posted on May, 28 2009 @ 08:47 PM
They ALL have a 72 hour window to decide what they want to do and it isn't about sanction's! (less than that now)
For all of you who are arguing that the Chinese and Russians aren't going to do anything yet again....better rethink that one! He blew that nuclear
BOMB close enough to them to cause them to get really anxious over it. The Chinese people where scared to death by the reverberation from that
Lil Kim's days are now numbered. He pushed way to hard against the hands that where protecting his crazy bum! They are now reconsidering if it is
economically viable for them to stand by him. It obviously isn't in the current market guess what. What they are reconsidering is the
concessions they can have available to them if they FINALLY just let him go to the way side. Kim and his country are so far down right now; that other
than land he has NOTHING either China or Russia wants. All they have done for Iran is test a bunch of crap that doesn't work!
Now when it comes to the other member countries guess what we ALL have PLENTY that China, Russia AND Iran want! It will gladly be handed over to get
this thorn out of the worlds side once and for all.
"may" be used to create a new theater for a much larger war.(see 72 hours above) Bringing back the themes of the past where the wars
where used to bring up the economy of several countries/continents. NO ONE wants to be left out of that one at this point people...NO ONE! They are
clamoring for the front line seats as we speak!
[edit on 28-5-2009 by xoxo stacie]