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The Anti-Christ and His New World Order Revealed

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posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

I know hell is real - watched a young Jesus cursing intellectually superior butter bar atheist from Princeton die while screaming “PLEASE DO NOT LET ME DIE!!! I AM GOING TO HELL!!! No hope, no hope? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Smelled like he hit floor 13, as he smelled like sulfur. I freaked while the Christian Senior Battlefield Medic said; “Bet he believes in God right about now.” He passed me some medicinal wiskey.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Boogley

"I don't think he means..." are the words of soon to be deceived walking target. The Bible PLAINLY states “…and yet is”. Unless you are stating you think God is a liar, there is NO other application for this verse; the Greek is unmistakable – your getting Adolf Baby.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:28 PM
There is however a flaw in your logic. You added up the letter positions in the alphabet not the numerical value of the letters in Gematria (an invention of God in language) to decipher the 666. It is in fact Maitreya, and he will be like the "World Teacher/what Hitler failed to do."

He will indeed be like Hitler only supernatural and spiritual.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

Any idea how Adolph is going to show up? Certainly you can understand my confusion. How would we not know? I thought that many would be deceived into thinking he was Christ...I'm very interested in how you personally feel about how he would come back in to power...would it be just picking up the pieces of a global collapse? Do you think he will have changed his name and appearance?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

'For it IS a HUMAN number..' I don't think it says it's a number derived by using a tool that God invented for language...

hmmm.....but what if Hitler lied and said his name was Maitreya?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

The man is Maitreya and he is not a "mere man" according to Creme but perfected in every sense. So it is a perfected man, which of course won't happen until Yeshua the Messiah returns to Earth.

Trust me. I want you to really trust me. I mean no one any harm nor bad will. I am simply preparing the way of the Lord before He returns to this Earth. Which includes my telling you of things that will come.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

No there is not. The Hebrew transliteration of Hitler’s name ALSO adds up to 666, as do the square roots of his father and mothers name.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:43 PM
That's not using Gematria though.

You're adding up the place of the alphabet rather than using the correct values then multiplying by 6?

Trust me, I mean you no harm. Jesus himself said "a Prophet is hated by His own country."

Meaning Him in that instance. This isn't that instance.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

Those all sound like very HUMAN numbers to me up with the how we won't know it's him...any theories?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

Well when God says HE will send a strong delusion that the unrighteous might believe a lie, I figure he is capable. I figure the righteous will know but not be able to convince the soon to bust hell wide open. If you know Jesus you will not buy it.
THAT is exactly what the Greek hints at, he’ll try to pick up exactly where he left off at. With a no more Mr. Nice Guy attitude.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

I've already told you how it will happen.

Unidentified Flying Objects will be identified. A Savior will emerge. His name will be Maitreya and will come with his "holy ones." Nephilim or "extra-terrestrial beings." They are simply the end result of human to angel sexual intercourse.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

The Hebrew transliteration of Hitler’s name ALSO adds up to 666, as do the square roots of his father and mothers name. AS IN NOT USING NUMBER PLACEMENT BUT VALUE.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

Oh now I see what you mean. You are using a different form of Gematria. You are using a=1 b=2 etc. I'm using a=6 b=12 in English and the respective values in Koine Greek and Hebrew.

I deeply apologize for my arrogance in seeing what you meant.

I tell you no lies though.

[edit on 6/10/2009 by watchtheashes]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

Lots of hard work, Sarge, and I for one appreciate your effort.

I apologize, but all this time I felt the beast was Papal Rome.

Rome fell, and was for all intents and purposes dead. Then on the very ruins of pagan Rome, there arose (from the dead city) another ruling power which became the Papacy.

A deceiver, a liar, a murderer and many other descriptive terms as are listed in the scriptures, as we have documented secular evidence of, and so on, where Papal Rome too, seems to fit all the prophecies.

666 LATEINOS. Latin. The Papacy is of Latin origin and tradition.

Now I humbly ask for correction, and is it possible for a duality of definition?

The idea of duality in the Bible is not so difficult to a student of the Bible, and we can see many dualities in the teachings.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

I believe he is capable as well. I've always worried about being unrighteous. I've made a lot of mistakes. I hold on to the fact that Christ took a thief with him from the cross, and that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Would I be getting too far off topic to ask you how you feel about the Rapture? What about the 144,000 or so? You know how almost every religion claims that the number applies to them.

What do YOU think, Sarge?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:15 PM
I could say to you that only the Church of Philadelphia will escape the coming testing of all those who dwell on the Earth while the rest of the believers and sinners remain until the coming of Christ, but you won't heed me. There is the Rapture at the beginning and then the Resurrection on the last day and Second Rapture to the believers who are alive and remain. Then the Day of The Lord period,when the Messiah pours out His wrath on the nations.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by dooper

Brother, you need never ask me anything humbly; your status as a Patriot and Senior Warrior far exceed such as that… I feel honored to attend to your question.

The key is the ‘mood’ and ‘aspect’ of the directed Koine Greek verb rendered “ascend” out of the abyss. This is a masculine appositive among numerous others that do not allow a ‘place’ application; or an understanding of “it”. Greek verbs are only misunderstood by the willfully ignorant (three quarters of current theology professors) who are attempting to force fit their denominational teaching into the Bible. Any preposition or phrase with a ‘tis terro ta’ or ‘esti ti ou’ cannot be mistaken for addressing anything but a singular HIM.

[edit on 6/10/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:26 PM
Space is a bottomless expanse with no real directions. The UFO deception is the grandest scheme Satan has ever conceived. This is the great delusion. Apollyon is Maitreya.

A blasphemous name on his many titles would be Maitreya as he claims he has many names but only one name to be called continually. Buddha angers God.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

‘Perousa’ is a singular event that current archeology has proven (through numerous manuscript comparisons) though translated ‘come again’ is best translated ‘come to stay and take care of business’. The Damascus Letters have the correct usage proven through the same word repeated in Koine Greek, Syrian, Latin and Hattise translations of the same documents. That argument is over for any serious student of linguistics.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

Let me fist say that if God has healed a paralyzed dying violent drunk and whore chasing idiot who killed for the fun of it and then saved him, like me, ANYONE can get into heaven; just believe that one drop of the blood of Christ is worth the whole universe and FAR more powerful than anything you have done, that blood is for you.

The 144,000 are male Jewish virgins that are released on the earth as a witness just as the Church is removed in the gathering together with Christ as we head SIDEWAYS to Jerusalem for Jesus’ face up dealing with mankind with the trumpet and vial judgments.

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