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Does the Right Want a Civil War?

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:43 AM

Does the Right Want a Civil War?

Dear Conservatives:

Your fellow Americans demand an answer -- and we want it now. Just one simple question:

Are you deliberately trying to start a civil war?

Just answer the question. Yes or no. Don't insult us with elisions, evasions, dithering, qualifications, or conditional answers. We need to know what your intentions are -- and we need to know NOW. People are being shot dead in the streets of America at the rate of several per month now. You may not want responsibility for this -- but the whackadoodles pulling the triggers make no bones about who put them up to this.

You did.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:43 AM
A legitimate question and a pertinent one based on some of the more extreme threads and posts here on ATS.

Before I continue let me make two things as explicitly clear as a porno movie...

(1) Violence as a form of political expression and/or dissent as opposed to doing so legitimately, in the ballot box is wrong. If you don't like the results of an election or a law then do something positive to change it and violence is never positive.

(2) The above statement is true whether you are coming from the left or the right.

The article goes on to state:

The assassins themselves are ratting you out. They're telling us, straight up, that they were inspired to act by the hate radio talkers that you empowered -- one of whom is now the de facto head of the Republican party. They got it from media outlets owned by your biggest donors. They got it from bloggers who receive daily talking points faxed in from the GOP. They got it from activists representing causes that would have never become causes in the first place if the issues hadn't been politically expedient for you.

Beyond that: You've already admitted your own complicity.

When the Department of Homeland Security expressed their worries about right-wing extremist violence last April, practically every conservative pundit in the country went into a righteous fit. DHS never named anyone directly, so it was astonishing how many of you on the right were so quick to step up and claim that that memo was slandering you, personally and collectively. Since you were so eager to claim that that memo was all about you, now that the violence has come to pass, we're well justified in holding you to that.

It is something the sanest of us have known for a long time now.

When was the last rise in political based violence and the rise of right wing militias?

During the Clinton years. And the same thing is happening now.

Point blank inflamatory hate filled rhetoric is wrong no matter who it comes from and as far as I am concerned... if someone's public spewing inspires another to violence... then the spewer is just as guilty... maybe more.

So... what gives you guys the right?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:47 AM
The right always wants war, civil or uncivil.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by 0010110011101

Not all of the right by any stretch and nor are all on the left anti-war either.

There are extremists in both political polarities and I despise all extremists.

BTW I think that the article in question is over reacting some but it is still a relevant question regardless.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by grover]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by 0010110011101

And yet it was the liberals who lead the invasion of how many countries now?

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by The Last Man on Earth

Russia(Bolshivik Revolution), China, Vietnam, North Korea, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland....need me to go on?

[edit on 16-6-2009 by djvexd]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:57 AM
Who starts what foreign wars is totally off topic and a diversion from the subject at hand...

Does the right want a civil war?

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by grover

The more rights that are taken away from the people, the more the people will descent. No one, I mean NO ONE wants a civil war but when you start messing with the constitution and taking away peoples liberties, you then open the potential for civil unrest.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:00 AM
I listen to Rush, Sean and Savage....

They don't explicitly call for violent revolution but it is certainly implied and It is evident that those guys are the voice of the GOP and conservatives in general.

The responses will be interesting out Right Wing friends here on ATS.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:01 AM
Since the right asked this question of us on the left during the bush minor years I will apply it to the Obama years...

What rights have you lost and produce proof of it?

Civil war would by neccessity require a conglomerate of interests since the right is and has always been a minority in this country.

So what proof do you offer your potential allies?

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:01 AM
liberal democrats are stupid.

see how dumb that sounds? I just made a huge generalization of an entire political point of view and with one incredibly dumb sentence, showed my ignorance.

How about we look at who it is that this article is talking about. Is it every republican? Is it every strong conservative? Or is it a small faction of a right wing extremist group?

It's like saying that all Chinese are smart, or all blacks are good at sports. Please use your head for something other than a hat stand.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:06 AM
I have to say this is more hate speech from the left.

I can't believe you haven't figured it out. The left is constantly touting how how FOX and so and so are spreading hate speech and this and that.

The left is like the pot calling the kettle black, and you lap it up like a kitten with milk.

No, the right doesn't want civil war the correct question is does the LEFT want civil war, between RINO's and republicans that act more like liberals running the Government for the past 8 years and now we got far left liberals running the government for at least another year and half.

I would say the left wants civil war. After all they are the people constantly shoving legislation down peoples throats that they don't want.

For real, this is absolutely disgusting. A few whackjobs go and do horrible acts, and left tries to spin it into a left right thing to push a political agenda.

Who's really trying to start a war here. The left is pushing people into a corner and just like a wild animal when the animal is in a corner its going to lash out.

And no Nobody wants a civil war. But the people spreading the bull# better take a little in the mirror and ask themselves the same question.

Give me a break.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by network dude

You are correct of course but the same reasoning can apply to the Republicans and the right who say the exact same sort of thing and worse against liberals and Democrats...

I will stress this now since I thought it was clear... the article and more specifically I am talking about extremists... not the average rank and file Republican and or conservative.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Who all but holds a monopoly on talk radio... the majority of which is hard right?

I will give you a hint... it ain't liberals and Democrats.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by grover

So now everybody on the right listens to talk radio now too?

Would you be so kind to actually present actual fact instead of gross generalizations?

This next line isn't directed at you it's just an old saying.

You can't fix stupid.

Edit to add -

Want to know what freedoms I have lost? Well Obama hasn't done anything about my right to privacy, go open up a bank account they run your name through a database to check to make sure you aren't on the Terrorist Watch list. Same thing when you go to the hospital the government can request your information and you have to give consent to give up your medical records if the government wants them.

Then also taking away more of my money that I have earned, and with the stimulus package they want all our medical records in a database.

Where is my right to privacy? And Obama has only sought to take more of it away.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

No I am not saying everyone on the right listens to talk radio.

Pay attention...

I said that is the hard rights who all but holds a monopoly on it...

and talk radio is the source of much of the extremist talk that makes the rounds.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by grover
Since the right asked this question of us on the left during the bush minor years I will apply it to the Obama years...

What rights have you lost and produce proof of it?

Civil war would by neccessity require a conglomerate of interests since the right is and has always been a minority in this country.

So what proof do you offer your potential allies?

Primarily, our second amendment with 5 new bills currently in legislation (H.R. 45, 17, 197, 442 & 495). Our right to fail, being taxed without representation and soon, many other rights will be challenged.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

No I am not saying everyone on the right listens to talk radio.

Pay attention...

I said that is the hard rights who all but holds a monopoly on it...

and talk radio is the source of much of the extremist talk that makes the rounds.

Apparently you haven't heard Randy Rhodes on NPR. She makes Limbaugh look like a cute, cuddly kitten.

BTW, I don't support Limbaugh's, Levin's or Hanity style politics.

Also, what about MSNBC and their radical view about the (err) right?

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Bearack]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:22 AM
People are popping each other off before they are mentally retarded, not because their politics lean one way or the other.

The right wants to talk about a civil war and they are talking about it. But no sane Republican wants to pick up a gun and kill Democrats.

However, I do know people in the military that are talking about something along these lines. Granted, these people I know are closer to the rank of private then they are to general but they are talking.

At this point, it's all "Yee-Haw" talk, not much to worry about.

There is a big, big distance between talking and doing.

All I see are some reckless sites here and there on the internet run by people who dare the federal government to investigate them but secretly have the courage of the Wizard Of Oz's cowardly lion.

And I am sure there are some fringe niche militant groups with a few bozos who couldn't shoot their way out of a wet paper bag if you cut the hole out in both ends.

Those guys are bigger threats to themselves then they will ever be to any sitting President.

Granted, if the economy gets worse, people will crank up the talk.

The reality is the fact that the conservative movement that has been around since 1492 is coming to an end. So it's unrealistic to think it is going to go away quietly.

Since Nixon's election into the White House, the Republicans have dominated the White House. Now they are the ones being dominated so sure, they are going to talk the big game.

Until Republican Governors send tanks and jets to fire on the White House, there is not much need to worry about a civil war.

Talk is cheap. Big talk is cheaper. Talk loudly and carry a small twig.

People talk. It's no big deal.

As long has we all have electricity, cable TV, cell phones, gas stations pumping, ect., we're fine.

However, everyone from Houston to Miami has had a recent lesson in infrastructure failure (due to hurricanes) so along the Gulf Coast, we all know how fast people go down the toilet when we lose our basic 21st century needs for more then 24 hours.

That's only because 21st century people have lost the ability to survive 19th century style. That knowledge is gone. The time man spent learning how to survive in the wilderness has been traded in for learning how to get level 24 in your game. Seriously.

So as long as the system stays intact, we'll be fine. But if it collapses, yes, there will be major issues.

And the people with the fewest guns are going to lose.

As a nation, we are a long way from that. But locally, we are only a category 5 hurricane or 8.0 earthquake away.

So, worry about it alittle. Don't worry about it allot. Again, it's mostly "Yee-Haw" talk.

Of course, there is always the option of voting. And there is the advanced option of researching who you are going to vote for before you actually go to vote.

But thats allot harder then getting to level 24.

So level 24 it is.

(Sorry if this post drifted some what off thread. That wasn't my intention.)

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:23 AM
Grover, Grover, Grover

Are you mad at Republicans or Conservatives? Please realize there is a big difference. Lets not forget, according to a recent Gallop poll, conservatives make up the vast majoriy of America (See chart Below)


And I have a feeling the number of people adopting the consertative ideology will increase dramatically now that we have someone from the extreme left in office.


[edit on 16-6-2009 by MysterE]

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