I shall return with concrete info if it's addictive to the intaker or not.
Furthermore, I have resisted to take the medication most of all the time, I have been more or less unaffected of it's effects since seven years or so, after which I got my diagnose. And I'm currently suggesting that a close adhd diagnosed friend whom's very likeminded, social and easy to be around to quit on his Concerta prescription to feel for a difference. He's explaining the phenomenas of a "hangover" on amphetamine, afraid of people, hard to pronounce and form meanings in the head when speaking with people (this is a true one and very very devastating, not only did I, but 2 others also became very asocial and depressed on this drug, we were all having problems forming meanings in the head before speaking them and that was on a light dosage(36mg)), my friend had all sorts of side-effects that are related to amphetamine, including a "freak" on having to get his house cleaned every hour because he felt that insects were invading and he HAD to get rid of them, this is not a guy who's in any way less man than anyone. And we both in eerie collaboration came to to the conclusion that concerta was making us very hard to speak and make us taken seriously around other people.

Do I sound, like a person, who cannot speak? I am quite clever with a big vocabular infact, did well above average in school when I laid my merest attention to it. But I do have social issues nevertheless, and those, I think are inherited in my disease... There's a reason as to all of theese questions concerning adhd. I believe it's there because someone promotes it to be there in one aid or another.

As to the other content of your post, I respond:
I made a statement to the adhd community out there, sorry if it got in the middle of the message, I should have formatted the text to be more easy-read.
As to the if I believe if this comes from your imagination question; I'd like to define pure imagination, out of the everyday persons perspective, and that is, random thought without significance, possibly, only a result of the subject going bored and the thoughts take random directions, when they are in idle. This, my friends, is what I have nearly come to concluded it is not, criticise that atleast a portion of your so called "random thoughts" stem from a credible source of reality/information. This makes sense!
It's all a game and you want to buckle up with the best items (most practical tools), best info about how the mechanics of the game work (wisdom), and well, you need levels and in-game skills too, to be strong enough to oppose a monster (experience), but hey I'm not a game developer and this is real-life, so there's probably more.

I'm trying to speak to you and the forum at the same time.
Sorry for going so offtopic in my content, I just got swooped in on the adhd subject.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by xds777]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by xds777

Thanks for the clarification! I don't have time to answer today, but I will get back to you tomorrow, ok?? Thanks for your patience.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Hey! Thanks for that confirmation you gave me on that controlling person in the astral. I got shot of him lol, took some doing but can you take a look and see if hes totally gone!! Cheers MG

I think you have a rare talent for sure

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Hey! Thanks for that confirmation you gave me on that controlling person in the astral. I got shot of him lol, took some doing but can you take a look and see if hes totally gone!! Cheers MG

I think you have a rare talent for sure

Glad to help. I will check and see, but I am thinking if you got the individual here on this plane that was sending him, to stop sending him, that should take care of the problem.

[edit on 16-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by xds777

I have to say drugs aren't the best solution for the ADD. You might check out EFT. What it can do is amazing! I think I've read where they've successfully addressed ADD with it...

But I have ran out of time again today, so I will finish up tomorrow! Sorry!

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
reply to post by xds777

I have to say drugs aren't the best solution for the ADD. You might check out EFT. What it can do is amazing! I think I've read where they've successfully addressed ADD with it...

But I have ran out of time again today, so I will finish up tomorrow! Sorry!

More it was the organization of things that made the post confusing to read. I am guessing ADHD is really more of a 'thinking' issue. You indigos didn't, in your original form, think like humans. And as a human, the differences are making more than one of you half crazy with frustration! You have a sense of how you should think, but when you try to think that way in a human brain, it goes sideways and comes out looking like a physiological problem.

So I wonder if knowing that could be helpful, and maybe give you a different way of approaching the 'problem' by understanding it is probably more of a 'translation' issue versus some kind of physical problem? Just a thought.

And the reason connecting to the racial unconscious may seem like 'imagination' is because that connection is thru the right brain, where the seat of imagination resides. After a while though, you get to where you can recognize the difference. And it isn't at all random; after a while, when you get familiar with the 'layout' so to speak, it is more like visiting a different space where a different level of information is available.

And that is ok. I don't mind advocating for those who may be feeling overwhelmed or over run by ADHD. Just probably want to frame it as such, so we all can tell who the information and support are meant for.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:59 PM
Thanks for the replys!

I shall return with an answer when time is more appropiate.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:26 PM
Hi again you,

I have looked into the EFT method, and once again it accompanies my thoughts on the subject, I believe the answer to all issues, even physical ones, can at some point be interfered with on the spiritual plane (in egs. the power of willingly send organizing thoughts to a subject, visualizing, making requests to other sentient entities for help) but that the intent and visualizing of the "fix" must be accurate and the procedure must be accordingly to that adjustification. A good example would be to visualize how cancer genes of the subject would begin to withdraw it's presence, dismotivate the individual cells by intent, or making a request to the cancer cells to leave the host.

Yes, you aren't the first person to comment upon my inherited and most natural format of putting things forward, which to the outsider of my thought-sequence, may be hard to follow. Thanks for taking it with ease.

I do not wish to miss this moment out, as it's been given to me in a point of time of where I most of all need and appreciate it. My questions are advanced and so are my needs. I hope to keep theese in alignment with the route if this thread.

As such;
To which degree(1/100 if you will) is this planet numbed from our natural abilities, egs. clairvoyance and telekinesis, compared to other heathilty and freely evolved (read not a catastrophic negative influenced) planets?
Does the hindering electric-energy shock barrier-thingy that the Jue-Sah planted for our "it's" to be returned to a human host, hinder the evolution of the soul/spirit? If so, they would interfer with divine processes, and the Jue-Sah device ought to be dealt with.
Does the "I" 100% by itself, choose to return to a new human body when under the effect of this, as you mention it, attraction to love/pain combined that this device put out?
And lastly, will the majority of our race in the next 80 years or so, accept metaphysics?

[edit on 18-9-2009 by xds777]

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by xds777
Hi again you,

I have looked into the EFT method, and once again it accompanies my thoughts on the subject, I believe the answer to all issues, even physical ones, can at some point be interfered with on the spiritual plane (in egs. the power of willingly send organizing thoughts to a subject, visualizing, making requests to other sentient entities for help) but that the intent and visualizing of the "fix" must be accurate and the procedure must be accordingly to that adjustification. A good example would be to visualize how cancer genes of the subject would begin to withdraw it's presence, dismotivate the individual cells by intent, or making a request to the cancer cells to leave the host.

Actually the EFT tends to focus more on emotional traumas that get reflected in the physical body; I don't think the creators have really gotten into the spiritual level as much, but I do think very much that past lives (hence spiritual level information) influence the current life and body we have, like if you were hung in the last life, chances are you will have neck problems, or if you drown, you will have a high but unexplained fear of water, and so on.

Yes, you aren't the first person to comment upon my inherited and most natural format of putting things forward, which to the outsider of my thought-sequence, may be hard to follow. Thanks for taking it with ease.

I am a good reader.
And have interacted with other indigos, some of who have the same difficulty.

I do not wish to miss this moment out, as it's been given to me in a point of time of where I most of all need and appreciate it. My questions are advanced and so are my needs. I hope to keep theese in alignment with the route if this thread.
As such;
To which degree(1/100 if you will) is this planet numbed from our natural abilities, egs. clairvoyance and telekinesis, compared to other heathilty and freely evolved (read not a catastrophic negative influenced) planets?

Our planet is fine, it is the grey's manipulation of our genetics back near the beginning of our sentience that has blocked human bodies to the spirit level awareness and use of our psychic abilities.

Any alien here still has full use of their spirit level abilities. And it is the NWO taking advantage of our 'blindness and deafness' that has made this world so 'catastrophic', because they are trying to scare and control us, and we can't use our psychic abilities to stop them or fix the planet.

Does the hindering electric-energy shock barrier-thingy that the Jue-Sah planted for our "it's" to be returned to a human host, hinder the evolution of the soul/spirit?

Hum... not quite sure what you meant here. Do you mean because we keep getting sucked back into human bodies? The Jue-sah really didn't have much to do with that. That was the greys dinking around, trying to get their little spirits who were unwilling to reincarnate into grey bodies back into some kind of body so they could put them back to work.

And while in the moment, that does seem to hinder our 'evolution', in the long run, the overarching sentience of our racial unconscious (I'd call that 'god') realized it would be very helpful in pushing us more towards spiritual maturity because we couldn't just work with energy and 'fix' things. We would have to work harder to get to those skills and consequently become more evolved because of that work.

If so, they would interfer with divine processes, and the Jue-Sah device ought to be dealt with.

And no, this was all part of the plan by the human racial/collective unconscious. Once we make enlightenment, all the blocks and barriers will be burnt away by the shift into the light/spirit body.

Does the "I" 100% by itself, choose to return to a new human body when under the effect of this, as you mention it, attraction to love/pain combined that this device put out?

I have to say , I don't see any 'device'.
Sorry! But we who are in human bodies, at the highest level of our spirit self, did choose these lives, because we knew that humans are the only species to make full enlightenment. Quite an accomplishment, and part of what our 'god' energy was working to do when it made that contract with the NWO bunch.

And lastly, will the majority of our race in the next 80 years or so, accept metaphysics?

Don't think they will have any choice. It will be sooooooo evident. They may choose to not participate in the shift, but the awareness of the spiritual level of things won't be deniable any more, plus the NWO bunch will be gone, so no one will be trying to keep us from doing so.

[edit on 19-9-2009 by DragonriderGal]

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