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I cannot believe that it is a single entity, to me that makes to sense. No ammoun of spiritual or empiracal evidence has been presented to me to prove otherwise.
Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Alright then,
I've been wanting to write about this for a little while now, but didn't quite know how well it would be received here on ATS. Now this is not in association with the Secret or any other BS money grabbing idea.
The idea that, as human beings we project our own realities to me is a fundemental one. Each action creates a reaction which in term leads to another action and so on.
Usually humans will go about their lives simply living in the moment, deciding that we are not in control of fate or the mundane activities we go through and experience every day.
I think that at the core, this idea prevents us from moving upward in the evolutionary as well as the spiritual hierarchy of the universe. In order to truly be humans, in order to truly enjoy our experience here, however short or long it might be, we must embrace our realities and attempt to change them when possible to create a more positive environment.
Mind you I am only at the early phases of testing my theory, I've been doing it for about 2 years now with my calculations I get about 32% success rate. Here is how it works.
I'm a very avid spiritualist, I meditate 2 sometimes 3 times a day if I am really troubled and searching for an answer. Lately I've decided that instead of conversing with my inner self, I take a few moments to converse with the Universe itself.
Being a child of this universe, I'm thinking I have the right to give it suggestions or ask for certain things to get done on my behalf. Simple requests, for good days, good weather, perhaps some guidance with my children.
Anyway, I have been asking the universe a single favor, every day for 2 years give or take a few months. Everyday a different thing, but all things I want to happen in that specific day.
I wonder have any other ATS members ever asked the universe for something and got it? As far as my experience goes this works wonderfully, even if only 30% of the time.
What say you ATS?
That being said, I agree with your concept of the Divine Law.
Originally posted by bsbray11
Originally posted by silent thunder
I think that it should be obvious to most people there is something wrong with this line of thinking, which is why I've found books like "The Secret" and so on to be odious and spiritually noxious. The idea that we control our circumstances solely by controling the content of our minds strikes me as rather infantile. "If I close my eyes and think happy thoughts, the problem goes away. If I confront a problem head-on and acknowledge it, that's just being a "downer" and manifesting negative energy." This kind of extreme subjectivisim can lead to serious denial of all sorts of problems, in addition to the trap of blaming the less fortunate for their sad circumstances.
Who is there to talk about "sad circumstances" except you when you're around to "down" it yourself?
There are monks that have no possessions, certainly no jobs, nothing, just the clothes on their backs and their minds, and many of the same ones are amongst the most joyful people you would ever meet in your life.
I have a feeling the idea of that kind of simplicity also scares you, because you have been misled into valuing empty things. If you overvalue your job, your possessions, etc., you are bound to be upset when things happen to them, and bound to be reluctant to stop caring about them as well. Literally, you are BOUND to them in general. If you live for what are ultimately material desires, in our society, and you don't get them, you're just screwed. Your happiness would depend solely on your accumulation of things, securing money, etc. Obviously there is more to life than that, and in reality those things are totally meaningless.
It's not hard to NOT be upset, to NOT be negative, when you don't set yourself up for it. It takes no energy from me whatsoever to be optimistic, it comes naturally, because I realize that things ARE good. The pessimistic attitudes you express are the emotional equivalent of "lies" to me, they're personal feelings that don't resonate with me at all. If we don't need "think happy thoughts," as you mock it, then I still don't want any of what you're having. It's not denial, it's acceptance, being indifferent. I was the one who suggested earlier that we always seek a better understanding than the one we already possess. I have no problem with facing facts.