posted on May, 15 2009 @ 06:03 PM
I haven't had the time to read this entire thread, and the inevitable complaints, grousing, and general predictable disagreement with almost anything
we try to do in making sure our discussion environment is among the best available. But, from many of the contrary opinions I've seen, many people
appear to be missing the core point with doing something like this... acknowledging those who make the effort to create content that grabs our
attention. After all, that's what sparks discussion on a discussion board, no?
These acknowledgements do not imply that those who mostly reply are not valuable to the community.
These acknowledgements do not imply that length of membership is not something we (ATS) do not treasure.
What these acknowledgements do is lend a very-favorable nod in the direction of those who take the time to consider (mostly) creating new topics that
eventually spark discussion and debate. Without that, there's nothing much going on, is there?
Sure, the increasing scale of posts, stars, and flags are not perfect.
Sure, there is some level of abuse by those who simply star opinions with which they're in agreement.
Sure, some less-than stellar threads occasionally get lots of stars... but then, it's most-often because the follow-up discussion is pretty good.
But, it's a pretty good metric by which we can determine an effort to contribute content that matters. We hope most of our members are interested in
compelling topics and showing appreciation for the segment of members who make an effort to give them to us.
That's all this is.
It's not a popularity contest.
It's not a clan flag.
It's democratic formula that plays no favorites.