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Alien giants land in russia - fantastic ufo/et evidence

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posted on May, 15 2009 @ 09:00 AM
This is an interesting story, but how is this "undisputable proof"? The word proof is used too loosely on these forums. There is some evidence to support the belief that a small percentage of UFO sightings represent craft that are not manufactured on earth, but no "smoking gun" evidence. What you're showing us is no different to any other mass sighting. A bunch of unqualified, untrained observers making astounding claims that conveniently can't be proven or disproven as no one is able to take a photo or film the event. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but this certainly isn't proof.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by StevesResearch
This is an interesting story, but how is this "undisputable proof"? The word proof is used too loosely on these forums. There is some evidence to support the belief that a small percentage of UFO sightings represent craft that are not manufactured on earth, but no "smoking gun" evidence. What you're showing us is no different to any other mass sighting. A bunch of unqualified, untrained observers making astounding claims that conveniently can't be proven or disproven as no one is able to take a photo or film the event. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but this certainly isn't proof.

Right, all that is left is a story and drawings the some one drew saying
that the children did them.
Where are the costumes.
Did any one bother to ask on the youtube message board.

Children are not easily fooled and if you talked to the right ones they
would set you straight.
Nothing but a pack of lies that even the ignorant media of today
would not submit to presenting.

Give it a go Fox News and see how many caller say you are
dupes of the anti Tesla Free Energy UFO Conspiracy.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:28 AM
Great posts & sketches people. What I wonder about too, how far advanced could the Russians be knowing some of the technology as other Countries, namely the USA?

Putin aka Putnik-KGB, has been pounding Russia's gas dominance through Europe, cutting off where desired. With that in mind< what would the "Duck" do to scare or worse with alian craft technology, traded to him for what?.
Seems to me Putin's a Stalin. Canada will not allow Putin to walk into the Country's north end and take energy resources which belong to Canada.


posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
Yes the bible does. So do the Sumerians, and they were called the Annanuki.
Two names mentioned were Enki/Enlil, often compared to Lucifer/Yahweh.
The Terra papers, pre-Sitchin, as related to the natives who shelter a wounded grey, also mention Enki and a name similar to Enlil.

Ufolofy also mentions the tall whites. There is mention of both a human race and reptilian race that is 9 feet tall. I find this account fascinating.

Edit to add: the Okanagan legend of the wayward sun also mentions the tall whites. There is so much consistency in ancient times, even across great distances.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by mystiq]

Indeed, you should read 'millennial hospitality' by Charles Hall.
Very interesting book on the TallWhites

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 11:36 AM
USSR is a large UFO zone. It's possible.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

These are children you're talking about. Quite a bit different. Also, when you're in a group of ordinary people, not trained black ops or something, you can generally get a pretty feel for those telling lies alot. But children are completely different. Do note, each child drew their drawings and gave their accounts in separation from the others, they weren't able to coordinate their stories, much like the investigation with the African children. The stories coordinate. This is incredible corroborating evidence. And since the description given in the interview was about a tall human race, that looked like us, I wish they had given some details. These guys sound like the annanuki or something, by their height.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 02:35 PM
the video is been removed.....someone can say me where can i find it....i would like to watch it ,,,,thanks

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