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Bilderberg Plan For Remaking the Global Political Economy 2009

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posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:12 PM

Shortly after the meetings began, Bilderberg tracker Jim Tucker reported that his inside sources revealed that the group has on its agenda, “the plan for a global department of health, a global treasury and a shortened depression rather than a longer economic downturn.” Tucker reported that Swedish Foreign Minister and former Prime Minister, Carl Bildt, “Made a speech advocating turning the WorldHealth Organization into a world department of health, advocating turning the IMF into a world department of treasury, both of course under the auspices of the United Nations.” Further, Tucker reported that, “Treasury Secretary Geithner and Carl Bildt touted a shorter recession not a 10-year recession ... partly because a 10 year recession would damage Bilderberg industrialists themselves, as much as they want to have a global department of labor and a global department of treasury, they still like making money and such a long recession would cost them big bucks industrially because nobody is buying their toys.....the tilt is towards keeping it short.”[2]

The Secret Meeting of Billionaires

At the meeting, “participants steadfastly refused to reveal the content of the discussion. Some cited an agreement to keep the meeting confidential. Spokesmen for Mr. Buffett, Mr. Bloomberg, Mr. Gates, Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Soros and Ms. Winfrey and others dutifully declined comment, though some confirmed attendance.”[6] Reports indicate that, “They discussed how to address the global slump and expand their charitable activities in the downturn.

The Leaked Report

Bilderberg investigative reporter Daniel Estulin reportedly received from his inside sources a 73-page Bilderberg Group meeting wrap-up for participants, which revealed that there were some serious disagreements among the participants. “The hardliners are for dramatic decline and a severe, short-term depression, but there are those who think that things have gone too far and that the fallout from the global economic cataclysm cannot be accurately calculated if Henry Kissinger's model is chosen. Among them is Richard Holbrooke. What is unknown at this point: if Holbrooke's point of view is, in fact, Obama's.” The consensus view was that the recession would get worse, and that recovery would be “relatively slow and protracted,” and to look for these terms in the press over the next weeks and months.

Bilderberg’s Plan in Action?

Reorganizing the Federal Reserve
Following the Bilderberg meeting, there were several interesting announcements made by key participants, specifically in regards to reorganizing the Federal Reserve. On May 21, it was reported that US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner “is believed to be leaning heavily towards giving the Federal Reserve a central role in future regulation,” and “it is understood that the Fed would take on some of the work currently undertaken by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.”[11]

The Obama Administration at Bilderberg

The Obama administration was heavily represented at this years Bilderberg meeting. Among the attendees were Keith B. Alexander, a Lieutenant General of U.S. Army and Director of the National Security Agency, the massive spying agency of the United States; Timothy Geithner, US Treasury Secretary and former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Richard Holbrooke, the Obama administration’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan; General James Jones, United States National Security Advisor; Henry Kissinger, Obama’s special envoy to Russia, longtime Bilderberg member and former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor; Dennis Ross, special advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; David Patraeus, Commander of CENTCOM, (U.S. Central Command, in the Middle East), Lawrence Summers, Director of the White House's National Economic Council, former Treasury Secretary in the Clinton administration, former President of Harvard University, former Chief Economist of the World Bank; Paul Volcker, former Governor of the Federal Reserve System and Chair of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board; Robert Zoellick, former Chairman of Goldman Sachs and current President of the World Bank;[30] and Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg.[31]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:16 PM

A 10 year recession would damage Bilderberg industrialists? Get real what about the rest of the population?

A global labor department sounds somewhat fascist.

The ending result of meetings with the Global elite amount to nothing but trouble for all Global Citizens. Unreal!

The Bilerbergs are coming out just like the G20. What’s up?? There is nothing we can do about this??

This is not our government making the rules here. They can sign pacts with each other and we are clueless, as to what they involve.

[edit on 26-5-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:17 PM
If anyone reading this hasnt already watch The Obama Deception on Youtube.

Bilderberg is heavily influenced in our current government and there is something huge going on.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

I'll check out the youtube link.

I agree something big is going on and it isnt strictly the global finacial crisis. Our governments will be transformed.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:44 PM
Ok I'm sick of hearing these sorts of things. People need to wake up and we need to stop these idiots before it's too late... assuming it isn't already.

I posted earlier today on a different thread how and why I think someone is manipulating the global oil prices and how certain companies are making out in ways that implies they either have really good forecasting people or that they know the end game. If you have money in oil trusts I'd suggest getting out of them.

Tentickles I love your bill of rights pic.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:54 PM
The Bilderberg Group is becoming more visible to the mainstream. They will be moving quickly in order to achieve their goals before the population becomes acutely aware. Be ready for anything from this point forward.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:07 PM
People will awaken. There will be a reversal of darkness on the universal laws to that of the light. May they make the right decisions before it is too late for them.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:13 PM
I've seen this video on Yutube, about Celente.

His predictions are that America will become The First Undevelopt Nation of the World, then, tax revolt, revolution, etc.

Now, in the light of the development of the New Great Game (discussed here: this whole Great Game appears to be focused on Asian territory, but if what Celente predicts comes to be, the Asiatic Game can be just a huge false flag operation to hide the even worse reality about what awaits America in the near future!

Most of American army is outsourced alongside with its industry. That is a very dangerous situation for Americans.

[edit on 26-5-2009 by DangerDeath]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by exile1981

I think we are all tired of hearing these things.

I'm not one to feel helpless but I do on this subject. What do you suggest. I want to stop this too. I think sometimes it's too big to stop.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by mrbarber

Ive noticed they came out more, as well. There must be a reason. I suspect all the plans are now in order and they are waiting to hear the word on when to implement the PLAN.

2010 will sure be something!

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Applesandoranges

I think you are talking about stocking up on survival gear? Most of us here have already done so.

I think they have big plans on the overpopulation problem as well, maybe starve us out. We have a critical global food shortage here in 2009. I also have a thread on that.

Things are happening pretty rapidly.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:17 PM
I just read a report at where the federal reserve in dallas texas said that their debt is over 99 trillion! Now, if a single state has this much debt, how much debt is actually out there in the other 49 that we don't know about and has been kept hidden?

According to the GAO, the usa has compiled a debt of over 43 trillion? Hmm, that little?? How can this be when a single state (Texas) has 99 trillion itself? Now we have the bilderbergs initiating yet another global elited answer to our problems while Obama says vehemently that he knows how to fix our economy!

So, who's full of the biggest pile of bovine excrement here? When will the american people finally wake up and make a stand? Here in my hometown of smallville usa, the largest locally owned GM automotive dealership just received its' notice from GM to shut it's doors! Yup, Obama knows how to fix our economy, doesn't he?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld

I'm not one to feel helpless but I do on this subject. What do you suggest. I want to stop this too. I think sometimes it's too big to stop.

Refuse to play the game they want us to play. Grow vegetables, stock up on supplies and make or trade for anything you need. If you can weave, get a loom and make cloth, trade the cloth for chickens or vegetables. Learn to make things, we need to be a nation of doers not just people who push paper and decide which store the buy prepackaged stuff from.

It takes a very small space to make cheese; a table top for a loom; a spinning wheel can fit in a closet; a garden can even be done in a window box; a hand saw, hammer and some nails and you can make a work bench that is cheaper and will last 100 times as long as the cheap piece from China that the box store carries. Need your car fixed, ask the mechanic if he'll take canned vegetables from your garden. Help your neighbour with his new work shed, he'll help you with your new greenhouse.

A hundred years ago we were a nation of factories, the first autos were made in detroit; our factories made the TV's and the sewing machines, the washing machine and the irons the world longed for. Europe would have been lost not once but twice if not for the strenght of our factories and our industrial knowledge, it was our factories that made the tanks, ships, planes and guns that bought England and France the lives they enjoy today. We created the infrastructure that that keeps this world running. Look at us now, we buy cheap crap made overseas that our grandparents would have been assamed to think was made hear. Everyone wants an office job, we have become fat and lazy. Why has pride become a sin? No one has the moral courage to stand up and say 'No, I want to do something with my life. I want to be proud of my accoplishments and my life.' We have instead sold our soul for the lie of an easy comfortable life where everything is easy, no one suffers and all the world is at our feet. It was a poison, we sent the factories away, we closed the mines. We switched from teaching kids to think for themselves and to do things and be proud of their nation and communities. Now we teach kids that everyone is a winner, the brightest are told to stop thinking because they are hurting the simple kids feelings by being naturally better, for striving. In our grandparents times and there grandparents times kids learned history, the constitution, skills. We wanted to grow up with goals, no kids goto universities because everyone deserves an education, but what are we teaching them? Are we teaching them to be creators, or scientists or doctors or nurse? No everyone wants to be a business major or a social scientist, even young engineers don't learn to think outside the box, they just keep doing the same things over and over.

We move forward by building again, we start small and begin with cottage industries again. In 1776 the ladies of this nation made uniforms for the men fighting British rule. The guns of the patriots were made one at a time in cottages by gunsmith who where proud of their work. How many of us can fix our computer, how many people have never set the clock on the VCR? If we all start learning a skill; something that we can fall back on; then a recession will still give us a means of survival. We need a purpose in life, other than typing up memos.

Paper is the symbol of our enemy and the sickness... We gave up our money for worthless paper, we gave up our factories because they wanted us to believe that 'information' would be the new dishwaser, something we could sell. We let them write lies on paper that destroyed our industry and turned our people against the factories. Laws that crippled our ability to produce and encouraged us to sell our soul were written on paper and they use our blood as the ink.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:53 PM
did I read that right..????

Ms. Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is a effin Bilderbrger ...I am floored ..I mean I gotta admit Oprah is not exactly some angel in my book but hanging with Kissinger
WTF over...
gotta read the list a little closer...

Full list here ...

Bilderberger are it... they are Satan they are the top the elite the cream o' the crop and the people we should be prosecuting for treason and we are sure a multitude of other crimes against humanity...we all seem to cry for Bush or Cheney or Obama and the crimes they have committed ..war or constitutional.. but lets face its these are the guys and gals who push the real agenda and the puppets just dance at the end of the strings..

In my eyes (and i hope many many many others..) these are the men and women that should be the ones dancing at the end of a hangmans rope on the capital steps..I am not really for capital punishment but in the case of 9/11, the wars in Vietnam and Iraq
and of course these are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg many have died from big pharma, the military machine, the suicided, the covert muggings and plannedemics....and now these

Can your local militia stop these..???

Would the Military lie to you..???

really how many people do you have to kill and maim before they will fit you for a noose...I must admit I hope sooner than later ..

"your rights are something given to you, not something to be taken away"

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by Applesandoranges

I think you are talking about stocking up on survival gear? Most of us here have already done so.

I think they have big plans on the overpopulation problem as well, maybe starve us out. We have a critical global food shortage here in 2009. I also have a thread on that.

Things are happening pretty rapidly.

Start buying heirloom seeds and look up dry gardening and permaculture. Start changing the earth it changes by changing with you first.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by thewind

First of all where did you see that report?

Secondly, Federal Reserve in Dallas having debt does NOT equal the State of Texas having debt. Two VERY separate entities.

Texas by law is not allowed to go into deficit and we don't. We are one of ten states in the US that does this.

[edit on 27-5-2009 by Anonymous Avatar]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Hashishian

No she was at the Billionaires meeting in NY. She was not in attendance at the Bilderberg conference.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 08:01 AM
I've had friends that have seen Angels and Demons and then, because I read a lot, ask me for book recommendation so they can learn more about the Illuminati. I always tell them about Bilderberg and start them looking at them. B/c of this, I wish more people were going to see it.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Hashishian

Thanks for that link. No I dont think we can fight these killing robots. The link calls them;

"Killing machine: The SWORD is mounted with either an M240 machine-gun, a grenade or rocket launcher" ROBOTS.

They plan to use these on us?? It makes me want to buy some grenades.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by exile1981

Thanks, you have given me excellent advice in the past so I'm soaking it all in.

If we did go back to 1776 and learn a few trades, how to live off the land and make fabric, grow food, the better we all will be.

What did you make out of the Bilderberg comment that they prefer a short "Depression" over a long recession. Sounds to me like SHTF.

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