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conscious Oobe....It's Real!!

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posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Sonata
The body cannot live without the mind.

Well Sonata, you are seriously mistaken.

Would you mind explaining to all of us HOW brain dead bodies remain alive long after the brain function has stopped? I know this happens often, and these bodies are used to harvest organs and such...... IF your statement was actually true, that would make all medical miricles in transplantation completely impossible, and therefore all fabrications of the medical profesion.

Your statement also implys that we have no soul exsiting beyond the physical body...........

OK whatever
: (Sonata IS a brand of sleeping pill afterall)
non brilliance brought to us from the ~DUH~ zone.

CUG & Enyalius??? hey...what do you MEAN when you guys are talking about BANISHING???? would you mind explaining this in laymens terms for me so I can understand? (sorry to not have a clue there but I dont...and I bet others are as lost as I am)

CUG...your correct in thinking my OOBE experiances are RANDOM.........very much so. It has seemed the harder I try to MAKE them happen the less likely they happen. When I do not think about them at all, that is when the 'sound' comes and calls to me the invite......

[edit on 21-8-2006 by theRiverGoddess]


posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess

CUG & Enyalius??? hey...what do you MEAN when you guys are talking about BANISHING???? would you mind explaining this in laymens terms for me so I can understand? (sorry to not have a clue there but I dont...and I bet others are as lost as I am)

Basically banishing is a ritual that removes unwanted influences from an area. Enyalius and I are talking about the banishing rituals of the pentagram/hexagram and related, but a priest blessing a house with holy water, or using a Native American smudge stick are both examples of a banishing ritual. Really knocking on wood, or tossing salt over your shoulder if you spilled some are a simple banishing rituals.

If you would of banished you would not of gotten that scared feeling like you mentioned. It's one of the basic steps that the "New Age" people don't tell you about. (and one of the reasons I don't like the new age stuff)

CUG...your correct in thinking my OOBE experiances are RANDOM.........very much so. It has seemed the harder I try to MAKE them happen the less likely they happen. When I do not think about them at all, that is when the 'sound' comes and calls to me the invite......

OK think about it, if nothing happens when you try, and it happens when your not trying, You doing something wrong. (Wild guess...) something your doing is preventing it from happening. Take notes every time you try and nothing happens, and take notes every time it happens, and then read them and try and figure out what was missing when you tried. If you don't keep a record you will never "get it", trust me.

Try doing it like I posted in my last post.. but with this extra.

Get a postcard featuring something in your area. (In my case it could be a postcard of Notre Dame's golden dome, GO IRISH!) After meditating for a bit look at the card.. look at every little detail... really burn the image into your minds eye so when you relax and think about it you can see it just like you where there. Now when you really can place yourself there in your minds eye, "turn around" and see what was behind the photographer. Fake it if you have to, just see what's behind you.

Do this a few times a week for a month, then go to the location the photo was shot and see what is "really" there. Now go back to the notes you made and see how close you came. If you never came close keep trying with a new photo, if you see that you got some things correct look at your record and see what stood out with that try. For example if you found out the time you got some of the things correct you were hungry, Skip lunch and try it again (with a new photo) before you eat dinner, or maybe even a short fast. Or if you ran out of coffee that day, stay away from caffeine on your next attempt. If you were sad, watch a sad movie before you try again.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 03:40 AM
Cug and I are both occultists. This is why we use techniques that not everyone does. So it is normal that a lot of people do not know what banishing is.

Banishing is an important aspect of ritual work. You do it before and afterwards. Before you meditate, do the ritual, or anything else, the banishing allows to clean the area of possible entities that are present and could be a nuisance. It will also clean the area of any energies or past emotions that linger around. Lastly it will also allow to get rid of certain barrieres and distractions of the mind so that you in more in resonance with the task at hand.

When done you will perform this ritual again to clean the area once more of everything that you took with or stayed behind while it shouldn't.

A clean area means lesser distractions, a focussed mind will not wander.

When you focus to hard you will push it away. This is similar to visualizing in general. When I relax and just let it be the images will come, but when I focus to much on it I push it away. It can be difficult at first to find the balance of wanting, but not controlling.

I'll post a e-mail correspondence with Volatile, when I get home that is. He gave me the Ok for it. Perhaps it'll explain more clearly how to be more in control without focussing to much on it. It is basically a visualizing practice, but the teachings can be applied to this as well.

[edit on 21-8-2006 by Enyalius]

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 03:57 AM
I have always wanted to OBE but have never been able to (that i remember). Although i do have the falling sensation allot when i am asleep, which i have heard can be a result of having a OBE.

I also agree that doing a banishing ritual is very important, i do it when doing anything that could leave me open to 'attack', from casting to meditation.

Thanks for a great thread and a very interesting read!!

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 03:54 PM
Why not astral travel to points of interest where peope with a body cant go. Go inside volcanoes, go into the earths core, go to the sun, go to the bottom of the sea, look for Atlantis and all that crap, go to Area 51, Montauk, go inside the CIA or KGB buildings and eavesdrop in on interrogations. I can think of millions of things I'd be doing right now if I knew how to astral travel.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 09:05 AM
I've read a few posts on here from people who have done such things- such as gone to the moon, and to hidden military bases and have seen government projects. I'd certainly like to read more such stories if anyone is willing to share what they've seen while Astral.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Pirate_Pimp
Why not astral travel to points of interest where peope with a body cant go.

Back when I first got interested in this, this was one of my first thoughts. Unfortunately although I think there's something to this, I haven't read anything here that would lead me to believe that any members of ATS can project at will to any location with complete control (no offense if you've claimed otherwise, those are just my thoughts).

When people have asked about this in the past they are either met with silence or vague answers such as being blocked from entering by unknown forces (especially at area 51). I do remember one member saying something about huge numbers of ships being in orbit of Earth, but unfortunately this thread is massive and my memory isn't that great! Hopefully someone can shed some more light on this area of AP....

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 03:15 PM
I often wonder whether or not if you think so much about going to a certain place, then you will go there but no go there as such but will wake up thinking youve been there but this is just because of all the thoughts youve gathered together about that place consciously or subconsciously... now if 2 people astral travelled to the same location and had some sort of verification that wasnt discussed before hand, then this would be a different matter.


posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 03:58 PM
What I don't understand is AP is a powerfull tool, yet all people want to do with it is sightsee. Just get into your car if you want to do that.

If your astral projecting you really should be exploring the astral plains, It's a lot more interesting, and you may learn a thing or two.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:57 AM
It is the same as "if you can do that then why aren't you a millionaire". People, their ego's, are still too caught up with this reality and thus are not able to see the bigger picture yet. Then again I can understand the fascination of something new. I enjoyed flying with birds, swimming with some fishes in the sea or stand on top of a cliff and enjoy the view when the sun would set. But that was in the beginning when it was still new. It does safe the money needed to pay for airplane tickets

The one who goes out at will and has been at most locations mentioned and spoke about it briefly in this topic was probably me. There are "ships" around the planet, there is little to no interesting activity at Area 51 in the nature that people assume. Although there are some interesting scientific events going on there, but nothing alien like even though there are some "guards" present on the astral layers when going there. There are no Reptillians at the core of the planet as far as I could see. And when you come across "greys" they are weak in body, but they can set up some strong illusions of the mind. If you're not prepared and thus unable to see through the illusion then you won't see them. The Arcturians are to aid people. No idea what Sirians are doing in orbit. And any other alien race that people claim to be in contact with aren't near here.

There, that sums it up so now lets focus on the more important aspects of the Astral.

[edit on 25-8-2006 by Enyalius]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 06:00 AM
Perhaps people need to take small steps Enyalius - visiting far off places is a concept that's easier to grasp than some of the other ideas passed around here.

This has been discussed probably a lot before, but the mentioned of going somewhere and seeing it just because of what is built up in your subconcious reminded me of it. I've been 'waking up' in my room a lot lately but there's always something not right there, it'll be a little thing that alerts me to the fact that it's just a regular dream and then I'll wake up.... quite annoying really

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 01:46 PM

I had an OBE last night and its been playing on my mind all day. I was layed in bed not even thinking about OBE's when after a while I felt the typical tingling sensations running down my arms and chest and thought ooo here we go! so I let it take its course and after a while I felt myself rising and then something happened which I dont usualy experience. The wind noise people talk about!
It was gentle to begin and got louder and louder but not deathening and seemed to have a pattern of some sort to it. Then I was out of my body and could hear myself breathing really heavily and gained astral sight but it was so blured and distorted so I couldnt make out anything. I felt myself drifting off somewhere and kept expecting myself to suddenly appear somewhere unknown or to pop into a dream when the next thing I know I was layed flat in the middle of the path that runs outside our house and could clearly see my bedroom window. I was layed there for a while but couldnt move my arms at all and all my body felt stiff so for some reason I decided to wake up and loosen my arms and see if I can slip back into the OBE. I willed msyelf to wake up and my arms where crossed on my chest so I put them down my sides and pulled the covers off of me and tried again but nothing happened. I got out of bed and went to the toilet and went back to bed and just fell tosleep.

What im so happy about is that this and my last few OBE's have been midweek and usualy I only have them the day 'after' ive been drinking but im disapointed once again about my limited control and vision.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 01:55 PM
something else I forgot to add too... at the point where I couldnt see properly and felt myself drifting off somewhere, this has seriously strengthened my belief that when we sleep, our consciousness slips into a different dimension other than the physical. Its hard to experience something like this and think otherwise.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:01 AM
The sound came to me today while resting my eyes and laying down for a bit....YEY! I did a roll out......I wish I could explain what it FEELS like to peel out of your human skin and start to float. I did this 'roll out, flip, out of my bodyf and faced myself.....I was blind.....
I called for clarity but it was slow in coming.....when I started to SEE I was seeing this inverted world where everything was positioned oposite of the 3d world I usually live in........the same apartments same cars, just on the left instead of the right. Everything was in black, white and grey shades. So I did not get to see the vivid colors so often talked about.......
I floated (and dang I was going SO S L O W ) down my street and everything was in oposition to how I know it to be......all black and white......I went into a freinds cabin house but nobody was home. The dogs were barking at me like crazy.......I then left that house and went across the street to a small complex of apartments. I do NOT know who lives there, I have not seen people, but I KNOW it is occupied. I floated into the first apartment and saw a woman and man cuddeling together in a large chair. This couple was a black couple..................I left them alone and went outside. I thought how odd it was everything was inverted and thought about my body and BLAM I went right back to myself in a big blurred rush........

Very pleased to have gotten out and hung arounf 'THIS' 3d plain for a change....and was pleased I was excersising some form of control over my journey......YEY!

After my return to my body.....I called my freind at the cabin house, and noone was home, so I left a message. (just checking)

Just a bit ago I drove to the store and went past the apartment complex and SAW a black couple starting to fire up a BBQ just outside the 1st apartment, that I had gone into.......I SWEAR I did not know who lived there, never having seen them before. It was VERY satisfying to see this black couple with my 3D eyes, to confirm what I was seeing in the odd reverse black & white world.

CUG & Enyalius......ok I get banishing. Thank you for your information........ I do use sage smudge in the Native American fashion for 'cleaning' spaces...and have been using it in my apartmennt ever since the episodes where I was seeing that weird bear thing while OOBE..(written about in past postings) has never returned thank goodness! ('nuff about that I do not want to revisit THAT)

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 09:15 AM
Very interesting RiverGoddess... congrats on your success! I haven't tried again recently, as I've been pretty busy, but I'll be certain to be persistant in my attempts and will be successful at this soon. I just know it. I *think* that I may have been successful actually a few weeks ago, however, I'm not 100% sure. I do remember a REALLY LOUD crackling noise in both of my ears and the next thing I know I was awake. The noise was real and it was there, and it startled the Hell out of me, and I couldn't explain what it could have been...

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 09:16 PM
THAT sounds like the right noise..... real as heck. Not some 'imagined' or far away can be very electric and yes its in full surround WILL wake your butt right up, or even scare you..It is a challange to remain calm and deep breathing and just allow yourself to fall into the just go with it is no easy task the first few times.
If I did not hear this on the first time I was out, I do not know if I realy would ascociate this sound with being the doorway to OOBE.......I take it in stride now, because I know it for what it is, and KNOW it is a completely SAFE experiance. If this sound came to me via meditation, I might be affraid of it. It is a weird & loud noise.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
THAT sounds like the right noise..... real as heck. Not some 'imagined' or far away can be very electric and yes its in full surround WILL wake your butt right up, or even scare you..It is a challange to remain calm and deep breathing and just allow yourself to fall into the just go with it is no easy task the first few times.
If I did not hear this on the first time I was out, I do not know if I realy would ascociate this sound with being the doorway to OOBE.......I take it in stride now, because I know it for what it is, and KNOW it is a completely SAFE experiance. If this sound came to me via meditation, I might be affraid of it. It is a weird & loud noise.

Cool- thanks for the feedback. That's exactly what happened- it startled me so much it made me snap up and awake instantly! I wasn't expecting it at all, but I certainly know that the noise was there, it was real, and it was LOUD! I will have to try and get there again now, especially since I know what to expect.

I do remember being in some room, I wasn't sure where it was, but I had gone down this staircase, but it was dark inside the room, as the lights were out, and I kept thinking to myself that's strange why are the lights out (but it was night time, so it would make perfect sense that if I was truly OOBE, that the lights would have been turned off, wherever I was). Right after this is when I heard the noise and snapped awake.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 03:51 PM
therivergoddess, that is some nice verification id of been startled to see the black couple afterwards.. the only thing I could possibly think of if you wasnt actually there is that youd seen them subconsciously before but who knows
Im still working on verification but nothing as yet.. Its not always easy when its dark and then when you dont gain full astral vision, that makes it even harder still.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 03:55 PM
therivergoddess, that is some nice verification id of been startled to see the black couple afterwards.. the only thing I could possibly think of if you wasnt actually there is that youd seen them subconsciously before but who knows
Im still working on verification but nothing as yet.. Its not always easy when its dark and then when you dont gain full astral vision, that makes it harder still.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 12:05 PM
This noise some people speak of; can it be an almost electronic, throbbing, "static" sort of sound? A few weeks ago, I sort of woke up half way, and found myself with closed eyes yet I somehow "knew" that something like a blue and black electrical "static" was entering into the periphery of what would be my field of vision if my eyes had been open. The further this "static" penetrated, the louder this sort of electronic, pulsating sound got, as if it were getting closer and closer to where I was laying. At times, the noise almost sounded like radio interference and there were extremely brief moments (milliseconds) that sounded like voices attempting to speak to me in one ear or the other, but mostly it was just an electronic, garbled, "loudness." It was extremely loud, the way roaring water can be loud, and seemed almost more like a physical sensation than a sound, yet it was definitely a sound as well. The sound component of it was sort of electrical and pulsating very rapidly, like an intense vibration. This seemed completely real and not like a dream at all. When I willed myself to open my eyes, however, it slowly faded. When it finally faded completely, I was able to open my eyes and looked around the room. The air around me felt sort of "heated," but when I moved around a bit that stopped. I chalked it up to a waking dream, but I'm curious as to whether anyone has any insights.

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