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US: Census idiot in my driveway threatening the police

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posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:07 PM
How many of you have to have the newest technology? how many have a Iphone? Onstar in your car? satellite dish for cable out in the country? a cable box in your home? Do you use a Debit or credit card? Use an atm machine?

My god these things carry more information about you than that poor sap coming to your house.

think about it, your using a computer at this moment. Do you honestly think you have not been tracked on that?

Some of you are so paranoid that the man is coming to get YOU! Why in the world are you so worthy in being the one they want that you are fighting this thing tooth and nail? I imagine fighting this thing is gonna get you more attention than you probably want.

Oh wait! there gonna send the helicopters to your house to seize you and whatever your hiding there? Dang I dont think we have enough helicopters in this country to have one get all of you.

Oh brother, The sheeple are getting a brain fungus I swear.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:13 PM
The sinister uses...are a lot to think about. The legit use is something like rescues during a Katrina type event. Both will probably happen.

Originally posted by Rockpuck
sorry buddy, your not worth the millions one of those [gps guided]bombs cost.

If only. Cruise missiles cost millions sure, but not plain old bombs.

How many bombs do we have just sitting in storage? Those are sunk costs, and you save on storage and maintenance when you find a good reason to use them.

You can take any old bomb(cost under $10k) or even a bowling ball, and attach a cheap guidance package to it (less than $1k). It's just some wings/fins that adjust based on the GPS data to get your bowling ball to fall where you want it.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by 11andrew34]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by 11andrew34
You can take any old bomb(cost under $10k) or even a bowling ball, and attach a cheap guidance package to it (less than $1k). It's just some wings/fins that adjust based on the GPS data to get your bowling ball to fall where you want it.

I sincerely apologize but this thread has now gone wacky.



posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by 2 cents
Here is my two about all this ...

What if having the GPS coordinates for your house along with your name and all who live there in a govn't database will make it easier for them when they come and get you?

So they're going to come for all 320 million people? Who are they and how many people do you think it would take to detain 320 million people and where would they do it?

The helicopter pilot carrying the storm troopers can fly directly to your home using the GPS coordinates, how else would the pilot find your house? A street map?

You can get EXACT GPS coordinates for houses on google earth. Do you really think the government really needs some schmo clicking his little GPS unit at your front door to get accurate coordinates?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Ron Paul Girl

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by GreenBicMan

They cant kill you as good with a GPS guided bomb if it hits your driveway. It is much more effective if it hits your front door knob and comes into the house before detonating.

Unfortunately, great minds think alike. This is the absolute ONLY logical reason for them to NEED to GPS the front door and not the garage door, gate, driveway enterance, etc. THE ONLY REASON. WAKE UP AMERICA.

Actually there is very little logic behind that reason. You need to get a breath of fresh air because you are far too paranoid.

I'm also pretty sure that they have been doing this for longer then obama so why are you blaming him for it?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:46 PM
They probably just want to have something in place for when we get the pole reversals. No one will know which way is up any longer. With this sytem in place they will just have to find one reference point and like magic they will know where everything else is.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:48 PM
Okay, bottom line here on conspiracy theory vis-a-vis GPS and tagging

If the PTB wanted too, they could use military GPS (much more accurate)
from a satellite in space, and tag every door in the US.

Honestly, a time will come when this info could be very useful to
(for want of a better term) ~screw~ you over.

When that time comes (and it is VERY near) the PTB's will have a virtual
3D map of the ENTIRE United States, including, for the most part, names of
folks living in each home.

To go further, if they have your name, they have at their fingertips a
WEALTH of information about you. For cripes sake, I HAVE at my
fingertips a wealth of information about you. For $19.99, I can get your
criminal record, driving history, known family members, frequent
contacts, etc. And with a little clever subterfuge (read illegally
misrepresenting myself)
there's no telling the info I could glean. Private dicks do it all the time.

So relax, either way you're screwed. The sheeple have had their head down
grazing while laws have passed and now it's late in the game.

Four legs good, two legs bad
Four legs goo, two legs baaaa
Four legs gaa, two legs gooo
Four legs baaad, two legs better...........

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:11 PM
I am going to go with the thought that OP made this up to gather many flags and stars for the ranking system.

Do you think the censor officials train the enumerators to call the local police if someone refuse them entry to property. They are getting paid by the hour so who cares if a return trip is need, more pay. Otherwise it's someone else's problem. not one to be strong armed by the enumerator.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:28 PM
OMG! are some of you guys here totally thick?!

This is not about the nice little lady who comes to your door just doing her work!

And I'm not going to give you anymore clues for Christ sake!

They are doing the same to us here in Europe as well!

In fact! if you only knew how tracked we are here in Europe you wouldn't believe it!!

All these information goes into the state database, which is growing with information every year!

See my earlier post in this thread about citizen tracking in a real time 3D grid.

Some of you here really need to wake up!

I'm doing my part here, informing you how long they had been taking this into our lives here in Europe!

You're next to be totally tagged! - sorry for telling you this!

[edit on 22-5-2009 by Chevalerous]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Ron Paul Girl
reply to post by GreenBicMan

Because Obama wants to know where our front door is

That's great in the case it would get stolen but I can't see any other purpose for it.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Let me give you some advice don't try to convince the paranoid people they aren't crazy it will just drive you nuts as well.You'll be arguing until the next millennium the only people that will be rounded up maybe when there family members have them committed. Logistically rounding up even a 10th of the US population would be impossible.If the military could do that we would just lock everyone up in afganistan and then go home.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Ron Paul Girl
reply to post by GreenBicMan

Because Obama wants to know where our front door is

Obama is singling you out...

Scary... Maybe you should move?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by whatukno

After all the sneaky, underhanded, disgusting, un-Constitutional stuff the government (that does NOT represent the American people) has done, why would anyone want to have a friendly chat with and give personal information to a representative of this government? I don't care if the census taker is trying to feed his family. The government passed legislation in the early 90s to allow more foreign tech workers into the U.S. because ITAA lied to them and said there aren't enough Americans to do the job. So the gov basically f@cked me out of supporting my family and putting us in hard times. Time after time throughout the 90s and 2000s I had to go to job interviews whereas I would be interrogated by Chinese, Vietnamese, or Indian people who were difficult to understand. I was layed off from Nielsen because they brought in Indians from TATA (the new CIO had lots of stock in TATA). My unemployment is 93 dollars a week. What the HELL am I supposed to do? I don't cooperate with, I don't talk to, and I don't associate with anyone who represents the backstabbing traitors in D.C.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by 2 cents
Here is my two about all this ...

What if having the GPS coordinates for your house along with your name and all who live there in a govn't database will make it easier for them when they come and get you?

So they're going to come for all 320 million people? Who are they and how many people do you think it would take to detain 320 million people and where would they do it?

The helicopter pilot carrying the storm troopers can fly directly to your home using the GPS coordinates, how else would the pilot find your house? A street map?

You can get EXACT GPS coordinates for houses on google earth. Do you really think the government really needs some schmo clicking his little GPS unit at your front door to get accurate coordinates?

The storm troopers have come for me but I shooting my gun at them, I taked out my neighbors eye and then the storm troopers, made scared, called their hellocopter and are leaving me alone!

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Ron Paul Girl
Neither the census guy NOR the sheriff pulled into our actual driveway. They stayed parked in the street. The sheriff Deputy exited his truck and census jerk was talking to him with his hands flailing everywhere. The cop just stood there. Then I saw the cop get back into his truck and sit there for a minute with the door open. 10 seconds later, I look out and the cop has pulled away and left. Then I see census boy pull away and leave.

I would give $100 to find out what the cop told the jerk. He must have told him he can't enter our driveway because he was told not to tresspass?? Either way, they're both gone and census jerk has moved on to the next neighbor.

Here is the good ol' west, we still have cops that will stand up for our rights - or maybe that is just wishful thinking. I hope it's true though.

The fact remains that the jerk didn't do his job - he didn't find out how many people live here!!!!! We would have answered that question because that's a perfectly constitutional question to ask. Demanding to tag our front door though is going too far. Now, for all the rest of you, put up a chain link fence around the perimeter of your yard and throw a rottweiler out there.

We are very full of our selves aren't we...

What a joke

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:18 PM
I thought that gps might not work after 2010? WHat would be the point of putting this gps tag on your door? Will gps still secretly work for the government? Does this government feel threatened that we can locate things with a gps unit? Are they going to gps tag apartments as well? I will not let them do that or will I be overruled my landlord! I wish I could I afford to own a house.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

This is what you get with the "Progressive" philosophy where "they" think they know better than the rest of us and have the duty to do what they think is best for us.

I'd question that this was even a "legitimate" census worker simply because you can get location information of buildings from Google Earth & Google Maps without trespassing.

Time to put up a "Trespassers will be shot" sign.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:58 PM
Actually, you can find out what happened, albeit a shortened version. You can contact the records department of the Sheriff and give them the time/date of incident. Request a copy of the call and the report if one was written. If there was no report written, ask for a copy of what was entered into the Deputy's terminal to close the incident. I don't believe you have to ask for it under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); however, that is an option.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 08:07 PM
Since first hearing of these new Census people that just gps your front door location and don't ask the only question census people should ask,(How many people live here) the only thing I can think of being a conspiracy theorist is something will happen for everybody to be off the streets. So everyone is home. Having all the front door location info on file, it will be easier,(if possible) for the PTB to computer or laser light the second coming. Or something of that nature . That way the most logical place everybody will be is a couple steps out there front door. So they can get the angle of the picture or whatever perfect from every gps location. Too hardcore?? I don't know. If not that then i'll go with the bomb through the front door.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 08:21 PM
STill reading through everyone comments, but I've been doing some research on this of my own. I'm come to the conclusion that the United Nations is behind the GPS door tagging garbage. Check this out! U.N. Expert Group Meeting Contemporary Practices in Census Mapping and
Use of Geographical Information Systems

In other news, I called the sheriff deputy that came out here last night. He wasn't in so I left him a message, but I asked him to call me back just to let me know if I was within my constitutional rights not to let that guy on the property. The policeman that answered the phone at the cop shop said, "Oh yea, I heard about that last night and thought it was interesting. I had to leave before hearing how it turned out." He sounded like he was with us on this one.
Sometimes I'm sooooo happy to live in a place where my policemen are not Nazis and everyone knows your name. I do know most of the police on a friend or aquantance level.

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