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US: I was called a terrorist, and threatened...

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posted on May, 26 2009 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by paradox headache
reply to post by gormly

ya, that seems more along the lines of what really took place. or he started and argument and everyone got mad at him, and whatever else is just fill.

Wow now that's what I call a rapid change of heart.

First you give an example of a past similar experience with you and giving a collage presentation and them you follow up by saying that his, what you now so rapidly consider a over the top story, is what you kind of expected to happen and now it's just fill.


posted on May, 26 2009 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by reticledc
Unfortunately, the accusation of being a terrorist and the potential of being arrested for even alleged terroristic threats, is a growing and very real concern.
Witch trials, anyone?

Even the mere mention (without proof) is enough to land you in hot water.
It also seems the more educated and intelligent you are, the more likely you are to be labeled as such.
This constitutes an escalating probability, that people, as a whole, are becoming so informationaly diluted, that even the most sound theories are being looked upon no different than witchcraft.
the reality of it is, the more awakened you are, the more asleep you must pretend to be, until such time as those around you are ready to hear what you have to say, as well as have their own preconceived notions of reality questioned.
One's mind must be opened to grow, and unfortunately, we in the USA live in a society of conformity, and selfishness.

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicy animals and you know it!"

Very well said..."the more awakened you are, the more asleep you must pretend to be". I too was called a terrorist by a neighbor about 5 years ago. Anyway, now I just play stupid when certain subjects come up and try to plant a little seed to hopefully make them think later. I live in Colorado Springs...try being awake in this city of Air Force, Army and Homeland Security.....aghh...they're everywhere...and very defensive.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by paradox headache
this country isnt in bad shape because people know the truth and cant do anything about it, its in bad shape because people are stupid and or dont want to look for the truth and then when they heard the truth they wouldnt believe it anyways.


This isn't about figuring out anything.

It has already been figured out, the evidence is everywhere.

No matter how accessible the truth is people have to be willing to drop their preconceived notions, assumptions, and speculation.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 05:29 PM
Sounds like you where drinking in the bar from the Blues Brothers
I have come up against a lot of this and it is like the matrix, the people are not ready to be woken up, to be honest ignorance must be bliss. To go through life with your eyes shut would take a lot off of my mind but never mind play the cards you are dealt. I work closley with the military so my opinions are as closely guarded as fort knox.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 07:11 PM
Its a shame the Marine in the OPs story doesnt understand how the elites of this world, ie the perpatrators of this obvious inside job, view him and his buddies.

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." Henry Kissinger, quoted by Bob Woodward in The Final Days, 1976

*salute* the OP, even if your tact was off, telling the truth is the highest form of patriotism.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Izarith

Originally posted by paradox headache
reply to post by gormly

ya, that seems more along the lines of what really took place. or he started and argument and everyone got mad at him, and whatever else is just fill.

Wow now that's what I call a rapid change of heart.

First you give an example of a past similar experience with you and giving a collage presentation and them you follow up by saying that his, what you now so rapidly consider a over the top story, is what you kind of expected to happen and now it's just fill.


nah, not a rapid change of heart. what i agreed with was him getting a negative reaction for his story he told to the people at the bar. it happened to me as a mentioned, and i also consider that to be the norm so to speak when people talk about what others consider a conspiracy. what i thought was fill was how the story went along. it seemed over the top, not the reaction he got just how the people acted in the story, how polite he was ect ect. i hope you arent puzzled now, after i read what i wrote i was a little puzzled too until i sorted through it

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 04:42 PM
Well I read 6 pages of this thread, that's a lot, and I still didn't find out the name of the bar. We should know the name so if we go in there we know not to mention 911.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:18 PM
Yeah I agree with some of the other posters here, you got in, and got out, and I know you were jilted that they would not be served another beer, but sometimes those little bars are a cesspool of negativity and then you come in and pick the big boil, and the only thing they have for reference is the word terrorist, if you are not American in your current thoughts.

At least you tried, a good lesson to learn, and now you know to do it one at a time.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:20 PM
Maybe 30-40 people from ATS should go to the bar some time, and talk about 911 :-) Isn't that the way it is, majority rules.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by SoulOrb

Having another person or two in the "know" would have helped but in reflection of the attitude I experienced, I think a small group of us would have definitely given them reason to call police, (terror group?)

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:05 PM
That's why you need a large group. If you outnumber the sheep, it's easier to be the shepherd.

I'm surprised that there wasn't anyone else in the bar who believed you. One day at work I started a discussion with several co-workers about the 9-11 conspiracy theories, and there were as many believers as non-believers. And among the non-believers, everyone acknowledged that the official story was full of holes and didn't make sense.

If you want to change minds, I think you've got to turn the water up slowly. Pique their curiosity by pointing out a few minor inconsistencies. People are more receptive to gradual changes in belief than sudden ones.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

My bad question had been asked.

[edit on 18-6-2009 by ooder57]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:04 PM


posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:07 AM
Its really weird.
When you throw a wrench into there perfect world they seem to snap and all say the same things. Its almost like they were programed.

Hitter would enjoy this sort of mindless loyalty very much!

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 04:01 AM
Well Op I have to state this was a curious thread.

Might I suggest a different approach next time...

First pay for the drinks ahead of time... Give a good tip... Then tell your story...

Edit it a little bit..

Add this in... I had X family member in the first tower... They always were their for me... I couldnt be there for them that day...

Its like being victimised twice then find out there is a possibilty that the guilty are still out there..

Your fight for social proof... You had all their attention use it... Make sure sure you pause when mentioning the family member...

If you encounter a military man, ask him what branch... Tell him part of your source came from a US Navy seal... Tell them a few are looking into it... They had few friends that died in the pentagon..

State if they find out who, I would not want to be in their shoes... Tell them oliver stone is rumored to be looking into making a movie on it. He intends to dedicate part of the funds from the movie to scholarships for the children of the firemen and police officers who died that day...

With the waitress if she responds that way ask her who in her family was in the towers. Tell her I understand... I got real upset at first to... It made me so mad I went and started investigating all on my own. It hurt to much to keep looking into it...

When they quote the media i.e. MSM go to our british brothers as an example. Several you have talked to online said the the BBC had completely different footage.

Your matching news for news strategy...

I think it was ignorance of the crowd matched with non control of a social situation.... Be glad you got out alive...

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 04:12 AM
What a sorry bunch of .........
Kind of people who succomb to their brains first desire to shutter away from everything not mainstream belief.
Calling you a terrorist for speaking your mind only makes the childish, ignorant people.

I like to call people like that, Self-Appointed-Rust-Painters, because they willingly paint their shi*** life with a coat of illusions to repress everything which is bad in the foundations of our society.

They just let their minds say -NO- to everything that is a bit different then the main view.

LOL, If I had a nickle for every douch bag that called me a psycho because I have different opinions, well.. I could prolly get a pack of smokes with that, but thats besides the point.

Point is - Dont let those REPEATERS tell you what is true.
Thats what they are! REPEATERS!

[edit on 4-4-2010 by freebourn]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 05:11 AM
Bro... I`m not gonna say you were sloppy drunk, but you HAD to be slightly buzzed at the very least to think it was ok to speak TRUTH to "sleepers" (as I like to call them). ESPECIALLY when alcohol is involved... Back when the Afghanistan invasion was in full swing, a bit before the Iraqi invasion of `03, I was at a party with what I though of as some very close friends. We were all just a few years out of high school and some of us were just turning 21 at the time and we were partying pretty hard most of the time. Of course the drunkeness brought out that pathetic sense of courage and patriotism in some of my friends. And I`ve always been the one in the group to challenge the status quo, and in this case especially so. So of course I began to explain this little problem I have with the many "errors" reported that resulted in the loss of innocent people. Well I think I actually just emphasized on children, thinking that for sure this would strike a chord somewhere. But all I got was: Ya well what about our civilians that died on 911? As if 2 wrongs made a right... actually it probably wasn`t even that, it probably just made them feel better knowing that American bombs and missiles were blowing the crap out of somebody, somewhere in the name of revenge for 911. Anyway, it didn`t take long for us to lose interest and continue doing whatever. Hours later I got woken up from the couch to 2 of my "friends" yelling and screaming and kicking me. They were calling me all sorts of things. I have since been aware of the danger of speaking truth around sleepers. You will know when someone is ready to wake up a little because they will approach YOU asking all too familiar questions.

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posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 05:25 AM
Another thing this really reminds me of is a conversation that takes place in the movie "shutter island". The woman in the cave talks about how "crazy" is the perfect label they can put on you to discredit you. So is "terrorist". Terrorist is just an evolved version of "drug peddler". Thats why they used to have the war on drugs so they could just use drugs to discredit someone by exposing their use or planting it on them and accusing them of dealing. Well that got complicated, and it`s a hell of a lot easier to plant some incriminating info on a computer or a cellphone to frame someone than it is to plant drugs. (LOL you can`t hack into somones apartment and upload a few kilos of coke into their nightstand drawer...) Especially with the advances in forensics. So now they just label you "terrorist". And if you will notice, marijuana is starting to become more legal. Marijuana used to be their main scapegoat but it stopped working when society began to accept pot use after finally realizing all the pot-propaganda was full of lies. So they had to switch to something else. I`m sure they had the 911 contingency plan in place for quite some time, knowing their lies about drugs would wear thin eventually.

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by alyosha1981

You are calling your government murderers!! what did you expect. Its easy for you too hide on a computer an speak your mind....tell your lies and generally show no proof for your announcement.

Now when threatened with the COPS and violence you back down like a coward and tuck your tail between your legs. You have no spine. If you believe in your views...Lets them call the police...see whose side they take. Stand up for yourself.

But most of the people who share your view on here the safety of seclusion is your greatest friend. All the mouth on here but none in the REAL world!!

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 04:17 PM
Depends on which bar you went to..if its a sports bar or any public service members chances are they aren't gonna like what you hear...if its a hippie bar, you might end up having sex that night....

You have to play the game at the type of bar you go a chameleon...

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