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US: Census idiot in my driveway threatening the police

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posted on May, 24 2009 @ 08:32 PM
I love a good conspiracy, but this is out of hand! There is NO TAGGING of front doors going on! The woman who visited us tried to punch in our coordinates THREE TIMES right in front of me, and it didn't work. She wasn't too concerned by it.

Now, for those of you who think GPS "registering" of your front doors is somehow an invasion of your privacy, let me remind you that if you have a social security number, or your name is found in any credit reporting agency, or you have bank accounts, or you have doctor's records, then you are already out there and your "privacy" was invaded before you were even born. You would be surprised at what the government knows about you, and they don't need to send an innocent census person out to your front door to know it.

As several have mentioned already, they don't NEED a GPS reading on your front door to blow your house up, or to come and "drag you away" in the middle of the night, or anything else. If they wanted to do that, they were more than capable of doing that and MUCH more before most of us were born.

The paranoia here is startling. I guess I could buy into it and say "so long suckers! They'll be dragging you away and bombing your house, but not me, because the software didn't know my house existed!" But in all actuality, I'm the loser in this, since my great, great, great, great, great, grandchildren will have a very difficult time doing family research since my home will not register on the list. After all, the census is just that....a way of keeping record of human life. If they didn't care to keep records, why bother? Why not just bomb us anyway?

Now, here is a conspiracy I'm willing to consider: the rush to get it done. That is legitimate to me. Why the rush? I think a more plausible conspiracy here would be one that includes the government being privy to disasters that are coming. Perhaps their motives are more benevolent than people think, since they are rushing to record information before such events take place. If human loss were in the millions, a census would be incredible to the next generation of survivors. Not saying that's what I believe, but it's a more plausible "conspiracy" to debate than the current one!

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
Why would your front door and not some other part of your house need to be GPS'ed? Don't get it.

The next thing we'll be reading is the Feds have developed some satellite technology to zero in on GPS coordinates and laser a guys house.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by GreenBicMan
why does he have to GPS tag your door?

Here's an old article from 2006 explaining what they are planning on doing.


posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:43 PM
Ok, first of all lol, I want to say that I agree with you, these census people are annoying and are a nuisance, and you're probably right that the true reasons they're trying to track your household aren't the reasons they will tell you BUT...

If they wanted to kill you, they could and would and it wouldn't take a "bomb" or anything. Lol, like... I dont even know what to say to you thinking that.

Really now.

Think about it, speak to your husband about it and see what he thinks. See if he thinks they';re going to send a guided missile to your front door just to KILL you.

That's beyond ridiculous.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:21 PM
I had someone at my house today, but it wasn't census, although that was the first thought that came to my mind after reading this thread. Not census, but strange (stranger the more I thought about it). This census thing was also another reason I had a good talking to my daughter about not saying anything to anyone. Now that I think about it, my fiance did say he ran some guy off about two weeks ago and I wasn't really paying attention, but I better ask him again tomorrow.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 09:39 PM
I did this job for a few weeks. I'd like to share some thoughts.

I wouldn't call it a conspiracy, more like a typical gov't. clusterf**k. From what I've read, the Bush Admin. sat on its hands so long that Obama had to put some serious oversight into it to get it up and running.

The only thing planned long in advance was the HHC (hand held computer). It takes years for Harris Corp. to rip off the gov't w/ a piece of crap like we used. It had Windows Mobile OS and used the TIGER database. The GPS worked most of the time,

This phase was to update the mailing list for the Census form they send next year. Also to GPS tag every house, in case they want to send peeps to the houses that don't reply. ( so, just send in the stupid form. ) Add new addresses to the list, delete what no longer exists. GPS Tag 10ft. from door. No big deal, the cable,gas,electric,phone,city all have you tagged already. The only question we were to ask is if there is more than one housing unit on the property.

I'm not a gov. "goon". Just a Joe who took the test last fall. I need the $. My training class was a group of misfits, braggarts, idiots and under-achievers.

The person who visited RPG just sounds like he has a personal problem. I would have to call a supervisor, then the office takes over. They can call the law to help, it would be days, not 12 min. before the cops would assist. No button to tag "non-cooperating" households. It's actually scary going around and doing this. All I wanted to do was get done and get paid. I don't care if I'm 10,20 40 ft from your door. I sorta wanted to get good data, but wondered how they could expect work of my caliber or better from the fools they did hire. In any confrontation, I'd say anything to get my job done and get out of there.

The agency doing this is scrambling, and I am surprised if they can find their asses with both hands. Basically, everyone working on the census is a temp.

RonPaulGirl: there are things worth worrying about but honestly the census enumeration isn't one of them.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by UnEmployed 1

Nice Post..

Makes sense.. the gov has a hard time getting anything right (i.e. 9/11)

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 11:21 AM

Here's another article about this.

But I didn't see it mentioned here about the new census surveys.

The government will be asking a lot more than just how many people live at your home next year. They will be even asking about your toilet habits.

In the above thread, an actual census worker shows up to talk to those on the forum to calm their nerves. The posters express similar concerns that are expressed within this thread and are all up in arms. The government is watching for discussion about this topic, since the census worker joins the forum to calm down the crowd. The posters are all calmed down and are now willing to go along with the census workers. It was kind of creepy. There may be census workers reading this thread too. I thought you all might think it interesting that the government is not only trying to quiet down concerns about this on message boards, but they are succeeding. Like I said, I find it kind of creepy.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 05:52 PM
he's not a real census taker. they don't tag your house. although they have taken to insisting you tell them your religious background. sounds more like fbi or homeland

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 08:51 AM
Experts are saying that GPS will fail by 2010.

Maybe the want to keep records of the GPS coordinates of static locations, like people's houses, for the purposes of investigating such a failure?

Would it be a breach of some sort of privacy law to keep a central database of the GPS coordinates of houses?

I've seen census people around too. They weren't writing on any doors, but they were standing in front of them for long periods of time. It seemed to me as though they were checking for surveillance cameras, or trying to surreptitiously look into people's windows. When I approached one and asked what they were doing, they gave a dodgy answer like "updating records" or something, and then became very nervous and defensive.

Apparently, it's against the law to prevent a census worker from doing his or her job. Maybe the government is giving them other things to do that are not part of their job description.

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 01:38 AM
The guy who came to my front door looked like he needed the $17.50 / hour plus 59 cents per mile they pay to GPS our exact location. He said you can't beat the money, especially with the lower price of gas and long distances he drives. I asked him where I can sign up - to see if he was the real deal - and he said he replied to an ad in the paper. He also said that he wasn't there to count how many people live in the house, but to relay the size of the unit and how many people could hypothetically live there.

Maybe they are doing this nationwide to better organize refugee relocation after a pandemic or the destruction of major urban areas? How many refugees can you host in your house? They'll know they found it because your address will be on their government issued form and your GPS coordinates will take them right to your front door. And who knows, you may not be there anymore given that you are ATS dissidents who were rounded up in camps to make room for more deserving NWO sheeple.

Don't you just love a good old census?

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
The guy who came to my front door looked like he needed the $17.50 / hour plus 59 cents per mile they pay to GPS our exact location. He said you can't beat the money, especially with the lower price of gas and long distances he drives. I asked him where I can sign up - to see if he was the real deal - and he said he replied to an ad in the paper. He also said that he wasn't there to count how many people live in the house, but to relay the size of the unit and how many people could hypothetically live there.

Maybe they are doing this nationwide to better organize refugee relocation after a pandemic or the destruction of major urban areas? How many refugees can you host in your house? They'll know they found it because your address will be on their government issued form and your GPS coordinates will take them right to your front door. And who knows, you may not be there anymore given that you are ATS dissidents who were rounded up in camps to make room for more deserving NWO sheeple.

Don't you just love a good old census?

Wow getsmart, I like your style! Makes sense to me. I thought they (the country's owners, ie: Bilderbergers) may want an estimate of the size and capacity of the home for future use as a stopover. Maybe they wish to view all their new possesions, since they sent you all off to the camps to make soap from your neighbor's piled-up bodies. The NWO leaders are sooo efficient. Good Nazis are so hard to find these days.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:25 PM
I just have two questions.

1. Can you be arrested for answering the door naked?
2. What if you don't have a door?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by mattifikation

Yes you can. If a child see's you, you go on the sexual predators list as a Pedophile for the rest of your life. Could be a bad idea for a joke.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

That's crap. You should be allowed to be naked in your own home. And besides, how is the census guy supposed to do a head count if all the heads in the house aren't showing?

What about the door thing?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

I've been looking forward to hearing more stories about this topic, Ron Paul Girl handled the whole thing terrificly and the bottomline with the Cenus is to Constitutionally get a head count of people living in each home. Nothing Else!!!

[edit on 3-6-2009 by Rams59lb]

[edit on 3-6-2009 by Rams59lb]

[edit on 3-6-2009 by Rams59lb]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

They don't need to install a tracking chip to your door. All they would need to do is walk to the point of the door 'target' and 'record' a waypoint to your door. Not sure where all the 'chip' talk is coming from?

Most govt. vehicles are already chipped. The new 'citizen' vehicles may very well have one attached already. The high end vehicles have them though then again, I would have chosen them first as well. You too?

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Perseus Apex

They don't need to install a tracking chip to your door. All they would need to do is walk to the point of the door 'target' and 'record' a waypoint to your door. Not sure where all the 'chip' talk is coming from?

Most govt. vehicles are already chipped. The new 'citizen' vehicles may very well have one attached already. The high end vehicles have them though then again, I would have chosen them first as well. You too?

Location-based service technologies ( ) can be used for good or evil purposes. We understand from the current situation that this technology will most likely be used by a select few to profit off of the masses.

They have not earned our trust and respect to implement this technology on us. They have shown that they will abuse the freedom of the individual or a specific group and destroy the solid foundation of this nation for the profit of the few and privileged.

[edit on 4-6-2009 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Rams59lb

Marking the GPS coordinates of houses has little to nothing to do with counting people.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 04:03 AM
Jebus. I've read that Meth makes people awnry and paranoid. So this thread provides further proof. For anything to gain the status of a true "Conspiracy", there really needs to be some preponderance of tangible evidence. You people just imagine realities and assume they're true. No need to do research, data just occurs to you.

Doesn't it strike you as redundant that they'd bother to pay someone to *walk* to your house to tag it with some device when anyone on earth can view your address and pictures of your house from 4 different angles on MSN maps?

Your cell phone and credit card inform pretty much anyone who wants to know where you are and what you're doing at all times.

When you figure the capabilities of the spy satellites we all saw in "Patriot Games" were at least 5 years old when the movie came out in 1992, well just let your imaginations run wild with what they can do now.

And you're afraid of some college kid who's just trying to earn enough money to sponsor the next weekend kegger?

But hey, go ahead and deprive your districts of federal funds. See how grateful your kids will be when they grow up and find they're not equipped to compete and aren't even smart enough to know why. They'll either cower in confusion from a world they don't understand, or they'll be pissed that everyone else has nice stuff so they'll just come and take yours.

Republicans make a great living off your fear. Rush will never have to worry about running low on pills, Hannity can have a whole fleet of private jets and Haliburton will always have a fresh supply of American blood to sell to our enemies. Just wave the flag and say "freedom" every other sentence and you'll slurp up anything they throw at your feet.

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