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Originally posted by emsed1
Hehe... sorry to be absent as of late.
I have been 'herding cats' at work...
"The number is THREE......"
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Originally posted by emsed1
Hehe... sorry to be absent as of late.
I have been 'herding cats' at work...
"The number is THREE......"
Out of interest, do you and EnlightenUp understand each other? These little exchanges of yours leave me quite baffled, not sure if it is a gender thing, nationality or something else altogether. It's all a bit 'Ptang, yang, kipper-bang'.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Also, have you noticed the turn of phrase 'herding cats' with increased frequency lately?
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I have noticed it used within earshot more in the past week than in my entire life previously. Perhaps the increase in usage reflects a growing and collective sense of futility under an outdated world paradigm? Who might be trying to bring it to the forefront of our conscious awareness by repeating that idiom if not ourselves?
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Also, have you noticed the turn of phrase 'herding cats' with increased frequency lately?
No I can't say I have, I obviously move in the wrong circles.
Oh, and thanks for the clarification there. Most helpful.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Illuminati alert!
This character registered today.
Pseudonym: theneoilluminati
Supposed Realnym: Jason St. Denis Brown
This Is An Official Transmission from the N.I.
The REAL Continuity of Operations Plan
The Cheat Code of Reality
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Some intersting stuff he has put up there. I'll reserve judgement for the time being.
He is on My Space too.
Bless his cotton ones...
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Originally posted by emsed1
Hehe... sorry to be absent as of late.
I have been 'herding cats' at work...
"The number is THREE......"
Out of interest, do you and EnlightenUp understand each other? These little exchanges of yours leave me quite baffled, not sure if it is a gender thing, nationality or something else altogether. It's all a bit 'Ptang, yang, kipper-bang'.
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Originally posted by kshaund
I also personally don't believe the future is never set and remains always in humanity's hands and no one elses! Just sounds too pat especially in light of all the crap raining around us (H1N1 flu and its obvious deadly end; war; recession; FEMA, etc. etc. etc.) and we're supposed to believe we can change it?????
Why shouldn’t we be able to change it? We made the situation, humanity, surely we therefore have the capability to turn it around. The Swine Flu is only another flu, it is only a pandemic because it has affected individuals in more than one continent. It is no deadlier than any other flu and it will unlikely kill as many as the Spanish Flu, it certainly will not kill anywhere near as many people as malaria and HIV are killing, but the difference is those people are not white, and we care less about non-white nations.
Recession? So what? FEMA? So what? There are far more serious problems affecting humanity and this planet, but we worry about ourselves and as long as it doesn’t touch us we don’t really see it. Swine flu, bird flu, FEMA, recession all provide the necessary distraction from the fact that people really are suffering, rather than sitting around worrying that they may one day suffer…which is what you are doing.
Originally posted by kshaund
We've been lied to since we were created hundreds of thousands of years ago - this lumen thing is suppose to have been here for millions of years observing - well observation isn't going to help us - only divine intervention will since we've been slaves for ever with virtually no hope of ever knowing the truth because their "plan" is flawless as it has worked for billions of years everywhere else –
If we were created as you believe then it was a darn sight longer ago that a few thousands years ago. By my estimation, any interference, positive or negative that occurred in our development would have had to have taken place at least 5 million years ago around the time we went bipedal. Any later or for that matter earlier and it makes no sense, for me that is the only possible window of opportunity.
I agree that Divine intervention may help, but unfortunately it seems that most of us are unaware of how to recognise that divinity even when it slaps us in the face with a wet fish. The majority are looking for it in entirely the wrong place for starters. Until we realise that, we will be enslaved, but through choice, we are just reluctant to acknowledge that we have that choice, the alternative, to blame, to claim powerlessness, is so much easier.
Originally posted by kshaund
I could liken it to a borg mentality ruling us - the shadow government, whatever you want to call it, has been around forever doing this and we can change the future?!? Is that what they told all the other civilizations taken over ?
The shadow government, may exist, but it can be seen if you look closely enough at how institutions and systems function. They don’t hide themselves, not really, they don’t need to we’re all pretty much in their thrall as it is. We passively sit by paying our taxes so that they can wage wars and rape the planet. We get ourselves into a frenzy over an outbreak of the sniffles, while children are dying, horribly and painfully from disease and conflict, which we in the West have the power to stop. Before long Africa will have suffered the depopulation that those in North America so fear hitting their doorsteps, but think about it, why kill off those that have an income to pay taxes and a disposable income to buy the crap that all their exploitation of resources provide for us to buy, when they could kill off the poor black Africans and then take over their resources wholesale. Just look at Tanzania, the World Bank has lent millions for the industrial, agricultural and communications development of the country, it has provided no loans to support education and health programmes of the indiginenous peoples who are being devastated by the Malaria, HIV double whammy. By the time Tanzania comes on line as the new bread basket of the world there is likely to be very few Tanzanians left and the country will be ripe for whitening.
Originally posted by kshaund
All we can control is our response to everything. All we can do is learn as much as we can about our real origins and understand how trapped our souls literally are here. We cannot change what they've been doing for billions of years! It's (I think) very revealing as to Maban's lack of deep knowledge and irresponsible to again foist upon people "you can change the future, it's in your control" - I say BS it's in our control! That's one of the great lies - it doesn't mean we can't maneuver, but that we are in charge of our destiny and karma and and and all that other stuff that keeps us as VICTIMS! We created this reality - therefore " insert blame here " and if you don't change it then YOU are " insert blame here ".
It may keep you a victim, it most certainly doesn’t have that effect on me and I do believe that we can change but I appreciate that there are too few who truly understand that as yet. But onwards and upwards, while there is life there is hope as someone recently said.
Originally posted by kshaund
Sorry - I just don't read any depth in Maban's message. I believe he is a fraud for that reason
Does there necessarily have to be any depth to the message? I find it is the simplicity of the message that touches me, it is plain and without need for thought and contemplation, it is what it is. Refreshing somewhat. Of course the interpretation is all my own, as is how I intend to implement it, personally, but perhaps you are looking too hard, or maybe you are looking for someone else to answer all your questions. And of course that all elusive, media promoted, hero.
Out of interest, you have referred a number of times to your own research into our origins but you have not sourced that information or extrapolated in any way, to my knowledge. As far as I can recall no one has called you a liar or a fraud for your inability or unwillingness to do that. As I say, sometimes it is in the simplicity, ‘treat others as you wish to be treated yourself’, ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone’, ‘judge not lest you be judged’. I may not believe all that Maban has said or claimed to be, but I am assured of his good intention, and since he has never asked me to prove myself to him, why should I not afford him the same courtesy?
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Boxers or briefs?
Originally posted by kshaund
kilgore -
I cracked up laughing at your reply - hilarious!
Originally posted by kshaund
I'd like to reply to all this, but I'm not adept at the quote/quote stuff - I just don't believe we can create our future (in its entirety) and that its our fault for the present (in its entirety) because we have been manipulated as 'citizens' for as long as its been.
Originally posted by kshaund
It could well be millions of years back that we were tinkered with, as you suggest. But tinkered with, yes, I believe that is so. I believe God, as generally perceived by any religion, is nothing more than a genetic scientist and ancient manipulators in our face, yes.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Denada, senorita.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Where do we go from here? Originally emsed1 set the condition that we should assume the Illuminati do not currently exist and then share evidence supporting their existence.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
As a result, the term 'Illuminati' no longer possesses any definite meaning. Who, what, when, where, why, and how lack definite answers. The connections and their meaning that are drawn from the old order to today's world depend upon the creativity of the researcher and author.
The real element in question has primacy to all definitive labels. It is a master of trasformation. It manifests itself in many forms under many names but what is seen it not the thing itself. The form it takes is the form given it by the creative power of the individuals, whether comprising a group with a specific mission or working on their own. Seemingly common threads do not necessarily indicate a lineage. Some are roots, some are leaves, connected to an unseen, primary stem.
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Denada, senorita.
I knew those seemingly endless hours of Dora the Explorer would pay off eventually. In fact, I wonder whether I find you more comprehensible in another language....hmmm?
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Where do we go from here? Originally emsed1 set the condition that we should assume the Illuminati do not currently exist and then share evidence supporting their existence.
See there we go, you've lost me again.
Originally posted by emsed1
In other words, if we assume the "Illuminati" do not exist, what evidence do we have that can prove their existence?
Reading this, I was reminded of when Maban came back at christmas and at some point he had a paddy about people U2Uing him asking for help or 'saviour'.
He seemed genuinely upset, understandably I suppose, and he said something about the Illuminons just being individuals living in housing estates, operating on their own.
Edit to add: Have you noticed that when we post to this thread it gets bumped onto the headline or whatever it is bit at the top of the board but that the Shards thread was never listed there, not once, even though it was at times the only active thread on the board? Funny that.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Es una curiosidad que tu me crees mas ententible en otra idioma. Porque? Mi ingles no es facil a comprender? Creo que es porque mi mente esta afuera esta realidad.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Tengo un gato en mis pantalones.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
If emsed1 meant only Maban's group, I can say I've not found anything of more import than World of Warcraft guilds or the like. Personally, I felt his statement to be more general to the 'Illuminati' moniker.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
As I understand it, some were asking for employment as well but who can blame them these days? I think the only open position was for 'petty cash officer' but that was filled by a small, green reptilian creature with a British accent that utilizes van der Waals forces from nanoscale hairs on its feet to steadfastly adhere to polished surfaces. Noone else had the slightest hope to compete with that.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I am quite handy around the house, being able to fix pretty much anything. I'll admit it; I have even made clothing. This may sound like a good thing but as soon as people believe they can turn to you to do everything for them they will inevitably cease to try on their own. Before long, the deluge of service requests will be overwhelming.
Originally posted by kshaund
So, simple truths, absolutely are powerful - and can come from anyone, anything, anytime. I always separate the message from the source - and always take a message that matches the source as more credible.
The Dark Mountain
"There have been so many great souls. The Gods have blessed us with so many great voices that have given us words of wisdom and love. I have often been puzzled why with so much wisdom available, humanity still seems so lost.
So, as I often do, I asked "Why?" I asked the Gods why it is that even with such an abundance of direction we so often lose our way. In answer, I was given a dream.
In the dream, I was looking at a mountain at night. Covered in darkness, except that there were small points of light here, there and everywhere. All of these lights, from the bottom to the top were moving.
Then I "Knew" why we get so lost. Like being on a mountain at night, it is pointless to call out explicit directions to someone moving below you. You cannot see where they are, nor do you know where on the mountain they began. You cannot see their path, nor even the steps that they should take to move up towards you.
At best, you could call out to them how YOU got to the place you are. But if they followed your directions explicitly, and were not in the right place, exactly where you were when you took those steps, those directions could send them plummeting off a cliff. Or onto a ledge where they might be stuck.
The only thing left then, is to SHINE. Shine as brightly as you can, while moving towards the summit on your own, following the light of those ahead of you. Those below can then use YOUR light as a beacon as they pick their own way along the treacherous pathway. Each of us has to find our own handholds, and place our own feet. If we fall, we must find within our Self the determination to begin the journey again. But the lights moving above can give us the sense of the possible. They can give us a direction to move in, something to move towards. But that is all anyone can be, a light in the darkness. No one can tell you in detail where to place your hands, your feet, nor give you the strength to climb.
So climb. Look to the bright lights ahead of you, but look knowing the path is yours and yours alone. Dont shout to those below with too much detail, their path is also theirs and theirs alone. Just shine. "
(From the Tao de Ching.)
38. Ritual
Well established hierarchies are not easily uprooted;
Closely held beliefs are not easily released;
So ritual enthralls generation after generation.
Harmony does not care for harmony, and so is naturally attained;
But ritual is intent upon harmony, and so can not attain it.
Harmony neither acts nor reasons;
Love acts, but without reason;
Justice acts to serve reason;
But ritual acts to enforce reason.
When the Way is lost, there remains harmony;
When harmony is lost, there remains love;
When love is lost, there remains justice;
But when justice is lost, there remains ritual.
Ritual is the end of compassion and honesty,
The beginning of confusion;
Belief is a colourful hope or fear,
The beginning of folly.
The sage goes by harmony, not by hope;
He dwells in the fruit, not the flower;
He accepts substance, and ignores abstraction.