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Originally posted by kshaund
I hope you appreciate the humor in that paragraph - when I read it the first time I read it as ..... Male full frontal nudity is always a plus too and have played with it a few times.....
Sorry, the visuals were very funny and wanted to share that with you - I realized right away you were referring to playing with the consciousness thing - but it did give me a chuckle, which is always welcome in these times!
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
What exactly did Maban say or do that might have offended someone, regardless of whether or not it was his intent? If he thought to mention it, he must have something in mind.
I am beginning to think that my presence will not amount to much change, the damage has been done and It is time to move on.
I have yet to hear from any but you, so I feel any need for my presence is long gone.
I feel the best thing I can do now is simply let my work die, those whom took something away are the few whom have benefited.
I genuinely feel like I have overstayed my welcome.
I think it best for all if I leave well enough alone.
Perhaps in five- ten years time it will be right again to try as we have before.
- Maban
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
He did refer to the thread as tiresome, that could be deemed a little churlish, bordering on offensive
...or you did reveal his desire to wring my neck, I may have been offended by that.
Either way, his latest missive, I couldn't help be notice that he seems to have found some time for relaxation in the interim, seems decidely chilled. It suits him.
Originally posted by emsed1
At Maban's request a couple weeks back I passed along his email address to the other two. Cadbury has been offline due to internet issues and it's hard to communicate with him.
The third has been busy and I haven't been able to have a discussion with her/him about all this.
This morning a message was waiting for me:
I am beginning to think that my presence will not amount to much change, the damage has been done and It is time to move on.
I have yet to hear from any but you, so I feel any need for my presence is long gone.
I feel the best thing I can do now is simply let my work die, those whom took something away are the few whom have benefited.
I genuinely feel like I have overstayed my welcome.
I think it best for all if I leave well enough alone.
Perhaps in five- ten years time it will be right again to try as we have before.
- Maban
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I will share some thoughts on how collective consciousness is collectively used to isolate the individual which may explain the resistance. Perhaps my actual feelings about a theory itself are in between the lines as why would I use it if I didn't have a favorable bias?
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I think that the term "collective" used in the context of humanity has become somewhat of a perjorative given the associations with mob behavior or oppressive regimes. The past century especially has given people pause to declare themselves any part of a perceived "hive mind", whether it be because of atrocities committed by groups or because of glorification of the individual self. A collective is seen a structure in which we lose our prized individuality and perhaps even our human rights.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
With the animal kingdom, identification of their kind as something other than human and something separate from, does not trigger the defense mechanisms required to maintain the view in which we have been indoctrinated. We may freely speak of collectives within that sphere, without triggering our conditioned responses.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
In fact, I will go so far as to say it helps us justify and alleviate guilt about our maltreatment of other terrestrial species, the only salient aspect of their nature being that of their species, not the individual organisms.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
We can sleep comfortably knowing that they are different and do not share any similar individual experiences. Especially important is to discount their individual suffering.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Industrialization combined with a Protestant work ethic served to force people to cut ties with community and force them into large cities. With minimal support from others, they could be exploited to work their lives away in factories, with minimal pay, no social mobility and no time for liesurly activities. Conditioning the worker this way is important in that any will to serve another in an altruistic gesture is broken, to make him believe that to give is to take away from one's self. With the support system cut off, you can manipulate the people by threatening their livelyhoods if they do not cooperate. They cannot as easily object to their conditions since there is no safety net on which to depend. Note that I am not necessarily discussing the availablity of welfare programs or transfer payments but also that of maintaining a circle of others who are there when you need them and will happily assist you in less bountiful times. If an individual has that support, they can pick and choose the means of their survival more freely, for whom they work and just what they are willing to do in that line of work.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Additionally, it is not to say that Protestantism itself is a necessary ingredient, just the view that individual material success is more important than strong community bonds along with the idea that one must outcompete another to ensure their own survival, which creating a perception of scarcity helps to reinforce.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Keep in mind that the ones that revered the bees were the ones that could also be considered the elite ruling class. They knew better about the interdependencies and connectedness regardless of the lies they promulgated to those that served them. To an extent, they believed their own lies if they needed to exhalt themselves so far above the peons. The beehive could be looked at as a symbol of hoarding the precious gold from those outside the more priviliged community. Eventually though, the badgers outside get hungry, adapt, become immune to the stings and will raid the hive.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
The scientific community, largely being raised within the masses and exposed to the societal, or even religious conditioning, will fall prey to the now endemic cultural suggestions. They must serve to expand knowledge, rather than emphasizing individual recognition. It may be against the interest of those in power, who wish to preserve the old ways, to discourage those in positions of intellectual authority from helping us restore our proper awareness. Much like the lowly worker, they may be kept in line by threatening their means of livelyhood. Really, they are just lowly workers as well.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
The perception of separateness and complete self-reliance is an unnatural one, one used for control by fear. It is a shared delusion. Reject it.
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
I suppose if I comment on this, I will comment over there in context. If you wouldn't mind, drop me into the thread with a link at the correct point; the posts are quite lengthy. I had a peep and saw a lecture in progress on U.S. Constitutional law.
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
By chaord, I mean any self-organizing, self governing, adaptive, nonlinear, complex organism, organization, community or system, whether physical, biological or social, the behavior of which harmoniously blends characteristics of both chaos and order. Loosely translated to business, it can be thought of as an organization that harmoniously blends characteristics of competition and cooperation; or from the perspective of education, an organization that seamlessly blends theoretical and experiential learning. As I learned from the formation and operation of Visa, an early archetype of such organizations, they require a much different consciousness about the leader/follower dichotomy.
Leader presumes follower. Follower presumes choice. One who is coerced to the purposes, objectives, or preferences of another is not a follower in any true sense of the word, but an object of manipulation. Nor is the relationship materially altered if both parties voluntarily accept the dominance of one by the other. A true leader cannot be bound to lead. A true follower cannot be bound to follow. The moment they are bound they are no longer leader or follower. If the behavior of either is compelled, whether by force, economic necessity, or contractual arrangement, the relationship is altered to one of superior/subordinate, manager/employee, master/servant, or owner/slave. All such relationships are materially different from leader/follower.
Induced behavior is the essence of leader/follower. Compelled behavior is the essence of all the other relational concepts. Where behavior is compelled, there you will find tyranny, however benign. Where behavior is induced, there you will find leadership, however powerful. Leadership does not necessarily imply constructive, ethical, open conduct. It is entirely possible to induce destructive, malign, devious behavior, and to do so by corrupt means. Therefore, a clear, constructive purpose and compelling ethical principles evoked from and shared by all participants should be the essence of every relationship in every institution.
A vital question is how to insure that those who lead are constructive, ethical, open, and honest. The answer is to follow those who behave in that manner. It comes down to both individual and collective sense of where and how people choose to be led. In a very real sense, followers lead by choosing where to be led. Where an organizational community will be led is inseparable from the shared values and beliefs of its members.
Originally posted by AKARonco
have any of you seen the "fulford vs illuminati" thread? I really dont know what to make of it, but would like to hears some of your views on it.
Originally posted by kshaund
I also personally don't believe the future is never set and remains always in humanity's hands and no one elses! Just sounds too pat especially in light of all the crap raining around us (H1N1 flu and its obvious deadly end; war; recession; FEMA, etc. etc. etc.) and we're supposed to believe we can change it?????
Originally posted by kshaund
We've been lied to since we were created hundreds of thousands of years ago - this lumen thing is suppose to have been here for millions of years observing - well observation isn't going to help us - only divine intervention will since we've been slaves for ever with virtually no hope of ever knowing the truth because their "plan" is flawless as it has worked for billions of years everywhere else –
Originally posted by kshaund
I could liken it to a borg mentality ruling us - the shadow government, whatever you want to call it, has been around forever doing this and we can change the future?!? Is that what they told all the other civilizations taken over ?
Originally posted by kshaund
All we can control is our response to everything. All we can do is learn as much as we can about our real origins and understand how trapped our souls literally are here. We cannot change what they've been doing for billions of years! It's (I think) very revealing as to Maban's lack of deep knowledge and irresponsible to again foist upon people "you can change the future, it's in your control" - I say BS it's in our control! That's one of the great lies - it doesn't mean we can't maneuver, but that we are in charge of our destiny and karma and and and all that other stuff that keeps us as VICTIMS! We created this reality - therefore " insert blame here " and if you don't change it then YOU are " insert blame here ".
Originally posted by kshaund
Sorry - I just don't read any depth in Maban's message. I believe he is a fraud for that reason
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I will share some thoughts on how collective consciousness is collectively used to isolate the individual which may explain the resistance. Perhaps my actual feelings about a theory itself are in between the lines as why would I use it if I didn't have a favorable bias?
Interesting choice of words...favourable to whom? And, how would you use it? Out of curiousity.
If you think of the collective as being able to perceive the feelings or emotions, or rather the suffering of others, then war would only be possible by switching it off.
I favour the Triune Brain model
What I find though, more and more, is that the notion that in order to get ‘up there’, you have to ‘cut corners’ is promoted. To get to the top you have to be bad seems to be the rule rather than the exception in the mainstream. It is good to be bad.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Is there equivocation going on as to the meaning of "collective consciousness"?
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
What I'm saying is that collective memes are used to make the connections invisible to those within the collective system. By using that to bolster my ideas, I am admitting a tacit acceptance of collectivity, no?
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Those bound by the instilled illusion of separateness do in fact continuously attempt to guage the state of others, if only to make sure they are blending into the background fabric rather than standing out as conspicuous elements of a foreground pattern.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
There is a fine line between a hive mind and a collective consciousness which facilitates transmutation, likely in the form of a refocusing of attention.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I will wager that there are masochistic individuals who would derive ever more pleasure from being able to directly perceive the suffering of others. I have no illusions that people becoming more aware in itself will make them kinder, more loving or necessarily foster any other positive traits. It is possible to (re)awaken to a dark path.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
In that case, you know that David Icke should realize that we are the reptilian shape shifters.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I have had more than my fair share of "attractive opportunities" available. Had an unscrupulous charter been in my shoes, it could have spelled big trouble.