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The mysteries of the Great Pyramid

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posted on May, 24 2009 @ 06:23 AM
While stumbling around the net, I came accross an article on the pages of Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt ( ). And in this quite eh, ancient article, from 1993, dr. Hawass explains the discoveries of four hidden shafts in the Great Pyramid believed to be built for king Khufu, excavated in the 19th century, but which didn't undergo further exploration until recently, when two different teams probed the shafts using small robots, the last, bringing live video images out to the world, broadcasted via satellite on FOX (some might remember it, I do, allthough I didn't see it live), only to find hidden doors sealing possible entrances to hidden chambers, or perhaps even the ever so elusive Hall of Records, perhaps they may find some kind of books inside? The rectangular channels are small, measuring merely 20x14 cm (about 8 by 5.5 in), but lead over 60 meters or more than 200 ft into the pyramid.


In the southern shaft, Dixon and his associate James Grant found a small, bronze hook. The northern shaft yielded a granite ball and a piece of cedar-like wood. These objects became known as the Dixon Relics. Both sets of artifacts lay in the rubble at the bottom of the sloping shafts.


But perhaps the most exciting of the whole article: To the bottom of the page, dr. Hawass says that 2009 may or will be the year when they plan to break that seal and and have a peak inside or beyond and perhaps find something of significance which can shed light on the many mysteries surrounding the pyramid complex of Giza.

Finding out what lies beyond the second door in the southern shaft poses great technical challenges - to do this, we will need a robot that can breach the 20 centimeter space behind the first door, and then drill through the second door without causing unnecessary damage to it. I am happy to announce that 2009-2010 will be the year when we finally move forward with this adventure.

And in the below video, dr. Hawass explains the laest discoveries in Egypt, and also saying a team is being assembled to explore what's behind the three doors inside the deep channels...

[edit on 24/5/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

[edit on 24/5/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:22 AM
Interesting to say the least. S&F for you. I would love to see one of three possible outcomes to this.....#1 They find unknown chambers with new mummies, relics, knowledge. #2 They pop it open and find out hat it is actually a fail-safe and the whole frick'n thing falls to the earth faster than a fat kid with no parachute at 30,000 ft. #3 Beyond the dusty, dank corridors. Past the itty bitty oompa loompa doors we finally find the resting place of Jimmy Hoffa.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:26 AM
I wish that I could watch only one, just one documentary or report in Egypt that doesn't have that guy in it. Just one! I doubt he'll go through with it, if he does it'll probably be a fake. It can easily be done to pretend like they are drilling that wall. I can understand not rushing to do that sort of thing, I wouldn't want to risk structural damage to the monuments. Some people feel as though we should just either blow apart the Sphinx just to see if the Hall of Records is beneath that paw, or take the pyramids down piece by piece just to see how they were built and to see what's buried inside and under it.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:31 AM
Hopefully somthing comes of this but I sincerely doubt it, considering who pays the mans wages, well probably be treated to some crap that constitutes about one percent of whats really been unearthed, the pyramids are amazing and mysterious beyond what Mr. Hawass seems to want to admit, and are clearly, in my opinion the product of a civilisation that existed long before the Egyptians, and who were far and away more advanced than the Egyptians.

Mystery of the Pyramids

Ancient City under Pyramids

Undergroud radar discoveries

Thats just the tip of the iceberg in what is clearly a mystery that th emainstream dont want anything to do with, th erealisation that perhaps there was a civilisation here long before even the ice-age, who were as if not more advanced than us, if you want more evidence, just ask.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:41 AM
I have read that the great Pyramid is a machine. If you Check ouut pyramid pump on the net you can find a site about the first guy to purpose this idea ,Edward Kunkle. I don't think he took the idea far enough... Once the chambers have been explained from a plumbing standpoint its abvious that the Pyramid pumps water but I think it does more then that too.

If anyone knows anything about pyzo electricity they might wanna give the Great Pyramid a second look after they understand how it pumps water.

Those dixon relics were neat too.. Lends credit to my idea of the Pyramid being even more than just a gigantic water pump....

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:51 AM
Well, the purpose of the pyramides is very well explained on The Hidden Records

It's a star map, as seen on a lot of ancient locations over the world.

But I am very interested in what they find near or in the pyramides. Maybed it tells more about, how they builded it.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by Lunica]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:53 AM
Great stuff. Thanks for bringing that information, very interesting indeed.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic
Dr Hawass has been assembling a team and planning a return to the 'Gantenbrink doors' for some years. As recently as 2007 plans were being laid to involve a Hong Kong or Singapore team. I'm guessing this would be due to their proficiency in advanced electronics. If you follow discoveries in Egypt, it's apparent that Hawass is a very busy guy. It'd be cool if he could speed things up. Then again, the 'doors' have remained there for a while now...

The shafts and the 'doors' have long fascinated me, but the wiser I get the less I expect revelations. I would not be at all surprised to find that the doors mark the end of the shafts. The shafts were part of the plans as the Pyramid was constructed. Much of the pyramid's interior contains spaces filled with sand (less labor). The 'doors' may simply be blocks that conclude the shafts and prevent sand from entering from behind the second block.

I know some expect to find ancient secrets or the switch that turns the whole thing on
I look forward to new developments without any expectations of surprising discoveries. Naturally, if there are no treasures, switches or records Zahi Hawass will be held responsible.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 08:40 AM
For me there is no mystery to the Great Pyramid, I've know about the purpose of the pyramids since childhood and before. Bauval and Hancock have some things right however but not all. Yes the 3 pyramids together are meant to resemble orion's belt that much is true. The kings chamber which is one of the main purposes to the building of the great pyramids is the key and I can reveal that when activated it becomes an interdimentional stargate. This is either a closely guarded secret or is not know about. I cannot reveal however how to activate the stargate and I guard this secret closely.

The air shafts as they are called are nothing to do with allowing air to flow into the chamber but rather they are there to allow the initiate's life force to easely escape the chamber and make way to orions belt. I also know why the air shaft in the queens chamber was blocked which has to do with the politics of one of the Pharaoh's in those days and nothing more.
There is also a hidden reason for having to bend down to access the kings chamber which I didn't realise until recently.

Anything else you hear about the Pyramids like it being a pump, map, landing site etc is either disinfo or pure conjecture. There is one other sub-purpose to the pyramids and that is they were also built to stand the test of time and prove to the human race that anscient 'civilizations' did exist and were intelligent. The Pharaoahs knew that there was a high risk that their presence on earth would be covered up by TPTB and they wanted to prevent this from happening.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by pharaohmoan]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
For me there is no mystery to the Great Pyramid, I've know about the purpose of the pyramids since childhood and before. Bauval and Hancock have some things right however but not all. Yes the 3 pyramids together are meant to resemble orion's belt that much is true. The kings chamber which is one of the main purposes to the building of the great pyramids is the key and I can reveal that when activated it becomes an interdimentional stargate. This is either a closely guarded secret or is not know about. I cannot reveal however how to activate the stargate and I guard this secret closely.

The air shafts as they are called are nothing to do with allowing air to flow into the chamber but rather they are there to allow the initiate's life force to easely escape the chamber and make way to orions belt. I also know why the air shaft in the queens chamber was blocked which has to do with the politics of one of the Pharaoh's in those days and nothing more.
There is also a hidden reason for having to bend down to access the kings chamber which I didn't realise until recently.

Anything else you hear about the Pyramids like it being a pump, map, landing site etc is either disinfo or pure conjecture. There is one other sub-purpose to the pyramids and that is they were also built to stand the test of time and prove to the human race that anscient 'civilizations' did exist and were intelligent. The Pharaoahs knew that there was a high risk that their presence on earth would be covered up by TPTB and they wanted to prevent this from happening.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by pharaohmoan]

Oh come on, you speak of conjecture in such a way, and than give us a big mouthful of it yourself.........come on now, its just utterly pointless teasing like that.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:34 AM
Sounds good but if Hawass in involved I'm not so sure. I use to love stuff with him in it until I read up on him. If he does find anything he wont show it anyways. He will hype it up like the History Channel did with the "global event" and then it will be just nothing really IMO. I hope he does really show what;s there but I am doubtful.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
There is one other sub-purpose to the pyramids and that is they were also built to stand the test of time and prove to the human race that anscient 'civilizations' did exist and were intelligent.

This has always been my view of the Giza pyramids. They are sort of time capsules bearing witness of ancient hi-tech engeneering and profound knowledge IMO. As for the strange shafts and their purpose? I hope they find some really exploding literature behind the doors, and maybe the embalmed mummy of Adam? Below is an excerpt from an apocryph called the Revelation of Moses, telling how God made a three cornered seal to shut up Adam's grave, so it should not be opened for six days:

And God called Adam, and said: Adam, Adam. And the body answered out of the ground, and said: Here am I, Lord. And the Lord says to him: I said to thee, Dust (4) thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return. Again I promise thee the resurrection. I will raise thee up in the last day in the resurrection, with every man who is of thy seed.

And after these words God made a three-cornered seal, and sealed the tomb, that no one should do anything to him in the six days, until his rib should return to him.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Anything else you hear about the Pyramids like it being a pump, map, landing site etc is either disinfo or pure conjecture.

Indeed! I am gonna go on with the pump assumption since Kunkle built a replica of the shafts and proved his theory that :it Does Pump water.

Very effeciently I might add.

Whatever else it might do (and I believe it does alot more) one thing is as certian about it as the water erosion is certian on the Sphinx. It can pump Massive amounts of water...

For what purpose does it pump the water???

I think that it was to create pressure in the kings chamber so as to compress the quartz ganite into generating pyzo electricity.... Then again I may be a nut because I also think that the great pyramid is the center pyramid of Platos Atlantis...

Buts thats my thoughts.. and I am no dis-info agent.. only a perceptive person.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by titorite]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:47 AM
The only Egyptian creation greater in scale than the Pyramids is Hawass' ego - it becomes a problem when you allow one fickle man to determine what gets explored and who gets to do the exploration.

One thing is certain about these shafts, and that is they are NOT air shafts.

They are grossly undersized to handle the volume of air needed for any occupants in the chambers they would lead to - if they had ever truly penetrated through the entire pyramid, something they won't know until the remove the stone doors blocking them.

Ever hear of the old cliche of jumping into a river and breathing through a six foot long reed to escape a pursuing posse? The problem with that is your exhaled breath, consisting of CO2, would never exit the reed and remain there until your lungs sucked it back in on the very next inhale. You would quickly asphyxiate attempting to breath from so small a diameter shaft. Same thing would happen if you attempted to breath through a garden hose. The shafts in the pyramid would become filled with the exhaled breaths of the occupants and do little to supply fresh oxygen to them.

If you rule out air shafts then you have to look at other possibilities.

The problem with their being a "spiritual guide path" to any heavenly realm is the entrances to the shaft from within the pyramid are so completely unremarkable. They're not celebrated in any way, unlike the symbolic bas-relief doors that are meant to represent the spirits doorway to the afterlife. Surely such important paths the heavens would have been given a grander entry than a lackluster hole in the wall.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:04 AM
This thread is slowly drifting into standard ATS territory.

Hawass is hiding the 'Truth.'
Pyramids are a stargate.
Sphinx is thousands of years older than GP etc.
Advanced tech.
Power cells.
Beyond our modern means.

Hawass publicizes all new findings and loves to get his face in the media. If some race had the technology and physics to build stargates, would they then build them from stone? Would they use stone-age tools? Would they trick us by leaving evidence of the original builders to throw us off the scent? Robert Schoch has revised his dating of the Sphinx. Bauval and Hancock's 'Orion Theory' is unsupported by the Giza Plateau's position, furthermore they use a modern constellation and apply it to a people that didn't recognize it. No 'advanced technology' has been found or implied by the GP. Would massive stone power cells be the natural outcome of an advanced race? Really?

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
The only Egyptian creation greater in scale than the Pyramids is Hawass' ego - it becomes a problem when you allow one fickle man to determine what gets explored and who gets to do the exploration.

One thing is certain about these shafts, and that is they are NOT air shafts.

They are grossly undersized to handle the volume of air needed for any occupants in the chambers they would lead to - if they had ever truly penetrated through the entire pyramid, something they won't know until the remove the stone doors blocking them.

Ever hear of the old cliche of jumping into a river and breathing through a six foot long reed to escape a pursuing posse? The problem with that is your exhaled breath, consisting of CO2, would never exit the reed and remain there until your lungs sucked it back in on the very next inhale. You would quickly asphyxiate attempting to breath from so small a diameter shaft. Same thing would happen if you attempted to breath through a garden hose. The shafts in the pyramid would become filled with the exhaled breaths of the occupants and do little to supply fresh oxygen to them.

If you rule out air shafts then you have to look at other possibilities.

The problem with their being a "spiritual guide path" to any heavenly realm is the entrances to the shaft from within the pyramid are so completely unremarkable. They're not celebrated in any way, unlike the symbolic bas-relief doors that are meant to represent the spirits doorway to the afterlife. Surely such important paths the heavens would have been given a grander entry than a lackluster hole in the wall.

Ah thats very true, I really wonder what these shafts are, maybe just pointing to the stars for some symbolic reason?Still though they are rather unremarkable, ha, the mystery deepens.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 04:20 PM
The drawing in the OP isn't accurate, at least two, if not three of the passages have upto 45° corners and are more than 200 feet long until they stop suddenly by a closed door. So the idea that the tunnels are meant for stargazing can't be the thing. I believe they will reveal some kine of vault containing something completely far out that make them start disasembling parts of the pyramids.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:25 PM
When confronted by mysterious shafts like these in the GP one has to wonder to what category do these belong? Are they:

1. Religious & Spiritual
2. Engineering
3. Utilitarian

They certainly weren't religious as they were never adorned as such. As NCM pointed out, they aren't strought lines to points in the heavens, which casts all the astroarcheology theories into doubt - at least the ones that used the alignment of the shafts to points of the night sky as they may have been seen by Egyptians thousands of years ago.

Were they part of the engineering - perhaps a control system used by the GP architects to keep their structure level or square? How, for instance, would they know if a tier of stone coursing was level completely around the structure? Could shafts filled with water determine that opposite sides of the GP were indeed level (and if not, by how much they were not level)? Modern masons use water filled rubber tubes to check for level over a large distance, even Romans and medieval masons used this technique by filling trenches or ditches with water to ensure their footers were perfectly level before embarking on a massive building program. For something as large as the pyramid you would need to periodically check the courses of blocks were level at opposite corners of the pyramid since they were not utilizing a consistent size. If any of the sides "grew" larger than another side it would create problems from an engineering standpoint. How else could they check for level accurately over a large distance, given that hand held levels tend to introduce a build-up of errors? I do doubt these shafts ever were used as a water-leveling tool as that presents far more problems than it solves. Perhaps they served another engineering function?

Could they have been used as air pressure relief shafts, or as some means to adjust air pressure inside the pyramidal chambers? They are too undersized to adequately supply fresh air to any occupants, unless the air was forced in (like a modern HVAC system, we use smaller ducts under higher air pressure to move the same volume of air as a larger duct under lower pressure). However the AE didn't have a means to create a high velocity air system. The angle of the shafts also make no sense from an air supply shaft perspective. If all they needed was to supply air to the interior of the GP they could have used the main passageway, or run air shafts in alignment with the stone blocking - why go to all the trouble of cutting at a steep angle across dozens of course of stone?

The theories that sand was used to settle massive stone blocks into place, by allowing the sand to escape beneath said weight, might be another consideration for these shafts. If the sand was pulled from the chambers of the GP, such as the main passageway, with its massive stone blocks corbeled above it, would air shafts need to be utilized to prevent a vacuum above the sand and chamber?

What about a utilitarian function? Were these shafts simply "chases" for some utility that ran into or out of the pyramid, or as some sites suggest to supply food to buried attendants? What sort of utility could the AE posses? Plumbing (water)? Electricity? Neither seem likely. Then again, what about the hook that was discovered in one of the shafts? Assuming the hook wasn't dropped in there by a later explorer attempting to plumb their depths, the hook would seem an important clue as to the uses for the shafts, which might well be as a chase for lengths of rope used to pull objects through it, or to remotely operate a "switch" or lever for something left in the chamber they lead to. Could that "thing" have been plundered ages ago, leaving us only with mysterious shafts seemingly serving no purpose? Was the hook used to pull through other objects, such as food for attendants buried in the GP?

Finally, what of the doors that block the shafts? Did the doors get set in place as the height of the pyramid rose, meaning the shafts only served a function during construction and were then sealed as the new coursing of stone buried them? If that were the case then why not seal the ends of the shafts as well, so that they did not mar the appearance of the chambers they lead to? Given the narrowness of the shafts and the angles they use, it seems unlikely you could pull much through them. I suppose the mystery will remain entrenched until the doors are removed and the ends of the shafts are revealed. It would be exciting to see new chambers or passages revealed.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
This thread is slowly drifting into standard ATS territory.

Hawass is hiding the 'Truth.'
Pyramids are a stargate.
Sphinx is thousands of years older than GP etc.
Advanced tech.
Power cells.
Beyond our modern means.

Hey I stated that it could be the final resting place of Jimmy Hoffa!!! As far as I can see that has never been mentioned on here before.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
Finally, what of the doors that block the shafts? Did the doors get set in place as the height of the pyramid rose, meaning the shafts only served a function during construction and were then sealed as the new coursing of stone buried them? If that were the case then why not seal the ends of the shafts as well

The openings of the shafts were origially covered with stone. And apparently, the doors are pushed in place from the other side, so it appears that whoever built the pyramid sealed up the shaft from the outside end as they were building upwards. Which gives me an idea. What if the shafts were made to supply freshwater for the workers inside the building? Much of the construction was erected from the inside out recent studies suggest.

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