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Many of you are actually Aliens

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by mystiq

This site is a venue for debate. A statement like "many of you are actually aliens" is a bold one and offers itself up to opposition.

Personally I fail to understand why a person would jump to such a conclusion, though I a myself have felt alienated, empathic, wanting to go home I can't understand why that could mean I am not from this planet.

Can you please explain. I am not trolling, just curious and open minded.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:40 PM
First let me start by saying this is my first post on this site, although I read the site often. That out of the way I will continue on.

Ok, I have to admit that when first reading this I honestly thought it was BS. That being said, I thought about things in life, and my feelings toward the way "life" and the people on this planet do things and some of what is said actually started making a little sense.

I have always had the belief that there is reincarnation (to a point) and that those in life that do great things, such as Mother Teresa, are those who I had considered to of been "Old Souls"; Those that keep coming back to learn from their mistakes and continually bettering them self’s and others around them. So I took that belief and reapplied it to what you have said here and it fits with the whole “helping us to ascend” explanation. So someone like Mother Teresa keeps being reincarnated so that she can help the people of earth to move on to a high plain of existence.

All that said, does that mean there are people here that are of similar origin, but here for the opposite reason? Those that are here to keep us here or keep pushing down so we will not move on to bigger and better things. The Jeffery Dahmer’s or scientologists of the world.

I am still not sure I believe in this in its entire form but I can see how the theory could work in positive ways for many things in the world.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

Just a reiteration of what I already posted over on another thread.

What I see as 'indigo' people are people who's spirits were brought here from their home world which was destroyed. After I did a shaman journey, where the old Indian fellow told me, "ask and my questions will be answered", the Indigos are one of the things I asked about, since I have many similar characteristics, but I am way older than the 80's birthdates.

What I have discovered about the indigos in the racial unconscious is this:
They are indeed different than the norm here on this world. Most of the spirits of this world are from species that are heavily enmeshed normally, with either a history of a hive type mind, or at least herd/clan/group instincts, but indigos are not. They were pack predators on their world, so they can work together if they wish, but in general, they don't feel that much need for connection with other people, nothing like humans who used to be greys for example. Consequently, if you don't like them, they really don't care. And because of that, they can't be manipulated with guilt and shame as the typical human can, which totally thrashes the NWO's plan to control humanity with religion, because religion is always about shaming/guilt tripping/manipulating people into acting the way you want them to. (Which is why they were brought here by enemies of the NWO)

But I know they aren't all that more evolved though, their challenge is going to be like mine; to be able to tolerate enough connection to stay in the state of physical enlightenment. The only reason they seem more 'evolved' and in touch with their psychic abilities and nature is that they are just closer to their original form in which remembering the spirit realm, past lives, working with raw energy and a lot of other things we humans have been blocked from doing, is still something that they sense/'know' should be possible. So they are not only open to exploring it, but willing to push on thru until they get as reconnected as possible so they can reclaim what they sense is their 'true' and 'natural' spiritual heritage.

The rest of us have been in human bodies for longer and may have lost that sense/'knowingness' that is so fresh to the newly arrived indigos. The first wave, the indigos, were the everyday people; the newer arrivals, the crystals, are the leadership people. There are still some of their people in their original bodies and those people are trying to communicate with and guide the human indigos via dreams with large floating god like heads and twirling purple triangles, reminding them of their 'contract'---which I see as being about taking over earth. They would be much better and kinder than the NWO bunch, that is for sure! However, the now human indigos are blocked in a lot of what they used to be able to do and in what they know, and I don't think that the leadership were told honestly how hard it would be to rally their people for a take over effort.

In general though, what I do see, also, is that most of us are from non-human origins; probably 90%+. but there are a whole lot of other different types of aliens, besides the indigos. Those arrivals are recent. Some, like those who used to be greys and elves, have been here since before humanity was even sentient.

Therefore it isn't that unusual to feel as if you want to go 'home' although you have no idea, consciously, where that may be, and for sure you will be looking around at other humans going, WTF? as you try to figure them out. Part of that problem stems though, from the fact that there are sooooo many different kind of aliens with entirely different sets of values here. Greys are not at all the same as the tall skinny blue people, or the indigos, and all the elder races, like the elves, faires, unicorns, etc, are different from any of those as well. What a mish mash!

[edit on 2-6-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:41 PM

Many of you are actually Aliens

This is absolutely correct. Actually, I'm not aware of any souls that are actually 'from' Earth. We are older than that. Have you heard…”we have met the extraterrestrials…and they are us!”

Our main purpose is to experience what we need to in order that we may progress up the spiritual spiral. Our human bodies are not all due to Earth evolution. The missing link about 100,000 years ago was actually ‘us’. The basic form was ‘modified’ genetically by other extraterrestrial species in order that the current human form appear. This was necessary for the soul to allow for more growth. Thereby allowing for a richer experience chock full of choices. It allowed the perception of the human form to expand. This in turn creates more free will to act upon and experience from. The main goal in life is to experience things that cause emotional response and require choice. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself. We are all part of creation. When Gaia decides it is time to rest, we will incarnate on another planet or plane of existence. Whatever is appropriate for that souls experience level. Some will not have another physical incarnation, most will incarnate on another planet. The next place we inhabit will likely be a fourth or fifth dimensional planet.

We not only live many lifetimes, we live on many planets and plains of existence during our souls evolution.

Let the questions begin.

Why can we not remember these other lives / planets / existences???

Why do we re-incarnate ?

Fill in more for the discussion to continue.

If you don’t like this thread because it bursts your mini paradigm, then you don’t need to read or respond. If you feel the need to comment, feel free. However keep in mind that genuine interest, questions, and opinions are constructive means of participation. Lashing out in fear or ignorance is a waste of time, so let us keep the discussion moving in a positive direction.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by selfisolated

Wow. I finally feel that there are people just like me.
I felt out of place for the past 30 years.
Always looked to the constellation of Draco with a yaerning. Never knew what the name was until i went to go look it up.
Love to read about stars and watch scifi.
Love nature.
I am a geography teacher. Love working with young minds.

Wierd facts about me. Wellnot wierd anymore:
I knew my bloodtype before I started donating blood. O Rh Neg (Only one in the family with O neg, Sister is A Neg)
I knew I would sport a bloodred beard. Shaved it off as it looked wierd.
Eyes light brown but turns green to amber in the sunlight. People say it looks stunning. Wear dark color glasses outside.
I wiggle my ears and when i feel someone approaches my skull and ears pull back.
Had strong widows peak before i started adult onset baldness.
Always said people are strange and couldnt they see what a fantastic planet they have.
Always loked in the mirror and wanted to pull off my skin as it feels that someone else is lurking behind and this is only a mask.
Slightly psychic.

I think we all are wierdo's. My dad is a descendant from European stock. I think? My mom is from the islands of Indonesia and India? Apparently they wanted to abort me when she was pregnant. Thedoctor gave her an injection saying the feotus will die and she will abort. 9 months later i was born healthy as ever. Gave her a tuff time with my big head.

They said I never had most of the childhood diseases and ailments. Was a quite child that always stared at the sky.

I dont get the flu only head cold that last for 3 days. Never had flu injection. If i go to the doctor for a complaint then after diagnoses i start to heal quickly. But still complete the course,just in case!

I hate alcohol. i think I am allergic as I get back aches and feel like I am dying when I drink just champagne. Any alcoholic beverages I do avoid. I am allergic to Anti histamines. Just one minor allergex will knock me out for THREE days while my family will swallow it like MM's.

Great to read your article.

My parents are great. They produced six offsprings with the following birth dates 4 may : 8 April : 12 May : 16 August : 24 September and 28 July.

I know when my friends are going to phone.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
uhm...nice try, bet you get a lot of nookie with that line...NOT!... besides starpeople don't engage in casual sex, they are too etheral, too "above it all" seriously, i think a majority of

Well, of course not, but they read it. It is actually more in depth when I educate them on 2012. I use almost every avenue to spread my madness. Star people done engage in casual sex? LOL. Oh yeah, right.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:42 PM
Here we go again. People wanting to feel 'more' special than they already are, wanting to be part of something 'special' even if it means deluding themselves. The 'indigo child' myth is just a myth, just a way for people to feel more special about themselves. All of the emotions that people think makes them a ''star child/indigo/insert self importance heightener here'' are mostly normal emotions that a lot of people have. Stop deluding yourselves, people. Why this has not been moved to Skunkworks I don't know. (I like Skunkworks b.t.w)

Sorry I've not been more diplomatic in my words but after years of looking into this kind of stuff it just irritates me when I see people believing this stuff so blindly. In a few years most of you will have gotten past this 'phase'', those of you who don't....well....fantasise all you like but you are no more special than anyone else.

None of you are more special than anyone else, this thread is an ego trip.

To finish on a positive note, good luck in life to all of you.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by The Savage Khan

Some people actually have an experience when they're younger where they're told by their HS, or if they're an experiencer, are told, they're going home. As a child they may have been told that they come from the stars and are going home to the stars, they may dream or see an advanced world. They may have a message they're going home come to them at any time and just feel this incredible relief, as if they know what it means, but can't quite remember. Some may feel they are watched over from time to time. Usually if you feel that you are an experiencer, and you may simply not remember, and should watch Mary Rodwell's interview by Coast to Coast on youtube. For others it can be as simple as feeling a sense of not belonging to the degree that they know theres a place waiting for them.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:44 PM
Okay this is probably going to make you angry at first but please hear me out. PLEASE

First part:
Let’s see my daughter is going to be 14 in Oct so about 13 years ago I became very ill and all the doctors could come up with was that because I had a 9month old, a one year old and a two year old was I was beyond stressed out.
The only problem was I absolutely with out a doubt in my entire being LOVED being a mother! I cherished everyday with them and although all three where hyper from day one and it would occasionally push me a little to far; it took all of two minutes to remember that they are “babes” they need to be guided and away any stress went!
Now as time went on I became more and more ill it got to the point where I was having what they called “hyperventilation syndrom” of course from having three babies and super stress mind you. Well about 8 months of this and I went down hill fast I was having my so called hyperventilation syndrome at 16 hour long intervals with oxygen depravation to boot. Then it came to not being able to stay hydrated or keep food down at all it just kept coming in waves all day long. I was pushed from one doctor to the next with none of them being able to come up with anything other than I was “stressed out” when I WASN’T! I finally came to a female doctor who took the time to run some actual test’s. It turned out I had a toxic fungal lung infection coming from my HOME that had gone on to being life threatening with out a doubt! I had also had a stroke during the time she was treating me from the heavy burden it was putting on my body. I was AT DEATHS DOOR, I couldn’t walk the 15 feet from the couch to the bathroom with out having to sit in a chair for 5 minutes half way there, I couldn’t eat with out vomiting, nor could I seem to get any liquids at all to stay down for more than 30 minutes. She was truly worried that if we didn’t find the cause I was going to die .Well on yet another visit in to see her I had one of my hyperventilation attacks” turned out I had some very SEVERE asthma. The infection that we had started to treat had destroyed the lower third of my left lung and scared my bronchial tubes on both sides in the most terrible way. IT WAS PERMANENT all I could do from that point on was try and deal with the symptoms till I could figure out a way to live with it. During this time I had also developed something they call agoraphobia/panic disorder, not fun let me tell you what. Having sudden feelings of intense PANIC over take you that weren’t lasting the regular 4 minutes or less they would last hours on end! Leaving me totally spent and unable to much of anything at all. By this time my children had grown to be about 3,4 and 5. I became desperate and began looking everywhere I could to find help. My own mind had come to the point of not being able to grasp my previous above average IQ, I was constantly living in a state of confusion and half the time I didn't know what was going on all this due to the many medication they had me taking. (It was up to 21 prescription and over the counter pills two and three times a day!)

It was about that time a friend told me about “Doreen Virtue” and I began to study what she was about and the thing’s she was teaching people. I decided to contact her and ask her to help because after all EVERY doctor I had seen could do nothing but throw even more pills at me and say there was nothing more they could do. I had to learn to live with being homebound and in bed 80% of my life!
So off went an email and several letter’s to miss reply you might ask? Well the first email came back asking me to pay up wards of 1500 dollars to come to a “work shop” she was holding in San Diego.(to learn how to "talk" to angels and use her special angel cards)
I told them I could not handle traveling as of that time I was still very ill and not able to even go to the grocery store let alone make t to the end of my driveway....there response you ask? Pay 500 dollars an hour to “talk” to her!
Yes I was crushed it was all about nothing but money. But when I asked how someone who was so into making the world a better place and waking people up to their inherent potential could be so vain when it came to this matter of money I was rebuked like no other! She is a very busy woman and charging SO much money was a away to make sure her time wasn’t “WASTED”. BULLOCKS
Once the angel channeling and teaching people to use cards started to die down she came up with the indigo children and all....she even started making new decks of her special cards that where for the "person only" who bought them; to use for the betterment of other’s. It went on and on.

More things to buy more money to shell out for things that frankly DIDN’T WORK! I even joined a chat group that was run by her and her "personal helpers". I had befriended one of them named Betsy. This woman had a heart of gold and would everyday pray with me begging for some intervention so that I could at least get well enough to enjoy my children. Guess what during this time I had found out that her husband was leaving her because she had spent upwards of 10,000 dollars of her own personal money to go and “help” miss “virtue” run her 1500 dollar classes. She paid her own way EVERY TIME.(while never being PAID although miss “virtue” was making loads of money mind you!)
This was the clincher for me it became so painfully obvious that I had wasted many years of my life and 600 dollars following a hack who had actually been a reporter of all things before she became a counselor then an “angelic guide given information by the angels themselves"!

Like many before her she had started out with good intentions but had fallen victim to the all mighty greed for dollars! I let Betsy know how I felt as I am a very honest person and left for good. I set out on my own to investigate what was going on with me and found all the answer’s I needed to get off all the med’s. (which they had told me to stop taking by the way right from the begining. Yeah I am at deaths door and I should stop suddenly taking the med's that where keeping me breathing)

What did I find?
I found out that I was yet again having SEIZURE’S and I had a form of ASTHMA that caused my bronchial tubes to spasm and basically lock up after a short time. I wasn’t overly stressed I didn’t have agoraphobia/panic disorder, I didn’t need to pay some greedy woman a few grand to help me. I needed to change the way I lived period!

Now mind you this was after 10 YEARS of searching in ALL the wrong place’s. I have all those gift’s you talk about and many more that I wouldn’t admit to if you put a gun to my head. But according to your miss “virtue” I was not able to contain more than two at the most as NO ONE can harbor all the gifts inherent to the human being. So needless to say upon setting out on my own and looking into studies about my illness and also my gift’s I came to realize that all I needed was to do it my way and see if I could come out of it with out 21 different medicines!

Now here today right now I take three medicine's: two for epilepsy and one for asthma. I go anywhere I want and do anything I want and the only inhibitor is that I am not allowed to drive. NOT a problem my husband will drive me where ever I want to go as long as he never again has to do the grocery shopping!

I also found out something’s along the way that may help you and other’s. I will write them into the next post as this one is overly long and my son needs some help with the plugged up kitchen sink right now..... be back in a few with the rest.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by xoxo stacie]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:45 PM
I just wanted to throw this out there....

I'm wondering if we may share astrological traits, or if there is any pattern here. In my personal experience, I find that water signs seem to share many of these characteristics. I am a Pisces, what about the rest of you?

(Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fanatic with astrology but I have found some compelling information that seems to have a very valid basis) Humor me please!

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Welsh_Mulder
Is it not dangerous to use other peoples videos and websites if you cannot prove the source reliable or trustworthy?

I am not sure about mulder, but personally, I think we need people to decide for themselves with their own discernment. The days of scientific journals censoring concepts for example are over with. People are divine, people have free choice, let them take and absorb what they will, who am I to lower that choice.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:47 PM
It's funny to see how people are clinging to their crumbling reality, going down screaming. That sometimes still gets to me, how do you help people who do not want help.
It's hard when the people who don't want help are the ones close to you.
It wears me out. Playing their games wears me out.
It is so simple, why can't they see it?
I just want to help, and when i'm done finally go home.
When i was a kid, i was devastated when i found out that that one in the mirror was me, and i was stuck here.
I know i can get home when it's time, and i will serve my purpose, no matter how many people will laugh, think i'm crazy or will never talk to me again.
They will see in the end.

I just want to give a
to the ones here that know their purpose and cope so well with the daily games while still fulfilling their purpose.
Keep walking!

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Drahcir
Wow. I finally feel that there are people just like me.
I felt out of place for the past 30 years.

There are many ones like you, Drahcir.

Spread the word and link to this thread outside the ATS. Many other Starpeople should know that they are not alone.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

I have always felt this way. From a small child I felt a longing to know the truth. Even at the age of 5 or 6 sitting in church knowing that something just wasn't right and that I should be doing something else. Also a feeling of knowing that this world is not my own but that I served some purpose here.

The feeling of some other advanced but suppressed built in knowledge. Being able to break down and build a PC without any prior PC experience and having an instant understanding of configurations and the operating systems. It was like a natural ability.

I have always had foresight or premonition of things before they happen. I have found that if I follow my path (heart) and listen to my inner voice those abilities get stronger. These abilities have been a great asset in my life both in keeping me grounded and in keeping me safe.

In 1985 I was given a great sign, a clear UFO sighting. Three craft of pure white light hovering over the McDowell mountain range in a triangle formation. I remember the pure excitement and the instant feeling of connection. I felt that this sighting was just for me, odd. There was no mistaking what I was seeing, you just know. The way they moved and the pattern in which they hovered together. The way they left in different directions and the speeds at which they left.

That 30 second sighting has stayed with me for over two decades and has left me longing to experience it again. To witness my distant brothers and their pure and obviously advanced presence again. I believe it is those of us here on this world that "they" (those in control) fear. Those who brainwash us from birth and suppress our abilities.

I feel it will be very soon that we will all know. And those of us directly connected will achieve a much higher spiritual understanding of our real purpose. We may evolve mentally in an instant if we are truly connected. But, I as many other have had a feeling recently that something very big is about to happen.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:49 PM
Whenever the first sentence or two of a new post contains the word "my source" I can usually be certain that what follows is something vastly wild in theory, unverifiable, and mostly unbelievable.

I also agree that people have a tendency, especially these days, to want to stand out. Be unique. They feel they are different and special in some way. That's where I think these sorts of ideas stem.

Aside from people "channeling" or other such things, where is any verifiable proof of any of this? Ever? There never is. It's all guesswork, bad logic and ill-founded reasoning, and "spritual" or other unmeasurable and unverifiable sources.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Welsh_Mulder
There are too many threads on this board that start with wild claims that cannot be backed up, detracting from what many on this board are searching for and that is the truth.

Ah, excuse me, but no, this is what this board is for, it has been mentioned in other threads of being as such by the Owner and Moderators, and is for such assertions and discussions, and you are trying to fit this board into your technical paradigm, instead of opening your paradigm for this board, based on my simple an possibly narrow minded experience sofar of your posts asking for proof of this persons valididty.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Spirit Warrior

Many of you are actually Aliens

This is absolutely correct. Actually, I'm not aware of any souls that are actually 'from' Earth. We are older than that. Have you heard…”we have met the extraterrestrials…and they are us!”

Our main purpose is to experience what we need to in order that we may progress up the spiritual spiral. Our human bodies are not all due to Earth evolution. The missing link about 100,000 years ago was actually ‘us’. The basic form was ‘modified’ genetically by other extraterrestrial species in order that the current human form appear. This was necessary for the soul to allow for more growth. Thereby allowing for a richer experience chock full of choices. It allowed the perception of the human form to expand. This in turn creates more free will to act upon and experience from. The main goal in life is to experience things that cause emotional response and require choice. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself. We are all part of creation. When Gaia decides it is time to rest, we will incarnate on another planet or plane of existence. Whatever is appropriate for that souls experience level. Some will not have another physical incarnation, most will incarnate on another planet. The next place we inhabit will likely be a fourth or fifth dimensional planet.

We not only live many lifetimes, we live on many planets and plains of existence during our souls evolution.

Let the questions begin.

Why can we not remember these other lives / planets / existences???

Why do we re-incarnate ?

Fill in more for the discussion to continue.

If you don’t like this thread because it bursts your mini paradigm, then you don’t need to read or respond. If you feel the need to comment, feel free. However keep in mind that genuine interest, questions, and opinions are constructive means of participation. Lashing out in fear or ignorance is a waste of time, so let us keep the discussion moving in a positive direction.

I read this and can't ignore the fact that it itself is just another paradigm. I am currently between paradigms so for me this is just another set of beliefs that are extremely subjective and require faith and suspension of disbelief.

I have read this alternate history elsewhere and find it attractive but I cannot adhere to it because it doesn't present a good balance of faith and practicality. It gives answers to big timeless questions, but raises 10X as much questions at to the legitimacy of its statements.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:51 PM
So you are saying that if someone were an alien, they were implanted in the mom's body?

heheh I fit almost all of those things, but then I'm addicted to money... so..

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by xoxo stacie

Big big hug and lots of love for Stacie.....

Will be watching for your next post hun.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:54 PM
My children's friend said my eyes changed to reptilian looking eyes when I get mad, so I must be a reptilian? I also started noticing that when I get mad first there's a blackout in my eyes, then the surroundings seem to be different in appearance with a smoky hue and colors are more vivid.

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