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Bilderberg Plan For Remaking the Global Political Economy 2009

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posted on May, 27 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Rockstrongo37

No one can be sure how to prepare for unknown events beyond ensuring that basic human needs are met. Food, Water, Warmth, Shelter, Protection for you and your family. Beyond that, you will either remain at home or be forced to become mobile (on foot, most likely). You should take whatever actions necessary to "get small" and mobile. After that, each of us has to decide how to deal with the events as they happen. We can roll over and give up, or we can face each problem head on and apply intelligent decisions that fit our circumstances at the moment. Stay alert, stay vigilant, and have a plan based on multiple scenarios.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 03:01 PM
The above listed measures are typical totalitarian approach, very much like Stalinism, Nazism, Marxism, even Platonism - where the ultimate "good" - the State - owns everything and everyone and perpetuates the ideal of absolute control of individuals.

The idea is that an individual "must" execute orders (which are derived from the Ideal Source), and such an ideal society functions on that basis: proliferation of orders in the first place. Obviously, Obama is after such an ideal and there will be no more freedom in America if he succeeds.

Where there are "rights" there is no freedom.


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by mrbarber

Yes I agree there is a market crash going on as we speak. Not too bad only down 168. Anything over 500 is a good day these days.

GM is the cause. They will be the 4th largest bankruptcy in the History of the US. Lehman being in first place. Can you see these large business's going under so rapidly.

Yes many other things could set off public panic. Things seem to be adding up rather fast. Soon this wont be a conspiracy.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 03:12 PM
An individual, a personality versus institution (state) = tragedy.
It is all well described in ancient Greek dramas/tragedies, like Medea, Antigone or Prometheus.

One can try to evade, as much as he can, direct confrontation, but things that you deem yours aren't yours at all, be prepared for such outcome.

Even having a job is considered a direct confrontation, because the decision about one's income is up to somebody else... That's what unemployment is for. To create enormous dependence on the system.

Those with families will have the hardest time. Those who don't, well at least not much to blackmail them with.

In my opinion, resistance is inevitable, but there will be lots of betrayal everywhere.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
So most of us agree that something is about to change the way this world is what do we do about it? Is there anything we can do but sit back, gather supplies for the coming shortages, and watch?

Honestly, all the discussions about the coming tide of woe...yet I have heard no one talk about how to prepare or prevent.

Is there anything we can do to prevent the looming disaster heading our way? I don't see any political party providing a true statesman to lead us away from this mess.

Sometimes I just feel like all hope is lost... I know that isn't true but I still feel that way.

I know information and communication is key to preparing... if thats all we have then I suppose we should be grateful.

All hope is not lost. My opinion is SHTF by 2010 and we still have some time to prepare. The survival threads are extremely helpful.

Preventing this from occurring is at about 0%. These plans have slowly evolved, since 1776. The grand scheme is the false idea we can globally unite in peace. It sounds good but wont happen that way. It's a more sinister plan.

Maybe someone else has the answers. I am like you I've only prepared and can sit back and watch it unfold. I do wish someone had a brilliant plan.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

Maybe someone else has the answers. I am like you I've only prepared and can sit back and watch it unfold. I do wish someone had a brilliant plan.

In hard times like this, people get more spiritual, because it is the only way out. All alleys in this world tend to be occupied by thugs.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
reply to post by DangerDeath

Maybe someone else has the answers. I am like you I've only prepared and can sit back and watch it unfold. I do wish someone had a brilliant plan.

In hard times like this, people get more spiritual, because it is the only way out. All alleys in this world tend to be occupied by thugs.

Yes I agree that getting spiritual will help. I usually get laughed at on here for saying it. Good point!

[edit on 27-5-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by thewind

Sorry to inform you, but Texas is financial sound and operates on a surplus budget!

The Federal Reserve (Dallas) is a department of the Federal Government and is not apart of the Texas economic system!

The Texas Constitution (1876) was written and adopted because the Governor at the time put the state in deep dept...causing its current tight restrictions, never to operate in debt

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by rgseymour
reply to post by thewind

Sorry to inform you, but Texas is financial sound and operates on a surplus budget!

The Federal Reserve (Dallas) is a department of the Federal Government and is not apart of the Texas economic system!

The Texas Constitution (1876) was written and adopted because the Governor at the time put the state in deep dept...causing its current tight restrictions, never to operate in debt

Federal Reserve is not a department of the Federal Government. It is a private bank. However you are spot on with everything else.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

It would seem of benefit for people of like minds to get together, but as you said, when that happens, you would eventually be infiltrated or have betrayal events occur. There is some advantage to having Patriots spread throughout this Nation working independantly. The PTB can't be everywhere all the time no matter what manner of martial law is implemented. It offers tremendous opportunity to throw monkey wrenches into their plans from coast to coast 24/7. There is no way my family and I could survive against a heavily armed and well trained Military unit. A person would have to observe and pick their spots to inflict damage. A group would be easier to track and identify

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

What "they" have planned...

“Either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty ... or an intense-but-shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency.”

Other items on the agenda included a plan to “continue to deceive millions of savers and investors who believe the hype about the supposed up-turn in the economy.

They are about to be set up for massive losses and searing financial pain in the months ahead,” and “There will be a final push for the enactment of Lisbon Treaty, pending on Irish voting YES on the treaty in Sept or October,”[1] which would give the European Union massive powers over its member nations, essentially making it a supranational regional government, with each country relegated to more of a provincial status.

Bilderberg founding member David Rockefeller, Honourary Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, Honourary Chairman and Founder of the Trilateral Commission, Chairman of the Council of the Americas and the Americas Society, former Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan.

The Bilderberg agenda of creating a global treasury has already been started prior to the Bilderberg meeting, with decisions made during the G20 financial summit in April. Although the G20 seemed to frame it more in context of being formed into a global central bank, although it is likely the IMF could fill both roles.

The Obama Administration at Bilderberg, National Security Adviser General James Jones

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:49 PM
Spiritual connection is the only one which works without external institutionalization and cannot be compromised by anyone.

It is based on ethics and such people don't need external institution to bring them into "order". They don't steal, lie or kill for profit.

Compromise between the two is not possible. Fortunately...

In a corrupted environment such people should get the hell outa there.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
So most of us agree that something is about to change the way this world is what do we do about it? Is there anything we can do but sit back, gather supplies for the coming shortages, and watch?

Honestly, all the discussions about the coming tide of woe...yet I have heard no one talk about how to prepare or prevent.

Is there anything we can do to prevent the looming disaster heading our way? I don't see any political party providing a true statesman to lead us away from this mess.

Sometimes I just feel like all hope is lost... I know that isn't true but I still feel that way.

I know information and communication is key to preparing... if thats all we have then I suppose we should be grateful.

If 'they' drop this on us, just ignore the power and meet force with force. 'They' are outnumbered.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

I think that means that rather than a gradual slide into slavery they are planning to use a quick short event to quickly change the social / political landscape. Maybe a massive food shortage to create a panic and to descrease the population. The half starved survivors would be easier to control, it's hard to resist on an empty stomach.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

Ok I had a really nasty thought today.

Suppose the US gets drawn into a drawn out war with say North Korea while fighting Iraq and Afg, add in saving Pakistan and maybe an issue with Iran. Then they ask US citizens to hand in ammo for the war effort or restrict additional ammo and ammo making supplies in the patriotic duty of helping our troops.

It's hard to say no when they tell you the option is the death of our service men and women isn't it?

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by exile1981
reply to post by wonderworld

Ok I had a really nasty thought today.

Suppose the US gets drawn into a drawn out war with say North Korea while fighting Iraq and Afg, add in saving Pakistan and maybe an issue with Iran. Then they ask US citizens to hand in ammo for the war effort or restrict additional ammo and ammo making supplies in the patriotic duty of helping our troops.

It's hard to say no when they tell you the option is the death of our service men and women isn't it?

Nope, not difficult at all. The military, in the interests of standardization, use a limited selection of calibers. A couple of years ago, they slammed the civilian ammo market, buying up 'stock' for the Iraq war, and we managed to survive it. The calibers in question were 5.56mm, 9mm, .308 (7.62mmx51), and 7.62x39 Russian (for Iraqi AKs). The only one of those calibers that concerns me is 9mm, and presently I've not got enough of that to concern themselves with. Furthermore, if I used those calibers for my fighting guns, and they wanted me to give up my ammo, they'd have to do something to help themselves first, such as stopping the destruction of their fired brass in favor of recycling it into more ammunition. If they can't do even that, I'm pretty sure they can't argue ammo shortages.

I always wondered about the 7.62 Russian they were buying up here, because they could have gotten it much cheaper direct from Chinese factories, a couple of which are relatively close to the middle east, in Africa. My guess is they were just trying to manufacture a shortage here.

nenothtu out

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by rgseymour
[Sorry to inform you, but Texas is financial sound and operates on a surplus budget!]

So, if texas is in the black and operating on a surplus, why is their healthcare and other pension funds more than 99 trillion "unaccounted" for? Texas in a budget surplus sounds like more of Dubya's "fuzzy math" to me. Here's the entire article:
Dallas Federal Reserve: Unfunded Pension and Health-Care Liabilities Exceeds $99 Trillion Dollars
You've heard some big numbers thrown around.
For example, total U.S. government liabilities are at least $65 trillion dollars.

But the head of the Dallas Federal Reserve bank says:
[There is a] "very big hole" in unfunded pension and health-care liabilities built up by a careless political class over the years.
"We at the Dallas Fed believe the total is over $99 trillion," he said in February.
Over $99 trillion? That's a serious shortfall.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by wonderworld

I read another thread on here somewhere about facebook questionnaires that asked suspitious questions and assumed it was a way to find out about personal family things. Like do you own a gun, who did you vote for, do you store food, etc.

Not many would fill those out but I worry teenagers may unknowingly rat their families out by answering these personal questions.

Which thread? I can't find it using the search function and that is really disturbing. I have never used facebook and I don't plan to start.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

I realize they use standard ammo, I was thinking more of the raw materials incorporated into said ammo.

I don't think anyone is interested in my couple of boxes of 22LR. Unless we get overrun with Gophers and squirrels. The only other ammo I'm concerned about is .303Br which is really hard to find lately.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by thewind

So, if texas is in the black and operating on a surplus, why is their healthcare and other pension funds more than 99 trillion "unaccounted" for?

Dallas Federal Reserve: Unfunded Pension and Health-Care Liabilities Exceeds $99 Trillion Dollars
You've heard some big numbers thrown around.
For example, total U.S. government liabilities are at least $65 trillion dollars.

Both of you can be correct, Texas runs a surplus meaning the money they spent in a year is less than what they brought in. A Budget liability is when you agree to give someone something at a future date such as health care or a pension. The smart way to do it is to put money away each year so that when the individual you promissed a pension to reaches 65 there is already all the money in place. The dumb way is to wait till they reach 65 and then try and find some money to give them.

So while Texas is running a surplus, the amount they are squirring away is less than what they will have to pay at a future date. Not a problem when you are talking one individual but a huge one when they are talking about millions of people.

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