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Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, and lasts six seconds before saying its torture

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Fremd
So, all your 9/11 "truther" non-sense has what, exactly, to do with ManCow and his radio program?

You aren't actually reading my posts, so what are you complaining about?

I wasn't the one who brought up 9/11. If you look back through my posts you'll see that.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by jfj123

We're talking about a CIA employee who was DIRECTLY involved in the questioning.

No kidding? I thought we were talking about Mancow????

I bet that if someone else, like Hannity for example, were to subject themselves to waterboarding that it'd become some sort of "if i can last longer than mancow, i wont be seen as a coward"

The fact of the matter is people like hannity are arguing that waterboarding SHOULD NOT be illegal, that waterboarding SHOULD NOT BE considered torture. But the reality of it is that it is illegal. It is torture. Bush just chose to disregard it.

Nothing anyone can say today is going to change it.
Thats why they are screaming from the mountain tops about the color blue. So that the rest of the country will stop thinking about the color yellow and we can all go back to being mindless sheep who listen to what the devil box broadcasts into our living rooms every evening.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Fremd
reply to post by jfj123

We're talking about a CIA employee who was DIRECTLY involved in the questioning.

No kidding? I thought we were talking about Mancow????

I bet that if someone else, like Hannity for example, were to subject themselves to waterboarding that it'd become some sort of "if i can last longer than mancow, i wont be seen as a coward"

Wait a minute...I thought we were supposed to be talking about mancow? Why are you bringing up hannity?????????

The fact of the matter is people like hannity are arguing that waterboarding SHOULD NOT be illegal, that waterboarding SHOULD NOT BE considered torture. But the reality of it is that it is illegal. It is torture. Bush just chose to disregard it.

We're still talking about hannity and now we're also talking about bush. I thought we were supposed to only be talking about mancow?????????

Looks like you're derailing the thread buddy

[edit on 25-5-2009 by jfj123]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by Fremd
reply to post by jfj123

We're talking about a CIA employee who was DIRECTLY involved in the questioning.

No kidding? I thought we were talking about Mancow????

I bet that if someone else, like Hannity for example, were to subject themselves to waterboarding that it'd become some sort of "if i can last longer than mancow, i wont be seen as a coward"

Wait a minute...I thought we were supposed to be talking about mancow? Why are you bringing up hannity?????????

The fact of the matter is people like hannity are arguing that waterboarding SHOULD NOT be illegal, that waterboarding SHOULD NOT BE considered torture. But the reality of it is that it is illegal. It is torture. Bush just chose to disregard it.

We're still talking about hannity and now we're also talking about bush. I thought we were supposed to only be talking about mancow?????????

Looks like you're derailing the thread buddy

[edit on 25-5-2009 by jfj123]

Im truly beginning to like you dont agree with your opinions at times but thats ok thats why were here.

Heres the difference is it torture to deny food and water? is it torture to make them cold is it torture to cut off an arm? how about deny them sleep? the problem i see people battling is where to draw the line. There will always be a need for intel gathered through coercion the real trick is how far are we wiling to go? I think there will always be a need for coercive techniques because lets face it not everyone going to cooperate.

Now what people dont realize is interrogators have to take a multifaceted approach at times they can be buddies others have to be scary it depends on what the individual will respond too. The other thing any good interrogator has ways to verify information given or they lost the battle from the beginning. A good interrogator will not be fooled by lies because they have certain facts they will ask during interrogations just to judge responses on how well the chosen tactic is working so comparing todays interrogations to the inquisition or Nazis who had a ulterior motive is mis leading.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

is it torture to cut off an arm?

maybe we should ask some conservative radio hosts to try that one next?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Majic

I don't think it's a great idea to encourage people to try this at home...if done wrong, somebody could be seriously injured or killed.
With that being said. It is torture and I'm fine with it, because those people would gladly slice mine or any of your heads can spin it any way you like but I could give a rats ars about those people. We didn't become the land of the free by playing dominos. One more thing...If you don't like how this government is running this country, feel free to leave...I hear france is a nice place and they don't speak german. You're welcome france.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by riotact1
reply to post by Majic

I don't think it's a great idea to encourage people to try this at home...if done wrong, somebody could be seriously injured or killed.
With that being said. It is torture and I'm fine with it, because those people would gladly slice mine or any of your heads can spin it any way you like but I could give a rats ars about those people. We didn't become the land of the free by playing dominos. One more thing...If you don't like how this government is running this country, feel free to leave...I hear france is a nice place and they don't speak german. You're welcome france.

I understand you frustration and your mindset toward the cowardly terrorists. However, there is actually a bigger issue here. If we decide it's not torture and/or it works to get information, why don't the police use it on American citizens to get them to confess and get info from them. There have been plenty of Amber alert cases where it could have been used. Why didn't we water board the Ramsey's to find out who killed jean bonet ramsey? Once we deem this treatment to be acceptable practice, how long is it before you or someone who care about gets water boarded or worse?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by jfj123

I understand your point and it is torture...shouldn't be thought of any other way. We are at war and fighting an enemy that is not in uniform, straps bombs to there body or drives a vehicle loaded with bombs and kills whoever they please. You can't "honestly" defend that...torture allows us to gather pertinent information about these groups so that we can locate and engage them. The waterboarding has and will save american soldiers/civilians question.
I think the only reason they want to define it as "not torture" is so they can continue to do it under the geneva convention. It should never be thought of as a tool in the USA for any crime.

[edit on 5/26/09 by riotact1]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by riotact1
reply to post by jfj123

I understand your point and it is torture...shouldn't be thought of any other way. We are at war and fighting an enemy that is not in uniform, straps bombs to there body or drives a vehicle loaded with bombs and kills whoever they please. You can't "honestly" defend that...torture allows us to gather pertinent information about these groups so that we can locate and engage them. The waterboarding has and will save american soldiers/civilians question.

Actually torture is not an effective means of gathering intelligence. The interrogators themselves have even stated this AND to make matters worse, torturing prisoners has cost 100's if not 1000's of American lives.

I think the only reason they want to define it as "not torture" is so they can continue to do it under the geneva convention.

I believe you are correct.

It should never be thought of as a tool in the USA for any crime.

[edit on 5/26/09 by riotact1]

Something else to keep in mind after WW II, we put to death, japenese guards who water boarded American POW's.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 11:31 AM
I wonder how a muslim terrorist would treat an american prisoner.Oh wait i do know.They videotape them cutting off heads.Well good thing they didnt torture them.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 11:38 AM
mancow is anything but conservative. check your facts. he's like howard sterns mutated son.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by sos37

Originally posted by grover
Yeah all those who are cavalier about torture obviously haven't had it happen to them... think about it though... waterboarding simulates drowning... having come close to drowning a couple of times in my life and I can say without equivocation that it is a terrifying experience and even if you know that you aren't drowning... your body doesn't and will react like it does... with panic.

So you're obviously cavalier about terrorism then since you don't give a damn whether or not we get information out of captured men that could possibly prevent an attack on one of our cities.

Let's see - torture a terrorist who will live from the experience or watch a building full of innocent people go down just to satisfy your moral compass.

Nice. I can honestly say from the standpoint of an American born IN America who honestly loves his country that all of you who would rather treat these men like they are on some kind of vacation that all of you are truly disgusting individuasl - you would rather these reprehensible men be treated with flowers and daisies while your own countrymen die.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by sos37]

I'm with you on this one.

Although I see myself as a pacifist I would torture one terrorist if it saved even one innocent person.

Terrorist are working outside society and acceptable rules of engament. If they do that - if they have chosen to do so - they should not be treated by society's rules.

I would think that we MUST be certain that the terrorist actually knows what we want to extract.
Back in the old days we got a lot of false accusations by torturing innocent people. NOT GOOD.

Even so - we should try chemicals first.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:10 PM
Waiting for your plane to impact a building is torture. Waiting to be decapitated is torture.

F*** terrorists

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by jfj123

There war crimes had nothing to do with water boarding This is a false report generated by the media there was ever only 1 mention of water boarding in any war time trials.

What they did try them for is whats known as water cure which isnt simulating drowning it is drowning. Water cure is a form of water torture in which the victim is forced to drink large quantities of water in a short time, resulting in gastric distension, water intoxication, and possibly death.

Often the victim has the mouth forced or wedged open, the nose closed with pincers and a funnel or strip of cloth forced down the throat. The victim has to drink all the water (or other liquids such as bile or urine) poured into the funnel to avoid drowning. The stomach fills until near bursting, and is sometimes beaten until the victim vomits and the torture begins again.You have to keep drinking or die.

The only mention of water boarding during war crimes tribunals was a pow in dutch east indies and that was not what the individual was tried for they were doing far worse than that.

Ill put my final comment here instead of the bottom in case you opt to not read why Japanese were tried. I hate it when people warp facts to try to prove there opinion is right when you do that it invalidates everything else you have to say, It just shows you are uninformed and no thought behind your beliefs besides what someone else tells you to believe.

Warning this part is very graphic and may not want to read further!

Many written reports and testimonies collected by the Australian War Crimes Section of the Tokyo tribunal, and investigated by prosecutor William Webb (the future Judge-in-Chief), indicate that Japanese personnel in many parts of Asia and the Pacific committed acts of cannibalism against Allied prisoners of war. In many cases this was inspired by ever-increasing Allied attacks on Japanese supply lines, and the death and illness of Japanese personnel as a result of hunger. However, according to historian Yuki Tanaka: "cannibalism was often a systematic activity conducted by whole squads and under the command of officers". This frequently involved murder for the purpose of securing bodies. For example, an Indian POW, Havildar Changdi Ram, testified that: " on November 12, 1944 the Kempeitai beheaded an Allied pilot. I saw this from behind a tree and watched some of the Japanese cut flesh from his arms, legs, hips, buttocks and carry it off to their quarters... They cut it small pieces and fried it."

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 05:30 PM
This is what happens when we torture.

This is testimonial from an actual senior interrogator in Iraq.

He realized that the "enhanced interrogation" techniques have actually got American soldiers killed and has helped al queda.

Please watch the video to learn the truth.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Wow...Olberman and Mancow

[edit on 27-5-2009 by goldbomb444]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by yellowcard

Mancow must be a wimp. I lay on my back pour saline solution up my sinuses every time I follow my doctors instructions to rinse out my sinuses.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Very powerful post. Star for you.

I'd love to see an actual figure on the number of 'insurgents' who were present in Iraq prior to the invasion, and the number after (allowing, of course, for arrests and deaths). I wonder if I'd be surprised how many have been drawn there because of the invasion.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:08 PM
I can not believe the ignorance that spills out of this website every minute of every day...unbelievable.
Maybe we should bake Mohammad some chocolate chip cookies! I'm sure that will get us the information we're after. How is something that lasts only up to 14 seconds, doesn't leave a mark, doesn't injure or kill the person and gets called torture? We train our own service people using water boarding. Just because some bigmouth talker says it's torture we all throw common sense and the ability to reason out the window!?

When the first nuke goes off on American soil because the cookies didn't work, you morons will be stuck between a rock and Obama. Who are you going to blame then? George Bush?

Useful idiots...being lead by the nose to your own funeral.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by satchboogie2

You know, I am usually able to keep my cool on this website, and I have only said this to one other person until now.

F(u)ck you.

I hope that under the patriot act you are held and tortured for something you had nothing to do with. And I hope no one believes you as you're crying that you are innocent. Maybe only then you and the other ass holes that condone torture will wake up and realize why it should not be used.

[edit on 27-5-2009 by goldbomb444]

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