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Does the Right Want a Civil War?

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posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 03:33 AM
i guess you shpuld have thought about it be fore you got rid of your guns?!?!

if your sooooooo paranoid,maybe you should have stopped what the "god" was diong to our country.and stop advocating this radical muslim,who has an agenda to destroy this coutry. DON'T YOU SEE IT?
i am not advocating violence,butYOU SHOULD BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR...YOU JUST GOT IT.

fascism!...its here! and you obamatrons got it.
we just want our country back!!!!
it took your bunch abot 4 months to tear this countery apart

a vote for a madman is a vote to give up your rights.
I WANNA BE A TERROTRIST SO I CAN TURN MYSELF IN.i've never been to bermuda.
please turn me in ,i.m a combatant against kaszicstan.
maybe a nice detention apartment in hawaii?a little spendin cash
a car
didnt tell the british
screwed the american public
fired an inspector general,in order to keep his buddy rich
borrowed more money in 6 months than in thee last 30 years
took over business in the country
wants us to bite hard on thre health thing
bailed out the IMF with $108billion
thats just this WEEK!!!!!!!!



are you really too blind to see that you're being screwed?????????????????

[edit on 17-6-2009 by Spectre0o0]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by MysterE

And yet even when you talk to a lot of people who describe themselves as conservative about policy they are for the most part surprisingly liberal.

I am amused by the reactions to this thread... for the most part the posters have attacked the thread as opposed to answering it.

A cursatory scroll down the recent threads at any given time will bring up some pretty extreme right threads and there have been more than a few that do advocate revolution. So no this is not an attack or trolling thread.

I have said repeatedly I am opposed to extremists of all stripes, left and right. AND I have also said in regards to the original article that the writer was overreacting... still it is a pertinent question because among other things there are not left leaning individuals gunning down doctors or shooting up the Holocaust museum etc... such acts are consistently from the right.

And what of the army recruiter gunned down by a newly indoctrinated Muslim? Are you attaching that hennas crime to the right as well? Do you also think Bill Ayres was a radical right wing nut? There are ample examples on both sides of the fence. The left extremist are just harder to find because they are buried in the press. Prime example was the killing of Tiller got about 600% more air time the killing of the army recruiter.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:15 AM
the problem with ideologies which judge others so often are usually lacking all authority to judge and the violence stems from the denial of knowing that the only justification for murderous oppressiveness is a dellusional state of mind of not KNOWING God or self as jake kotze would put it. The right wing or left wing mind react both the same but with differing actions. And the centrist generally uses practicality.

The humanist and naturist..what do they use?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:40 PM
In my humble opinion, civil war is what happens when the people buy into the propaganda that polarizes two groups against one another.

Having two powerful parties is counter-productive, causing nothing but dispute, because if one side says something the other side will automatically take an opposing position. They actively, constantly, shape one another and create more of a divide.

The obvious result is hate and hostility, and yes, perhaps civil war.

The only way to stop this nonsense is to begin looking at and talking to other people as the individuals that they are, rather than the political cult leaders whose kool-aid they've been drinking.

Okay, so maybe it's not such a humble opinion after all...

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Bearack

I have said repeatedly I despise ALL extremisms.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by Bearack

I have said repeatedly I despise ALL extremisms.

And that's how it should be. My response was to an individual that equated all these acts to right wings nuts.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:35 PM
And you know I am talking about those people who have committed acts and then cited their inspiration as coming from hate filled rhetoric from the right.

If someone claimed that the comments from say Bill Moyer incited him to violence after I picked myself up off the floor from laughing (I mean really... Bill Moyer inciting violence?) I would call him an idiot and condemn his actions as well.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 08:11 AM
IMO the crazy right wingers that were happy to see there flag bearers be above the law have set dangerous precedents that will be continued under the current admin when a major scandal breaks out . All of which will fuel a domestic insurgency in the US . The success of the insurgency will depend upon on a number of factors . Certainly I wouldn't be concerned by waste of space keyboard warriors . Those who are quiet , have the know how to patrol stealthy and lay ambushes in there sleep are the ones to watch .

This thread touches on what could trigger such an insurgency .

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 01:46 PM
Don't you mean republicans?

Not all right-wingers are republicans...

In fact, most republicans probably aren't even right wingers - just idiots.

Democrat and Republican does NOT mean left and right.

These two agencies, if anything, are so far to the left that it will make you cringe.

Since when was there a party in the U.S government that actually wanted to reduce it? Please tell me, because I am fairly young and have only seen the bad presidents it seems.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Who all but holds a monopoly on talk radio... the majority of which is hard right?

I will give you a hint... it ain't liberals and Democrats.

Ever wonder why Liberal talk radio is defunct? Could it be lack of support from the audience? I once heard Al Franken say"conservatives can't even read" That was a pretty inflamatory statement,to say the least. I'm sure that there were some liberals that lapped that up like milk. The problem with that statement is that conservatively written books are atop the best sellers list more often than not. Must be liberals that buy them,being as conservatives can't read.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by MysterE

And yet even when you talk to a lot of people who describe themselves as conservative about policy they are for the most part surprisingly liberal.

I am amused by the reactions to this thread... for the most part the posters have attacked the thread as opposed to answering it.

A cursatory scroll down the recent threads at any given time will bring up some pretty extreme right threads and there have been more than a few that do advocate revolution. So no this is not an attack or trolling thread.

I have said repeatedly I am opposed to extremists of all stripes, left and right. AND I have also said in regards to the original article that the writer was overreacting... still it is a pertinent question because among other things there are not left leaning individuals gunning down doctors or shooting up the Holocaust museum etc... such acts are consistently from the right.

That's quite an assumption there Grover. You and I could agree that the Democrats are considered the liberals and left of center,while the Republicans are considered the conservatives and right of center. True?
Living in a southern state in has been my common misfortune to meet members of a clandestine organization.(you know who they are I won't give them the pleasure of mention) They have been overwhelmingly registered democrats. Idiotcy covers a broad spectrum of political views. To boldly say that these people you speak of are on the right is like looking with your eyes wide shut.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 03:53 PM
No one WANTS a civil war. No one wants ticks either, but when you get enough parasites eating your ass up, then it comes a time to have a parasite removing operation. And when you go to cleaning, you get rid not only of the ticks, but leeches and mites as well.

I would agree with another poster. It would appear that the left (for those of you unfamiliar with the political circle, I suggest you look it up) are the ones begging for a revolution.

Oh, it's not going to be like fighting in the old days where we choose up sides and just start blazing away at each other.

No, there will be an event. Most events have no far reaching implications. Who in the US early in 1914 would have guessed that a single bullet fired in Sarajevo would lead to the US entering a World War only a few years later?

No, events. Events seemingly in of themselves not catastrophic, but in turn lead to catastrophic events.

One only must look to see the black clouds on the horizon and sniff the wind. A great unrest of a great majority is rising, solely from an unjust government.

Unjust governments can go on for decades. But only in those countries accustomed to unjust conditions. Those unaccustomed will not allow such a long-suffering event.

Oh, it's coming, just as sure as there's a God in heaven, and it doesn't matter if you're right or left, want it or don't - it's coming.

Every day things in this country go from bad to worse, and our pilot at the helm is aiming squarely for the rocks. His officers are patting him on the back, encouraging him on.

Funny thing about "revolutions." Once good people set about cleaning up, they really make a clean sweep. You'll also note that liberals in a post revolutionary sweep are as rare as hen's teeth.

Funny about that.

No one wants this revolution. It's like nature's built-in self-correcting social correcting mechanism.

The political pendulum of the United States began its left swing in 1913, it got a further leftward boost in FDR's administration, was decidedly pushed much further by LBJ, and now super-turd is pushing it to it's maximum swing. A constant, leftward swing for one hundred years.

It's about to start swinging the other way just like any other pendulum.

Nice thing about revolutions. They can reverse entire century's pendulum in only months and short years.

Oh yeah. At the increasing pressure, it will only take a small event for the whole top to blow off.

It's coming.

Not a matter of wanting it.

We're not going to have any choice.

[edit on 24-6-2009 by dooper]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by Genfinity
The right wants to talk about a civil war and they are talking about it. But no sane Republican wants to pick up a gun and kill Democrats.

This is an interesting sentence. Made me wonder to myself, "hmmm, self, so what side would you be on in a civil war?" Myself answers, "I have no f'ing idea since I don't know who is republican, democrat, libertarian or any other arian (not race, but party). It won't be much like the last civil war where we at least had states versus states. Two government bodies against each other. I think the PTB have done a wonderful job in dividing us up but intermingling us so much that another civil war will be very difficult to pull off. It will be disorganized and misdirected.

Who will be the leaders? Obama for the current government and who for the new? You see, it's not as black and white as we would like to think. Do I head over to my brothers house and light them all up because they are liberals? Or do I head over to my very religious and conservative nephews house and light them up for being more to the right?

You see, I don't think it is as easy as many on here think. Yes, I have spoken the words here myself that I feel that something is coming. Some type of breaking point. We can only take so much until we actually start biting back. But who do we bite?

By taking down our existing government we would simply destroy this nation. That is unless there is a logical and well thought out plan to put another government, based on our original constitution, in its place.

I'll just keep wondering who I end up offing in my family while you guys figure out if the right is pushing for a civil war or not.

For my part, I have indeed heard more and more rhetoric from the O'Reilly's and Hannity's about a 'civil war'. Oh yeah, Beck too. When I take the time to watch or listen to them I have heard them over the past couple weeks actually using the term. "We're headed for a civil war if the White House doesn't change their ways..."

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by network dude

I will stress this now since I thought it was clear... the article and more specifically I am talking about extremists... not the average rank and file Republican and or conservative.

So are you saying that the right is only made up of extremists? That the average rank and file republican is not on the right?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by dooper

God I hope you're wrong but like I have said many times. I feel it in the air. I'm a person that holds a lot of conservative values with some liberal undertones thrown in. I consider myself an American first before any party line.

I do NOT want this revolution but I fear that the corruptness in government cannot be allowed to go on. My fear is how do the sides get formed? Will it be two defined sides or will it be five or six? Will it be aimed at toppling and removing the pests or will it be aimed at creating multiple nations from one?

A divided America is an easier target than a united one. I fear that we are so divided right now that there is little chance we can avoid this conflageration that is charging our way.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:37 AM
Why was dissent applauded and lauded as 'Freedom of Speech' during the Bush administration, but seen as treacherous and 'wanting of a civil war' by the same individuals during the Obama administration?

Does peoples' U.S. Constitutional rights to dissent & 'Freedom of Speech' change under the Democratic party?

[edit on 6/25/09 by Ferris.Bueller.II]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by badgerprints

No... I was saying the extremists were right wing... but not all right wingers are not extremists...

I think... not sure about that though.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Why was dissent applauded and lauded as 'Freedom of Speech' during the Bush administration, but seen as treacherous and 'wanting of a civil war' by the same individuals during the Obama administration?

Does peoples' U.S. Constitutional rights to dissent & 'Freedom of Speech' change under the Democratic party?

[edit on 6/25/09 by Ferris.Bueller.II]

It's an interesting 'SPIN' you put on this. I don't see how I have changed my speech any. I have used the same terms as many others continue to use. It's about our same rights as before. I have used the term that a civil war is coming for the last half of Bush Baby's reign. I am (or was) a republican.

I think that you are viewing it under a defensive light now since the party shift has taken place in the White House.

Personally, I see the same terms being used here. It's virtually a continuation of the Bush regime going on right now. Heck, even a continuation of the Clinton one.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by dariousg

IT's not the everyday citizen that needs to be "lit up" as you say. It's the 550 people that are in charge of the three branches of government that have comitted the treasonist offenses,against the Constitution and to the people that need to be addressed.
The point of a new Revolution is to curb and curtail this rampant demolition of our constitutional rights,and bring these misguided public servants back into the fold.
We are bombarded almost daily by new "acts" and "laws" that hold within them unconstitutional directives. Take for example the "Food saftey act" it has a clause that allows the FDA warrentless search powers. That is a direct afront to first amendment rights. A warrentless search is an act of treason,pure and simple.
How long must this insanity be tolerated?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by dariousg

You had some good questions. I do not see two "opposing" sides, such as liberals and conservatives lining up and having at it. No red uniforms against blue uniforms.

I think an event will occur that will spread anarchy and chaos rather quickly and be rather wide spread. Consider that our cities are hubs of transportation, warehousing, manufacture, logistic centers for consumer goods, sources of power, manufacturers of medicines and medical supplies, on and on.

Consider this "event." We saw how one man and a kid practically shut down a significant portion of the East Coast by doing some part-time sniping. Two people.

It could be an assassination by some nut. It could be another mistake ala' Ruby Ridge/Waco but in another location that started the whole thing.

The more frustrated and angry a people, the less it takes to blow the keg.

So an event occurs. It affects perceptions of security. People stay home. Banks close because no one wants to risk their lives. Warehouses close. Trucking shuts down. Welfare checks don't get mailed, and if they do, the banks and stores are closed.

Riots like never seen. And it snowballs.

Who will be blamed? Those at the helm that created the disastrous economy that created these frustrated and angry people.

There are millions of diabetics alone, and at most, they have a month's supply of refrigerated medicine.

No one will be moving, anarchy in the cities, looting and raiding, and it will be a disaster. No more food deliveries. With no one to man the power grid and water pumps, no electricity, no water.

I can see a third of our population being lost in the first thirty days. Half of those survivors would be dead in a year.

The fight would be neighborhood by neighborhood. As neighborhoods restored order and security, small townships would be cleared of the lawless, then communities, then counties.

Then States.

Who would never, ever again, let so much power be put into the hands of so few.

It would once again become the United STATES, not the Washington Controlled States.

And by then, most liberals, the parasites, the social leeches, and those who always have to rely on others for sustenance would be dead and gone.

Nature's way of purging a society of the weak. And correcting the ideals that are unsustainable.

Do for yourself, or die.

At the end of the day, that's been the rule of thumb over the millennia. Until recent decades.

Moral values and common sense will replace this abomination we have today.

[edit on 25-6-2009 by dooper]

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