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Avoiding the 'mandatory' vaccination ...

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posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:03 PM
Wouldn't it be just like TPTB to plant the idea that vaccines are more dangerous than ever and create intense fear against vaccinations.

All the young independent, do it my way folks, would refuse the flu vaccine and then sometime in the next few months after refusing the jab, a real flu pandemic hits us. An even more deadly strain.

That would be a good way to dispose of the freedom fighters, anti vaccination people, and those that openly show distrust and dislike of the government. Reverse psychology works very well.

You can bet your booty I'll be in line to get my flu shot just like I do every year. I'm due for a pneumonia shot too this year.

I do respect the wishes of those that do not want the government telling them they must be vaccinated. It is certainly your right to refuse.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:05 PM
I doubt there will mandatory flu shots coming this fall. I mean doesn't the government want depopulation anyway. In theory if less people get the flu shots then more will die. Then again if the flu shots cost money then whoever is invested in the flu shot producer's company will gain some big money.

Anyway I have never gotten a flu shot, due to my phobia of getting shots, and rarely ever get sick. In the last few years I have only gotten the flu once, ironically it was the beginning of this year.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:12 PM
I have stared this thread because I have a daughter who is very active and according to many test would be considered boarder line autistic.

I don't think it has anything to do with the MMR shot and and really don't even believe we have a problem, but the more and more you hear about the correlation the more you worry.

I just want to say to all parents who have children who show signs of something don't worry. The only reason you worry is you are over-educated and have enough wealth to have your kid tested.

If you were not someone who would have the time to look for these things, or the knowledge that their may be a problem, you would just consider it a kid being a kid.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:22 PM
Vaccine Ingredients

I bookmarked this site back in 2007. It lists some of the known ingredients of vaccines.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:25 PM
Many of our vets are coming home sick if the NWO wants to make its move well young people of fighting age sickend by vaccines and these bugs they are releasing wont be able to put up much of a fight.Remember they have classed them as right wing extremist.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:30 PM
what is to stop the powers that be from releasing a real vaccine to protect against a real virus that has been engineered . This might be a tactic used .It would facilitate a back lash on those refusing vaccines and make many give in .

[edit on 14-5-2009 by OpusMarkII]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:43 PM
A good friend of mine, Todd Elsner M.D. wrote a 500 page book about the dangers of vaccines and the ways to legally avoid them. He also made a 7 hour DVD that comes with the book that Gives even more information and ways to get around it.

He put thousands into an infomercial and had time slots on every national news channel as well as other national cable channels and guess what?

The day before they were supposed to air on EVERY channel, they canceled his airing and gave his money back. No reasons, just a COMPLETE SHUTOUT!

The cover of his book is VERY CONTROVERSIAL being that it's a baby with about 100 syringes stuck it him. He's being shut out so he's about to put up a billboard on I35 in Dallas, TX advertising it. lol Maybe the media will pick it up then.

Anyway, there's def. something going on being that he's being shutout from every MSM channel.

Also something he informed me of: Do you know that there are doctors over seas curing CANCER left and right? The reason we don't know about it is because the Gov. makes us think that it's incurable.


[edit on 14-5-2009 by conjure314]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by AlphaTier
Does anyone really think that if the CDC, Health and Human Services, the US Preventive Health Task Force or any other US government entity believed vaccines were so dangerous, that they would make vaccination mandatory for 3 million members of their military?

Yah, well does anybody remember Gulf War syndrome? It was in the news just this past winter that drugs and vaccines administered to troops (among other things) caused 1 in 4 troops to have gulf war syndrome.

Gulf War illness is real, new federal report says

An extensive federal report released Monday concludes that roughly one in four of the 697,000 U.S. veterans of the 1990-91 Gulf War suffer from Gulf War illness.

That illness is a condition now identified as the likely consequence of exposure to toxic chemicals, including pesticides and a drug administered to protect troops against nerve gas.

The 452-page report states that "scientific evidence leaves no question that Gulf War illness is a real condition with real causes and serious consequences for affected veterans."


Anthrax vaccine

-During Operation Desert Storm, 41% of U.S. combat soldiers and 57-75% of UK combat soldiers were vaccinated against anthrax.

-Even after the war, troops that had never been deployed overseas, after receiving the anthrax vaccine, developed symptoms similar to those of Gulf War Syndrome. The Pentagon failed to report to Congress 20,000 cases where soldiers were hospitalized after receiving the vaccine between 1998 and 2000. Despite repeated assurances that the vaccine was safe and necessary, a U.S. Federal Judge ruled that there was good cause to believe it was harmful, and he ordered the Pentagon to stop administering it in October 2004. The ban was lifted in February 2008 after the FDA re-examined and approved the drug again. Anthrax vaccine is the only substance suspected in Gulf War syndrome to which forced exposure has since been banned to protect troops from it.


[edit on 14-5-2009 by ZombieSlayer]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:55 PM
They (TPTB) wont have to worry about making it mandatory , once the Alien disclosure comes here soon , and they show themselves. People will be so freaked and will be told that it would be a good idea to get a shot so we dont get their germs.....the sheep will line up in groves.... Just a thought.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by conjure314

Can you back this up with data or a source?

I highly doubt these claims.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by ZombieSlayer

100% of troops that deploy to CENTCOM receive the anthrax vaccination now.

They may be something to the Gulf War Syndrome, but I don't believe it is vaccine related.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 11:24 PM
I will say this right here and now... quite frankly, I'm tired of people telling me (and you) how to live our lives.
In that, I protest the idea being proposed.

I am not for any kind of vaccination whether it be a 'selective one' or otherwise, no matter who says it is 'needed' or so on.. fact is I could give two #s less about some person telling me what I should do to avoid 'this' which in my eyes could be construed as going so far to round up or detain peoples for innoculation. Forget it.

Back on topic,
I never had a flu shot, ever. I wasn't the healthiest in my younger years, and to the best of my recollection I was very sick around the ages 3-4, almost died. Thirty some years later, I avoid the hospitals like they are the plague. In the last 14 years I can count on one hand how many times I have had a serious case of the flu. The last ten years in my workplace, maybe one sick day.

My advice... don't do it. Don't take the shot.

edit to add... if given the circumstance I will most definately excercise my objection upon ethical grounds. Glad my state still has that clause.

[edit on 09/5/14 by telemetry]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by AlphaTier

There's no doubt that troops today are still getting an anthrax vaccine. The anthrax vaccine currently used is not the same vaccine that was issued during the 1st Gulf War though. So I don't understand your point?

And yes the vaccine used during the Gulf War has been listed as one of the causes of Gulf War Syndrome. Read the federal report, you might become a believer.

This is one example that shows that vaccines aren't always safe and that there are risks.

[edit on 14-5-2009 by ZombieSlayer]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 11:49 PM
I check Todd Elsner and I found 2 links.

it sound like serious issue.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 12:13 AM
Another recent example of how things can go wrong with vaccines.

Vaccine Recall: What Parents Need to Know (Thursday, Dec. 13, 2007)

Merck announced that it is voluntarily recalling 1 million doses of two common childhood vaccines, routinely given to children under 5. Here's everything you need to know about the recall.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by ZombieSlayer
reply to post by AlphaTier

There's no doubt that troops today are still getting an anthrax vaccine. The anthrax vaccine currently used is not the same vaccine that was issued during the 1st Gulf War though. So I don't understand your point?

And yes the vaccine used during the Gulf War has been listed as one of the causes of Gulf War Syndrome. Read the federal report, you might become a believer.

This is one example that shows that vaccines aren't always safe and that there are risks.

[edit on 14-5-2009 by ZombieSlayer]

The anthrax vaccine used now is different.

The drug that was to protect troops from nerve gas wasn't the anthrax vaccine. It was 2-PAM Cl. Anthrax vaccine has never been correlated with gulf war syndrome. Please source the federal report you are talking about. I know what the report says and I know the data behind it. There might be someone familiar on it.

I believe TPTB genuinely to maximize the lifespan of the troops. What other outcome would they want?

[edit on 15-5-2009 by AlphaTier] my bad, spelling problems

[edit on 15-5-2009 by AlphaTier]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by ZombieSlayer
Vaccine Ingredients

I bookmarked this site back in 2007. It lists some of the known ingredients of vaccines.

Going down this list:

1. Acel-Immune DTaP, Wyeth-Ayerst: No such thing. MILVAX - Package Inserts

2. Act HIB Haemophilus influenza Type B, Connaught Laboratories, No such thing. MILVAX - Package Inserts

3. Attenuvax, Merck & Co., Inc.: Neomycin, chick embryo, gelatin. Neomycin is a common antibiotic. Chick embryo is the scientific way of saying eggs. Sorbital is common in foods. Gelatin??? What flavor of JELLO is your favorite?

4. Biavax, rubella, Merck & Co., Inc.: See #3

5. BioThrax, anthrax adsorbed, BioPort Corporation: No longer used.

I can keep going down the list, but it's erroneous and a waste of time.

Like I said earlier, the government isn't going to inoculate their greatest defense with a bunch of poisonous substances.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by colt122

You ever hear of home schooling? Most people couldn't handle the prospect of having to teach there own kids instead of leting the state do it. I grew up in a faimly that did home schooling back in the 60's. You can say I came from a faimly of free thinking hippies, and I turned out great. So you have to think of it this way, do you have the time to teach your own kids, or do you let the state teach them, vacinate them, program them. So that one day they turn YOU in. Its a known fact that the majority of the people that turn others in are faimly members. Just thought id give you that to think about.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:36 AM
They won't vaccinate me. I'll Vaccinate them...

They can shove their needle up their you know what.

They made this damn virus anyway...

3 schools in New York are to be closed for 5 days next week... One person is in critical condition from the school.

100's of children sent home with Flu like symptoms and there ARE h1n1 strains in lots of them...

This virus is Airborne, the weather in the U.S. is Phucked up, causing perfect thriving conditions for the crap. Plus you have hundreds of kids coughing, sneezing, snotting breathing and touching everything, for 5 miles in every direction from their schools... Talk about an outbreak...

Which is what I said a week ago, if it's anywhere ANYWHERE in New York, it's going to be all over the world. Do you know how many people live in New York?

Do you know how many people in New York have Sub-standard health care? No health care?

But don't worry, all is well. There is no pandemic, everyone was just panicking...

Yeah well the worst thing is what they DO know and they aren't telling...

Don't you just love this lying what you don't know is good for you country...

[edit on 5/15/2009 by Brainiac]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Tentickles
I have a fear of hypodermic needles, just typing that word makes my skin crawl. It adds to the fact I will never, EVER get a vaccine again.

I like to watch the needle going into my skin and pushing the vaccine in...blood withdraws are more fun to watch lol.

However, if it came time to get a mandatory vaccine, I'd hold out at my uncles house in the woods till everything blows over...although realistically, I would lose my job if I did that...and what if your job says you must be vaccinated to come to work? Or you must be vaccinated to retain your health insurance? There are more indirect ways to force us to take them...
What if those of us who are not vaccinated are deemed unclean...and are forced to be quarantined in camps, with numbers tattooed on our arms, and a star on our sleeve to indicate we are unclean [you know where I am heading with this]

[edit on 5/15/2009 by AnonymousMoose]

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