Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
DUR, you should do some reading, explain to me how a MAN can come out of the bottomless pit.
Second, you still did not provide any scriptures that state that the Beast went into the bottomless pit at 96 AD.
This is the end of this convo, this post is about the "NUMBERS OF THE BEAST"
If you want to discuss nero being the Beast, do a post on it. I will not discuss it any further here in this post. thank-you
You say this post is about the numbers of the beast? Than surely you would want to know whose number it is. Nero Ceaser is the beast. His number IS
666 in Aramaic which is what revelation was originally written in.
OK, you don't have to post on it anymore but i will answer your question about AD 96. I never said the the beast went into the bottomless pit in AD
96. He was already in the pit before then. Pay close attention please.
Johns revelation was in AD 96. You got that so far. That is where the AD 96 comes from. Now The Angel talks about the beast and says that it is the
number of a man. SO, we know that the beast they are talking about here is a man. So you are with me , right. Two things we have just established.
Point 1-that the revelation of John was in AD 96, THUS when the Angel is talking to him it is AD 96. Point 2- the beast they are talking about is a
man. Now lets go where the Angel is talking about the beast in chapter 17:8
8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth
shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and
yet is.
He just told john in AD 96 that the beast he saw was , is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit. In other words the beast was before AD 96,
wasn't in AD 96 ,and will ascend out of the bottomless pit.
Here is the same scripture verse in the new international bible
Remember, it is AD 96 when the Angel is telling John this,
8 The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction.
That is plain as day that he is coming out of the bottomless pit in the future.
I didn't say it. The Angel told John that.
It also says the world will wonder ( astonished or startled) about the beast that was (alive), was not (had died) and yet is (is alive again)
Ok, lets move on to the same chapter 17, only verses 10 and 11 this time.
Remember, it is still AD 96 when the Angels shows him this.
10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
Let's break down verses 10 and 11 now. He just told John in AD 96 that there are seven kings, five are dead in AD 96 and one is alive in AD 96 and
the other has not come yet in AD 96.
Then he tells John in AD 96 that the beast that was alive before AD 96, and was dead in AD 96 , that he will be the eighth king, and yet is one of
the former seven kings.
In order for him to be the eighth king and be one of the former seven kings, then he would have to come back from the dead.
The Angel has already told John that the beast was BEFORE AD 96, so when he talks about the kings and says five are fallen ( dead BEFORE AD 96) , then
we know the beast has to be one of these fallen kings BEFORE AD 96 .
The five Roman kings before A.D. 96 are
(1) Augustus 31 B.C.-A.D.14
(2) Tiberius A.D.14-A.D.37
(3) Caligula A.D.37-A.D.41
(4) Claudius A.D.41-A.D.54
(5) Nero A.D.54-A.D.68
So, it has to be one of these AND his name Has to add up to 666 in Johns native language of Aramaic.
Nero Caesar in aramaic is spelled NRON KSR. Aramaic letters have numeral values like roman numerals.
N= 50
O= 6
N= 50
S= 60
It is also a fact that the early church taught that nero ceasar would rise from the dead and come back as the antichrist.
If you don't understand it now then you never will. That is as simple as i can make it. Remember, I didn't say the antichrist would come out of the
bottomless pit. The Angel told John that.