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Many of you are actually Aliens

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

Without reading the whole thread, can I just point out something?

The six questions you listed can be answered "yes" for a variety of reasons, none of which are remotely related to extraterrestrials.

There are a variety of mental conditions, persona's and even psychological illnesses that could provoke someone to answer yes to any one of those questions.

[edit on 2/6/09 by Death_Kron]

Totally agree with you Death_Kron, I think this thread could be harmful to those who are in a mentally delicate position. Some members of society feel they want to be different to the rest even though we are all actually the same.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:05 AM
I think that the people who fit into this category have always been around-I'm sure we can all identify one or two we have known or known of through life...

let me tell you a story...

the other day I was in my backyard weeding and the mail carrier stopped to chat, she was commenting on my garden, (I have 102 Lavender plants arranged in a circle around a crisscross, looks like a prayer circle) anyway she was asking about what all I had and I listed the other herbs...then she started to tell me story about her neighbor out in the country, an old lady she referred to as "eccentric"...she said they have seen her out in her garden at midnight messing around with her herbs...and the kids called her a "witch". That made me laugh, in this day and age someone being called a witch!

Anyone who doesn't fit nicely into the category of married, 2.5 kids, big screen TV, church-going, fast food eating, Swiffer using, consumerist family type can expect to be labeled "eccentric". That's how narrow the field in this culture has become, and it's a shame. When the letter carrier was telling me this story, I had a fantasy that her kids would hopefully someday realize that the "witch" knew how to heal with plants, and could teach them something of great value.

Maybe there are more of these "eccentrics" around these days and I think that is a very good thing. I am grateful for the ones I have known-and just seen in passing. It helps just knowing they are here.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Hey all!

Nice thread here Fox!!

I have always felt a little out of 'tune' with the world around me. After reading this it makes me wonder if I didnt pick the 'rough road' on purpose. My life has been full of crisis after crisis. I have lost many loved ones (passed on I mean) Some in an extremely violent way...

A teen-ager was charged today with five counts of murder in the deaths of his parents, two brothers and a sister, the police said.

The youth, Thomas V. Odle, 18 years old, of Mount Vernon, was held pending arraignment Tuesday, Police Chief Ron Massey said. The youth, who was arrested without resistance at a Mount Vernon motel, was charged in the death of his parents, Robert and Carolyn Odle; his brothers, Sean, 13, and Scott, 10, and his sister Robyn, 14.

The authorities said Scott Odle was strangled and the others were stabbed repeatedly. Their bodies were found at the family's home Friday evening.

this is an example... Robyn and I were best friends from head-start.

Some in not so violent ways, but I have always felt 'cursed' in this. I know more dead people than living people. Sometimes it seems like I am attracted to people who shall meet a violent end.

Which really sucks because I am one of those people that sees a deer, kitty, puppy ect. on the side of the road and I want to cry for the loss of their lives.

But I seem to be losing the bigger point here...

I always seem to pick the hard way of life, then feel crushed by the outcomes. I have entertained the idea that this life has been my lesson in empathy. And maybe its not just MY empathy I am exploring. I have always felt a little different and out of tune. Maybe I do have a purpose and maybe ya just pointed me to it Fox.

P.S. sorry if my post seems a little jumbled, I seem to have gotten a little anxious in this thread. My thoughts were racing as I was reading and writing, so thanx for your patience.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:08 AM

Oh theres just so many delicate people out there.
Actually I don't even think nerves of steel work for living in this kind of world, but many people living in the west seem to have thick skin, they sleep like babies while billions suffer unbearably. They need to become a bit more "delicate" I think.:

[edit on 2-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by SoulOrb

Originally posted by pieinthesky
Wow. Just found out I'm an indigo child
I'm particularily good at being a human lie detector, and once I sense you've lied to me more than once, you won't get the time of

Ouch Mulder, see now what I am open like a book, well I have one or two secrets that matter little to the people here. I need to have some mystery.

You should see my dating site profiles. Yes hello there, I am a ET contact, and I think the planet is in trouble so I am not laying down any ties right now, nor am I building a house, or buying new things, I am watching the skys to see if this planet is going to be saved, so I just want sex, if that is that you want, message me. I am not sure why I never get a response. LOL

uhm...nice try, bet you get a lot of nookie with that line...NOT!... besides starpeople don't engage in casual sex, they are too etheral, too "above it all" seriously, i think a majority of people have felt this way at one time or another, thus i don't think it is anything special, it is our minds dreaming about a place where there is peace and harmony, not an uncommon wish for the majority of us.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
You know the only people I see calling starseeds special is NON starseeds.
You won't hear any starseed refer to themselves in any such way.
Being different does not equate being special. Just because our souls are from another place does not mean we feel superior in any way to those who are native to this planet. If you offer to join the peace corps to help feed starving children in a third world country.. does that mean you are egotistical for wanting to help? Does that mean you consider yourself special and better than them? Or does that just mean that you are a caring person that sees someone else that needs help and are trying to give them that help?


Starseeds are just souls that want to help that are not from this planet.

I second that, NephraTari.

We are not special - or better - than humans. We are just very much different from them.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:12 AM
This view is growing increasingly fashionable. The problem is one of concepts and conceptualization. What are humans? What are aliens? What are souls? Are souls different than bodies? Where is the dividing line between them. Where is the dividing line between humans and "aliens." If there is a higher spiritual message dfor these times, it is don't get too caught up in concepts and don't concretize beliefs about yourself. You are nothing that the mind can conceive of, whether a human or an "alien." BTW, such divisions as "human" and "alien" only cloud the central isse or truth--we are all one.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:12 AM
Ok. As far as i think i fit most of the six points in some way or the other.
But then again they are pretty common traits.

This feels a lot like BSG and the cylons hidden in the fleet.
So all I can say is let us not talk falsely now...the hour is getting late!

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by molotov
reply to post by Welsh_Mulder

he has no proof. it makes he feel warm and fuzzy inside at the thought of being "different". when he doesn't realize we are different enough as humans. everybody is different, it doesn't mean you're an ALIEN.

Prove to us with your proof where the soul or spirit originates from. When you have accomplished that you will have answered your own question.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:13 AM
It's at times like this, when I am struggling to find another job, and pay the bills, that I wish I were alien and that my real "family" would beam me up off this planet prompto...but joking aside...

If you felt all your life in some way "different", as I have, and looked longingly to the stars as a child (as yes, I did), and had your fair share of weird psychic experiences (ditto) to me it has simply indicated a sensitivity which yearns to be unified with all things, to unravel all mysteries, an unquenchable thirst to know the unknowable. The sign of an enquiring mind on a spiritual journey.

The potentiality that comes with being (merely) human, is potentiality don't need to travel the world, visit Tibet, endlessly comtemplate your navel, or necessarily believe in fixing an out-of-this-world label to yourself which somehow distinguishes you from the rest. Perhaps all this helps in some way, as a guide or map to discovering who you think you are, but in the end, we are ALL stardust.....which is a lovely thought!

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder

Originally posted by Welsh_Mulder
Apologies if anyone has asked these questions previously.

Spooky Fox Mulder where is your proof? I don't suppose you can verify your source either?

Do you have any links with 'Dr' Doreen Virtue?

As I've mentioned before - and this is the last time I address this subject - no, my source is not Doreen Virtue. It's not anyone you know of.

I used Doreen Virtue's videos and website to illustrate the subject better, as she is known to be the world's leading expert on Starpeople.


[edit on 2-6-2009 by Spooky Fox Mulder]

You have not answered my other questions. Is there a reason for this?

Is it not dangerous to use other peoples videos and websites if you cannot prove the source reliable or trustworthy?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Welsh_Mulder

I think he has explained more than once that she has nothing to do with his source he was just using her for reference to help some people become familiar with the topic. What she has done beyond indigo research or whether she chooses to make money on it has NOTHING to do with this discussion.
Stop trying to take this off topic or I will hit the report button.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:22 AM
I too fit the descriptions listed, but find it a bit of a jump to say I am not from this planet.

I feel like religion fails us the moment it requires too much faith to believe in. It becomes less about morality and more about quelling our fears about the unknowns.

This thread seems to do just that, exploit our feelings of social alienation, answer the unprovable questions of our origins, and feed into our egos by confirming that our empathy is some sort of superpower rather than an unpracticed mammalian trait shared by animals and humans alike.

Human or alien, everyone should try to spread love, not for ascension but to experience peace and good memories in this brief mortal existence.

Besides, believing you are an alien can only add to your social alienation.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
You know the only people I see calling starseeds special is NON starseeds.
You won't hear any starseed refer to themselves in any such way.

Perhaps you didn't understand what I meant by 'special'. I use that adjective because all of the terms that were used prior to 'political correctness' becoming commonplace would be frowned upon now.

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder
As I've mentioned before - and this is the last time I address this subject - no, my source is not Doreen Virtue. It's not anyone you know of.

By logical conclusion the person must not exist -else how can you know that Welsh Mulder doesn't know them!

I think I might start my own belief system...keep an eye out for it. It'll have something to do with laughing at ignorant apes who think they are more than that.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

Coffee, alcohol, medicine, meat and non-organic food is not good for you. Try to keep a healthy diet.

I have to take a different stance on this. I think there are as many of us who struggle with those very vices, particularly alcohol and tobacco, just to keep the stress levels in check. While I know that I should try to be healthier, ie. put down the bottle and cigs...... I'm just too wound up all the time and I need those drinks to get out of my head on certain occassions. I'd like to hear what others think on this. (By others, I mean those of you that are experiencing the common feelings and disturbances that have been referenced in this thread)

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
reply to post by Welsh_Mulder

I think he has explained more than once that she has nothing to do with his source he was just using her for reference to help some people become familiar with the topic. What she has done beyond indigo research or whether she chooses to make money on it has NOTHING to do with this discussion.
Stop trying to take this off topic or I will hit the report button.

How am I trying to take this off topic? I am merely inquiring on the reliability of the source. Trying to get to the hard facts. Or am I touching a nerve?

When I worked for a large Korean electronics company, they told me to ask the 4Y's (I think it was) in order to get to the bottom of the problem.

There are too many threads on this board that start with wild claims that cannot be backed up, detracting from what many on this board are searching for and that is the truth.

P.s. don't make threats, its not nice or becoming of one who believes in what Spooky Fox Mulder is talking about.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Pilot

In my world, I feel that the rest of you are eccentric and don't fit in. I am like the "witch" in your story. The one who loves nature and respects it, works with, not against it. The one who believes Earth is alive, conscious and aware. It's the retarded, selfish, lazy, ignorant, biased and ego-driven who are the eccentric ones.

If I could be a guardian angel after my death, I would feel priviledged to assist some of you in your times of crisis. I don't expect that but I am not convinced of any other notion that fits. And it helps me cope with the complete insanity all around me. (Please see recent posts tab above for proof.)

It is very interesting to explore. Just as interesting as aliens being the definition of beings from a foreign land.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by NephraTari

I think it's only fair to point out that there are 12 Doreen vids in the OP, which would imply that her work and beliefs are a major part of the argument here, whether the original inspiration or not. Her other work and repution are all important too, as she is so high profile, and alleged expert not less, and until the other sources are named and quoted properly, she is all we have to go on sadly. I don't think it's unreasonable at all to ask for information about them. At least some quotes, or experiences.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by caitlinfae]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by jackieps1975

The vices can be comforting, caffeine is mine, but I think they do hinder us in our full potential. They are certainly not good for us. after we have been without them for some time.. sort of a detox.. maybe it will be easier because we won't have that constant need for them.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

Where do I sign up?

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[edit on 2-6-2009 by elevatedone]

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