posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:15 PM
If you arent into symbolism I suggest you get into it. All the information is layed out through ancient history. You know what, people think I am
nuts too and some even called me evangelical for just trying to get them to look at the information. That totally offends me because I far from some
religious bible beater. i am just a reader. I have taken time to research this information from link to link and book to book. The fact is you will
always find someone to support your alternate views it's just you need to be able to take all your thoughts and collectively pile them together on
what seems closer to the truth and what makes common sense. We have north korea, swine flue, wars, pakistan, iran and isreal, america dollar, out of
controll congress, a government above the people. We are living in a false reality, false history ect. I think the elite are planning a MAJOR crisis
and each one of these causes are the alibi. The universe is trying to wake the people up drive them to a safer reality. I think thats the separation
we are getting between the people all over the world. You're seeing it right now as speak with fox and cnn. Peoples realities are falling apart.
Some people are pulling out of the matrix and the other are coming more deeply embedded. Movies, TV, art, books are all signs wether we know it or not
and wether it was intentional or not.
This is what you have right now.
You have Group One - These people are like, dude, aliens, evil, propoganda, NWO, government responsible for financial collapse, false flag terror, the
fed reserve, the devil, obama, rothschild, spirituality, psych powers, science, annunaki and the gods, kissinger, government black ops, nasa black
ops, ect ect. Group One has been 'compelled' to research and find new information, new science, alternative history, kind of like a little alarm
clock going off. It's all about educating, confirming, reading and watching. If you notice group one has been pulling out or evolving from about 2004
on...Nothing is by accident. I call these star children and are most likely born after 1968 and come across as a more libertarian point of view.
Then you have Group Two these people are like something like that would NEVER happen. Never ever. And you're crazy to think so. These people have no
or very little connection spiritually to anything that is not human. They just aren't in 'touch.' Aliens, out of the question, shadow government,
no no no. News stations using propaganda, Absurd and you should be jailed! That is how group two responds. This group does not question reality they
only go along with it.
And this is where it gets interesting....Group One provides the information/facts good creditable information to Group Two. Group One provides
evidence that can be researched, creditable whistleblowers, government officials and news reports and Group Two still can not even look at the
information provided, they hammer down the crazy word with no other response. They will not even LOOK at the information or read about it. They're
closed off in their minds.
The truth is all of the information is out there and our bodies, mind and souls are alot stronger and more powerful then you think. We have a greater
connection to this universe, the planet and the stars. A story so tremendous it must be science fiction. You must be open to listen to scientists like
greg braden, michu kaku, alt history teachers like lloyd pye, michael tsarion, david icke, alex jones, the disclosure project, and whistleblowers like
richard gage, bill cooper, david codex alimentarius and others.
People got to caught up in reality televisions, ipods, wealth and sexual objectivity by design and a left right paradigm by design. Some of the people
on this site loyally and I mean loyally defend the democratic republican system. This is a major problem and road block.
I think this is what the myans are talking about, Group One will be pulled up to the next reality while group 2 is going to be stu