reply to post by pieinthesky
I dont know what to think about Indigo children or Aquarian children or be completely honest, it all sounds a bit new age and silly -
also, I realize that a lot of people will jump at the chance to talk about themselves so it is hard for me, at first impression, to believe some of
the posts/replies...but I realize that my opinions are the product of this system, this reality. Knowing that, I always try to maintain a chronic
open mind about everything I see, hear, read, etc. at the same time use my intelligence and discretion to tell the difference between truth and BS.
The reason why I am posting because I fit that list of descriptions of a starperson to a "T". I just feel as though I dont belong here - that I am
just not composed of what is necessary to thrive here. I see so many things about my own species that I just dont understand. I dont understand the
need....obsession with many of the material things that so many people cherish. Our whole economy is littered with aspects of much
so that the entire system would fall apart without them. So I ask myself; What is the appeal? I mean so many people spend so much of themselves, put
themselves through so much trouble and stress, sometimes kill themselves over material matters and for what? Just so they can have an automobile with
leather seats and the latest GPS tech.? - Just so they can have a home with 7 bathrooms and 10 bedrooms when they are a family of 4?. Then they turn
around and buy furniture to fill all of the rooms, most of which are never even used. I just can't understand it. If anyone reading this fits
what I am describing, I am not trying to offend you or your intelligence in any way - I am merely explaining the reasoning for my incomprehension.
So there's that..
I read a post on here yesterday about people with ADHD/ADD. Now, I have never been diagnosed, but I exhibit many, if not all of the characteristics
of a person with this condition. Now most people would describe it as "suffering from a disorder" - but I am not suffering and I dont see it as a
disorder. I graduated...barely graduated highschool with a 2.0 GPA (...impressive, I know lol) - I attended two colleges afterwards, both of which I
failed out of. I have trouble staying on task. It takes a great deal of energy to force myself to pay attention to things that do not interest me.
I frequently start projects but can never finish them. I forget to do things all the time... I will go to the store and forget why.. those are just
some.. However, I have an above average IQ, I am a very proficient problem solver. I can draw portraits, still life, comic book art, graphiti,
characters, concept art... pretty much anything. I also paint and sculpt too. I play guitar in a band and have been for the past 10 years. I also
play piano, drums, sing and write my own music. Music and art are things that I just have a natural aptitude for. I never took music lessons and I
basically taught my art class my senior year in highschool. I can do all of this, yet I cant even pass a few college courses?... sometimes I feel I
am either the dumbest smart person I know - or the smartest dumb person... i think both are the same lol.
anyway, do I sound like a starperson???
Also, I have a 4 year old son that is smarter than most 6-7 year-olds i know. He can read and write - he takes things apart with my tools. He has
these flash cards with each of the 50 states on them and is able to assemble them in the shape of the U.S. just from looking at a map... I dont know
if he is gifted or what, but i couldnt do those things at his age...
sorry for the long post, but this all just struck a very resonant chord within me and I had to respond.
thanks for reading