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Alien giants land in russia - fantastic ufo/et evidence

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posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Saganite
If you think that interstellar giant aliens landing and walking around town is as far fetched as the possibility of lie/hoax/prank gone to far based on the available evidence of this not really have anything to say to that. That statement speaks for itself.

This is really the base of the issue.

Because of your own preconceived notions you are making assumptions based on your own personal speculation to rationalize the evidence into something you personally think is more likely.

I don't think anything is more or less likely unless I have a reason to, I objectively look at the evidence and go from there.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by Jezus]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
reply to post by mikesingh

Since the advent of television, and media, pictures can be manipulated and fabricated. We are all M Kultra MC and NLP subjects!
The very best evidence, aside from circumstantial measurable things such as implants and possibly technology, is personal testimony and/or mass landings!
Though with bluebeam and MC even this is somewhat problematic.

Or an Independence Day scenario where huge spaceships float over Washington DC blocking out the sun, and other cities the world over for all to see! (Though the debunkers will continue to insist that these are nothing but holographic projections by the PTB! )

You can't convince some, can you?


[edit on 7-5-2009 by mikesingh]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

You can't convince some, can you?

Very true words, although the point is to disclose the truth, let the 'some' call it whatever they want to.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:39 AM
I wonder if anyone has ever stopped to consider that these things might just possibly be happening to raise our awareness of things. To get us to the place where we're not only able to conceive of intelligent life in the universe but to accept it as fact so that when contact finally happens we dont have lunatics running around shooting themselves and other people, looting the shops and raping women.

As it stands, 100% of believers and sceptics on this board, including me, would sh1t in our pants if we were to witness a landing with physical beings standing before us, even if they appeared very similar to us. We all want disclosure and evidence but the fact of the matter is we wouldnt know what to do with ourselves if that actually happened, Why ? - because we're not actually entirely sure what the agenda is, or possibly there are multiple agendas. It's even possible they're not physical but extra-dimensional - it could be anything, and that unknown factor is what makes people scared, always has, always will.

For successful contact it's a slow reveleaing process I'm afraid, it must change from within before it can be allowed to change from without. In the past we naively believed them to be Gods as we were all very supersitious and spiritual, that was hard enough. The difference now is that we can see they're actually physical like us, just much more intelligent. Ancient peoples had much stronger psyches than we have today - hell these people grew up in war, rape and cannibalism. They believed anything was possible - magic and mystery was alive. Seeing an "alien" "demon" etc was not THAT shocking because their belief paradigm allowed for it back then, they simply didn't know enough.

We think we know everything know, you cant teach us. Thats the paradigm that is most in danger when things change.. and that is where I think we're developing a very vulnerable spot... The fact we think we know it all, and everything new needs to be validated in outdated methods like lab analysis and photos(which deal in an insignificant fraction of the light spectrum.) We cant face the sad reality that we've become a race of beings totally unable to trust one another and have had to invent entire industries to compensate for that one small shortfall... it's actually quite tragic when you stop to think about it, how much could have been saved, prevented and gained if trust in our fellow man had never been lost.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:46 AM
Here is my dispute to the "undisputable"

Firstly the journalist covering the story states "Scientists, Geologist, and some Military personell... went to the site on 3rd Oct studying and collecting specimens" yet I can not locate any of their findings


Maybe they didn't publish them: as interest and attention dies off due to passing time, and human tendancies to quickly forget what isn't being talked about right now - what better way to revive the interest than to report at least some findings - hasn't happened

Maybe they are still keeping the evidence away to let speculation continue: any self respecting professional scientist would in my opinion be opposed to making a discovery and keeping it to themselves, especially if there is some serious money to be made, which I'm sure there would be in this scenario.

Another bone I have to pick with the story is that there is no mention of the departure, I know that if I saw an alien spacecraft land locally there would be no way I'd stray from the craft for the entirety of it's visit, yet they give a date of 27th sept as the landing, and 3rd oct as specimen collection

This also means it took 6 days for the scientists to decide to study it - and still the ONLY "evidence" we have to this day are childrens pictures, no photos, no detailed engineering sketches... seems a bit too relaxed for what could be the most important discovery of the modern era (except the internet)

So in all, I don't believe there is anywhere near sufficient evidence to prove that this occured - in fact I believe the provided evidence points the other way.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by Saganite

I find it odd that you presumed this post was a dig at you, personally I thought I made it clear that it was aimed at the diehard people who simply refuse any data no matter who it's from.

Also, it's a bit pot calling the kettle black to dislike comments such as 'you must be daft' only to include 'close minded fool' in the post, pedantic possibly but a fair comment on my part.

On to the meat of this, no the Kremlin didn't have to look into this, it was a rural village spouting a laughable claim, would you waste time and resources on it?

One presumes they thought more of it.

If you wish to be seen to be open minded you must accept no matter how silly it may sound that it 'could' have happened, saying you prefer the option of a prank to 9ft tall aliens instantly just closes the case. I'm NOT saying to be sceptical isn't healthy, you are totally right, if you don't question everything then you really are wasting a huge part of your brain and allowing yourself to be open to brainwashing.

I just hope that it's not the idea that if it sounds daft then it must be daft, if it was then this whole board would be a waste of time. There's people on here who claim to be visited by aliens and given information, to me it can sound silly BUT who am I to say it isn't happening because it sounds a bit odd.

I'm a believer but don't mistake that for a person who thinks everything is real, I'm more than happy to enquire and if obvious call it a foul, in all honesty 'I' would be daft not to with all the time wasters and cgi fakers but I look with a fully open mind until it's proved otherwise.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by co7in
So in all, I don't believe there is anywhere near sufficient evidence to prove that this occured - in fact I believe the provided evidence points the other way.

Nope, the evidence clearly proves an event happened but the evidence cannot prove what did happen. Was it a prank, a real landing, we will never know.

It's like looking at the Kenneth Arnold story of the objects and what he saw from the plane. There's no evidence he saw them, only his word and the story is just as impossible sounding as 9ft aliens, but people tend to give it the 'nod' because he was a pilot and well educated and well spoken.

You have a GROUP of people who relate the same story almost perfectly and pictures drawn that are strikingly similar but because these people might be classed as rural peasants to some it's instantly written off yet both stories are just as wild and mind blowing.

[edit on 7-5-2009 by Mclaneinc]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc
Nope, the evidence clearly proves an event happened but the evidence cannot prove what did happen. Was it a prank, a real landing, we will never know.
[edit on 7-5-2009 by Mclaneinc]

Fair point, to clarify I should really have said that the described event did not occur as described.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by co7in

Originally posted by Mclaneinc
Nope, the evidence clearly proves an event happened but the evidence cannot prove what did happen. Was it a prank, a real landing, we will never know.
[edit on 7-5-2009 by Mclaneinc]

Fair point, to clarify I should really have said that the described event did not occur as described.

As far as you know

As far as the evidence goes it does not prove or disprove, it's simply unsolved so it's not logically fair to state that it didn't happen as said as far fetched as it may sound.

Sorry, I'm not trying to be a pedant, I'm simply fed up with people on here (NOT you) just blanket debunking based on how daft a story sounds or just dismissing any evidence as hoax etc no matter who or how it's found.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 08:58 AM
What puzzles me is tha fact that it was picked up by television channels and news media all over the place.

Doesn't that somehow negate the conspiracy theory that the truth is withheld from us by men in black?

And what happened to the world wide panic that would follow such a sighting and its relase in the media?

Isn't that negating the theory of why the men in black withhold the truth from us?

Makes you wonder - doesn't it?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc
I find it odd that you presumed this post was a dig at you, personally I thought I made it clear that it was aimed at the diehard people who simply refuse any data no matter who it's from.

What post are you speaking of? The one from the OP? If so then I do not know if it was or not, but I'm willing to bet it was or was in part at least given the OPs history.

Also, it's a bit pot calling the kettle black to dislike comments such as 'you must be daft' only to include 'close minded fool' in the post, pedantic possibly but a fair comment on my part.

Touche. However, I feel my comment holds quite a bit more weight than the other. People who sit firmly on one side of the fence or the other ARE fools, that's about the nicest I'm willing put it. Believe me, I had a lot more choice words to say but I restrained...but the occasional jab will slip out of best of us. I make no bones about it, I look down my nose at people like the OP. Not because I'm an jerk, but because these kinds of threads just help drag the entire UFO community down. How can we expect to NOT be called crackpots, cooks, and nuts etc. when we have people like the OP metaphorically running around frothing at the mouth and waving their arms around like chicken little?

On to the meat of this, no the Kremlin didn't have to look into this, it was a rural village spouting a laughable claim, would you waste time and resources on it?

Technicality. They didn't -have- to do anything, true. The US didn't -have- to join in WWII either. We all know the USSR and the US, and most other governments of size, are very interested in this area regardless of what they say. They very likely had people, scared by the TASS nonsense, pushing for them to check things out and they themselves wanted to know if there was anything to of those "Well, probably nothing to it...but what if there is?" situations. It's one of those cases that seems quite strong from first glance...but then you start to dig into it and the facade starts to crumble.

If you wish to be seen to be open minded you must accept no matter how silly it may sound that it 'could' have happened, saying you prefer the option of a prank to 9ft tall aliens instantly just closes the case. I'm NOT saying to be sceptical isn't healthy, you are totally right, if you don't question everything then you really are wasting a huge part of your brain and allowing yourself to be open to brainwashing.

I've already stated that, however, you have to draw a line somewhere as to what is acceptable criteria for further serious investigation and what is not. Unfortunately that tends to be very variable and amorphous line for a lot of people and quite a few let their emotions cloud the critical mind. We can't just make all cases equal.

I just hope that it's not the idea that if it sounds daft then it must be daft, if it was then this whole board would be a waste of time. There's people on here who claim to be visited by aliens and given information, to me it can sound silly BUT who am I to say it isn't happening because it sounds a bit odd.

That is not really the point of my posts. What grinds my gears are these people who make "OMG PROOF!!1!1!!!!" Posts and wave a bunch unscientific information around as the smoking gun. The OP would have been much better off if they had posted a topic in a more calm and investigative tone instead of the sensationalistic nonsense way they did. The way the OP acted made it the equivalent of a weekly world news article, and their histrionics in followup posts just re-enforced that.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 10:50 AM
Sorry, not buying it. How can this possibly be irrefutable evidence?

Here's a few holes i have to pick in it. Ok, first off there were lights in the sky in the first days. This is shown because they filmed it, yes? Ok. can't say much about that, lights are lights, could possibly be UFO's, who knows? Anyway. if there were people filming that, then why when they actually land, most likely the biggest thing to happen in any of the witnesses' lives, did all those people happen to forget their camera and have to rely on drawings by the kids?

could those who seen the aliens have not clubbed together after seeing the lights, created the story for media attention ie. cash?

Just an idea. Just find it crazy that every time a close encounter happens, nobody seems to be able to prove it happened. but when ther are lights in the sky the world and his wife has their camera.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 11:49 PM
This, like so many other "stories" is "proof" of nothing. The members on this board of ALL people should know that people lie, and GROUPS of people lie. This is like the alleged "landing" in Africa where the children claimed to have seen a craft with beings also. Still, it's a fantastic story with no proof. In this age of liars, nothing less than tangible proof will do for this skeptic, and that doesn't include fantastic stories.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 12:16 AM
So what, a bunch of Russian Super Soliders, climb out of a Hind D and scare some farmers...

Show some pictures or something, we've been able to capture still life in photographs since the 1800's...

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by elijahspirit

This is an interesting video - a real piece of art. From the Discovery Channel, right? The main thing I dislike about the Discovery Channel is that nothing ever seems to resolve. It always stays very mysterious.

This subject, from the 1950's or earlier, forward to now, has been plowed through by so many different people from so many different angles; they can't all be lying! To me, the days of worrying about skeptics and debunkers are long past.

If you don't believe Billy Meier, then what about the leaks from government people about contacts, even political negotiations? Or what about the thousands of reported sightings across the planet, such as this one in Russia? In addition to all this data, we have Scientology data pointing to the extraterrestrial origin of all life forms on this particular planet, and the ability of thousands of people to recall past lives involving "space opera" societies. Other groups generally considered to be "mystic" or "occult" have also run into this data. Because these experiences exist in human memory as well as documented modern encounters, we cannot assume every "sighting" is valid, even if it seemed real to the person who experienced it. But we have gone WAY past the point of being able to just sweep all this data under the rug.

It seems to me we should be discussing what should be done about it. How could we convince the various governments involved to declassify the data they have so everyone has a better picture of the situation? According to some, they even have aliens in a sort of "resort" that we could communicate with if they were allowed on the internet or something. It all comes back to the basic topic of this site: secrecy. Most aliens are operating secretly, except for data they have selectively fed to us. Criminals, of course feel more or less compelled to work in secret. And many government agencies have a very similar attitude. There is a basic law, however, that goes something like: nature abhors a vacuum. If data should exist in some area and none is found, people would rather make up data to fill the vacuum than leave it a total mystery. Under such circumstances, all we can do is evaluate what data is available as best we can and demand that the secrecy on subjects of general human concern come to an end.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by l_e_cox

I don't disagree with you here cox, this many people across the world with so many correlating circumstances and situations, they can't all be wrong. not to mention a quote i like 'if it's just us, then it's a pretty big waste of space'.

The specific issue is of this particular video. For all the media coverage and numbers of people who witnessed it, how did so many have cameras to see the lights.. but none for the landing?

There are thousands of accounts from decades past from across the world.. but sadly not all of these people can be described as truthful.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by personal stalker
This, like so many other "stories" is "proof" of nothing. The members on this board of ALL people should know that people lie, and GROUPS of people lie. This is like the alleged "landing" in Africa where the children claimed to have seen a craft with beings also. Still, it's a fantastic story with no proof. In this age of liars, nothing less than tangible proof will do for this skeptic, and that doesn't include fantastic stories.

Most people are honest and have a hard time lying convincingly. Just so you know. Its often easy to discover when you're children are lying just by how they present the story. You really don't know much about human nature, or children. The truth is, in this story, and in the African children, when the investigators came in and took the accounts of what they had witnessed and their artwork about it, like any investigation done by law enforcement officers, and they use protocol, these things coincided and supported each other.

[edit on 9-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:02 AM
If the aliens do show up yer it would be cool if they did show up in huge ships and tell the governments to bugger off "Jezz it would be good to see the dirty politicians out of a job, We could watch them cry tears as they join the unemployment cues and beg for food"

Hell the aliens might set up a mental hostpital for the morally bankrupt, and then order all politicians and there generals to attend before they will be allowed out to mingle with decent folk once more.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by MOTT the HOOPLE]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Most people are honest and have a hard time lying convincingly

Id actually have to disagree with this, only because there is no way of knowing whether or not most people lie and whether or not most people can lie convincingly or not. I believe that is rather subjective.

There are experts who can look at facial expressions and know if people are lying or not. But I do not think the average person, no matter their profession, can just tell automatically if someone is lying. I have seen the most convincing people flat out lie. And have also seen the least convincing people lie - and its so obvious. This is for adults AND kids. Some kids can be great liars.

But even if people are not lying, it is very easy for people to misinterpret what they may be seeing or hearing. It happens all the time even within subjects that have nothing to do with UFOs/aliens.

I think the most compelling proof is actual physical evidence. Humans are faulty and prone to error - or lying. But hard cold facts never lie. I feel this way about criminal/court cases too - not just the UFO subject.

Not saying this is the case here or in every case. But logically, these factors just can not be rulled out. They have to be put on the table along with everything else or true investigation is not being done.

[edit on 5/12/2009 by greeneyedleo]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:39 AM
Thanks for the original post and the related data in the first posts.

Giants with no heads, yeah I got to see that costume.

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