reply to post by SugarCube
its so hard iv been on a epic journey lol
but im back!!!
ill try my best here and i know its going to upset a lot of readers but bare with me its a good thing to be upset in a way ...
ok.. goes like this .. when i first came to ats "theresult" i was not me.. well i was but in my head i was brash horrible forcefull but thought i
was being something .. then something happend to me that ,,, well it changed my life and my entire look on it..
IT happend lol i died in my sleep now i dont know why i did but if you know me you know i dont lie or say things that mean jack jiggery .. i died in
my sleep, i did not see no wacky tunnels or god but i felt life being put back into me "best way i can describe it"
now many posts i made be for this little encounter was always about the LOOP and why the hell we are stuck here "i wanted my own questions answered"
ect .. sooo neways
I died.. but i found out something profound and very very disturbing lol
The question we are all asking is the reason why we are here.. now i know that sounds totaly dumb "how can a question be an answer?" well .. in
order for you to get answers what do you need? "a question"
the universe is a BIG question "someone or something" aka IT is asking.. now when you think about it.. it gets crappy and deep..
you see WE us! humans are kinda the answer to ITs own questions but it gives rise to something els at the same time.. OUR own questions about why we
are here..
Whatever is asking does not care why we ask.. BUT it cares / needs life
think of life as a physical yes / no .. i dont know what side of the equation we are on but im guessing "and yes i am guessing coz i was not told"
we are the YES and death is the NO "hence why you cant ask" lol? sounds crazy wait i got more...
When we ask our own questions we infact become the very thing we made from
made in its own image "got that bloody right" lol we ask because IT is asking
its like some crazy merry go round.. now in order for us lot to stay here.. we need to do 2 things
understand the question not the answers .. think about what our function and role is Inside of the question and keep THE question Going in a way that
makes another universe
You see in order for our minds to keep going we need to keep asking .. life is ment to be here "even all the crappy bits" but life is not restricted
to just humans
its a function! we are a manifestion of the question in that regards we are no different from a tree....
but a tree does not ask why its a tree its just happy being a tree!
We need to be just happy BEING human.. get our # togher and keep the questions going and answers flowing
hard to take in but try dieing its not fun but very interesting!
"DO NOT GO TRY KILL URSELF" i did not ask it just happend....