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Alien giants land in russia - fantastic ufo/et evidence

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+5 more 
posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:16 PM
Yes in terms of absolute proof ie a craft land and an alien get out with a sign in his hand.. NOTHING will be proof until the debunkers with their mental obsession for debunking the truth get their way....

However this case in russia was seen by school teachers AND POLICEMEN and was all over the papers at the time

It has not been debunked and will never be debunked...

Its the case the debunkers put under the table and quietly walk away whistling because theres nothing they can `debunk` here.....

here it is.....
i have no idea why this isnt talked about too much nowadays as this could have been the holy grail

and before you tell me `oh this was discussed in may of 2001 i cant believe your putting this up again`... i did a search and in the first two pages found nothing.. so please! even if it was discussed at one point, new members or people into the ufo/et phenonema have a right to know about this case

skeptics your game is up

[edit on 5-5-2009 by elijahspirit]

[edit on 5-5-2009 by elijahspirit]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by elijahspirit

undisputable ufo evidence

??? You think?

Just give it a minute.

[edit on 5-5-2009 by Welfhard]

+3 more 
posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by elijahspirit
Yes in terms of absolute proof ie a craft land and an alien get out with a sign in his hand.. NOTHING will be proof until the debunkers with their mental obsession for debunking the truth get their way....
Its the case the debunkers put under the table and quietly walk away whistling because theres nothing they can `debunk` here.....

Was that Von Daniken I saw there at one point? Jeez...
While this is all quite interesting, none of it is "undisputable ufo evidence".
I mean, really...

I challenge the assertion that this will bring debunkers to their knees. Is the story true? Maybe! Is there proof? No!

Not if I could whip up a better looking presentation myself.

The bar is has to be. I am not in search for a belief system, so I am not going to entertain the notion of faith as equivalent to truth. And I don't troll these pages looking for the opportunity to be a buzzkill, but if you are going to call it 'undisputable evidence', you need to produce.

I repeat, just because some guy on the internet says so is NOT proof.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:35 PM
Thank you for sharing that. Yes, I agree that this is proof! To me this is the best kind of evidence there is, as it is the testimony of many, and the children's drawings all coincided with the event. I'd never heard of this case before. Strange how such an important and convincing case is buried or known only to a few.

These ets were very tall but still looked human. I wish they had described the coloring and if these similar to the tall whites from Sirius, the annauki (I actually believe that these are one and the same and the bloodline that is somehow related to the 12 tribes of Judah), and would have liked more descriptions asked of what they looked like.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by elijahspirit
Yes in terms of absolute proof ie a craft land and an alien get out with a sign in his hand.. NOTHING will be proof until the debunkers with their mental obsession for debunking the truth get their way....
Its the case the debunkers put under the table and quietly walk away whistling because theres nothing they can `debunk` here.....

Was that Von Daniken I saw there at one point? Jeez...
While this is all quite interesting, none of it is "undisputable ufo evidence".
I mean, really...

I challenge the assertion that this will bring debunkers to their knees. Is the story true? Maybe! Is there proof? No!

Not if I could whip up a better looking presentation myself.

The bar is has to be. I am not in search for a belief system, so I am not going to entertain the notion of faith as equivalent to truth. And I don't troll these pages looking for the opportunity to be a buzzkill, but if you are going to call it 'undisputable evidence', you need to produce.

I repeat, just because some guy on the internet says so is NOT proof.

let me rephrase that

if a skeptic calls a very good case, or even a good sighting for that matter `fake` thats just his opinion and does NOT RENDER THE CASE INVALID!

so to sum it up
its YOUR opinion that this isnt good enough.. it does NOT for one second mean this case never happened nor does it debunk it and NOT does it mean ets/ufos dont exist and havent been visiting earth!!

[edit on 5-5-2009 by elijahspirit]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
Thank you for sharing that. Yes, I agree that this is proof! To me this is the best kind of evidence there is, as it is the testimony of many, and the children's drawings all coincided with the event. I'd never heard of this case before. Strange how such an important and convincing case is buried or known only to a few.

These ets were very tall but still looked human. I wish they had described the coloring and if these similar to the tall whites from Sirius, the annauki (I actually believe that these are one and the same and the bloodline that is somehow related to the 12 tribes of Judah), and would have liked more descriptions asked of what they looked like.


skeptics are forgeting that in good cases like these...

or even for that matter good video footage of a ufo.....

the balls in THEIR court to proove its `fake` or `not what we think it is`!

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by elijahspirit

You know, I remember when this video was posted some months ago and the discussion following it. The debunkers claim was merely, that everyone in the video lied.

Typichal for debunkers, really. If they cannot debunk the events in a case, they "solve" it by saying that the case didn't happen.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by mystiq

I doubt that you could say that they looked Human, as they from a distance didn't seem to have any heads, as the heads was so low seated on the shoulders.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Nightchild
reply to post by elijahspirit

You know, I remember when this video was posted some months ago and the discussion following it. The debunkers claim was merely, that everyone in the video lied.

Typichal for debunkers, really. If they cannot debunk the events in a case, they "solve" it by saying that the case didn't happen.

well another debunker tactic ive noticed on forums is, if all else fails is to then divert to quick jabs at you or the et subject in general.. and carry on until you finally lose your temper and have a go at them.....
then they have an excuse to complain to the mods and to try to get you banned,

it must be very hard for them sitting on a computer all day long trying to debunk roswell the battle of l.a the pheonix lights rendellsham forest etc

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:51 PM
"Its the case the debunkers put under the table and quietly walk away whistling because theres nothing they can `debunk` here....."

A TV show about a twenty year old sighting with no supporting evidence? Do we even NEED to debunk this?

BTW, you fail at searching. There are two pages of links on this site to this particular Unidentified Fantasy Object. (TM, Welfard!)

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by elijahspirit

skeptics are forgeting that in good cases like these...

or even for that matter good video footage of a ufo.....

the balls in THEIR court to proove its `fake` or `not what we think it is`!

I don't think that's true, especially in the days of Computer Generated Images. I have a magazine tucked away somewhere that has a cover story with a UFO whistling through down-town San Francisco and it reads "Photograph no longer proof of anything"...and this from the late 80's!

I'm not saying there's no UFOs, I'm not saying your story didn't happen...I'm gently pointing out that there is no proof coming out here. That's all.

And really...I don't think that I have to disprove extraordinary claims, I do believe the ball's in your court. And I wish you well...honestly.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:23 PM
Can somebody tell me what "undisputable evidence" means? I know what "evidence" means, but evidently it has a special meaning here. There has to be a meaning I'm not aware of. Same for "proof", please.

After seeing Forrest Gump shake hands with John F. Kennedy, Jr., you'd think people would be more skeptical.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:30 PM
I dispute this evidence.

That proves it isn't undisputable.

No really. Where is the undisputable evidence at? What minute or second do I need to go to so that I can see this evidence?

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:30 PM
Good thread, although i've seen it before.

It's remarkable how the children drew the pictures, and that it wasn't what the most people would referre to as your every day grey.



+57 more 
posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by elijahspirit

Interesting case, thanks for bringing it up! Star and flag from me. Here is some more information on the case, with some pictures as well.

Date:September 27, 1989 Location
Place:Voronezh, Russian Federation
Summary: The story of the Voronezh aliens recounts the adventures of several young children who claimed to have seen a three-eyed alien with a robot escort. The alien was said to be about nine foot tall. The craft, according to eye witness testimony, landed on the outskirts of the city. Shortly thereafter, the tall alien appeared, and upon seeing the young lad, shot a type of weapon at him, causing him to vanish before the eyes of the other people around him.

Here are some pictures….( All courtesy of
Sketches of landing and beings by child witnesses…

Artists depiction of event..

Some of the child witnesses..

Again, good find and an interesting case, a more unusually type of alien, but with the witness reports it does warrant further research. Could it be true that many types of species are visiting our planet.

[edit on 5/5/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by elijahspirit

haha if this is my friend i was just moaning about the last thread which promised to BLOW AWAY THE SKEPTICS WITH TOTAL PROOF then well done, you made me

I for one actually believe aliens might exist, somewhere, however this story doesn't even have enough evidence for an alabama court to convict [snip]! haha but seriously, it's not a case of these people colluding to con us -they're just most likely confused and mixed up, they heard the rumors and other peoples story and with it embelished (most likely subliminly) their own experience... countless studies have been done on false memory, group memory, etc, etc

So basically we know that it's possible for large groups of people to be SURE they saw, knew, heard, felt something they didn't (countless clinical studies) - we also know that it's possible a race of giants came milled around for a bit then lumbered off again... hehe i know which one occam would choose

Thus it could be either of these, or neither -thousands of things could have caused the same results, which means we aren't SURE what happened - or to put it another way we don't have ant conclusive proof, only speculation and hear-say.

Yeah, that makes me a hard line skeptic - i won't accept what's most likely, or whats possible as a truth - you have to be SURE it's true, that means there can't be any other options.

Mod edit: Removed unsavoury comment.

[edit on 5-5-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:47 PM
If this is true and I'm not saying if it is or it isn't then where are the children? Why isn't someone interviewing them today?

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:52 PM
Undisputable evidence would have been a couple of aliens laying splattered against the side of a UFO because the local police force shot them on sight or something.

This is just another sighting with little to show for it.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by ratcals
If this is true and I'm not saying if it is or it isn't then where are the children? Why isn't someone interviewing them today?

Where? Well, maybe they have become adults, who knows.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:57 PM
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[edit on 5/5/2009 by yeahright]

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