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US: I was called a terrorist, and threatened...

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posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:27 PM
Ignorance and Irony

Originally posted by CoffinFeeder
So more or less, I'd lay $10 on the real version of the story is that you heard 9-11 and came in like a religious zealot, and started talking increasingly crazy, unable to show any proof at all, but being absolutely immune to any other logic or reason.

I'm sure in all of it, your pride and ego wouldn't let you consider common sense and just keep the stupidity to yourself, but hey, look at any 9-11 conspiracist and they all come off as whackjobs who are off their meds. Frankly, I think half of them are too, especially face to face.


Originally posted by Volton
Some people lash out and start the name calling when they feel like they have been a fool. Lets face it no one likes to admit they are walking around with blinders on.

Ignorance and Fiction

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by alyosha1981

Quite a few stars I see.....unfortunately, this post is the exact opposite of the bar you were in. Everyone here blindly accepts what you posted...well, except for me that is.

NORAD stood down...nope, didnt happen that day, doesnt happen ANY day.

Lack of wreckage...again, not true, plenty of wreckage at both Shanksville and the Pentagon. However, people with little to no experience with aircraft accidents continually swallow this falsehood

Northwoods, Pearl Harbor...all meaningless distractions, used by certain members of the "truth" movement to make money off of gullible people.


Originally posted by seataka
People who watch too much broadcast TV stay in a trance state.

In a trance state everything you are told is TRUE

Ignorance and Fear

Originally posted by arcnaver
You were 'disturbing the peace' and probably should have just left the bar immediately. It doesnt matter if you think you were right or not, or if you purposely intended on disturbing the peace.

Truth and Fear

Originally posted by Daisy-Lola
The idea that their own government would be responsible for the wholesale slaughter of their fellow Americans is a repugnant and difficult thing to swallow.

Truth and Fear

Originally posted by Orion7911
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."


Originally posted by tezzajw
Never underestimate how stupid people can be.


Originally posted by chiponbothshoulders
You can only save yourself by not pissing off the monkeys.

Truth and Observation

Originally posted by hypervigilant
We all grow up in an environment that sees anyone that wears a coat and tie and stands in front of a TV camera as a trusted friend that is informing them about what is good for them.... We are living in a society that is being very efficiently conditioned to do as they are told, because TPTB is good and wants what is best for us.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by JKersteJr
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

I didn't see where the OP stated intent to "educate" I did catch this though...

Originally posted by alyosha1981 I listened but did not comment, until I heard 9/11 come up. I asked the gentleman who was speaking if he had ever heard of the 9/11 truth movement? He said no, I asked him if he wouldn't mind hearing some of my views on the subject, he agreed.

First, the patrons brought up 9/11, in what context I don't know(aly?), second they've never heard of the truth movement so it's likely aly's information was completely new to them resulting in fear & denial(to some point at least). Lastly, the patron agreed to hear what aly had to say.

I wasn't there so I've no way of knowing the manner in which the OP's info was presented, which indeed IS the biggest factor in the equation. However, the patron's final reaction is very telling, they could have simply disagreed.

Sorry if I mis-stated my intent. By "educate" I was referring to the intent of the voice an opinion but be surprised by the severe reaction. I guess my long-winded attempt at conveying my meaning may have been better stated shortly.

I wouldn't suggest going into a bar, and expecting an intelligent exchange of opinions with people who are trying to wind-down. Especially if part of what you are implying is that someone, or something they likely believe in is being called evil. It is bound to become a negative situation...not an enlightening one.

Believe me, spreading the word is a long-term goal and financial investment of mine (website)...but choosing the playing field (or battlefield?) is very important. Without that consideration, you can become a "soap-box stander", chanting nutty sounding thoughts to people who really don't want to hear them in the first place.

Hmmmm...guess thats long-winded again. "Bad me!"

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:30 PM
That story just fuels my hate for people more than it already is at.

You most certainly went at you view point in about the best manner possible. I believe in your view point myself, and feel people are way to closed minded to see it this way. This my sound weird, but that marine wasn't giving you trouble because of his personal opinions (it may have a small impact) but mostly it's because of his brainwashing. What most people don't understand (not even those in the army, air force, marine, seals understand) is that when you go through boot camp and training and everything, when they break you down they brain wash you as they build you back up, so the most fueled reason for his snap is because of that.

As far as everyone else in there, i agree with the statement about watching the movie Idiocracy, that's really were this world is headed. The majority of the people can't handle the truth, and at the same time don't want the truth, they just want some safe explanation to them that they can live with and eventually forget. America (as open as we like to say we are) is actually very constricted and self kept. The US has no open mind, the majority of the people are just a bunch of closed minded rodents, not giving outside view points a chance because it'll just be one extra variable they have to account for in their life.

In all honesty; I hate the Government because all they do go screwing with society and then lying to us about it with their twisted and corrupt notions (The 2-Party system is a joke). I hate American Society because it's just a 2-bit out of whack domain trying to tell us how we need to live our lives. I mean, America promotes Free Religion, Free Speech, Freedom of Press and what not. But you really have to think, are they free or aren't they?

You ask me, and I say there really is no freedom in those:

Freedom of Speech- this is mostly a joke, i mean, sure we supposedly able to voice our own opinions at any length we want, but yet, if an individual has a opinion abstract and abnormal for what "society" has deemed "truth" then they are shunned and pushed around. In all essence, they are ridiculed for their viewpoint and are threatened against speaking their mind. Where's the Freedom of Speech there?

As it stands, you were just an unfortunate victim at the hands of society. You ask me, and I'd rather life in Europe or Japan myself. I mean look at all the crazy things going on over there, and yet "society" in America thinks their outrageous, and inappropriate.

Good Job America For Sucking At Life.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by Vengeance]

[edit on 22-5-2009 by Vengeance]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:49 PM
To address numerous posts:

1. The OP has a right to freedom of speech.

2. The patrons and bartendar have a right to not hear it. They have rights too.

3. Redneck does not equal stupid. Do some research on where the term originated.

4. Bars can be excellent places to discuss all kinds of alternative theories - pick your audience.

5. Be alert to when the mind of your audience changes and don't keep going.

6. Small town does not equal stupid.

7. The number of people complaining about bias that use the above are biased.

8. This is not directed to any particular individual poster.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:52 PM
Trying to change someone's opinion is trying to tell a rock to move, unless by some miracle, it will NEVER happen. But that is human nature

[edit on 5/22/09 by MoothyKnight]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:07 PM
People interested in 911 and what brought the buildings down MUST see this video. id%3D70&feature=player_embedded


posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:15 PM
Good for you for standing up for your beliefs, but it must have been pretty obvious that a bunch of tipsy guys at a bar would probably not react well to the message you were trying to send.

Yes, freedom of speech and all that. But, sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:21 PM
It seems to be another prime example of the complacancy people have towards our bourgeois govournments. Lets say your opinions are false there seems to be no willingness to question the possibilty it was an act of govournment Here in the UK people are a little more willing to discuss 9/11 in a satyrical manner and have a healthy conversation but people are still unwilling to even think govournments are corupt.

I agree with you that the media cannnot be trusted in regards to ....... well anything, maybe try to keep controversal subjects to yourself unless your in an environment of open minded people. in public places the 3 subjects to sat y away from are War, Politics and Religion lol.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by alyosha1981

May God Bless America with more people willing to expand thier consciousness such as you have, this is why the education system has been dumbed down to keep you the people as we the sheeple anyone who isn't thinking outside the idiot box and takes that crap as the Gosple is doomed to Facism, the Chip and a Lobotomy.

Anyone who thinks the push to a New World Order isn't happening has less sensory perception than Helen Keller, no disrespect to Helen Keller as she woked with her disabilites and compensated for them, these Stooges don't even recognize the obvious.

To the Government denial is bliss. Maybe if we could get this on Fox News they would listen. Fat chance to both possibilities.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by alyosha1981

Please bare with me before jumping down my throat.

1. I disagree that the US government was directly responsible for 9/11 through complicity and/or conspiracy.

2. I don't think it was the best place for airing your opinions and I'm not surprised by the outcome.

That being said, there is a bigger issue here. Regardless of whether or not your opinion is right or wrong, those same patriots who called you a terrorist, chose to disregard your Constitutional rights by not allowing you free speech. Just a bit of irony that they evidently were simply too stupid to understand.

Although I disagree with your opinions, I greatly respect the fact that you chose to express them in a reasonable, non threatening manor and even did your best to diffuse the situation as soon as you saw it was not going to be a productive conversation.

Those same people should have realized you have the RIGHT to express your opinion without fear of reprisal or punishment based on THE CONSTITUTION.

Star and a flag for the way you handled the situation as it was very unfair to you.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:41 PM
Everyone who has different veiws is a terrorist anymore. I know I was called a terrorist for speaking my mind OVER THE PHONE. I told a bank after being hung up on 5 times that they really should think about how they treat their customers. They told me if I called back they would call the police. They were trying close my account down and keep my money! These are very sad times. I urge everyone to speak up. Your freedom of speech is no longer a right but a "privilage." I am not sure how many times I have heard this phrase in the past few years. It is not a right but a privilage when we start believing that then we are giving up our rights. We need to fight this. It is the businesses, banks and government that against the citzens. They are not on our side!

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:08 PM
Cool thread and thanks Alyosha for sharing the experience.

Will this kind of mentality ever end? Now you have your own citizens turning on one another, why? Because that's the way they've been programmed. The education system does not teach a person to be rational, think with an open mind and to go out there and discover the truth. It instills values that perpetuate what is essentially a currupt system. The result is your exact scenario.

If it wasn't for people like you sharing information and caring about the furtherment of others I would not know or be as enlightened as I am today.

It's still a dog eat dog world. Someone threatens your belief system and they almost instantly become the enemy rather a compassionate individual wanting to impart their findings and wisdom.

Honestly, it sickens me. Society is seriously ill and the PTB certainly don't help with the cure. Nope they perpetuate it.

I truly believe in the end love, compassion, wisdom and determination will be rewarded. These are troubling times where one cannot deny that something is seriously wrong. Identifying there is a problem has been half the battle, for so long so many have been kept in the dark.

As for bars, it's even worst here in the UK where the bar room mentality mostly revolves around soccer and the last fight they got into. Yep thugs are everywhere, so beware neanderthal men are still amongst us! I've learnt the hard way only share with people you care about or with people who genuinely want to hear what you have to say.

Live and learn huh.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:14 PM
I believe your story is 100% credible because we all see this kind of attitude on a dialy basis... and i think it is disgusting! These kind of people fear accepting the truth, either that or they are too inferior minded to even comprehend that their 'honest government representatives' are feeding them absolute lies. One question i will ask: Are you foriegn to the country? I can only imagine this is from America and if that is the case; i think anyone foriegn in 'that' country is frowned upon as a "terrorist" and it is for this reason that i do not disagree with the New World Order...

It has been said

Debate amongst yourselves

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 08:00 PM
Personally i don't believe in what you are saying about 9/11 Alyosha. Yet in article 1 of the constitution it protects free speech. Truly, you can say whatever you want and the government can do nothing. I am not in any support of your idea about 9/11 but, i do support you being able to say what you want to.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by 5seawarrior5]

[edit on 22-5-2009 by 5seawarrior5]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 08:01 PM
Hey all, I will try and respond to those posts directed to me, but my time is limited and I have a problem being able to devote time for this while I'm at work( but I will as i can) I appreciate all of the support as well as the criticism.As far as how the subject of 9/11 was brought up, the first gentleman was comparing the state of the economy now to how "it" was before and made mention to terrorism raising taxes, of course that raised only an eyebrow for me and than I asked hi, if he knew of the 9/11 truth movement, and the rest is as I said before.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
reply to post by alyosha1981

Please bare with me before jumping down my throat.
Originally posted by jfj123

1. I disagree that the US government was directly responsible for 9/11 through complicity and/or conspiracy.

That's an important part about being an American, we are each entitled to our own opinions and beliefs.
Originally posted by jfj123

2. I don't think it was the best place for airing your opinions and I'm not surprised by the outcome.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and I should have thought it out a bit more then I did.
Originally posted by jfj123

That being said, there is a bigger issue here. Regardless of whether or not your opinion is right or wrong, those same patriots who called you a terrorist, chose to disregard your Constitutional rights by not allowing you free speech. Just a bit of irony that they evidently were simply too stupid to understand.

Agreed, I think it's a shame how that word is being thrown around so much as of late , too bad that that's how society is today.
Originally posted by jfj123

Although I disagree with your opinions, I greatly respect the fact that you chose to express them in a reasonable, non threatening manor and even did your best to diffuse the situation as soon as you saw it was not going to be a productive conversation.

Thank you, I wish I could have left under better terms.
Originally posted by jfj123

Those same people should have realized you have the RIGHT to express your opinion without fear of reprisal or punishment based on THE CONSTITUTION.

True, but they probably felt the same on their own accords.
Originally posted by jfj123

Star and a flag for the way you handled the situation as it was very unfair to you.

Thanks again.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by alyosha1981]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by alyosha1981

I am very sorry to hear that story but I can understand their reaction but not their rudeness and threats. You see, some of the sheeple do not want to be awakened. Anything that threatens their false sense of security and liberty and brainwashed beliefs will induce this reaction of violent, abusive behavior or the other reaction of pure disbelief, that you are some kind of "conspiracy nut". I know this because I have tried to open the eyes of my own family and have been met with this "Oh come on, give me a break. Our government would not do something like that!" It is okay people to be a skeptic but please keep an open mind!! Most people will become the slaves of the New World Order and be happy about it like they are now with the way the world is. I have taken the red pill and have been shocked how far the rabbit hole goes. What we need to do as people of the world is realize that "this is not how it is supposed to be" and the only way to make the world better is to isolate and destroy the people at the top, the Elite, who have an agenda. Will you people out there be a slave or a patriot? Freedom or slavery is all it boils down to. If you (person reading this) think you are free now and can't see the truth right in front of your eyes, then it is already too late for you and probably your loved ones. Just go back to sleep, watch American Idol, and do not worry nor care about your family nor the many, many people that are going to die at the hands of NWO!

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by theyareoutthere

I'll give "them" credit for being resistant to a concept that shakes the very belief system that we have grown up knowing, but no credit is due them for doing all but burning me at the stake, although I sure they wanted too.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 08:52 PM
One of the most ironic things about this encounter with the US Marine, is that Rockerfeller's CFR is herding America right into a Socialistic Communist State.

America is economically being brought into par with the rest of the world.

This is because (1) people in general have been duped into believing that America is a "Democracy". It is not. (2) A foreign corporation prints our currency at interest and uses the spoils of our enslavement to push for their Globalist Agenda.
Essentially, it is to ensure their rule over the world forever.

America is a Republic. Please urge your Congressman to support HR 1207 and HR 388.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 10:17 PM
I'm grateful that I discovered this web-site where intelligent, independent thinkers like us have a place to share such knowledge that would threaten or cause fright to the ignorant and shallow people. Btw, the Gulf of Tonkin incident was another false flag op.

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