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The mysteries of the Great Pyramid

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posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Sargoth
Napoleon spent a night alone in the Kings chamber and the next day was shaken up badly but never told what happened. On his deathbed he almost told but said "what's the point no one would never believe me".

I also heard this. A similar story is also told about Aliester Crowley. And Jeesus: It's told that he was sitting as a little child with wise men around infront of the Great Lion (Sphinx) drawing in the sand explaining the mysteries of the unknown to great astonishment for the wizards of Egypt. This was during his exile after the family fled to Egypt.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 06:37 PM
I need to correct a mistake. Napoleon wasn't initiated, but just spent some time alone or a whole night in the King's chamber.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:23 AM
a lot of all this is conjecture on vaporwares .......

the key I believe , is this , first find out WHY the fifth dynasty pyramids were so poorly constructed and technologically inferior when compared to the so called older fourth dynasty Gizamids ?

Unless the so called expert "Egytologists" lift their heads from their "authorised translated" texts and see that the Pyramids require more than a megalomaniac of a pharaoh and a subservient population willing to drag millions of tons of stones to conveniently stack into a geometrically perfect strcuture which is also mathematically perfect in proportions and perfectly aligned to the NSEW median of a GLOBE ...... and much more but I'm tired .....

The pyramids will always remain just a construction of a stack of heavy stone tomb never used and built by a population of superstitious neo cave people

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by third_eye

I agree. What most people forget, is that the people who lived 5000 years or even 30,000 years ago were just as intelligent and ingenuitive as modern people. There sure has been highly evolved civilisations way before the Sumerians built what is today all ruins and reaconed as the first cities. The Vedas and the Sumerians discribe civilisations way before their own, building metropols with multi story houses, great ships and great advances in science. The Vedas even explain how a certain civilisation some 10,000 years ago was destroyed with a weapon which emitted light that blinded whoever saw it, destroying whole cities in a gigantic explosion, which contamineted the area for hundreds of years. That's nuclear bombs. atleast 10,000 years ago.... And reading the opening phrases of Genesis, to me it's general relativity, I don't know about you....

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:31 PM
Melchizedek said many other facinating things in his 2 books that I've seen no where else. He said there is an image like the face of the Shroud of Turin high up on the wall outside the Queens chamber. He also said there is a bigger pyramid than the GP in western Tibet. Only the top peaks out of the snow for 3 weeks of the year. He says it's in perfect condition and US Gov. teams have gone in it. He said there may be Ancient Egyptian tombs and temples in the Grand Canyon. The Gov. has quarenteened the area.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by Sargoth

"Great White Pyramid" of "Xian,China" is the "Worlds Largest Pyramid". It is reported to be about 300 meters high.

It is found in Tibet - located in the Qin Ling Shan mountains, about100 km southwest of the city of Xi'an, in the People's Republic of China.

The site above name a few of the more than hundred Tibetan-Chinese pyramids. I never knew there were pyramids in the Himalayas, much less that the biggest one of them is found there. This find deserves a thread of it's own IMO. Great find Sargoth!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Yeah ...... the problems is these "experts" are not letting the Ancient Texts speak for itself, in the words of Robert Bauval, I believe.

The thing is , their reasoning for not accepting the interpretations of Astronomic , Processional , Geological and weather experts is that from the "fully" translated texts they see no reason or reasonable doubts that their own stellar translations or dating methods are wrong. In fact we know for certain that the early and initial records and translations were demonstrably wrong as in the case of the early Christian Historians making adjustments of the AE records to fit their Genesis calculations of when "God" created the world.

That's like a English Literature Professor telling you your Computer Engineering Knowledge is not pliable because from his perspective as a English literature expert it is not possible to make a Computer Functional.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by third_eye
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Yeah ...... the problems is these "experts" are not letting the Ancient Texts speak for itself, in the words of Robert Bauval, I believe.

When the bible says Adam became 930 years and the other preflood people had similar lifespans, I don't see any reason why they didn't actually became that old back then. The Sumerian records say some of their heroes were hundreds of thousand years old. And I believe it. Atleast when there is a mysterious sentance in the book of Genesis stating that after the Flood God changed Man's genome so their lifespans were limited to 120 years. And science agrees. At the end of every cell's genome in our bodies, there is a repetitive code, called telomers. Every time a cell is regenerated it loses one of these instances. And counting them comparing to the cells' rate of regeneration, we get a number very clos to 120 years as the maximum lifespan of a man. Of course there are people who grow older too, but most people doesn't even get to a hundred before they die. 70 years is the "age of a king", according to the bible, while the age of a righteous man is given to be a 120. Abraham is said to have become 120 years. Same with Mosjeh or Moses. And in the Koran, though extra biblical, Jesju or Issa is said to have become a 120 years old.

[edit on 27/7/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:57 AM

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by trefor

Now, that was an interesting reply. Care to elaborate?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 07:24 PM
Gopher wood doesn't exist and this was done on purpose. In hebrew change the g to the similar K and you have Kopher. Subtract wood, it was added to confuse all about this tower.

Here are the instructions for building the pyramids, always in three's.



Superimposed over the pentagram, rather a pyramid.


After the image shown "In" the mountain, a pillar of fire by night and smoke by day. Baal Cain


This is why you need a "tried and tested" capstone, or badaboom.

Those who trip will be broken, but those who it lands on will be crushed and vortexed....


[edit on 13-8-2009 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic

Originally posted by third_eye
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Yeah ...... the problems is these "experts" are not letting the Ancient Texts speak for itself, in the words of Robert Bauval, I believe.

When the bible says Adam became 930 years and the other preflood people had similar lifespans, I don't see any reason why they didn't actually became that old back then. The Sumerian records say some of their heroes were hundreds of thousand years old. And I believe it. Atleast when there is a mysterious sentance in the book of Genesis stating that after the Flood God changed Man's genome so their lifespans were limited to 120 years. And science agrees. At the end of every cell's genome in our bodies, there is a repetitive code, called telomers. Every time a cell is regenerated it loses one of these instances. And counting them comparing to the cells' rate of regeneration, we get a number very clos to 120 years as the maximum lifespan of a man. Of course there are people who grow older too, but most people doesn't even get to a hundred before they die. 70 years is the "age of a king", according to the bible, while the age of a righteous man is given to be a 120. Abraham is said to have become 120 years. Same with Mosjeh or Moses. And in the Koran, though extra biblical, Jesju or Issa is said to have become a 120 years old.

[edit on 27/7/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

Some thing must be noted, the whole bible is finished by Gen 1:31. The rest is a reiteration of the same story, each time compiling new info on the same story and under new names.

Cain and Able haven't given offering yet. They do that at the "end of days"....people think the story is past, but it is "to this day"....the word is living...not dead.

We are the God of High Father, laughter, and heal catcher....generation to generation....of the living, not the dead.

Dead stories are history.

We can read a thousand years in one day....perspective is key and scale a just measure.


[edit on 13-8-2009 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Well, the Great Pyramid was an ark made to sustain life beyond the Flood, but is not identical with the Ark Noah built. Atleast that's my honest opinion.

At the same time the ozon layer was created the nuclear powerplants in Africa were constructed. This stabilised the the planet and paved the way for life. CO2 and other greenhouse gasses actually cools down the planet after periods when there are less sunspots and the Sun is hotter in it's twelve staged cycle. The "only" source of heat here on earth are created by gravity and magnetics working on matter, like the Sun and the Core of this earth. More heat from the Sun or Lava=more CO2 in the atmosphere. Are politicans really this stupid, or are they simply trying to get a better price for their fossile fuels now that they are about to empty their deposits? Talk is cheap, and money talks. Like the boheme I am I intend to kill myself slowly because of smoking tobacco. Try to stop me!

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Well, the Great Pyramid was an ark made to sustain life beyond the Flood, but is not identical with the Ark Noah built. Atleast that's my honest opinion.

At the same time the ozon layer was created the nuclear powerplants in Africa were constructed. This stabilised the the planet and paved the way for life. CO2 and other greenhouse gasses actually cools down the planet after periods when there are less sunspots and the Sun is hotter in it's twelve staged cycle. The "only" source of heat here on earth are created by gravity and magnetics working on matter, like the Sun and the Core of this earth. More heat from the Sun or Lava=more CO2 in the atmosphere. Are politicans really this stupid, or are they simply trying to get a better price for their fossile fuels now that they are about to empty their deposits? Talk is cheap, and money talks. Like the boheme I am I intend to kill myself slowly because of smoking tobacco. Try to stop me!

I respect your opinion, but I'm telling you. This is the most hidden secret that exists outside of tech.

The ark never was a boat, it was an "ARC", infact many. Noah and his sons built them...look around the earth, you find them all over.

Gopher wood doesn't exist, never has. It is recorded one time in the bible in Gen 6:14. This happened on purpose. The translation mistook a G for a K....documented.

Gopher wood or gopherwood is a term used once in the Bible, for the substance from which Noah's ark was built. Gen 6:14 states that Noah was to build the Ark of גפר, gofer, more commonly gopher wood, a word not otherwise known in the Bible or in Hebrew.

This word was made to fit with wood, because it is not a real word. It was Coffin....Stone or Sarcophagus, the dimensions are not measures but how to scale it. Scale is the only "fair" a flat tax....all do the same to "scale" added by ltru

Its identity has not been established with certainty. Older English translations, including the King James Version (17th century), simply leave it untranslated.

[edit] Question over identity

The Greek Septuagint (3rd–1st centuries BC) translated it as xylon tetragonon, "squared timber".[1] Similarly, the Latin Vulgate (5th century AD) rendered it as lignis levigatis (lævigatis, in the Clementine Vulgate), "smoothed (possibly planed) wood".

The Jewish Encyclopedia believes it was most likely a translation of the Babylonian "gushure i÷ erini" (cedar-beams), or the Assyrian "giparu" (reed).[2]

Many modern English translations tend to favour cypress (although otherwise the word for "cypress" in Biblical Hebrew is brosh). This was espoused (among others) by Adam Clarke, a Methodist theologian famous for his commentary on the Bible: Clarke cited the resemblance between Greek word for cypress, kuparisson and the Hebrew word gophar.

Other suggestions include pine, cedar, fir, ebony, wicker, juniper, acacia, boxwood, slimed bulrushes and resinous wood, and even American trees such as Cladrastis kentukea (American yellowwood), although this type of gopherwood has no known relation to the material of Noah's Ark.

Others, noting the physical similarity between the Hebrew letters g and k, suggest that the word may actually be kopher, the Hebrew word meaning "pitch"; thus kopher wood would be pitched wood. Recent suggestions have included a lamination process (to strengthen the Ark), or a now-lost type of tree, but there is no consensus.[3]

It came to rest on Erets, another mistranslation of Ararat. Erets means "drain off place", in other words "Desert".

Noah, which means "Rest" is an action, not a guy, these are reductionist stories. Always remember, God honors no man, only those who "do"....God found "rest" pleasing. I find rest pretty pleasing, don't you?

Also, he "orion" set his bow in the egypt where your lord and savior was endowed....can still see the three crosses, lined up by the sphinx, the centurion the one who binds all the links, the records for you to unlock with this clue, is it a lamb or a lion you will lay next too? I play by the hole of the hissing asp, and it crawls over me, the lord holding back it's wrath to strike, so delight in the words coming from my finger tips, chances are you won't hear them from my lips. Let the truth be your guide, all that is true can be seen, i promise no boat was or has been. If you believe god is true, truth will open every door for you....cause once you know, it's time to go, can't have people spoiling the me.

[edit on 13-8-2009 by letthereaderunderstand]

[edit on 13-8-2009 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

The pyramids still contain the remains of Adam, Eve and Abel. They are hinnen inside. The Great Pyramid was the three edged seal God placed uppon their grave. It's the Ark of the dead which shall be kept hidden until God decides to destroy us all and recreate us all, in order to judge us acording to "what we did last summer".... Read the ancient Hebrew text called Revelation of Moses. Only one of the four shafts in the GP is straight. The other three turns with ca. 45° and in the end of these shafts are doors with sealed locks. The Ankh was an actual key, used to sustain life in Egypt. It was kalled "the key of the Nile" and was used to open and close the dams in each end of Egypt's Nile, to flood the land once a year. When they lost this knowledge, Egypt became a dry desert. Just like the Bible says. And below Sahara is found the greates basin of fresh water on the globe. Drill there and fulfill the prophecy......

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

I'm smoking too, it is a charge, burn the incense pleasing to the lord. Inhale to the temple fill it with smoke. Drive out the merchants until they choke.

This earth was once smaller, more tightly packed, sulfer and methane seeped from the cracks.

People kept dividing, to multiply there kind, and the earth mother living growing little with each mind. Then the numbers got greater, doubling over night, and the stretchmarks under water will tell you gods right.

This beast with the 7 and 10 on top, is us friend almost there, again ready to pop. 7 billion, the season so near, the crust will split, could be one two or half a year, but the beast is coming that much is clear. 7 heads and 10 crowns, so soon it will rear, when that head crowns, be anywhere but here.

The earth grows for humans, to watch and maintain, if we stop that, it's soil to gain. We've stopped now, and there is no turning back, they can war all they want to hold back the flood, but 7 billion is coming, not soon enough, we thought they warred not caring, playing rich games, but they knew all along, this is our shame. we judged those in power, seeking to strike, they pulled the wool over us, doing what's right....soon goodnight, drop a nuke, bring down towers, it's too late now. Ever seen a ram birth a cow?....even so..........

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand

BS. Erets means matter, earth, land and the Land, the abide of the children of God.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Yes, we are always fighting to get back in the ground, ore and iron, oil and water, I fell in love with a coal miners daughter. Sweet satan and how? you know she's a woman, better then money and sweeter then puddin. She was made a helper for us, to stand out and against our true opposite. Our left hand to leave, our right to be, Satan she's always been of God conceived. Adversary, sweet huckleberry, Dajal, tinkerbell the fairy, oh how very Kemet, Hi ho says kermy the frog, in love with a piggy, the big bird dropped off.

nothing is hidden in any tombs, the knowledge to unlock is left under you. The left is left to know all it knows, because what is right get's up and goes.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:00 AM
If the GP was the ark of Noah, then why is it's proportions not right, and what's to make of the shiplike formation of fossilised wood, yes, for it was made of wood, Gopher Wood, at a mountain peak in the Ararat range in southern Turkey, resting at 2000 meters above todays sea level, with the exact proportions (50x300 ells, or a ratio of 1:6) of the ship discribed in Genesis, and with iron nails or rivets all along the construction? The Gizamids are the seals of certain graves, made to contain the bodies of the three godlike humans who were the first of this tribe to die IMO. If you have Google Earth, do a search for Noah's Ark and see for yourself....

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 09:18 PM

While this may seem to be, or actually be irrelevant to this thread, it can't hurt for the scientifically minded here to take a quick look at this link:

It shows at about midpoint in the video the experimenter's use of a pyramid shape to significantly increase magnetic flow. To the credit of this experiment, the fellow who calls himself "supermagnetman" seemingly has no clue that this might somehow have a relation to the Pyramids of antiquity.

This brought me to reconsider whether the traditional story of the pyramids being covered in white stone to present a smooth surface was correct. If so was this stone, or presumably more accurately this metal cover, a carrier to amplify magnetic energy ?

It would also make it more plausible that a metal such as copper would be more logically removed from a monument after it falls into disuse, to be recycled, than a layer of stone which is possibly easier to quarry at a normal altitude.

Look at his experiment giving 10,000 gauss with a tiny toy sized magnet. It gives pause to consider, especially as the Annunaki are said to prize magnetic power more than any other form of energy.

This link pertaining to that will be more controversial, but is interesting in the light of the above:

Thanks for giving it a nod.

[edit on 20-9-2009 by Getsmart]

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