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US: Census idiot in my driveway threatening the police

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:35 PM
This is the most ridculous thread I have ever read.

I completely agree with standing up for your rights and not answering to "the man" (hence why I am on this website); but come on. Missle's going through front door? Because you didn't answer to the census guy?
And when did ATS members become so "stupid" with their typing; anyone decide to proof read before hitting reply?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by CORN IS NUTS
This is the most ridculous thread I have ever read.

I completely agree with standing up for your rights and not answering to "the man" (hence why I am on this website); but come on. Missle's going through front door? Because you didn't answer to the census guy?

Actually, to my understanding, they were not out to ask any questions when they were marking doors.

Maybe one day when you lose your house key and get locked out, you can send a cell-to-satellite call and have your house door unlocked for you.

hmmmm....think about it.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:55 PM
Flying cars.

Imagine trying to find where you are going without this GPS info? No street signs in the sky.

No signs for the police surveliance vehicles in the sky either. That's why they really need this. Eventually though, we will use the info to get around in our flying cars. I have another 30-40 years. Hope I am around to see it.

Quit worrying about the census people! I'm sure they already know what most of your answers should be and much more . Do your patriotic duty and stand up as a citizen. Together we stand, divided we fall.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:30 PM
Glad to see you did what you thought was right OP. On the GPS thing here is my take. Would it make sense that they need to tag your door because in some places (cities) a driveway tag would not give accurate enough information? Could they possibly just be trying to tag the houses they don't have info on so they can find out by other means? How would they tag an apartment building and be accurate without tagging doors? Honestly I have no idea what I am talking about
I am just theorizing. The missile through the front door is always a possibility too I guess

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 06:53 PM
That census guy is power tripping in my opinion. I worked for the census in 2000. One of my jobs was to go around to all the people who didnt mail in the census and go to their doors and try to complete the census with them quickly right there verbally.

But we were never trained to bug people, or harass them if they were not interested in taking the census. Nor were we instructed to call the cops over anything like this. I think this guy was just someone who was bored or power tripping etc, and he isnt the norm for what a census taker was like.

For the most part we were just unemployed people who wanted some temp work that payed much better then minimum wage and was actually a pretty interesting job in the end. I got to meet alot of people and never had one problem with anything, if someone didnt wanna fill it out, thats fine, thats their right as far as I knew.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 06:31 PM
The Sheriff left because neither of them can come on your property without your permission or a proper warrant. The census jerk probably called the sheriff and told him he was threatened and that got him out there but when the guys story fell apart the sheriff left.

You are not required to respond to these jerks period they are a private corporation not the Republic government.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 08:13 PM
One of the first things i learned with my GPS unit was how to take a reading in places where i could not get like the sidewall of a mine pit.

The census person should be able to guess how far your front door is from the street and correct to reading they take from the street to come up with the door reading if they can see the door.

If they are using a good GPS unit that reads with in 5 foot there should be a correction program within the unit to take care of this.
The cheap units do not have this capability but they are not as accurate to begin with for getting a good reading of your front door and might only get it within 20 foot.

The military has GPS units that the can get a reading within a foot from up to 5 miles away. by using the built in rangefinder.

A month ago i got the notice that my Census form would be delivered in two weeks.
So far it has not showed up.
But then again i do not get mail at my home it all goes to a p.o. box.
Many days i do not get up till 2 to in the afternoon so if they knock at the door before then i may not answer.

I have heard of the cops being call on a number of census workers because they were seen looking into windows trying to see if the home was occupied.
people in the neighborhood thought they were burglars casing homes.

In one area of southern Calif the census people are looking for a worker that is a nudist to do the census at a nudist colony.
None of the census worker they hired in the area want to do the census at a nudist colony.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by ANNED]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:01 AM
Here's all you need to fight back against those Census idiots that try to come tag your home with their little GPS devices.

High powered GPS-blocker, and quite affordable.

That will take care of their little government toys and then a few well-placed words about where they can shove the paperwork ought to take care of the situation quite nicely.

Obama and Rahm Emmanuel can suck it as far as I'm concerned! I'm not interested in cooperating with anything they think is "good" for America, because most of us know that those two really despise America.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:15 PM
As a 2010 Census worker myself this guy is pushing it.If the respondent refuses to answer,then we would put "refuse" on our Enumerator questionnaire sheet and let someone else deal with that person or we might come back again.In my Census training I'm suppose to be nice to people and not threaten anybody and I'm guessing this guy might have had not enough training. He also could've contacted the landlord or a manager to get your info anyway.

BTW not all Census workers use GPS devices and I'm one of them.It was most because of technical issues I think.
So I guess you got unlucky I suppose.
BTW my supervisor told me that if you fill out the tax forms,then the government already knows about you.

Forgot to ask: Did this guy have his Census badge around his neck? Because every census worker should have one.

[edit on 3-5-2010 by unlocked]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 05:03 PM
Just a census fella nosing around my house today while I was playing in the backyard with the kids because my neighbor didn't send in her form. He proceeded to ask me some personal questions so that he could verify my neighbors status "by proxy". I refused and advised him to contact my neighbor.

He even asked "Is she afraid to answer her door?" and couldn't understand the fact that she simply was not home. He stood in her driveway for an additional 15 minutes after talking with me.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by jibeho
Just a census fella nosing around my house today while I was playing in the backyard with the kids because my neighbor didn't send in her form. He proceeded to ask me some personal questions so that he could verify my neighbors status "by proxy". I refused and advised him to contact my neighbor.

Do you think they get paid for every person they successfully count?

[edit on 14-5-2010 by In nothing we trust]

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

You make a good point. This chap wouldn't take no for answer and lingered on her property for quite some time.

It would make me think that they are paid a bounty of sorts on these people.

I spoke with my neighbor about the visit and she said that she indeed sent in her forms and couldn't understand the visit. She didn't think that she should be counted twice. What a novel idea.

Just more wasteful spending.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by jibeho

It would make me think that they are paid a bounty of sorts on these people.

They probably are.

Why else would they be so aggressive in collecting thier data?

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

posted on 21-5-2009 @ 07:22 PM

The government won't be tagging my door with a GPS tracking chip or getting any answers to any questions as to how many live in my household.

I am instructing my family right now to not co-operate with any government officials.

There is no good reason why the government needs to know this information. They manipulate the data anyways to tell us whatever lies they want us to believe.

Still holding fast one year later.

My kids think I'm gonna get thrown in jail for non-compliance.

[edit on 14-5-2010 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:28 PM
The taking of a Census is mentioned twice in the 1st Covenant Scriptures.

First one was commanded by YaHuWaH to MoshAH or Moses. It was blessed by The Most High YA.

The second one was taken by King David. This census was not commanded by YaHuWaH and so this was an act of disloyalty to YaHuWaH and was not blessed. In fact of matter it ended up costing Kind David greatly and this was a warning to all mankind that the taking of a census is not proper. One man cannot take a census of another man. Only YaHuWaH can make that decision.

On the grounds that census taking is is against my EloAH I refrain from census giving on the grounds it is against my faith in Almighty Loving YA!
That is unless they can provide me proof that it is commanded by YaHuWaH for them to do so...

This really twisted my census taker when I said this to him. After 5 failed attempts to take my census info this gentleman did not ask me all the questions of a census.

Religious Freedom and the RIGHT to not comply when mans laws interfere with YaHuWaH's is what the founding fathers put in writing!

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 07:33 PM


posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:02 PM
I have a couple of bits of info and a story on census. Hope I can clear up a couple of things.
Census workers were hired from mass skills testing and sent to a week of training with a supervisor. In our case, the supervisor was just hired as well, and had no experience whatsoever. The training was procedural. My friend was hired as an enumerator/map checker. A map checker checks dirt roads, newly created roads, roads which no longer exist, and alters the map to reflect real circumstances. We have Google Earth and many, many satellites that can spot a pack of gum, so I am not 100 percent sure why this was done except for redundancy purposes.
After six weeks or so the maps and reports were mostly turned in, and there ensued a search-type activity, where the job got hard. My friend was told to go hunt for people, even in rural mountains, and stop at any tent, lean-to, or RV and get info !
Shortly after, a resident mentioned to my friend that these folks were often armed, and one should not go down certain roads unless one was prepared. That was a bit much ! My friend did some map work and called it good.
I don't know if these folks had pot farms or labs or what, but thankfully my friend was not pushed on it, and the job ended peacefully.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:09 PM
Now, in part two is me, a semi-rural duplex dweller. I sent my forms in. Always have. Then comes "the lady." SHe wants to know something, and I tell her my forms were completed and sent in, and there is nothing else. She asks if the address glued on the building is mine, and why is it not on her form. I told her everything we sent was correct and the department knows where i am. She persevered, and I said I had to go. Now why does a plastic number on a building bother her if everything for proper enumeration was sent in to the Census?
I starting thinking-they want to know exactly where we are physically and want everyone easily accessible-not from the air either, we had no gps Census here. FROM the ground. It did, and does concern me.
Not long after, I read that we now have both spy planes and drones here. I heard many others have these too now. I see them constantly.
And, to top it off, in the middle of nowhere as we are, a police or security guard came bicycling down our street and pulled in to look at me smoking in my jammies. Very boldly, I might add ! I have seen 3 more at night since then.
They want to know where we are and who we are at all times. Are they expecting something?

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Does anyone believe they want to"GPS guided bomb" your house? Really? I'm sorry but there are way to many things wrong with that. To many to get into but please think about that.

I can Google Earth your house but they can spy INTO your house from space yet they need to GPS your house? How dumb do you think they are? A bomb really? I mean really?

I bet your joking but do people believe in that?

EDIT: NVM i just read some posts and people really do believe this. Sorry if you really do believe this and i offended you.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by GunzCoty]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 09:33 PM


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