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Dealing With Denial of the NWO, the Coming Economic Collapse and the Second American Revolution

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posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by omnilight

dude honestly. you clearly work for the government and guess what it's a load of #.

I work for the government? When can I expect my raise then? What with all the money they're currently stealing, I ought to get a cut. I bet they're not very happy when they find out I work for them, considering what they already know about me, before they even get that revelation.

and YES we are ALL GODS an no i can't stop this war i never started it. and no one's going to come and kill me in my own home unless the person LIVES IN MY OWN COUNTRY.

If you're a god (which I don't aspire to, thanks, I'm not cut out for the job and the hours and pay suck) then you ought to be able to stop a war. Gods are good at that sort of thing.

There's folks all over the world at this very moment getting killed permanently dead by non-residents of their country. But that really doesn't matter, because when my bullet comes, I doubt that I much care where the guy that fires it calls home. I seriously doubt that anyone does.

the reason i sent 2 posts is because i didn't realize the first sent.

? Where did I mention your two posts?

but guess what you can put me down all you want i never once cut up war vet's or the army. i cut up the government. and who they are an what they stand for. OBAMA went over there i'm sure someone coulda popped him at any second but THEY didn't the only reason people fight is BECAUSE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

You cut up war vets, and more importantly, those who never lived long enough to BECOME war vets, by insinuating that all their efforts to insure that you can spout off about being a 'god' were useless. You demeaned their efforts, and in too many cases, their sacrifices.

your just another puppet running there game for them. and i'm glad for you because i am sitting at home in my house all comfortable but not because your out fighting a war BECAUSE I CAN. I DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT OR BELIEVE IN A WAR. you choose to go to war and if you didn't have that choice just goes to show how much your government has control over you.

Yeah, puppet, that's me. Just call me howdy-doody. I know not what country you live in, but I'll bet dollars against donuts that some poor slob DIED so that you can be all comfy in your house, and demean his death. Bully for you. NO country is immune.

I'm not out fighting a war. I guess you could say I'm between wars. And "YOU CAN" because someone else fights your wars for you, and you never, ever have to get your hands bloody. No, you DON'T have to fight, or believe in war. I've found that war comes whether one believes in it or not. War doesn't care about your scruples.

You're right, I choose to go to war. It's preferrable to living in servitude, for both myself AND my loved ones. I've never fought as a national service soldier, but I'm real glad some have. I appreciate their efforts and sacrifices.
I've always gone to war against enemies of my own choosing, not the governments. Sometimes those enemies coincided with the governments enemies, sometimes they didn't.

But they ALL had it coming to them.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by omnilight

Where do you live that a self-defense killing is classed as murder? And you think you're free?

Good to see you have a violent streak in you. Might be some hope for you after all.

Remember, if you intend to go out "guns a blazing", you better get a hold of that gun first.

If we had intended to take over Afghanistan, we'd have done it in the 80's, back when I was there. The US doesn't want Afghanistan's vast riches. You'll just have to trust me on that. Iraq I can't say. I don't think we should have gone in when we did. Eventually, we'd have probably had to, but not at that time.

The Kha-rhan comment was offensive to muslims. "kha" is a dirty word in arabic, and should never be incorporated into their holy book. It's "Qur'an"

I don't feel guilty about any killings. They had it coming. Not because they were "beneath" me, but because they were dangerous to me and mine. I went to the source, to keep it from coming to me. It's called being "proactive". It might be survival of the fittest in your world, but it's survival of the protected in mine. You live in a very barbaric world.

You appear to be upset. Anger much? how does that get along with your peaceful side? They have classes in how to manage that, you know.

Have a nice day, and poke a flower into a gun barrel for me.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 04:53 PM
honestly, dude your the one thing that sucks about this website. i came for love. i came for peace. all you've done since reading my post is. put words in my mouth. re phrase what i say because of my grammer. and try an be little me to get to your level. i'm a loving person i wish happyness appon everyone. sorry that's been stripped of you and your bitter old and feel you understand the world. because you've killed people in war. you've faught for your country you feel your right to be-little the people. I just want to smile. laugh run around. enjoy the weather, and love nature. sorry that was stripped from you. and you had to grow up and see things no one should see. but don't bring the rest of the world down just because you can't get back up. try smiling try loving. try not being so patriotic and say whoa k my government's gone to far. something wrong. cause guess what something is. all i'm trying to pass on is good vibes. and you almost had me i was really close to being at your level. but clearly i'm better. actually i'll go as far as saying. I AM BETTER THEN YOU. YOU DISGUST ME

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by James Random

So what happens when you're bunged onto the train to be gassed at the camps? Are you just going to sit there and mope about how victimized you are? Suddenly your death seems less like extermination and more like euthanasia.

Have you ever read Mans Search for Meaning? This book was a turning point in my life. I was in a very personal hell. Everything which I espouse can be found in the concepts of Viktor Frankl...

Now... keep in mind, that he came up with the same ideas that I have WHILE HE WAS IN THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS WAITING TO BE GASSED

You see, it's not about the outside... it's about how we react to the outside, internally.

It's about meaning... not about power. Now, if "fighting the power" brings you meaning, well then so be it. I spent the first 30 years of my life doing that... and it brought me nothing but more frustration and unhappiness and eventually meaninglessness void...

However, now I'm very very happy no matter what happens to me in life, even during physical pain I have happiness, even when oppressed, I have happiness, it is something that just cannot be removed. And although it's much more than logotherapy that has brought this happiness to me, the foundations of what I speak of can be found in Viktor Frankls accounts of his own life...

So don't act like there is this big bad concentration camp that can remove those things... nothing I tell you.... nothing can remove my responsibility for how I feel, unless of course I give it away and assume there is some sort of authority outside of myself... which there isn't.

Your point is immaterial, since you wont be around long after the takeover to impress it upon people.

I notice, conveniently you ignored my other points.

Kettle, good sir. Kettle.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by omnilight

So you are better than him because you like running in a field of flowers?

I would say you are in denial . . .

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 07:22 PM
No, its more like if we can all sing 'We are the world', eat goat cheese, wild grass and nuts, live in huts, think 'peace', and have hairy arm pit and legged women we will enter a new age of enlightenment.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 07:32 PM
I have my orders. Mother is coming to visit from Phoenix and if i mention anything to do with world issues, she will pack up and leave.

I have been forewarned.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

Would that be a bad thing? If not, timing is everything...

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by omnilight
honestly, dude your the one thing that sucks about this website. i came for love. i came for peace. all you've done since reading my post is. put words in my mouth. re phrase what i say because of my grammer. and try an be little me to get to your level. i'm a loving person i wish happyness appon everyone. sorry that's been stripped of you and your bitter old and feel you understand the world. because you've killed people in war. you've faught for your country you feel your right to be-little the people. I just want to smile. laugh run around. enjoy the weather, and love nature. sorry that was stripped from you. and you had to grow up and see things no one should see. but don't bring the rest of the world down just because you can't get back up. try smiling try loving. try not being so patriotic and say whoa k my government's gone to far. something wrong. cause guess what something is. all i'm trying to pass on is good vibes. and you almost had me i was really close to being at your level. but clearly i'm better. actually i'll go as far as saying. I AM BETTER THEN YOU. YOU DISGUST ME

Sorry I suck so bad, but SOMETHING has to hold you to earth, and gravity gets tired. I never put words in your mouth OR rephrased you. I tried diligently to re-post the comments I was addressing, so there would be no such mistakes.

I hate it for you that you feel you've been drug down to "my level". Careful of the mud and the blood. The stains are hard to get out. Please, be my guest, continue to enjoy your life, tiptoeing through the tulips. Forget how you got it. I probably didn't do what I've done for you anyway. Don't take it so personally.

I never fought 'for my country'. Perhaps I didn't make that clear enough. I fought for the PEOPLE in my country. Individuals. Friends and family. My son. The people I love.

Among "bitter" and "old", you forgot "cynical". That should be included too. I wasn't aware that I had the power to "bring the rest of the world down". That's some awesome power there. I never knew I had that kind of power, as I've never aspired to godhood. You can have my share of that sort of power, I don't want it.

I relish encountering my "betters", and attempt to disgust at least one hippy a day. Thank you for those opportunities.

Please, by all means, continue on your merry way, traipsing through the daisies. Wherever you live, take a vet to lunch tomorrow and tell him 'thanks'. You'll make him happy, and be an even better person for it.

You have a nice day now, y'hear?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 08:00 PM
Sarge, xxpigxx, guys - I actually LIKE goat cheese (and goat too - but I'm told it's an acquired taste) and running through fields of flowers!

I just tend to wear cammies, keep my eyes peeled, and tote a gun while I'm doing it...

I'll leave all the hairy chicks for our friend omnilight, though. Sometimes, a good thing can be taken a bit too far... Besides, I don't sing very well, and "We Are the World" is over a 6 minute long song. I probably wouldn't have the patience for it.

[edit on 2009/6/17 by nenothtu]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by James Random

Your point is immaterial, since you wont be around long after the takeover to impress it upon people.

What the heck does that have anything to do with it? My point doesn't have a purpose of being impressed on others... it only has a purpose for me...

Kettle, good sir. Kettle.

Again... what do you mean by this?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

The fact that he feels he's been "drug down" to your level is almost embarrassing, because if anything, he was ALREADY pretty damn low to begin with. I think he must have things a bit confused, as personally, you are more apt at expressing your ideas in a concise, and even polite manner. If anything, HE dragged you down to his level by flinging insults at you. He couldn't even take an HONEST suggestion/advise on his writing so that more people would be apt to reading his comments on "world peace" Now? Since he INSISTS on using a pathetic block of text, instead of expressing his ideas in an organized fashion I just skim them.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by silent thunder

Originally posted by Question
I completely agree with what you say. Too many americans are too lazy, or are too comfy to want to do anything. They DO expect someone else to do the fighting for them.

Its all a matter of how bad things get. As I noted in an earlier quote, a British general (I forget his name) once said something to the effect that the entire "civilized" world is only two missed meals away from raw anarchy. Suppose you started actually missing meals. You get hungry enough, and you will smash a grocery store window and grab what you can. Is this "revolution"? Is it "anarchy?" Is it "standing up for your rights?" The question is open to various interpretations, but whatever you choose to call it, it is an act of violence and desperation.

The Amercian people are comfy n' cozy for now...but for how long? Once a critical mass loses their homes or jobs or sees their level of life deteriorate to a low enough level, you WILL see mass violence. This is just as true for Americans as for any other nationality.

While I appreciate your comment/response on my post. Any chance you can take a look at the question I had posted? I'm genuinely curious on your take on it as you (and actually, many here as well) seem to have a good grasp on the behavioral mannerisms that people would have, should the sh*t hit the fan.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:34 PM
One thing I have always remembered being quoted, which I still believe to be true:

"The devil's greatest victory over the people, was to make them thing that he didn't exist."

I expanded on that thought by coming up with my own phrase as well:
"Another great victory of the devil, was to make people think he was God"
This of course, in relation to the many religious extremists that do end up taking things WAY out of hand, and let their tempers get the better of them.

Now am I going to have to add to that "Was to make Man believe he was God"?

Honestly, that is the very epitome of human arrogance and willful ignorance that I have ever seen. Funny anecdote, I used to have that sentiment, it usually creep up on you when you're in high school or college. Then once you WISE UP, and see the complete and utter flaw of said idea, you start humbling yourself more. Obviously this guy Omni has probably just "discovered" this sentiment fairly recently, but it will get knocked out of his head once he realizes how utterly ridiculous it is, to claim that something as flawed as human beings could ever be considered a LEGITIMATE deity.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by Question]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by 5thElement
What you think you see as NWO is actually Capitalism dying, chrashing under it's own weight, digging it's very own grave

And you laugh about it? Yes Capitalism is being supplanted by some form of Socialism, or even Communism. I see that you live in the U.S., if you think Socialism, or even Communism is great, you have no idea what you are talking about.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

1.) Then why share it, if not to troll?

2.) In other words, pot calling the kettle black.

I do not think he will see this, as I believe he is ignoring me lol

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

You know them die hard liberal types just love those hairy women! Went to a “Brea And Chardonnay Conversation Round Table” (this is almost as damning as when everyone found out I read Pravda, but I loved such affairs so I could irritate liberal sensibilities) in the Silicon Valley in the late nineties and I almost barfed on the “Conversation Coordinator” (who was one of those New England flaming Yankee liberals) because she was wearing a sleeveless dress with more hair on the pits than I had on my head, added to the fact that deodorant is of course ‘environmentally unfriendly’. Caused quite a stir when I pointed out that it was even more ‘environmentally unfriendly’ to my nose for all of them to be sporting bushes with no deodorant.

Yep, ya are a crotchety old man! (Don’t tell everyone I’m a year older!)

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Question
The fact that he feels he's been "drug down" to your level is almost embarrassing, because if anything, he was ALREADY pretty damn low to begin with. I think he must have things a bit confused, as personally, you are more apt at expressing your ideas in a concise, and even polite manner. If anything, HE dragged you down to his level by flinging insults at you. He couldn't even take an HONEST suggestion/advise on his writing so that more people would be apt to reading his comments on "world peace" Now? Since he INSISTS on using a pathetic block of text, instead of expressing his ideas in an organized fashion I just skim them.

Yes, it did get a bit embarrassing, but only because it would have been unsportsmanlike to continue trying to lead a sheep to water after discovering that he really has his heart set fully on grazing, sans water.

Originally posted by Question
One thing I have always remembered being quoted, which I still believe to be true:

"The devil's greatest victory over the people, was to make them thing that he didn't exist."

I expanded on that thought by coming up with my own phrase as well:
"Another great victory of the devil, was to make people think he was God"
This of course, in relation to the many religious extremists that do end up taking things WAY out of hand, and let their tempers get the better of them.

Now am I going to have to add to that "Was to make Man believe he was God"?

Honestly, that is the very epitome of human arrogance and willful ignorance that I have ever seen. Funny anecdote, I used to have that sentiment, it usually creep up on you when you're in high school or college. Then once you WISE UP, and see the complete and utter flaw of said idea, you start humbling yourself more. Obviously this guy Omni has probably just "discovered" this sentiment fairly recently, but it will get knocked out of his head once he realizes how utterly ridiculous it is, to claim that something as flawed as human beings could ever be considered a LEGITIMATE deity.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by Question]

Yes, I believe psychologists label that "delusions of grandeur" (my first wife was - well, IS, a psychologist. I got a decent education in it while helping her study), and again, it just wasn't sporting to keep trying to upset his wagon when he held so hard to his belief, and began to show signs of over-stress. He was hanging on like it was a life-boat. Too much of his self-identification is wrapped up in it, and it could have been damaging. I'll leave his damage to more efficient people, assuming he doesn't wise up.

That's a real shame, too. There are a lot more like him being led astray by nefarious people, wolves instead of sheepdogs. Not much the shepherd can do when the sheep insists on following the wolf to his own destruction, and continues to fear the sheepdog more than the wolf.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by xxpigxx
reply to post by HunkaHunka

1.) Then why share it, if not to troll?

2.) In other words, pot calling the kettle black.

I do not think he will see this, as I believe he is ignoring me lol

That could explain why he doesn't slap at me any more. I'm not worthy of attention...

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by SGTChas

I understand. I used to love those "Whine and Cheese" (yes, I said "Whine", not "wine") get togethers when I was in college for much the same reasons. I used to be able to stir up an entire room in less than 30 seconds.

Now, with simply SCADS of them on ATS, it sometimes takes me all night just to get ONE to say they hate me! Must be old age. S'ok, my son says I can still make a preacher cuss when I want to...

I though you stopped aging at 39, like jack Benny, and fully intend to live forever unchanged!

I know you have more hair now, but in the late 90's, wasn't there more hair on a cue ball than on your head?

In all seriousness folks, I only try to jar these folks to get them to THINK, but sadly, it rarely ever works. I guess maybe it's experiential, and they just haven't had the experience for it... yet.

[edit on 2009/6/18 by nenothtu]

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